How to do it...

First, we'll add a route that expects a traditional parameter with a book's ID to show some details about it. Then, we'll do the same, but we'll incorporate our parameter into the path itself:

  1. Add a path that expects a book's ID as a parameter, as shown in the following example:
    @http.route('/my_library/book_details', type='http', auth='none')
def book_details(self, book_id):
record = request.env[''].sudo().browse(int(book_id))
return u'<html><body><h1>%s</h1>Authors: %s' % (,
u', '.join(record.author_ids.mapped('name')) or 'none',
  1. Add a path where we can pass the book's ID in the path, as follows:
type='http', auth='none') def book_details_in_path(self, book): return self.book_details(

If you point your browser to /my_module/book_details?book_id=1, you should see a detailed page of the book with ID 1. If this doesn't exist, you'll receive an error page.

The second handler allows you to go to /my_module/book_details/1 and view the same page.

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