Builder design pattern

The builder pattern is a creational design pattern in the huge collection of design patterns. It is used to create complex objects from a collection of other objects. This complex object is built in a step-by-step manner and in such a way that the constituent objects are unaware of what the final object is. 

A car is an ideal example of the builder pattern. The functionality of any car is almost the same. It has many components working together, such as the engine, radiator, and brake system. The radiator, as a standalone object, does not know what the final object is going to be. It may be any kind of car. The radiator can be considered a comparatively simple object when compared with the final product that is any car.

Another example of the builder pattern is a laptop. The functionality of the laptop is quite complex, but the constituent parts, such as the keyboard, are comparatively simple.

We do not have to go into the details of the builder pattern here, since a basic understanding is sufficient. We will go into details as and when required. 

The following are the advantages of the builder pattern:

  • Distinction between the construction and the final representation of the object
  • The constituent parts can be changed
  • Better hold on the construction process

Let's see an implementation of this design pattern in the actions class.

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