Time for action - creating the index

  1. Create the Sphinx configuration file at /usr/local/sphinx/etc/properties.conf with the following content:
    source properties-source
    type = mysql
    sql_host = localhost
    sql_user = root
    sql_pass =
    sql_db = sphinx_properties
    sql_query_range = SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id) FROM properties
    sql_range_step = 1000
    sql_query = SELECT id, type, 
    transaction_type, description, 
    price, city_id, bedrooms, bathrooms, area, 
    address, zip_code, built_year, 
    (latitude * PI() / 180) AS latitude, 
    (longitude * PI() / 180) AS longitude, 
    UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_added) AS date_added 
    FROM properties
    WHERE id >= $start AND id <= $end
    sql_attr_uint = type
    sql_attr_uint = transaction_type
    sql_attr_uint = price
    sql_attr_uint = city_id
    sql_attr_uint = bedrooms
    sql_attr_uint = bathrooms
    sql_attr_float = area
    sql_attr_uint = built_year
    sql_attr_float = latitude
    sql_attr_float = longitude
    sql_attr_timestamp = date_added
    sql_attr_multi = uint amenity_id from query; 
    SELECT property_id, amenity_id FROM amenities_properties
    index properties
    source = properties-source
    path = /usr/local/sphinx/var/data/properties
    charset_type = utf-8
    mem_limit = 32M
    listen = localhost:9312
    log = /usr/local/sphinx/var/log/searchd.log
    query_log = /usr/local/sphinx/var/log/query.log
    max_children = 30
    pid_file = /usr/local/sphinx/var/log/searchd.pid
  2. Run the indexer command to create the index (as root):
    /usr/local/sphinx/bin/indexer -c /usr/local/sphinx/etc/properties.conf --all
    Time for action - creating the index

What just happened?

We created the Sphinx configuration file and defined the source and indexer in it. We are using a MySQL database for this application and defined the source options accordingly.

For the first time ever, we used the following options to configure the source. Let's have a look at what each of these options are:

  • sql_query_range: Is used for ranged document queries. Ranged queries are very useful when indexing lots of data, that is, when the number of records to index goes into millions. This option takes a query that must fetch the minimum and maximum document IDs which will be used as range boundaries. It must return exactly two integer fields in the same order.

    It is because of the ranged query that Sphinx populates two macros, $start and $end, and we need to use: - in sql_query, which fetches the actual data. These two macros help in setting up the right conditions to fetch the documents.

  • sql_range_step: Specifies the steps in document IDs interval. For example, if min and max IDs returned by the sql_query_range are 55 and 150 respectively, and if the sql_range_step is 40, indexer will call sql_query three times with the following substitutions for the $start and $end macros:
    • $start = 55, $end = 94
    • $start = 95, $end = 134
    • $start = 135, $end = 150

    So our data gets fetched in three queries instead of one. This is useful if you have lots of records and fetching them all at once may lock MyISAM tables for longer periods, or reduce the performance because of big result sets.

    We fetched all data related to properties in sql_query. The geo coordinates, latitude and longitude, are converted from decimal to radians in the query itself. We divide the decimal value by 180/pi. Sphinx needs them in radians to perform a geo location search (explained more clearly in Geo distance search later in this chapter).

  • sql_attr_float was used to specify the attribute with floating point value. We defined amenity as an MVA because each property can have one or more associated amenities.

The remaining blocks in the configuration file are pretty straightforward and we had used the same settings in our earlier applications.

Lastly, we ran the indexer to create the index.

Simple search form

Now let's move on to the crux of our application, the search form. We will start by building a simple search form, wherein the user can select a city and enter a search keyword. This is what most real estate portals provide on their home page, commonly known as a quick search.

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