
We are using composite resources to provide configurations that can be used like building blocks from your childhood. Combine them in any way you want, set some parameters, and create the MOF configuration. Like any composite resource, they support parameters such as PsDscRunAsCredential and DependsOn.

In the project, those composite resources are collected in a module called SharedDscConfig. In your production environment, you might have multiple modules containing composite resources.

These composite resources are in source control. Any changes to the DSC configurations, as well as to the configuration data, trigger automated tests and a build.

In the configuration data code, you can add dependencies between composite resources as you are used to. Simply add a dependency as a resource parameter, as follows:

- OsBase
- FilesAndFolders

DependsOn : '[OsBase]OsBase'

The great thing about composite resources, especially being used like this, is the ease of use. After you have carefully crafted your composite resources so that they are indeed like building blocks, even inexperienced users can mix and match their configurations for their specific role.

A developer might, for example, need a domain, public key infrastructure (PKI), and SQL database for their new service. They don't care about the domain name, as long as they can have a service user. They don't care about the PKI, as long as they can enroll for a certificate. They don't care about the SQL instance, as long as they have access to a database. This structure enables operators to provide infrastructure fast while conforming to their rules, and enables developers to deploy new software fast, without being concerned with the infrastructure. True DevOps.

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