Chapter 2. Present Yourself with a Prezumé

Prezi is a great way to create an affective online curriculum vitae to present yourself. In this project, you will learn how you can do that and sell yourself in a more creative way.

The logic is this: résumé + Prezi = prezumé!

Mission briefing

You need a job. How do you present yourself? The same as everyone else, with a boring cover letter that is just a list of facts? Or, do you want to give it a personal touch? Do you want to show a bit more of you? Prezi gives you the opportunity to tell a story—your story.

In this project, we will create a prezumé from start to finish. Our first task is to define our goal, the job we're applying for, and the message we want to tell. Then, the second task will be to gather all the information we might need. Maybe you won't use all the information in our prezumé, but it's better to skip a few things than get short on information. After that, as the third step, we will need to create a clear structure and choose what we want to use in our prezumé. Our fourth task will be to get creative and start thinking of a nice drawing, picture, metaphor, or other creative concepts to use. Then, we have to create our prezumé in Prezi. Finally, we have to share your prezumé to let the world know you are available and looking for a job.

If you follow our guidelines, not only will your job application stand out, but also you will stand out.

Mission briefing

Why is it awesome?

The days of boring résumés are over. The standard format is gone and résumés have become more and more visual. On the Internet, there are new tools popping up and some people don't even need such a tool to create a interesting and creative résumé.

Prezi wasn't invented to create résumés but people started using Prezi that way and they called their résumé a prezumé. Prezi is great for storytelling and storytelling is great for your résumé. It's better to tell a story with some highlights than showing a list of all your skills and job experiences.

If you want to stand out in your job search and leave a lasting impression, create a prezumé. We'll show you how.

Your Hotshot objectives

The major tasks to complete this project are as follows:

  • What's your goal?
  • Gathering all the information
  • Structuring and choosing content
  • Getting creative!
  • Creating your prezumé from start to finish
  • Sharing your prezumé

Mission checklist

The only special requirements for this project are that you should be looking for a job, you are sick of boring résumés, and you are ready for something new.

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