Generating network cryptographic material

The crypto-config.yaml file contains information only about the new organization, sufficient to generate certificates and signing keys:

  # ExportingEntityOrg 
  - Name: ExportingEntityOrg 
    EnableNodeOUs: true 
      Count: 1 
     Count: 1 

As we can see, the specification is identical to the ones we defined for our initial four organizations, except that the MSP name and organization domain reflect the nature of the exporting entity organization. To generate the crypto material just for this organization, run the cryptogen command as in Chapter 5Exposing Network Assets and Transactions, but this time using the configuration file defined in the add_orgs folder:

cryptogen generate --config=./add_org/crypto-config.yaml 

The output is saved to crypto-config/peerOrganizations, where you will see a folder named in addition to the existing organization's folders. This folder contains the keys and certificates for our new organization.

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