Creating an overview

Overview is the key to a good prezi. This is especially true for educational prezis.

Prepare for lift off

We already started creating an overview in the previous task. In this task, we'll add frames to it and finish the complete structure of the overview. In the next task, we'll only have to fill it in.

We'll use Wikipedia as the source for our structure. We won't insert images or videos yet, just text.

Engage thrusters

Draw five circle frames around the five main topics. Maybe you have to move the frames a bit so that they don't overlap.

The frames don't have to be of the same size. If you think certain topics are more important, you can draw a larger frame around it. Don't draw a bigger frame because you think the information won't fit in the frame. You can always scale the content to make it fit. Change the sentences of the main topics into single words as much as you can.

For example, we can change What bees are? to just Bees and Evolution of the bee to just Evolution. Also, draw frames around the subtopics as shown in the following screenshot:

Engage thrusters

Go through the content, find topics and further subtopics, and put them in your prezi. Do not fill your prezi completely; remember that you are building the structure of your prezi now. Our prezi now looks like the following screenshot:

Engage thrusters

Objective complete – mini debriefing

In this task, we created the complete structure of our prezi. We worked from the main topics to the sub-ordinate topics. Since we have not used any images till now, we have been able to keep our focus on the structure and content. Now, let's fill our prezi.

Classified intel

Following this step-by-step procedure saves you from repeating it over and over again. While working on your structure, you can still easily move around the objects and make the objects larger and smaller and therefore more or less important, respectively.

When you finish your structure completely, before adding images, videos, and design elements, you are most flexible.

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