Thermally conductive adhesives in electronics

J. Felba,     Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland


The heat dissipation problem is becoming a crucial barrier in the process of electronic devices and systems’ miniaturization. This chapter discusses heat transport in adhesives used for electronic packaging consisting of a polymer base material matrix and a thermally conducting filler. Practically, only the material of the filler influences the adhesive thermal conductivity, which is limited mainly by the thermal contact resistance between filler particles. The result is that the thermal conductivity of composites saturated with micro- or nanometer-sized particles of very well thermally conducting materials – such as silver, diamond, or even carbon nanotubes – does not exceed a level of several W/m·K.

Key words


heat conductance

thermal resistance

thermal conductivity

polymer matrix

composite fillers

thermally conductive adhesives


thermal conductivity measurement

2.1 Introduction

Miniaturization is a steady process that results in increasing the number of electronic elements in a volume unit. All electronic devices require a source of power, partially converted into heat which has to be transferred by the surrounding structures to the ambient air outside the system and/or to a heat sink. Thermal conduction, convection and radiation, as well as phase-changing processes play a role in electronics cooling and have to be efficient enough to keep systems at a not too high temperature. Generally, failure models indicate a direct link between component reliability and operating temperature. Thus, a rise in temperature from 75 °C to 125 °C can be expected to result in a five-fold increase in failure rate.1 This shows that the heat dissipation problem is becoming a crucial barrier in miniaturization processes, and successful thermal packaging depends on a combination of proper materials and heat transfer mechanisms to stabilize the component temperature at an acceptable level.

The first level of packaging (single chip or multichip modules) is primarily concerned with conducting the heat from the chip to the package surface and then into the printed circuit board. At this packaging level, improvement of heat flow between the silicon die and the outer surface of the package is the most effective way to lower the chip temperature. At the second level of packaging, heat removal typically occurs both by conduction in the printed circuit board (which connects the electronic elements making systems) and by convection to air. The convection seems to be important for assembled packages while the radiation is rather out of the temperature work-range of electronic products.1

The problem of heat transport and heat dissipation, especially in the first but also in the second packaging level, may be solved by conductive adhesives. There are two main requirements for such materials, namely sufficient mechanical strength of the joined components and high thermal conductivity.

Thermally conductive adhesives formulated as composites consist of a polymer base material matrix and a thermally conducting filler. All polymeric materials (epoxy or other types, thermoset or thermoplastic) have very low thermal conductivity, in the range of 0.2 to 0.3 W/mK. In practice therfore, only the filler material is responsible for heat transport. Conduction is provided by conductive additives, since high conductivity requires high filler content, considerably above the percolation threshold. It is believed that at this concentration, all conductive particles contact each other and form a three-dimensional network. The size, shape and content of the filler particles significantly change the viscosity and rheology of the composite in comparison with the pure polymer. The expected conductivity value is obtained after the curing process due to better contacts between the filler particles resulting from shrinkage of the polymer matrix. This means that the polymer base material, which is responsible for components joining, in spite of its low conductivity, may play a crucial role in heat transfer in the composite. Thermally conducting fillers in the form of micro- or nanometer- sized balls, flakes, wires, fibers, etc. are dispersed randomly in a matrix. The material of filler influences the thermal conductivity of the adhesive, which is limited mainly by the so-called ‘thermal contact resistance’ between filler particles. The contact thermal resistance depends on both the properties of the materials and the geometric parameters of the contact areas between the particles. The geometric parameters are related to the contact pressure within the contact area. Therefore, the thermal conductivity of composites saturated with very well thermally conducting materials such as silver, diamond or even carbon nanotubes, does not exceed a level of several W/mK. Reported higher values need information about the method of thermal conductivity measurement used and its accuracy.

2.2 Model of heat conductance

The basic principle of heat conductance through a thermally conductive adhesive layer dx (Fig. 2.1), also known as Fourier’s law, states that the rate of heat transfer through a material is proportional to the negative gradient in the temperature and to the area at right angles to that gradient through which the heat flows and can be written as follows:


2.1 Heat transfer through a layer.

image [2.1]

where Q is the quantity of heat energy (J), t is time (s), λ is a thermal conductivity (W/m K), dT/dx is the temperature gradient in the heat flow direction (K/m), x is the distance along the direction of heat flow (m), A is the area of the cross-section (m2). The thermal conductivity is given by

image [2.2]

where ce and cph are the heat capacities per unit volume (J/m3K) of electrons and phonons, respectively, ve and vph are their root-mean-square velocities and Le, Lph are their mean free paths.

The thermal conductivity of electron type λe is dominant for metals, and one can roughly assume that

image [2.3]

In such a case, the ratio of thermal conductivity λe and electrical conductivity σe, according to Wiedemann-Franz’s law, can be expressed as

image [2.4]

where T is temperature (K) and L is the Lorenz constant, the theoretical value of which is 2.44 × 10–8 WΩW/K2.

The transport of heat in nonmetals occurs mainly by phonons. For insulators, thermal conductivity linearly increases with temperature, and, additionally, phonon heat conduction effi ciency is dependent on fi ller material size. The thermal conductivity of a phonon type λph in nanostructures may differ significantly from that in macrostructures.2 As the size of a nanostructure becomes comparable or smaller than the phonon’s mean-free-path, phonons collide with the boundary more often than in bulk materials. This additional collision mechanism increases the resistance to heat flow and thus reduces the effective thermal conductivity of thin films, wires, nanotubes and other forms of nano-sized particles.

2.3 Heat transport in thermally conductive adhesives

It is assumed that at the macro scale, the formulation of thermally conductive adhesives consisting of a polymer base material matrix, filler and some special additives, is uniform and isotropic, although slight heterogeneity has also been measured.3 As the polymer matrix has very low thermal conductivity (below 0.3 W/mK), heat transport between joining surfaces is possible when particles of filler form conductive paths (Fig. 2.2).


2.2 Conductive paths (black shapes of filler) between joining surface at different temperatures.

2.3.1 Models of heat transport

There are many analytical models for predicting heat transport between filler particles used in thermally conductive adhesives. According to literature reviews,45 the most common and important analytical models, mostly taking into account spherical particles, can be listed as follows:

• The Maxwell-Garnett effective medium model,58 which can be considered as a good model for low volume fractions, up to 40 % (also when carbon nanotubes are used as the fillers9,10). Therefore, this model is not used in modeling of heat transport for most common composites, in which conductive particle content exceeds 60 %.4

• The Bruggeman symmetric and asymmetric models,4 which can include thermal contact resistance between particle and matrix. These models are capable of predicting thermal conductivity of spherical particles for larger volume fractions.

