About the Reviewers

Paul Grinberg is an electrical engineer with a focus on embedded firmware design. As part of his work he has utilized many techniques that traditionally fall outside of his field, including a number of scripting languages. While learning PHP, Paul started contributing to the MediaWiki project by writing a number of extensions. One of those extensions was the Sphinx Search extension to improve the search capability of the MediaWiki engine.

Kevin Horn has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University and has been creating web applications since 1998, when he accidentally became a web developer after running out of money for college. He's worked under almost every job title in the IT field, though he always seems to come back to programming. Despite working with a number of different languages, there's no doubt that his favorite is Python, as he will tell anyone who will listen (and some who won't).

Kevin lives in North Texas with his wife, two sons, and a couple of canine interlopers.

Kevin currently works as a semi-freelance programmer both through his own company and others. In his not-so-copious free time, he works on various open source Python projects, reads a truly ridiculous amount of fiction, and tries to figure out how to raise his offspring properly.

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