How to do it...

We will demonstrate how to translate terms through the web client using the User Groups feature as an example:

  1. Navigate to the screen you want to translate. As an example, we will open the Groups view via the Settings|Users & Companies|Groups menu item.
  1. In the top menu bar, click on the Debug menu icon and select the Technical Translation option:
  1. A list of the available translation terms for that view will be shown. Edit the Translation Value in a line to change (or add) its translation text. If you are looking for a particular source string, use the listed filters to narrow down the displayed text:

The Group Name is a translatable field. Let's translate a record's value to the several languages installed.

  1. Navigate to the User Groups menu option once more, open one of the group records in the form view, and click on Edit:
  1. Note that the Name field has a special icon in the far right. This indicates that it is a translatable field. Clicking on the icon opens a Translate list with the different installed languages. This allows us to set the translation for each of those languages.
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