• Percolation models. Percolation is a geometrical phenomenon, which means that above some volume fraction (called the percolation threshold) there is a continuous path for heat conduction through the particles because the conducting particles start to touch each other, as shown in Fig. 2.2. The classic percolation theory assumes a statistical distribution of the filler particles in a matrix and some network models of interaction between particles with random size distribution are proposed.11 Nevertheless, especially when nano-sized particles are used, the distribution of filler in a polymer matrix cannot be completely random because of the aggregation of particles. In the case of nano-Ag with epoxy resin, it is observed that

a conductive network can be formed even when the content of particles is lower than the percolation threshold estimated conventionally.12 With increasing temperature, self-organization of particles helps in the formation of a conducting path throughout the matrix.

Apart from more general models taking into account the filler particles in the form of spheres or ovals, there are analytical models predicting thermal conductivity of composites with carbon nanotubes, even with their various orientation distributions in a matrix.13

2.3.2 Thermal resistance of adhesives

If free electrons accomplish conduction (Equation 2.3), then the formulas for thermal and electrical conduction are the same. Assuming that electrical and thermal flow lines are geometrically equal, the concept of a thermal resistance can be introduced

image [2.5]

where Θλ is the thermal resistance of a thermal conductor (K/W), l is its length (m) and A is the area of the conductor cross-section (m2). The total thermal resistance in ‘a three-dimensional network’ of conducting filler particles can be summed up using the concepts of serial and parallel resistances, as in an electrical circuit. The thermal resistance Θp of the singular contact path between substrate and component in the steady state conditions can be expressed in a simple equation

image [2.6]

where Θλ is the thermal resistance of a filler particle (bulk resistance) and ΘTC is the thermal contact resistance between particles making a chain in the direction of the temperature gradient. The total thermal resistance of the adhesive ΘTA is

image [2.7]

Equation 2.6 points out that the less contact between particles, the greater the thermal conductivity of the adhesive. For the same distance between joining surfaces, it requires larger particles of a filler. Practically, the experiments show14 that at an alumina filler with a fixed loading level of 50 wt%, the thermal conductivity increases about 1.7 times when filler of < 10 μm average particle size is replaced by a much larger one - not higher than 149 mm (− 100 mesh). This way of thermal conductivity improvement (by enlarging filler particles) is not good because the miniaturized packaging scale, and the technology of adhesive dispensing, generally require that the dimension of filler particles should not be higher than a few micrometers. According to Equation 2.7 it is natural that the more conducting paths there are, the lower is the thermal resistance of the composite. This can be ensured by higher filler loadings. In Fig. 2.3 the thermal conductivity of the epoxy adhesives as a function of the volume loading of AlN filler is presented. The nonlinear conductivity increases with increase of the filler content, suggesting that additional paths for heat transport are being formed not only by new chains, but also by multiplication of thermal contacts between filler particles in the whole network of particles. This method of conductivity improvement is limited because of a need for usable viscosity of the formulation and for sufficient mechanical strength of adhesion of the adhesive.


2.3 Normalized thermal conductivity of adhesive vs filler volume content (in relation to maximum content). Line 1 – mix of AlN whiskers and AlN particles with maximum content of 60 vol% (according to Ref. 15). Line 2 – AlN particles with maximum content of 62 vol% (according to Ref. 16).

For a single particle of filler, its bulk conductivity is determined by the material used. From this point of view, diamond, with a conductivity of 2000 W/mK, is a better material than alumina (slightly better than 30 W/mK). However, with adhesives formulated in a similar way to electrically conductive adhesives, which contain silver flakes with average particle dimensions of several micrometers and a thermosetting epoxy resin as polymer matrix, the thermal conductivity value does not exceed 3 W/mK.17 This enormous difference between the thermal conductivity of pure silver (about 420 W/mK) and a thermally conductive adhesive with this filler is due to constraint by the existing thermal contact resistance between filler particles. It is the main ‘bottleneck’ for heat transport inside composite formulations.

The problem of thermal constriction resistance is well-known for the region where two solid contact members touch each other. The real contact area is only a small fraction of the nominal or apparent area. This is mainly due to the non-flat shape of the contacting surfaces and surface roughness (typical for filler particles of an adhesive), the hardness of the contacting materials, or additional materials between the contacting surfaces. It would be difficult to analyze the accidental contact area between two flake-shape filler particles of an adhesive. Thus, for understanding the problem of thermal constriction resistance, let us assume two cylindrical metallic units P1 and P2, ‘representing filler particles’ contacting flat surfaces (Fig. 2.4). When the contact areas are nominally flat and hard, then they touch each other in maximum of three points. In fact, these points become the small areas (a-spots) since contact member materials are deformable.18 When the contact surfaces are perfectly clean, then the total metallic contact area Ac is the sum of all a-spot areas. When cylindrical unit P1 has a higher temperature (r1) then unit P2 (temperature T2), the steady state heat flow between them is constricted through small conducting a-spots.


2.4 Two cylindrical filler particles P1 and P2 forming the apparent contact area Ac = a1 + a2 + a3.

In the case of contacting adhesive filler particles, the number of a-spots is unknown. The total thermal resistance of such units is the sum of the bulk thermal resistances Θλ1and Θλ2 of both contact members, the constriction resistances Θc1 and Θc2 of contact members, and the real thermal resistance of the a-spot (or Ac - the sum of all a-spot areas) bump Θa (if a-spot is treated as a 3D structure).

The thermal constriction resistance depends significantly on both the area of the a-spot and the gap between contact members. Increasing the contact area and lowering the distance between filler particles cause a decrease of the thermal constriction resistance. As an example, the results of calculating the gap distance influence on this resistance are presented in Fig. 2.5. The thermal constriction resistances of two cylindrical copper particles, with radius of 10 mm and 40 mm length each (Fig. 2.4), were calculated using the finite element method.19 The gap between both contact members ranged from 0 up to 10 mm. Due to symmetry, only one quarter of the system was analyzed. The computer calculations were performed assuming that the thermal conductivity of the polymer matrix could be neglected and that the contact surface was perfectly clean, without oxides and alien films. In fact, the thermal constriction resistances can be treated as the thermal contact resistance ΘTC from Equation 2.6.


2.5 The thermal constriction resistance of two-particle unit vs different gap distance between filler particles; the radius of the a-spot is 0.01 mm, T2 = 293 K (according to Ref. 19).

For the analyzed two-particle unit at the temperature T1 of 393 K (T2 = 293 K), the bulk resistance of both filler particles is about 0.7 K/W, while the thermal contact resistance ΘTC = 221 K/W for both the radius of a-spot and the gap equal to 10 mm. This means that in such a configuration, the total resistance of a thermally conductive adhesive depends mainly on the values of thermal contact resistance and numbers of contacts between filler particles making a chain in the direction of temperature gradient (ΘTC and n in Equation 2.6). The bulk resistance plays a minimal role.

