Enforcing cell-level security on scans using Accumulo

Accumulo offers the ability to apply cell visibility labels for each unique key/value in a table, which is arguably its most distinguishing feature from other BigTable implementations. This recipe will demonstrate one way to apply cell-level security. The code in this recipe will write several mutations that can only be scanned and read with the proper authorizations.

Getting ready

This recipe will be the easiest to test over a pseudo-distributed Hadoop cluster with Accumulo 1.4.1 and Zookeeper 3.3.3 installed. The shell script in this recipe assumes that Zookeeper is running on the host localhost and on the port 2181; you can change this to suit your environment needs. The Accumulo installation's bin folder needs to be on your environment path.

For this recipe you'll need to create an Accumulo instance named test with user as root and password as password.

You will need a table by the name acled to exist in the configured Accumulo instance. If you have an existing table by that name from an earlier recipe, delete, and recreate it.

It is also highly recommended that you go through the Using MapReduce to bulk import geographic event data into Accumulo recipe earlier in this chapter. This will give you some sample data to experiment with.

How to do it...

The following are the steps to read/write data to Accumulo using cell visibility controls:

  1. Open the Java IDE of your choice. You will need to configure the Accumulo core and Hadoop classpath dependencies.
  2. Create a build template that produces a JAR file named accumulo-examples.jar.
  3. Create the package example.accumulo and add the class SecurityScanMain.java with the following content:
    package examples.accumulo;
    import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.*;
    import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Key;
    import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Mutation;
    import org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Value;
    import org.apache.accumulo.core.security.Authorizations;
    import org.apache.accumulo.core.security.ColumnVisibility;
    import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class SecurityScanMain {
        public static final long MAX_MEMORY= 10000L;
        public static final long MAX_LATENCY=1000L;
        public static final int MAX_WRITE_THREADS = 4;
        public static final String TEST_TABLE = "acled";
        public static final Text COLUMN_FAMILY = new Text("cf");
        public static final Text THREAT_QUAL = new 
        public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {
            if(args.length < 4) {
                System.err.println("usage: <instance name>  <user> <password> <zookeepers>");
            String instanceName = args[0];
            String user = args[1];
            String pass = args[2];
            String zooQuorum = args[3];
  4. Create a Connectorinstance for our user or pass variable to the test Accumulo instance.
            ZooKeeperInstance ins = new 
                    ZooKeeperInstance(instanceName, zooQuorum);
            Connector connector = ins.getConnector(user, pass);
  5. Get the root user's current authorizations.
            Authorizations allowedAuths = 
            BatchWriter writer = 
    connector.createBatchWriter(TEST_TABLE, MAX_MEMORY, 
                                MAX_LATENCY, MAX_WRITE_THREADS);
  6. Write the test mutations.
            Mutation m1 = new Mutation(new Text("eventA"));
                    new ColumnVisibility("(p1|p2|p3)"),
                    new Value("moderate".getBytes()));
            Mutation m2 = new Mutation(new Text("eventB"));
                    new ColumnVisibility("(p4|p5)"),
                    new Value("severe".getBytes()));
  7. Create a scanner with our user's authorizations, and fetch any key-value pairs where the key contains the qualifier threat.
            Scanner scanner = connector.createScanner(TEST_TABLE, allowedAuths);
            scanner.fetchColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, THREAT_QUAL);
            boolean found = false;
            for(Map.Entry<Key, Value> item: scanner) {
                System.out.println("Scan found: " + item.getKey().getRow().toString() + " threat level: " + item.getValue().toString());
                found = true;
  8. If this condition matches, our user is not authorized to see any event threats.
                System.out.println("No threat levels are visible with your current user auths: " + allowedAuths.serialize());
  9. Save and build the JAR file accumulo-examples.jar.
  10. In the base working folder where accumulo-examples.jar is located, create a new shell script named run_security_auth_scan.sh with the following commands. Be sure to change ACCUMULO-LIB, HADOOP_LIB, and ZOOKEEPER_LIB to match your local paths.
    java -cp $ACCUMULO_LIB:$HADOOP_LIB:$ZOOKEEPER_LIB:accumulo-examples.jar examples.accumulo.SecurityScanMain
  11. Save and run the script.
  12. You should see the following output in the console:
    no threat levels are visible with your current user auths:
  13. Launch the Accumulo shell.
    accumulo shell –u root –p password
  14. Run the setauths command to see a list of options.
    $ root@test> setauths
  15. Run the following command:
    $ root@test> setauths –s p1
  16. Re-run the script run_security_auth_scan.sh.
  17. You should see the following output in the console:
    Scan found: eventA threat level: moderate
  18. Re-enter the Accumulo shell and run the following command:
    $ root@test> setauths -s p1,p4
  19. Re-run the script run_security_auth_scan.sh.
  20. You should see the following output in the console:
    Scan found: eventA threat level: moderate
    Scan found: eventB threat level: severe

How it works...

The class SecurityScanMain reads the required arguments to connect to Accumulo and instantiates a BatchWriter instance to write out test data to the acled table. We write two mutations to the table. The first is for rowID eventA and the column visibility expression (p1|p2|p3). The second is for rowID eventB and the column visibility (p4|p5). The column visibility expressions are very simple Boolean expressions. Before a scan can occur over an Accumulo table, the client must supply authorization tokens for the connected user. Accumulo will compare the given tokens against the column visibility label on each key to determine visibility for that user over the given key/value. The expression (p1|p2|p3) implies that a scanner reading the key must present an Authorizations object that supplies p1, p2, or p3. By default, the root user does not have any scanning authorization tokens. The call to the getUserAuthorizations(user) method on the connector currently returns no authorization tokens. To view eventA, we need to present p1, p2, or p3; none of which are currently listed for the root user. To view eventB, we need to present p4 or p5; which the root user also does not have. Once we go into the shell and add p1 for the root user, our scan will present the authorization p1 and find a successful Boolean match to eventA. Once we set the scan tokens for the root user to p1,p4, we can view both eventA and eventB.

There's more...

Cell visibility is a feature with more complexity than you might think. Here are some things to know about cell security in Accumulo:

Writing mutations for unauthorized scanning

Authorization tokens restrict what users can see during scans, but not what column visibility expressions they can write on mutations.

This is the default behavior and, for many systems, is undesirable. If you would like to enforce this policy in your Accumulo installation, you can add the Constraint class implementation org.apache.accumulo.core.security.VisibilityConstraint as a system-wide constraint. Once applied to the Accumulo installation, users will be barred from writing mutations containing column visibility labels they themselves are not authorized to read.

ColumnVisibility is part of the key

Different keys containing the exact same rowID, column-family, and qualifier may have different ColumnVisibility labels. If the most recent timestamped version of a key contains a ColumnVisibility key that is not viewable by the current scan, the user will see the next oldest version of that key for which a column visibility token matches, or none if they are not authorized to see any of the versions.

The normal scanning logic for key/value presentation has the scanner returning the most recent version of a given key. The cell visibility system adjusts that logic with one additional condition. The scanner will return the most recently timestamped version of a given key that matches the supplied authorization tokens.

Supporting more complex Boolean expressions

This recipe shows two very simple disjunction examples of the ColumnVisibilty Boolean expression. You can apply more complicated expressions, should your application require them. For example, (((A & B)|C) & D) would match for authorizations that supplied the label D and either label C or labels A and B.

See also

  • Using MapReduce to bulk import geographic event data into Accumulo
  • Setting a custom field constraint for inputing geographic event data in Accumulo
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