
So far in this book, we have explored two different code bases. The first one is the backend code base that is used to create views, actions, menus, wizards, and so on. The second one is the backend code base that is used to create webpages, controllers, snippets, and so on. Now, in this chapter, we will explore the third code base, which is used for the Point of Sale. You might wonder why the Point of Sale needs a different code base. This is because it uses a different architecture, so it can work offline. In this chapter, we will see how to modify the Point of Sale.

The Point of Sale application is mostly written in JavaScript. This chapter is written assuming that you have a basic knowledge of JavaScript and jQuery. This chapter also uses client-side QWeb templates and widgets, so if you are unaware of these terms, check out Chapter 16, Web Client Development.

Throughout this chapter, we will be using an addon module called pos_demo. This pos_demo module will have a dependency on point_of_sale as we are going to do customization in the Point of Sale application. To get started with this recipe quickly, we have prepared an initial pos_demo module and you can grab it from the Chapter22/r0_initial_module/pos_demo directory in the GitHub repository of this book.

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