2.3.3 Bond thermal resistance

Thermal conductive adhesives usually are applied between two surfaces at different temperatures, e.g. between a heat generating component and the eventual heat sink. In such a case of heat transport, the thermal resistance ΘT can be expressed by the formula

image [2.8]

where ΘBR’ and ΘBR" stand for the bond thermal resistance of contacts between the adhesive layer and the joined elements, while ΘTA represents the total thermal resistance of the adhesive (Equation 2.7). In such a case, the bond thermal resistance influence on ΘT cannot be treated as the thermal contact resistance between solid surfaces analyzed previously. The surface of the joined element is glued by a polymer composite with a conductive filler, and macroscopic irregularities such as flatness deviations and waviness are of no importance; however, surface roughness may influence the bond thermal resistance to a large extent.

The value of the bond thermal resistance depends on the shapes and dimensions of both the surface irregularities and of the particles of the adhesive filler. As this contact is difficult to specify, an imaginary 3D material layer representing the bond thermal contact with thickness of lBR (including all these irregularities) and an unknown thermal conductivity 1BR, can be introduced.20 With such an assumption, the heat flow Q causes the temperature gradient ΔT on every layer between the joined surfaces; two bond thermal contacts and adhesive (Fig. 2.6).


2.6 Temperature gradient on whole joint (ΔTT) and on individual layers.

The value of thermal conductivity λBR can be extracted from the result of an experiment when the temperature gradient ΔTT can be measured.1721 For the steady state of the heat flow, it is possible to measure and calculate17,22 the thermal resistance of the adhesive ΘTA and bond thermal resistance ΘBR with the assumption that

image [2.9]

Knowing the contact area and thickness of layers from Equation 2.5, the Bond the conductivity of the adhesive λTA, as well as the thermal conductivity of the imaginary ‘bond’ layer λBR can be established.

In fact, the thickness of the ‘bond’ layer is unknown and it would be much more valuable to define a new parameter describing the bond thermal conductivity, which will not depend on the lBR thickness. This parameter can be referenced as the relative thermal conductivity of the thermal contact and can be defined as the thermal conductivity on a unit thickness λBR and then

image [2.10]

It has been calculated22 that the participation of the adhesive bond resistance ΘBR in the total resistance depends on the adhesive layer thickness lTA. Figure 2.7 shows such dependence, plotted according to equation


2.7 Participation of bond thermal resistance ΘBR in the total thermal resistance ΘT of the adhesive joint vs thickness of the adhesive layer.22

image [2.11]

with the following values resulting from measurement:22 λTA = 1.46 W/m·K, λBR = 0.0474, and λBR = 4.74·103 W/m2·K (with assumption that λBR = 10 μm).

It can be concluded from calculation that the bond thermal resistance may influence the thermal resistance of the joint significantly. Similar results were observed in experiment.23 Three thermally conductive adhesives were used to bond together two thick platelets of silicon carbide-reinforced aluminum (AlSiC) composites. The adhesive thickness was kept to a minimum, ca. 40–60 μm. The results of thermal resistance measurements at room temperature are listed in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1

Participation of bond thermal resistance in the total thermal resistance of a joint; adhesive thickness 40–60 μm23

Sign Type of adhesive formulation 2ΘBR /ΘT
A Silver-loaded reworkable thermoplastic 0.87
B Silver-loaded interpenetrating network of thermoplastics 0.76 and thermoset resins 0.76
C Silver-loaded thermoset matrix 0.76

Certainly, bond thermal resistance depends strongly on the conductive filler content in adhesive formulations and on the bonded materials. It has been calculated24 for different silver-filled epoxy adhesives and combination of Si – Al bonded materials, that 2ΘBR /ΘT may change from 36 % to over 90 % (with thickness of adhesive layer in the range 26–54 μm).

Participation of bond thermal resistance in total thermal resistance depends on joint temperature. It has been measured23 that for all types of adhesive formulations described in Table 2.1, an increase of operating temperature from 23 °C to 300 °C causes a decrease of the ratio ΘBR /ΘT of about 18 %.

Based on calculation and results of experiments, it can be generally concluded that the adhesive bond resistance in comparison to the total resistance of thermally conductive adhesive joints is an important factor, especially in the case of microelectronic packaging where the adhesive layer is in the order of micrometers.

2.4 Thermally conductive fillers

2.4.1 Micrometer-sized fillers

Since the 1990s, isotropically conductive adhesives have been widely used in electronic packaging. Such composites consist of a polymer resin and electrically conductive fillers, mostly silver, although gold, nickel and copper are also used. Silver is unique among all of the cost-effective metals by nature of its oxide, which unlike other metal oxides, is a good conductor. Silver, with thermal conductivity 420 W/m·K, has been considered to be the most suitable material also as the thermally conductive filler. In fact, typically formulated electrically conductive adhesives with fillers of micronized silver particles can be also used as thermally conductive adhesives. The particles usually have the form of very thin flakes (Fig. 2.8a), but producers may also use particles of different shapes (e.g. more spherical, Fig. 2.8b), which influences the thermal contact resistance.


2.8 Micro-sized silver particles used as a filler of thermally conductive adhesives: (a) typical flake shape, (b) spherical shape.25 (Courtesy of Amepox Microelectronics.26)

As was stated earlier, larger particles of filler cause higher thermal conductivity of composites because of the lower number of contact points between particles, which generate thermal contact resistances ΘTC (Equation 2.6). This means that with the use of nano-sized silver particles as fillers, the summarized value of ΘTC increases significantly and the thermal resistance of the singular contact path Θp between two surfaces also increases.

2.4.2 Nanometer-sized fillers

Nanosilver as a base material of composites for ink-jet technology is used in today’s miniaturized electronics, mostly for conductive microstructures and contacts with dimensions in the range of tens of micrometers.27 Nevertheless, the results of experiments show that nanosilver particles of 3–7 nm diameter added to a micro-sized filler in thermally conductive adhesives may improve the adhesive thermal conductivity, even by 2.55 times.28 This is explained by making the contact resistance between basic (micro-sized) particles lower, owing to the fusion process of nano-particles at temperature of 200 °C.

