Logical operators

PowerShell can use the typical logical operators most scripting and programming languages use. The following table shows which operators are available in PowerShell:



Combines two expressions with AND

Returns true if both are true.


Combines two expressions with OR

Returns true if one or both are true.


Combines two expressions with XOR

Returns true if one of the expressions is true and the other one is false.



Negates the expression.



Negates the expression.


Some examples are as follows:

# Initialization of variables
$numericValue = 1.337
$stringValue = 'Let make PowerShell great'

# combining expressions with -and
# try always to use parentheses to prevent errors and make the code better readable
($numericValue -gt 1) -and ($stringValue -like '*PowerShell*') # true
($numericValue -gt 2) -and ($stringValue -like '*PowerShell*') # false
($numericValue -gt 2) -and ($stringValue -like '*Power1Shell*') # false

# combining expressions with -or
($numericValue -gt 1) -or ($stringValue -like '*PowerShell*') # true
($numericValue -gt 2) -or ($stringValue -like '*PowerShell*') # true
($numericValue -gt 2) -or ($stringValue -like '*Power1Shell*') # false

# combining expressions with -xor
($numericValue -gt 1) -xor ($stringValue -like '*PowerShell*') # false
($numericValue -gt 2) -xor ($stringValue -like '*PowerShell*') # true
($numericValue -gt 2) -xor ($stringValue -like '*Power1Shell*') # false

# negate with -not and !
($numericValue -gt 1) -and -not ($stringValue -like '*PowerShell*') # false
! ($numericValue -gt 2) -and ($stringValue -like '*PowerShell*') # true
! ($numericValue -gt 2) -and -not ($stringValue -like '*Power1Shell*') # true
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