Network bootstrap and governance – the first step towards security

When organizations decide to form a permissioned private blockchain network using Hyperledger Fabric, they need to consider several governance aspects, which will ultimately determine the overall security posture of the network. These governance aspects include, but are not limited to the following:

  • How shall the network be bootstrapped and the members verified to create the network? Network bootstrap is the first step in creating a blockchain network. Different entities may come together to create a network. The entities may have an out-of-band communication to agree upon with the first set of members and establish governance policies, which will be discussed next.
  • What is the process for a new entity to join the network (or a channel)? Defining a policy for admitting new members in the network is paramount and is governed by the business needs of the network.
  • Who can deploy and upgrade chaincodes on peers in the network? Defining a process is important to prevent a malicious or buggy chaincode from being installed on one or more peers (see Chapter 7, A Business Network Example).
  • What is the data model that will be stored on the blockchain? Members must agree upon a common data model that will be stored in the blockchain; the blockchain cannot be useful to its members otherwise. The data model should be devised so that it does not run afoul of any compliance regulations, such as general data protection regulations (GDPR) (
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