Theoretically, according to Equation 2.7, the multiplying of the conductive paths may decrease thermal resistance of adhesive ΘTA. Because of this, there are efforts to enhance the electrical conductance of adhesives containing micro- sized silver particles by adding silver nanowires29,30 or carbon nanotubes.31 In a system composed of silver particles and either nanowires or carbon nanotubes, these slender particles are excellent materials to contact the particles together. As an example, Fig. 2.9 shows that the carbon nanotubes are spanning over the gap between two flake silver particles and forming a conductive pathway. Unfortunately, for the heat transport the role of such a single pathway is not important and only a much denser network of such additional ways of heat transport may improve the thermal conductivity of an adhesive.


2.9 Scanning electron microscopy image of adhesive containing silver flakes and bundles of carbon nanotubes as the filler. Courtesy of CANOPY Project partners.31

Carbon nanotubes were discovered in 1991 by Sumio Iijima,32 firstly as multi-wall structures with outer diameters of 4–30 nm and a length of up to 1 μm which consisted of two or more seamless graphene cylinders concentrically arranged. Single-wall carbon nanotubes, which are seamless cylinders each made of a single graphene sheet, were reported two years later. Their diameters range from 0.4 to 2–3 nm, and their length is usually of the micrometer order, i.e. with a very high aspect ratio. At present, carbon nanotubes can be obtained using various techniques: arc discharge, pyrolysis of hydrocarbons over catalysts, laser and solar vaporization, and electrolysis. These nanoscale materials can exhibit different morphologies such as straight, curled, hemitoroidal, branched, spiral, and helix-shaped, with different numbers of walls.33,34

The high value of thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes is the most desirable feature that can improve heat transport in adhesives. The thermal conductivity of individual multi-wall carbon nanotubes is estimated to fall in the range of 2000 to over 3000 WIm-K.3537 It is also reported that the l of a carbon nanotube depends on both its chiral vector and length. Non- equilibrium molecular dynamic modeling has clearly shown38 that the correct chirality may increase the conductivity by tens of percent, and the longer is the nanotube, the higher is the thermal conductivity.

As the measurement of the thermal properties of a single nanotube is extremely difficult, and conventional methods cannot be used for this purpose, the values of λ presented in the literature vary. Additionally, experimental results show that the thermal conductivity of a carbon nanotube depends on both temperature and tube diameter. The λ value increases with decreasing tube diameter and increases with increase in temperature, appearing to have an asymptote near 320 K.37

The first composites with carbon nanotubes were proposed in the last decade of the twentieth century. Various materials have been used as matrices, firstly polymers – mostly thermoplastics based on epoxy resin, but also polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and some gels.39 The dispersion process requires a crucial technology to develop a nanocomposite because the specific surface area of carbon nanotubes is too large to well disperse in the matrix resin. According to theoretical calculations,40 the specific surface area of single-wall nanotubes may reach a value of 1315 m2/g. For multi-walled tubes the value is lower, but even for higher tube diameters the specific surface area amounts to a few hundreds of m2/g. If the filler is not properly dispersed, the thermal property of the composite cannot be significantly increased. Several processing methods are used for this reason, many of them based on improving nanotubes/matrix interactions,4144 such as an ultrasonic bath, ultrasonic finger, melt-mixing, speed mixer, in-situ polymerization or solution processing. To prepare carbon nanotubes for proper dispersion on a macroscopic scale, some preprocessing is required. They can be purified to eliminate non-nanotube material, followed by deagglomeration for dispersing individual nanotubes. As the phonon scattering across the interface between particle fillers can greatly affect the thermal conductivity of a polymer composite, to improve heat transport, functionalization of the carbon nanotubes surfaces is necessary. This is usually done by a chemical treatment, consisting of many steps.41,45

In fact, even using complicated processes for improving nanotube surfaces and interactions with matrix, it is impossible to achieve filler content higher than a few weight percent. It is reported that the dispersion of 5 wt% carbon nanotubes in an epoxy resin has been obtained by an ultrasonic treatment. Although the carbon nanotubes were well separated, they remained poorly distributed.46 At such a filler content, the viscosity of the composite is more then ten times higher in comparison to the pure matrix.39 It is desirable to disperse this filler as uniformly as possible, because the thermal conductivity of a composite rises almost linearly with rising content of carbon nanotubes in the polymer matrix.44

Nevertheless, the thermal conductivity of composites filled with single-or multi-walled carbon nanotubes is lower than for composites with micro-sized fillers. The measured l value usually reached less then 1 W/m-K.4750 This is lower than the calculated value based on the model of the heat transport with neglecting all interactions between the nanotubes.51 For contents of ‘average shape’, multi-wall nanotubes at a single weight percent, the model predicts the thermal conductivity of a composite at the level of 1.8 W/mK. It has been calculated that effective conductivity increases linearly with increasing nanotube loading; the conductivity of the adhesive is not very sensitive to the nanotube length (increases marginally with increase in length) and the conductivity can change drastically with a change in the diameter – a smaller diameter of the nanotubes can significantly increase the overall conductivity.

Adding of carbon black with nano-sized particles may improve the thermal conductivity of epoxy-based composites with 2 wt% carbon nanotubes.42 by about 20 %. Nevertheless, thermal conductivity of such composites is reported as only ca. 0.6 W/mK.

2.4.3 Diamond fillers

Adhesives filled with diamond seem also to be very promising for heat transport composites because specially purified synthetic diamonds could have the highest thermal bulk conductivity, 2000 W/mK or higher. Unfortunately, thermal measurements using micron-sized synthetic diamond powder as filler showed a relatively low thermal conductivity in comparison to one with micron-sized silver. This is believed to be due to the presence of nitrogen and other impurities in the synthetic diamond.52 Additionally, the thermal conductivity of diamond is strongly dependent on the microstructure of the material53 and is correlated to grain size, even for the bulk material.54 Probably, there are effects of structural defects such as stacking faults, twins or dislocations from synthetic processes. Typically, where the grain size is in excess of 30–50 μm, the effects of grain boundaries on thermal conductivity become insignificant, whereas submicron grain sizes can reduce the thermal conductivity by more than two orders of magnitude. As a result, adhesives with diamond filler have lower thermal conductivities than those with micro-sized silver as a filler.52

2.4.4 Electrically insulating fillers

Thermally conductive but electrically insulating adhesives are increasingly important for electronic packaging in applications where a composite ought to meet at least three requirements, namely mechanical bonding, heat dissipation and acting as an insulating layer. Usually, composites with insulating fillers are characterized by lower coefficients of thermal expansion than conducting adhesives. Beside diamond, boron nitride, aluminum nitride, alumina and other materials can be used as electrically insulating fillers.

