Testing for clickjacking vulnerabilities

Clickjacking is a technique used to trick users into performing actions on a target site without them realizing. This is done by a malicious user placing a hidden overlay on top of a legitimate website, so when the victim thinks they are interacting with the legitimate site, they are really clicking on hidden items on the hidden top overlay. This attack can be crafted in such a way that it causes the victim to type in credentials or click and drag on items without realizing they are being attacked. These attacks can be used against banking sites to trick victims into transferring funds and were also common among social networking sites in an attempt to gain more followers or likes, although most have defensive measures in place now.

How to do it…

There are two main ways websites can prevent clickjacking: either by setting an X-FRAME-OPTIONS header, which tells the browser not to render the site if it's inside a frame, or by using JavaScript to escape out of frames (commonly known as frame-busting). This recipe will show you how to detect both defenses so that you can identify websites that have neither:

import requests
from ghost import Ghost
import logging
import os

URL = 'http://packtpub.com'
req = requests.get(URL)

    xframe = req.headers['x-frame-options']
    print 'X-FRAME-OPTIONS:', xframe , 'present, clickjacking not likely possible'
    print 'X-FRAME-OPTIONS missing'

print 'Attempting clickjacking...'

html = '''
<iframe src="'''+URL+'''" height='600px' width='800px'></iframe>
html_filename = 'clickjack.html'
f = open(html_filename, 'w+')

log_filename = 'test.log'
fh = logging.FileHandler(log_filename)
ghost = Ghost(log_level=logging.INFO, log_handler=fh)
page, resources = ghost.open(html_filename)
l = open(log_filename, 'r')
if 'forbidden by X-Frame-Options.' in l.read():
    print 'Clickjacking mitigated via X-FRAME-OPTIONS'
    href = ghost.evaluate('document.location.href')[0]
    if html_filename not in href:
        print 'Frame busting detected'
        print 'Frame busting not detected, page is likely vulnerable to clickjacking'


How it works…

The first part of this script checks for the first clickjacking defense, the X-FRAME-OPTIONS header, in a similar fashion as we've seen in the previous recipe. X-FRAME-OPTIONS takes three values: DENY, SAMEORIGIN, or ALLOW-FROM <url>. Each of these values give a different level of protection against clickjacking, so, in this recipe, we are attempting to detect the lack of any:

    xframe = req.headers['x-frame-options']
    print 'X-FRAME-OPTIONS:', xframe , 'present, clickjacking not likely possible'
    print 'X-FRAME-OPTIONS missing'

The next part of the code creates a local html clickjack.html file, containing a few very simple lines of HTML code, and saves them into a local clickjack.html file:

html = '''
<iframe src="'''+URL+'''" height='600px' width='800px'></iframe>

html_filename = 'clickjack.html'
f = open(html_filename, 'w+')

This HTML code creates an iframe with the source set to the target website. The HTML file will be loaded into ghost in an attempt to render the website and detect if the target site is loaded in the iframe. Ghost is a WebKit rendering engine, so it should be similar to what would happen if the site is loaded in a Chrome browser.

The next part sets up ghost logging to redirect to a local log file (the default is printing to stdout):

log_filename = 'test.log'
fh = logging.FileHandler(log_filename)
ghost = Ghost(log_level=logging.INFO, log_handler=fh)

The next line renders the local HTML page in ghost and contain any extra resources that were requested by the target page:

page, resources = ghost.open(html_filename)

We then open the log file and check for the X-FRAME-OPTIONS error:

l = open(log_filename, 'r')
if 'forbidden by X-Frame-Options.' in l.read():
    print 'Clickjacking mitigated via X-FRAME-OPTIONS'

The next part of the script checks for framebusting; if the iframe has JavaScript code to detect it's being loaded inside an iframe it will break out of the frame, causing the page to redirect to the target website. We can detect this by executing JavaScript in ghost with ghost.evaluate and reading the current location:

href = ghost.evaluate('document.location.href')[0]

The final part of code is for clean-up, closing any open files or any open logging handlers, and deleting the temporary HTML and log files:



If the script outputs Frame busting not detected, page is likely vulnerable to clickjacking, then the target website can be rendered inside a hidden iframe and used in a clickjacking attack. An example of the log from a vulnerable site is shown in the following screenshot:

How it works…

If you view the generating clickjack.html file in a web browser, it will confirm that the target web server can be loaded in an iframe and is therefore susceptible to clickjacking, as shown in the following screenshot:

How it works…
..................Content has been hidden....................

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