Using soft asserts

Unlike hard assertions, soft assertions allow us to continue execution on failure without aborting. For this, a class called SoftAssert is used. An object of this class has to be created in order to use it:

SoftAssert assertNew = new SoftAssert();

Now use this object to invoke the various methods. Let's have a look at this with a simple example:

public class SoftAssertExample {
public void checkListeners() {
SoftAssert assertNew = new SoftAssert();
+ "\src\main\resources\chromedriver.exe");
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
System.out.println("Title is : " + driver.getTitle());
"# Free CRM software in the cloud for sales and
System.out.println("Assert has been executed");
The output from the preceding code is given here:

If you check the output from this code, notice that even when the assertion fails, control passes to the statement following the assert, which in the preceding case is:

System.out.println("Assert has been executed");

Title is : #1 Free CRM software in the cloud for sales and service
Assert has been executed

checkListeners was a success
[Utils] Attempting to create C:UsersBhagyashreeworkspaceSeleniumFramework est-outputDefault suiteDefault test.xml
[Utils] Directory C:UsersBhagyashreeworkspaceSeleniumFramework est-outputDefault suite exists: true
PASSED: checkListeners
Default test
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

Notice the println statement after the assert has been printed. Try the same code using a hard assert. You will notice that the println statement does not get printed and, moreover, the test fails.

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