What this book covers

Chapter 1, Introducing Selenium WebDriver and Environment Setup, gently introduces the reader to what Selenium is, how WebDriver is different from Selenium RC, and covers how to set up Eclipse.

Chapter 2, Understanding the Document Object Model and Creating Customized XPaths. covers with locator identifying mechanisms and the different ways to find XPath. It also introduces the Fillo API and debugging in Eclipse.

Chapter 3, Basic Selenium Commands and Their Usage in Building a Framework, covers the various Selenium commands and their practical usage. We also see some wrapper methods, which can be useful in designing a framework. We go over extract programs to fetch data from excel based on certain criteria.

Chapter 4, Handling Popups, Frames, and Alerts, covers how to handle modal and non-modal popups. We create some customized HTML pages with JavaScript for this purpose.

Chapter 5, Synchronization, covers the various ways of waiting for page loads, elements to be visible, and jQuery execution to get completed. 

Chapter 6, The Actions Class and JavascriptExecutor, takes a look at the what the Actions class and the JavaScript executor are by going through many examples with the examples of HTML pages that we create.

Chapter 7, The Command Pattern and Creating Components, covers the command pattern and explains how we can use it to create a keyword-driven framework. We also learn about Selenium Grid.

Chapter 8, Hybrid Framework, explores TestNG listeners and the WebDriverManager library. We also learn how to create a report from TestNG.xml.

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