Implementation of the k-means clustering algorithm

We implement the k-means clustering algorithm. It takes as an input a CSV file with one data item per line. A data item is converted to a point. The algorithms classifies these points into the specified number of clusters. In the end the clusters are visualized on the graph using the library matplotlib:

# source_code/5/
import math
import imp
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import sys
import common # noqa'ggplot')

# Returns k initial centroids for the given points.
def choose_init_centroids(points, k):
centroids = []
while len(centroids) < k:
# Find the centroid that with the greatest possible distance
# to the closest already chosen centroid.
candidate = points[0]
candidate_dist = min_dist(points[0], centroids)
for point in points:
dist = min_dist(point, centroids)
if dist > candidate_dist:
candidate = point
candidate_dist = dist
return centroids

# Returns the distance of a point from the closest point in points.
def min_dist(point, points):
min_dist = euclidean_dist(point, points[0])
for point2 in points:
dist = euclidean_dist(point, point2)
if dist < min_dist:
min_dist = dist
return min_dist

# Returns an Euclidean distance of two 2-dimensional points.
def euclidean_dist((x1, y1), (x2, y2)):
return math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2))

# PointGroup is a tuple that contains in the first coordinate a 2d point
# and in the second coordinate a group which a point is classified to.
def choose_centroids(point_groups, k):
centroid_xs = [0] * k
centroid_ys = [0] * k
group_counts = [0] * k
for ((x, y), group) in point_groups:
centroid_xs[group] += x
centroid_ys[group] += y
group_counts[group] += 1
centroids = []
for group in range(0, k):
float(centroid_xs[group]) / group_counts[group],
float(centroid_ys[group]) / group_counts[group]))
return centroids

# Returns the number of the centroid which is closest to the point.
# This number of the centroid is the number of the group where
# the point belongs to.
def closest_group(point, centroids):
selected_group = 0
selected_dist = euclidean_dist(point, centroids[0])
for i in range(1, len(centroids)):
dist = euclidean_dist(point, centroids[i])
if dist < selected_dist:
selected_group = i
selected_dist = dist
return selected_group

# Reassigns the groups to the points according to which centroid
# a point is closest to.
def assign_groups(point_groups, centroids):
new_point_groups = []
for (point, group) in point_groups:
(point, closest_group(point, centroids)))
return new_point_groups

# Returns a list of pointgroups given a list of points.
def points_to_point_groups(points):
point_groups = []
for point in points:
point_groups.append((point, 0))
return point_groups

# Clusters points into the k groups adding every stage
# of the algorithm to the history which is returned.
def cluster_with_history(points, k):
history = []
centroids = choose_init_centroids(points, k)
point_groups = points_to_point_groups(points)
while True:
point_groups = assign_groups(point_groups, centroids)
history.append((point_groups, centroids))
new_centroids = choose_centroids(point_groups, k)
done = True
for i in range(0, len(centroids)):
if centroids[i] != new_centroids[i]:
done = False
if done:
return history
centroids = new_centroids

# Program start
csv_file = sys.argv[1]
k = int(sys.argv[2])
everything = False
# The third argument sys.argv[3] represents the number of the step of the
# algorithm starting from 0 to be shown or "last" for displaying the last
# step and the number of the steps.
if sys.argv[3] == "last":
everything = True
step = int(sys.argv[3])

data = common.csv_file_to_list(csv_file)
points = data_to_points(data) # Represent every data item by a point.
history = cluster_with_history(points, k)
if everything:
print "The total number of steps:", len(history)
print "The history of the algorithm:"
(point_groups, centroids) = history[len(history) - 1]
# Print all the history.
# But display the situation graphically at the last step only.
draw(point_groups, centroids)
(point_groups, centroids) = history[step]
print "Data for the step number", step, ":"
print point_groups, centroids
draw(point_groups, centroids)
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