How it works...

We create an empty Listbox object and add all the text items with the insert() method. The 0 index indicates that the items should be added at the beginning of the list. In the following code snippet, we unpacked the DAYS list, but individual items can be appended at the end with the END constant:

self.list.insert(tk.END, "New item") 

The current selection is retrieved using the curselection() method. It returns the indices of the selected items to transform them to the corresponding text items we called the get() method for each index in a comprehension list. Finally, the list is printed in the standard output for debugging purposes.

In our example, the selectmode option can be changed programmatically to explore the different behaviors, as follows:

  • SINGLE: Single choice
  • BROWSE: Single choice that can be moved with the up and down keys
  • MULTIPLE: Multiple choice
  • EXTENDED: Multiple choice with ranges that can be selected with the Shift and Ctrl keys
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