Aluminum nitride (AlN) with its relatively high thermal conductivity of 110–200 W/mK36,52,55 is often used as a conducting filler. Generally, the thermal conductivity of an adhesive with this filler increases with increasing filler particle size and its volume fraction.15,16 The same influence of alumina (Al2O3) particle size on the thermal conductivity of adhesives has been observed.14,56 The possible maximum volume content of such fillers in a polymer, which results in a higher value of composite thermal conductivity, can be obtained when a mixture of particles with different diameters is used.57 Generally, the thermal conductivity of the polymer composites can be enhanced by applying a hybrid filler.58

2.5 Role of polymer base materials

2.5.1 Types of polymer base materials

The main role of the polymer base material of an adhesive is to form mechanical bonds at interconnections. This is done after the polymerization process, when an adhesive has the form of a solid body. Before hardening by polymerization, it should have a suitable viscosity and provide the right characteristics for printing, stenciling, and other industrial dispensing methods.

Polymers are commonly classified as either thermoplastics – typically able to be melted or softened with heat, or thermosets – which resist melting and cannot be re-shaped. Thermoset epoxies are by far the most common adhesive matrices and for electrically conductive adhesives they have found use since the early 1950s. Thermosets are crosslinked polymers and generally have an extensive three-dimensional molecular structure. The polymerization process is strongly accelerated at higher temperatures, although thermosets cured at room temperatures are commercially available when the correct catalyst or hardener is added. Crosslinks are chemical bonds occurring between polymer chains that prevent substantial movement, even at elevated temperature. Silver–epoxy can be considered the base line for isotropic conductive adhesives used for electronic component assembly.59 The curing of an epoxy is complex and the whole reaction consists of several steps. The chemistry of the cure begins with the formation and linear growth of the polymer chains, which soon begin to branch, and then to crosslink. This sudden and irreversible transformation from a viscous liquid to an elastic gel marks the first appearance of the infinite network. Gelation typically occurs below 80 % conversion, and beyond the gel point the reaction continues with substantial increase in crosslink density towards the formation of one infinite network.60

Vitrification is another phenomenon of the growing chains or network. This transformation from a viscous liquid or an elastic gel to a glass begins to occur as the glass transition temperature of these growing chains or networks become coincidental with the cure temperature. Further curing in the glassy state is extremely slow and, for all practical purposes, vitrification brings an abrupt halt to curing.60

Polymeric materials have thermal conductivities about 2000 times lower than that of silver and much lower than those of other fillers. Thermal conductivities of all polymeric materials, epoxy or other types, thermoset or thermoplastics, range from 0.2 to 0.3 W/mK and so these practically do not take part in the heat transport. Nevertheless, the thermal conductivity of resins can be improved by introducing a high-order structure having microscopic anisotropy while maintaining macroscopic isotropy. In the case of diepoxy monomers with a biphenyl group or two phenyl benzoate groups as mesogens, the thermal conductivities are up to five times higher than those of conventional epoxy resins.61 This is possibly due to these molecular groups, because mesogens form highly ordered, crystal-like structures which suppress phonon scattering.

In commercial applications, the filler is responsible for virtually all the heat transport, but the thermomechanical properties of the polymer matrix may strongly influence the thermal conductivity of adhesives for microelectronic packaging, mostly by shrinkage during polymerization and then relaxation processes.

2.5.2 Role of cure shrinkage of polymer base material

The level of volume shrinkage depends mainly on the type of resin, and may reach a few percent of its initial value. Figure 2.10 presents a typical volume shrinkage chart of an epoxy resin during curing at 150 °C. Of course, the time of curing depends strongly on temperature. In the case presented in Fig. 2.10, the volume shrinkage indicates the high polymerization level of the tested resin after about 25 minutes of heating at 150 °C, while temperature 60 °C needs more than 300 min to achieve the final shrinkage (7.56 %).63 The role of the shrinkage process during polymerization at high temperature is easy to observe in the case of electrically conductive adhesives, which usually consist of a similar type of resin and filler (e.g. micrometer-sized silver flakes) as thermally conductive adhesives. For such composites, the curing time depends mostly on the curing temperature, the type of polymer base material and additives. The cure process produces a shrinkage of the polymer matrix, which exerts a pressure on the conductive particles, forcing them into closer contact. Independent of the dominant mechanism of current transport,64 closer contact between filler particles strongly decreases the electrical resistance of adhesive joints. Examples of such resistance changes for two different composites are presented in Fig. 2.11.


2.10 Volume shrinkage of epoxy resin vs curing time (according to Ref. 62).


2.11 Resistance changes of electrically conductive adhesives (with different polymers and catalyst) during curing time at 150 °C.65

Also in the case of thermally conductive adhesives the shrinkage of the polymer during the polymerization process makes real contact between filler particles. Let us assume that in the beginning of the shrinkage process such particles are in the form of perfect spheres, and that they touch each other at one contact point ‘A’ (Fig. 2.12). Further shrinkage results in stress between particles which may cause elastic or plastic strain of the contact members. For the epoxy resin with shrinkage characteristics presented on Fig. 2.10, the contact pressure was estimated at more than 0.16 GPa. It has been calculated that if two silver particles of 1 mm diameter (2R) were deformed by this shrinkage force contact radius r between them increases from ‘point’ to more than 0.08 μm62 (Fig. 2.13).


2.12 2D model of thermally conductive adhesive with spherical silver particles.


2.13 Influence of polymer shrinkage on contact between filler particles.

The change of the contact area influences the thermal contact resistance. To answer the question of how the contact state between particles affects the thermal conductivity of the adhesive, numerical modeling of the silver-filled formulation was used. The simulation was performed not only for two balls (Fig. 2.13) but for the more complex 3D structure called the unit cell.66,67 The unit cell has the maximum possible packing efficiency (Vfiller/Vtotal = 74.05 %) in 3-D for spherical particles, i.e. hexagonal close-packed (HCP) or face-centered cubic (FCC) crystal equivalent. It was assumed that particles contact each other in the ideal pure metallic contact area (the impurities, roughness etc. were neglected).

The unit cell was analyzed using ANSYS 8.0 commercial finite element method software for two different contact area radii (r) of balls (Fig. 2.13). The simulation results show that increasing the r/R ratio from 0.02 to 0.05 causes a change of the thermal conductivity of the cell from 26.45 to 49.12 W/mK. Such results of calculation show that the role of the polymer matrix may be crucial for the level of heat transfer in composites. But this state may not be stable, as the stresses in the resins may relax with time. This is because thermosetting polymers are characterized by viscoelastic properties. The viscoelastic behavior of the matrix cannot be neglected because of the stress relaxation.

2.5.3 Viscoelasticity of polymer base materials

The general linear viscoelastic equation is the basic equation for modeling the development of viscoelastic stresses (σij) as a function of temperature and loading time in fully cured polymer materials6869

image [2.12]

where G and K denote the shear and bulk relaxation moduli, respectively (they are time (t)- and temperature (T)-dependent), and image is the effective strain contribution.

