Desired State Configuration

Another great way of not only deploying new configurations, but also ensuring they remain configured as you intended, is Desired State Configuration. We will delve into this in more detail in a later chapter. The following configuration could be used to deploy our samples. You need at least PowerShell 5 to use the JEA DSC resource:

# Deployment with DSC
configuration JeaEndpointConfiguration
Import-DscResource -ModuleName JustEnoughAdministration

node $ComputerName

File RoleCapabilities
SourcePath = '\contoso.comReadOnlyShareJeaCapabilities'
DestinationPath = (Join-Path ($env:PSModulePath -split ';')[1] 'JeaCapabilities')
Ensure = 'Present'
Recurse = $true
Force = $true

JeaEndpoint EndpointConfiguration
EndpointName = 'SupportSession'
RoleDefinitions = '@{"contosoFirstLevelSupport" = @{RoleCapabilities = "FirstLevelUserSupport"}}'
DependsOn = '[File]RoleCapabilities'
Ensure = 'Present'
TranscriptDirectory = 'C:Transcripts'

# Create MOF files and start configuration
JeaEndpointConfiguration -ComputerName (1..10 | % { "Node$_"})
Start-DscConfiguration -Path .JeaEndpointConfiguration -Wait -Verbose

Desired State Configuration ensures that the role capabilities files are present and unchanged, and that the endpoint is registered and configured.

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