
This chapter included several useful techniques to manipulate the values of grayscale image pixels. At the same time, it provided a first, hopefully gentle, introduction to writing and running your own scripts and functions in MATLAB. More specifically, you have been taught:

  • How to change pixel values in a rectangular area using for loops, or indexing
  • How to write and execute a script that alters the brightness in specified rectangular areas of an image
  • How to threshold an image using for loops
  • How to threshold an image using indexing
  • How to threshold an image using im2bw
  • How to perform thresholding using an automatically derived threshold
  • How to calculate and display the histogram of a grayscale image
  • How to perform histogram equalization using histeq
  • How to perform contrast enhancement using imadjust
  • How to perform contrast enhancement using imcontrast
  • How to perform adaptive histogram equalization using adapthisteq
  • How to write functions that use all the methods described in this chapter on practical examples

The next chapter will introduce you to morphological operations and their importance in image processing. Some methods already presented will be combined with the morphological operations to enhance images, or segment useful areas. Once finishing it, you will be able to perform extremely useful tasks that are applied both in computational photography and in machine vision applications.

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