Shear and bulk moduli also depend on the conversion level (degree of cure, α). Therefore, the viscoelastic stress described by Equation 2.12 can be written as

image [2.13]

and image consists of mechanical, thermal, and cure shrinkage parts70,71

image [2.14]

where βLg and βLr are the linear coefficients of thermal expansion measured below the glass transition temperature Tg (glassy region) and above Tg (rubbery region), respectively, and γL is the linear cure shrinkage. The change of the modulus during curing can be explained by the change in the molecular structure of the matrix.

If the time is relatively short (t → 0), shear and bulk relaxation moduli are treated as instantaneous shear and bulk moduli G0 and K0, respectively, and they can be determined from the values of the instantaneous (obtained from the high-rate tests) elastic (Youngs) modulus E0 and Poisson’s ratio v0

image [2.15]

Poisson’s ratio is often assumed to be time-independent in viscoelastic materials; therefore Equation 2.15 can be used for the whole time-scale of the shear, bulk, and elastic relaxations while strains are small. The advantage of such an approach is that while modeling the behavior of viscoelastic materials, only one modulus needs to be measured (e.g. the shear relaxation modulus) and the other can be calculated from Equation 2.15.

The effect of temperature in Equation 2.12 is usually not included as G(t,T), but as G(tred[T]), where tred is the so-called reduced time scale and G(tred) is referred to as the master curve. The reduced time scale is defined as

image [2.16]

where αT is the temperature-dependent shift factor, which can be described by the WLF (Williams, Landel, Ferry) equation

image [2.17]

where Tref is the reference temperature, C1 and C2 are material parameters. The reduced time scale tred can be replaced by reduced frequency scale fred = αTf.

The standard way of measuring dynamic changes of the mechanical parameters of shear modulus for polymeric materials is by a continuous monitoring of the thermo-mechanical properties from the liquid to the fully cured state by applying the liquid compound (e.g. resin + hardener) in small gaps between parallel plates of the shear clamps of a dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA). The samples are subject to a series of sinusoidal strains or stresses at different frequencies (a frequency sweep). The temperature is then increased by 5–10 °C and another frequency sweep is applied. This procedure is repeated from about 80 °C below the glass transition temperature (Tg) to about 80 °C above it. Far below the glass transition temperature the modulus data (stress amplitude divided by strain amplitude) is frequency independent. This modulus is called the glassy modulus. Far above the glass transition temperature, the material either melts, as is typical of thermoplasts, or displays the non-zero, frequency-independent rubbery modulus of thermosets. In between, in the so-called viscoelastic region, the modulus is frequency-dependent and lies between the glassy and the rubbery values. It is customary to shift the individual modulus vs frequency curves along the logarithmic frequency axis until they overlap and form a master curve. The shift (αT) is different for each temperature. The master curve, together with this shift factor, completely describes the temperature and frequency-dependent modulus data and can even be used to predict the mechanical behavior at time scales and temperatures different from those of the test conditions.72

When constructing the master curves, the shift factor aT has to be evaluated (see Equation 2.17) by estimating the values of the WLF equation parameters. As an example, the parameters of the WLF equation for an epoxy with volume shrinkage of ~ 3∙10− 2 (the linear reaction cure shrinkage assumed as 1 × 10− 2) are collected in Table 2.2.69

Table 2.2

Estimated parameters for WLF Equation 2.17

Parameter Estimate
Tref 60 °C
C1 17.66
C2 80.58

2.5.4 Influence of polymer base materials on contact pressure between filler particles

To study the contact pressure occurring between the filler particles due to the cure shrinkage of the polymer matrix (with parameters from Table 2.2) and its influence on thermal conductivity, the 2D model shown in Fig. 2.12 was implemented by ABAQUS FEM software.73 The model represents two identical spherical silver particles surrounded by cylindrically shaped epoxy resin. The particles touch each other at one point (A) at the beginning of the simulation and the contact pressure and its change in time after curing at different temperatures were monitored at this point.

The simulation procedure was divided into two steps. In the first step, a steady state analysis was performed to simulate the shrinkage caused by curing the epoxy and to monitor the initial contact pressure between silver particles. In the second step, transient analysis was performed and various temperatures (T0 changes from 40 °C to 70 °C) were applied to observe the temperature dependence of the contact pressure relaxation. The results of the simulations, i.e. the contact pressures between particles vs time for different temperatures, are shown in Fig. 2.14.69


2.14 Simulation results: contact pressure between filler particles versus time for different temperatures.69

The contact pressure occurring between filler particles due to the cure shrinkage relaxes with time. The time needed to reach the fully relaxed state strongly depends on the working temperature of the system. In the considered case, the contact pressure is fully relaxed when it decreases from an initial value of 0.73 GPa to 0.03 GPa, as it is shown in Fig. 2.14. When the temperature is 70 °C, the contact pressure becomes fully relaxed after 10 seconds, but when it is lower (e.g. 40 °C), the full relaxation state is reached after about 109 seconds (more than 30 years!).

The thermal conductivities of the tested structures have been calculated (using Finite Elements Method) before and after relaxation. After the relaxation of the contact pressure, the thermal conductivity drops to around 50 % (0.484) of its initial value for the unrelaxed structure.69

The shrinkage phenomenon of the polymer base seems to be very important in heat transport. On the other hand, shrinkage means lowering of the formulation volume, which may lead to the occurance of some defects. Much more dangerous in effects may be the presence of solvents as polymer base additives.28 The minimum void ratio was obtained when the solvent vaporized effectively before the resin had been cured.

2.6 Thermal conductivity of adhesives and methods for its measurement

Thermally conductive adhesives reported in the literature are characterized by thermal conductivities not higher than a few W/mK for formulations with both commonly used filler materials (e.g. silver17,52) and special materials (e.g. diamond powder52 or carbon fiber74). But there are also reports about polymer-matrix and silver-filled adhesives having a few times higher thermal conductivity. 28,75,76 Probably, various methods of thermal conductivity measurement and their errors, as well as low accuracy are the reasons for such significant differences in the measured thermal conductivity of similar adhesive formulations. To compare thermal data of different adhesive formulations, full information about the measurement methods used is necessary.

