Chapter 5. Exploiting Services with Python

One of the big misconceptions with penetration testing and exploitation of services today, is the prevalence of exploitable Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities. The reality is that, the days of finding hundreds of easily exploitable services that only required an Internet Protocol (IP) address to be plugged into a tool are pretty much gone. You will still find vulnerabilities that can be exploited by overflowing the stack or heap, they are just significantly reduced or more complex. We will explain the reasons why, these are more difficult to exploit in today's software in Chapter 8, Exploit Development with Python, Metasploit, and Immunity, don't worry we will get to that.

So if you are expecting to walk into a network every time and exploit Microsoft Security Bulletins MS08-067, MS03-024, or MS06-40 to get your foothold, you are sorely mistaken. Do not fret, they are still out there, but instead of finding it on every host, there might be one system in the network with it. Worse yet, for us as simulated malicious actors, it may not even provide us access to a box that would allow us to move forward in our engagement. Usually, it turns out to be a legacy system or a vendor product that is not even attached to the Domain with different credential sets. Now, that is not to say, this is always the case.

The number of RCE vulnerabilities that will be found completely depends on the organization's security maturity. This has nothing to do with size or budget, but instead the strategy in which their security program is implemented. Organizations with a weak security strategy and newly founded programs will have more vulnerabilities like these, and organizations with a better strategy will have less. An additional factor many new penetration testers overlook, is the talent; the company may have employed on the defensive side, and this can significantly impact their ability to operate in an environment.

Even if an organization has a weak security strategy, it may still have a pretty tough tactical security posture, if it has hired highly skilled engineers and administrators. At a tactical level, really smart technical staff means, strong controls may be put in place, but if there is no overarching security strategy, devices may be missed and gaps in a relevant strong technical posture could be identified. An additional risk comes from when those skilled members leave the organization, or worse if they go rogue.

Either way, any strong security controls could now be considered compromised at that point, if there are no established processes and procedures in place. Additionally, holistic and validated implementation of controls may not be possible. The reason this is important to you as a penetration tester, is so that you can understand the ebb and flow of an organization's information security program and common causes. The management will be looking to you for answers to some of these questions, and the indicators you see will help you diagnose the problems and identify root causes.

Understanding the new age of service exploitation

Throughout the previous chapters, there has been a preparation to show you a simulated example of new age exploitation. This means, we are taking advantage of misconfigurations, default settings, bad practices, and a lack of security awareness. Instead of control gaps being found in the developed code, it is instead within the implementation in an environment to include training of its people. The specific manner of entering or moving through a network will depend on the network, and attack vectors change, instead of memorizing a specific vector, focus on building a mind-set.

Exploitation today means the identification of already present accesses, and stealing a component of that access, compromising systems with that access level, capturing details on those systems, and moving laterally till you identify critical data or new levels of access. Once you identify access into a system, you are going to try and find details that will allow you to move and access other systems. This means configuration files with usernames and passwords in them, stored username and passwords, or mounted shares. Each of these components will provide you information to gain access to other hosts. The benefit to attacking systems in this manner is that it is much quieter than exploiting RCE's and uploading payloads; you move within the bounds of the requisite protocols, and you do a better job of simulating real malicious actors.

To establish a consistent language, you move from one host to another, at the same privilege level which is called the lateral movement. When you find a higher level of privilege such as Domain Administrator (DA), this is considered as a vertical movement or privilege escalation. When you use access to a host or network area to gain access to the systems that you could not see before, because of access controls or network segregation, this is called pivoting. Now that you understand the concepts and the terms, let us pop some boxes.


To simulate this example, we are going to use a combination of Windows XP Mode and Metasploitable, both free to use. Details about setting up Metasploitable have already been provided. Details for Windows XP Mode can be found in the following two Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) and Remember to execute as many of these exploits the Windows machine may have, to get its Administrative Shares enabled. In a real Domain, this is common because they are often used to manage remote systems.

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