Chapter 7. Encryption and Encoding

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Generating an MD5 hash
  • Generating an SHA 1/128/256 hash
  • Implementing SHA and MD5 hashes together
  • Implementing SHA in a real-world scenario
  • Generating a Bcrypt hash
  • Cracking an MD5 hash
  • Encoding with Base64
  • Encoding with ROT13
  • Cracking a substitution cipher
  • Cracking the Atbash cipher
  • Attacking one-time pad reuse
  • Predicting a linear congruential generator
  • Identifying hashes


In this chapter, we will be covering encryption and encoding in the world of Python. Encryption and encoding are two very important aspects of web applications, so doing them using Python!

We will be digging into the world of MD5s and SHA hashes, knocking on the door of Base64 and ROT13, and taking a look at some of the most popular hashing and ciphers out there. We will also be turning back time and looking at some very old methods and ways to make and break them.

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