There are two main categories of techniques used to measure thermal conductivity – steady-state techniques and transient techniques. The heat flow method and the guarded hot plate method are the best examples of steady-state techniques. Hot wire and laser flash can be listed as the most popular measurement methods of the transient technique, but also the 3w, photoacoustic method, the pulsed photothermal displacement technique, and the thermal-wave technique are in use.77,78

2.6.1 Steady-state methods of adhesive thermal conductivity measurement

Steady-state methods are based on establishing a steady temperature gradient over a known thickness of a sample, and on controlling the heat flow from one side to the other. The determination of the thermal conductivity of the insulation follows from the basic law of heat flow (Equation 2.1).

In the guarded hot plate method, the specimen is placed between uniformly distributed heaters and a heat sink (or cold plate), both of which contain temperature sensors that measure the temperature drop across the sample after a steady-state heat flow has been established. The method’s error is diminished by modifying the base measurement configuration, e.g. by the line heat source applying,79 more stable operation at liquid nitrogen temperatures80 or measurement under vacuum conditions.81 In result, the temperature drop ΔTT can be measured (Fig. 2.7) and by changing the thickness of the sample, it is possible to extract the thermal conductivity 1TA of the tested material.17,22 The measured sample can be prepared either as a disc and directly placed between hot and cold plates,17,22 or additional blocks made from a material with a low value of λ can be joined to the sample.82 In such a case, the additional temperature drops (Fig. 2.7) have to be taken into consideration.

As an example, the measurement setup is shown in Fig. 2.15. The system consists of a heater, a heat sink, a pair of contact members (with a known thermal conductivity λ, e.g made from iron,17,82 aluminum,83 or copper,84,85), as well as temperature sensors.21 The whole setup is placed in a high vacuum environment in order to minimize the effect of heat dissipation through convection. The radiation is out of the temperature work-range, and therefore is neglected, and the heat conduction is a dominating factor in transport heat energy. The limiting error of the measurement method described previously is known, and can be added to information about the measured value. Thus, in this setup, the thermal conductivity of the adhesive was found to be 1.26 W/m·K, with 0.44 W/m.K standard deviation.86


2.15 Measuring setup based on the guarded hot plate method (according to Ref. 17): L/2 – a pair of iron contact members, T1–6 – six thermal sensors, a bulb halogen heater immersed in a bottom cylinder and a water cooling system on the top.

2.6.2 Transient methods of adhesive thermal conductivity measurement

The transient hot-wire technique is a transient dynamic technique based on a linear heat source of infinite length and infinitesimal diameter and on the measurement of the temperature rise at a defined distance from the linear heat source embedded in the test material. As an electric current of a fixed intensity flows through the wire, the thermal conductivity can be derived from the resulting temperature change over a known time interval.87 Nowadays, four variations of the method are in use:88 hot wire standard technique, hot wire resistance technique, two-thermocouple technique, and hot wire parallel technique. The theoretical model is the same, and the basic difference among these variations lies in the temperature measurement procedure. This makes it possible to determine the thermal conductivity of a wide range of materials, including cured thermally conductive adhesives.

Modification of the transient hot-wire technique may also concern the shape of the heat source, which can be formed as a strip or a disc. For measuring the thermal properties of materials available as thin slabs, a hot disc can be used. It is assumed that the slabs are thermally insulated in such a way that the heat losses at the boundaries are negligible, compared with the total input of power.89

There are also a number of presently existing transient methods of measuring thermal conductivity indirectly – by measurement of a material’s thermal diffusivity. The relation between the thermal conductivity λ (W/m·K) and the thermal diffusivity α (m2·s− 1) is given by

image [2.18]

where ρ (kgm− 3) is the density and cp (Jkg− 1·K− 1) is the specific heat of the tested composite.

Among the transient methods, the so-called flash method is the most popular in determining thermal diffusivity. The method was described in was developed over the next few years.9193 In this method, a pulse of energy is absorbed on the front face of a specimen and the subsequent temperature change at the rear face is recorded. The front surface of the sample must be uniformly irradiated for a short time compared with the rise time of the back surface temperature. A laser beam is the most popular heat source, but also a xenon lamp or more flexible energy sources can be used (e.g. an electron beam).94,95 The measured sample usually has the form of a disc with a diameter of a dozen or so millimeters and a few millimeters in thickness. The shape of the time–temperature curve on the back side of the sample is used in analysis.90,91,96,97 The method’s errors result from an assumption that the sample is perfectly insulated from the environment during the test (there is no heat exchange) and the whole energy is absorbed instantaneously (zero pulse width) in a very thin layer of the sample material.

The popular transient method described above does not exhaust all the possibilities of thermal properties measurement. In the photoacoustic technique, a heating source (normally a laser beam) is periodically irradiated on the sample surface. The acoustic response of the gas above the sample is measured and related to the thermal properties of the sample. The method can be used for a single layer on a substrate98 as well as multilayered materials measurement.99 The method employs a metallic strip100 or wire101 in intimate contact with the specimen surface. An AC electrical current modulated at a regular frequency ω generates thermal waves in the specimen. Because the electrical resistance of the strip depends on the temperature, the resistance is modulated and it is possible to extract λ from an electrical measurements.102

2.6.3 Thermal conductivity of adhesives

Thermal conductivity (W/m·K) of selected adhesives measured by various methods is listed in Table 2.3. The data are taken from papers, not from manufacturers’ offers.

Table 2.3

Thermal conductivity (W/m K) of thermally conductive adhesives with


Materials: PVDF, poly(vinylidene fluoride); BN, boron nitride; CNT, carbon nanotube; GN, graphite nanoplates; CB, carbon black. Measurement methods: SST, steady-state techniques; TT, transient techniques; GHP (SST), guarded hot plate; HW (TT), hot wire; FM (TT), flash.

As was mentioned previously, not all thermal conductivity measurement methods are characterized by high accuracy and some thermal conductivity values from Table 2.3 may be questionable. Nevertheless, the data cited in the table point out that

• higher λ of adhesive is obtained when micro-sized, not nano-sized, particles of filler are used,

• the bulk thermal conductivity of the filler, when particles are of micrometer size, does not influence the λ of the adhesive significantly,

• the higher the filler content, the better the thermal conductivity of adhesive,

• carbon nanotubes (very high λ) in the filler composite do not improve the adhesive significantly in thermal conductivity because of their low content.

Theoretically, according to Equations 2.6 and 2.7, improvement of thermal conductivity of adhesives saturated by filler with low thermal resistance can be achieved by:

lowering of the numbers and decrease of thermal contact resistance between particles making a chain for heat transport in the direction of temperature gradient (ΘTC);

II increasing the number of parallel contact paths in the direction of the temperature gradient.

