Using Apache Pig to filter bot traffic from web server logs

Apache Pig is a high-level language for creating MapReduce applications. This recipe will use Apache Pig and a Pig user-defined filter function (UDF) to remove all bot traffic from a sample web server log dataset. Bot traffic is the non-human traffic that visits a webpage, such as spiders.

Getting ready

You will need to download/compile/install the following:

  • Version 0.8.1 or better of Apache Pig from
  • Test data: apache_tsv.txt and useragent_blacklist.txt from the support page on the Packt website,
  • Place apache_tsv.txt in HDFS and put useragent_blacklist.txt in your current working directory

How to do it...

Carry out the following steps to filter bot traffic using an Apache Pig UDF:

  1. First, write a Pig UDF that extends the Pig FilterFunc abstract class. This class will be used to filter records in the weblogs dataset by using the user agent string.
    public class IsUseragentBot extends FilterFunc {
        private Set<String> blacklist = null;
        private void loadBlacklist() throws IOException {
            blacklist = new HashSet<String>();
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new 
            String userAgent = null;
            while ((userAgent = in.readLine()) != null) {
        public Boolean exec(Tuple tuple) throws IOException {
            if (blacklist == null) {
            if (tuple == null || tuple.size() == 0) {
                return null;
            String ua = (String) tuple.get(0);
            if (blacklist.contains(ua)) {
                return true;
            return false;   
  2. Next, create a Pig script in your current working directory. At the beginning of the Pig script, give the MapReduce framework the path to useragent_blacklist.txt in HDFS:
    set mapred.cache.files '/user/hadoop/blacklist.txt#blacklist';
    set mapred.create.symlink 'yes';
  3. Register the JAR file containing the IsUseragentBot class with Pig, and write the Pig script to filter the weblogs by the user agent:
    register myudfjar.jar;
    all_weblogs = LOAD '/user/hadoop/apache_tsv.txt' AS (ip: chararray, timestamp:long, page:chararray, http_status:int, payload_size:int, useragent:chararray);
    nobots_weblogs = FILTER all_weblogs BY NOT com.packt.ch3.etl.pig.IsUseragentBot(useragent);
    STORE nobots_weblogs INTO '/user/hadoop/nobots_weblogs';

To run the Pig job, put myudfjar.jar into the same folder as the Pig script and execute it.

$ ls
$ myudfjar.jar filter_bot_traffic.pig
$ pig –f filter_bot_traffic.pig

How it works...

Apache Pig is extendable through the use of user-defined functions (UDF). One way to create a UDF is through the use of the Java abstract classes and interfaces that come with the Apache Pig distribution. In this recipe, we wanted to remove all records that contain known bot user agent strings. One way to do this is to create our own Pig filter.

The IsUseragentBot class extends the abstract class FilterFunc, which allows us to override the exec(Tuple t) method. A Pig Tuple is an ordered list of fields that can be any Pig primitive, or null. At runtime, Pig will feed the exec(Tuple t) method of the IsUseragentBot class with the user agent strings from our dataset. The UDF will extract the user agent string by accessing the first field in the Tuple, and it will return true if we find the user agent string is a bot, otherwise the UDF returns false.

In addition, the IsUseragentBot UDF reads a file called blacklist and loads the contents into a HashSet instance. The file named blacklist is a symbolic link to blacklist.txt, which has been distributed to the nodes in the cluster using the distributed cache mechanism. To place a file into the distributed cache, and to create the symbolic link, set the following MapReduce properties:

set mapred.cache.files '/user/hadoop/blacklist.txt#blacklist';
set mapred.create.symlink 'yes';

It is important to note that these properties are not Pig properties. These properties are used by the MapReduce framework, so you can use these properties to load a file to the distributed cache for any MapReduce job.

Next, we told Pig where to find the JAR file containing the IsUseragentBot UDF:

register myudfjar.jar;

Finally, we call the UDF using the Java class name. When the job runs, Pig will instantiate an instance of the IsUseragentBot class and feed the exec(Tuple t) method with records from the all_weblogs relation.

There's more...

Starting in Pig Version 0.9, Pig UDFs can access the distributed cache without setting the mapred.cache.files and mapred.create.symlink properties. Most abstract Pig classes that used to create UDFs now have a method named List<String> getCacheFiles() that can be overridden to load files from HDFS into the distributed cache. For example, the IsUseragentBot class can be modified to load the blacklist.txt file to the distributed cache by adding the following method:

public List<String> getCacheFiles() {
      List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
      return list;

See also

Apache Pig will be used with the following recipes in this chapter:

  • Using Apache Pig to sort web server log data by timestamp
  • Using Apache Pig to sessionize web server log data
  • Using Python to extend Apache Pig functionality
  • Using MapReduce and secondary sort to calculate page views
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