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Alongside the Translated Terms menu option, we can also find the Generate Missing Terms option. Selecting this will display a dialog window to provide the desired language, and then launch a process to extract translatable strings from the installed add-on modules and add any new ones to the Translated Terms table. It is equivalent to performing the Export Translation steps, as described in the Exporting translation strings to a file recipe of this chapter.

This can be useful after changing some models or views. By doing this, the new strings will added so that we can translate them.

It can also be used to populate the strings from the en_US default language. We can then make use of the translation terms to replace the original English text with new ones that are better for the end user's specific business vocabulary.

When editing a QWeb view in a language other than the main website language, you'll notice that you can only change strings. This is because, for other languages, you actually only add translations to the text content of nodes using Odoo's internationalization mechanism.
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