The first step of conductivity improvement can be done by filler particle phase or shape changing during the base material polymerization (see Fig. 2.12) or additional thermal process. There are investigations of new formulations which incorporate novel fluxing polymeric resins in combination with a blend of metal alloy filler particles. During the curing process, the metal filler particles sinter together and are capable of forming ‘ solder-like’ metallurgical connections to a variety of metal surfaces, resulting in a lowering of thermal contact resistance values. These materials have both high electrical and thermal conductivity – closer to solder materials than most polymer- based materials but with the processing advantages of the best polymeric adhesives.107

The idea of additional thermal processing has come from experiences with electrically conductive adhesives. An adhesive based on epoxy resin filled with a mix of silver flakes (Fig. 2.8a) and powder (Fig. 2.8b) was tested. The content of filler in the adhesive was 65.4 wt%. After ‘standard’ curing (30 min at 180 °C), the adhesive was additionally annealed for 2 hours at 180 °C. After this process, scanning electron microscopy inspection revealed an increase in size of the particles and a decrease of electrical resistance of about two orders of magnitude.25 Probably the observed effect was caused by recrystallization of the silver. In general, recrystallization begins when the temperature exceeds the so-called recrystallization threshold Tr, which is expressed by the following equation

image [2.19]

where Tm is the melting point (K). The applied additional post-curing temperature was about 37 % of the silver melting point temperature and a process of changing the shape of particles may occur, as the value of Tr strongly depends on material purity and for extremely pure metals, recrystallization can be observed at a much lower temperature. A similar thermal effect was observed in the case of adhesives with nanosilver annealed at 180 °C.108 The particles were fused through their surface and many dumbbell-type particles could be found. The morphology was similar to the typical morphology of an initial stage in the sintering process of ceramic, metal and polymer powders.

Both the electrical and thermal conductivity increase has been stated for a typical isotropic conductive adhesive composed of an epoxy base material and silver filler (spherical and flake-shaped particles) content of 85 wt%.109 As recommended by the manufacturer, a suitable curing condition was 150 °C for 0.5 hours. After this process, the adhesive was additionally annealed in 200 °C during 30 hours. The sample under investigation exhibited anisotropy in the thermal conductivity, due to an oriented dispersion of flake- shaped filler particles. In a direction parallel to the squeegee direction, the thermal conductivity, increased by about 85 % due to the additional thermal process.

When carbon nanotubes are dispersed in the polymer, decreasing ΘTC can be achieved by functionalization of their surfaces. Experimental results have suggested45 that such treatment can significantly reduce interfacial thermal resistance between filler and epoxy resin by forming stronger chemical bonding across the interface. Surface treatment improved the interaction between filler and polymer matrix, which can significantly reduce phonon scattering, and also increase thermal conductivity.

Increasing the number of parallel contact paths in the direction of the temperature gradient can be achieved by applying hybrid fillers. The idea is presented in Fig. 2.9, in which mixed fillers (micro-sized silver flakes and carbon nanotubes) are presented. However, the low content of nanotubes (about of 0.5 wt%) weakly influences the total thermal conductivity of the composite, and efforts of research labs are aimed at achieving a significant increase of the CNT content.31 A similar role may be played by nanowires, doped by the composite containing micro-sized silver particles29,30 and a suitable ratio of filler with various particle sizes.57

It seems to be necessary to develop a systematic method of producing various multiple junctions of ‘long’ nano fillers to establish a 3D network instead of a set of singular structures. There is information about experiments aimed at establishing a junction between crossed nanotubes, a first attempt at producing such web-like CNTs having been achieved with electron beam, ion beam, laser or other techniques of nano-welding.110 It is reported that under a high-voltage of 1.25 MeV at specimen temperatures of 800 °C from the random criss-crossing distribution of individual nanotubes and nanotube bundles on the specimen grid, several contact points could be identified where tubes were crossing and touching each other. After a few minutes of irradiating and annealing, different shapes of junctions were established.111 It was demonstrated that also ion irradiation should result in the welding of crossed nanotubes and junctions were obtained.112

2.7 Conclusions

Thermally conductive adhesives formulated as composites consist of a polymer base material matrix and a thermally conducting filler. All commercially available polymeric materials, epoxy or other type, thermoset or thermoplastic, have very low thermal conductivity, in the range below 0.3 W/m-K. In practice, only the filler material is responsible for heat transport. Particles of this material in the form of micro- or nanometer-sized balls, flakes, wires, fibers etc., are dispersed randomly in the matrix. Conduction is provided by conductive additives, since high conductivity requires high filler content, considerably above the percolation threshold. It is believed that at this concentration, all conductive particles contact each other and form a 3D network.

For a single particle of filler, its bulk conductivity is determined by the material used. But independently of the filler material with high or even very high thermal conductivity (pure silver – about 420 W/m-K, diamond – 2000 W/m-K, or individual multi-wall carbon nanotube – over 3000 W/m-K) the thermal conductivity of formulated adhesives usually does not exceed several W/m-K. This enormous difference between thermal conductivities is due to constraint by the existing thermal contact resistance between filler particles. It is the main limit for heat transport inside composite formulations. When the adhesive is applied between two surfaces with different temperatures, additionally, the bond thermal resistance of contacts between adhesive layer and joined elements may influence the thermal resistance of the whole joint significantly – even at the level of a dozen or so percent.

The main role of the polymer base materials of the adhesive is to form mechanical bonds at interconnections. This is done after the polymerization process when an adhesive has the form of a solid body. During this process, the polymer matrix may strongly influence the thermal conductivity of the adhesive by its shrinkage. Polymer shrinkage makes real contact, and then stress, between filler particles, which causes elastic or plastic strain of the contact members. As a result, the contact area between particles increases and thermal contact resistance between them decreases. Unfortunately, the contact pressure occurring between filler particles may relax with time and thermal conductivity of the adhesive may become unstable.

There are many methods of adhesive thermal conductivity measurement, with different level of accuracy. But independently on this method and measured values reported in the literature, general observation can conclude that:

• higher conductivity is obtained when micro-sized, not nano-sized, particles of filler are used,

• the bulk thermal conductivity of the filler when particles are of micrometer size does not influence the thermal conductivity significantly,

• the higher the filler content, the better the thermal conductivity of the adhesive.

Theoretically, improvement of thermal conductivity of adhesives saturated by filler with sufficiently high conductivity can be achieved by:

• lowering the numbers of and decreasing the thermal contact resistance between particles making chains for heat transport in the direction of the temperature gradient,

• increasing the number of parallel contact paths in the direction of the temperature gradient.

The lessening of the numbers of contact resistances can be done by using higher-size filler particles and by shortening the distance between joining surfaces. The thermal contact resistance can be diminished by filler particle phase or shape changing during base material polymerization or post-curing processes. Increasing the number of parallel contact paths in the direction of the temperature gradient can be achieved by applying hybrid filler.

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