Time for action - create index with schema defined in configuration file

  1. Modify /usr/local/sphinx/etc/sphinx-blog-xmlpipe2.conf and include the fields and attributes definition in the source block:
    source blog
    type = xmlpipe2
    xmlpipe_command = /usr/bin/php /home/abbas/sphinx/makeindex.php
    xmlpipe_field = title
    xmlpipe_field = content
    xmlpipe_attr_uint = author_id
    xmlpipe_attr_timestamp = publish_date
    xmlpipe_attr_multi = category_id
    index posts
    source = blog
    path = /usr/local/sphinx/var/data/blog-xmlpipe2
    docinfo = extern
    charset_type = utf-8
    mem_limit = 32M
  2. Modify the makeindex.php script and remove the sphinx:schema element along with all its sub-elements:
    // Database connection credentials
    $dsn ='mysql:dbname=myblog;host=localhost';
    $user = 'root';
    $pass = '';
    // Instantiate the PDO (PHP 5 specific) class
    try {
    $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass);
    } catch (PDOException $e){
    echo'Connection failed: '.$e->getMessage();
    // We will use PHP's inbuilt XMLWriter to create the xml structure
    $xmlwriter = new XMLWriter();
    $xmlwriter->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'),
    // Start the parent docset element
    // Query to get all posts from the database
    $sql = "SELECT id, title, content, author_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(publish_date) AS publish_date FROM posts";
    $posts = $dbh->query($sql);
    // Run a loop and put the post data in XML
    foreach ($posts as $post) {
    // Start the element for holding the actual document (post)
    // Add the id attribute
    $xmlwriter->writeAttribute("id", $post['id']);
    // Set value for the title field
    $xmlwriter->endElement();//end title
    // Set value for the content field
    $xmlwriter->endElement();// end content
    // Set value for the author_id attribute
    $xmlwriter->endElement();// end attribute
    // Set value for the publish_date attribute
    $xmlwriter->endElement();// end attribute
    // Find all categories associated with this post
    $catsql = "SELECT category_id FROM posts_categories WHERE post_id = {$post['id']}";
    $categories = array();
    foreach ($dbh->query($catsql) as $category) {
    $categories[] = $category['category_id'];
    // Set value for the category_id attribute
    // Multiple category ids should be comma separated
    $xmlwriter->text(implode(',', $categories));
    $xmlwriter->endElement();// end attribute
    $xmlwriter->endElement();// end document
    $xmlwriter->endElement();// end docset
    // Output the xml
    print $xmlwriter->flush();
  3. Create the index using the indexer:
    $ /usr/local/sphinx/bin/indexer --config /usr/local/sphinx/etc/sphinx-blog-xmlpipe2.conf --all

What just happened?

We added the schema definition, and the declaration of fields and attributes that goes into index, in the configuration file itself.

To define a field we used the xmlpipe_field option and to define an attribute we used the xmlpipe_attr_* option. The following are some of the attribute options that can be used:

  • xmlpipe_attr_uint: For unsigned integers. Syntax matches that for sql_attr_uint.
  • xmlpipe_attr_bool: For Boolean attributes. Syntax matches that for sql_attr_bool.
  • xmlpipe_attr_timestamp: For UNIX timestamp attributes. Syntax matches that for sql_attr_timestamp.
  • xmlpipe_attr_str2ordinal: For string ordinal attributes. Syntax matches that of sql_attr_str2ordinal.
  • xmlpipe_attr_float: For floating point attributes. Syntax matches that of sql_attr_float.
  • xmlpipe_attr_multi: For Multi Valued Attributes (MVA).

We then removed the<sphinx:schema> element from the XML stream by modifying our makeindex.php script.


If the schema is defined at both places, that is, in the configuration file as well as the XML stream then schema in XML stream takes precedence.

No other change was required in the XML stream.

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