Chapter 3. I Want to Use Prezi for My Lessons

Prezi is a nice tool to create learning materials, such as lesson content, especially because you can give people both an overview and the details. You can also switch easily between topics if necessary. In this way, a hierarchy of information can easily be explained.

Mission briefing

In this project, we'll create a lesson in Prezi. We don't just start in Prezi, we first think about the lesson that should be learned and the goals that should be reached. Of course, we'll also create the content of the lesson. It's important to think both about the overview and the details. What are the main topics? How many topics do you need? What does the overview look like? How do you explain specific details? How can you switch between topics?

We not only think about the content, we also create the content in Prezi. After the lesson is over, maybe you would want to test your students or the students can test themselves. Maybe you'll give them an assignment to work on? You can put all this information in the prezi as well. So, every student has a complete overview of the lesson at all times.

We can even go a step further and share the prezi with our students so that they can add their content and remarks. Alternatively, the students can use the new collaboration tools to work together and create their own project in Prezi.

The lesson we'll create in this project is a lesson about bees. We use information found at and We can make this lesson as complicated and large as we want. However, for this project, we'll try to keep it simple, as shown in the following screenshot:

Mission briefing

Why is it awesome?

Prezi is great for education. Teachers can use Prezi to present lessons and they can share their prezis with other teachers. On the Explore page of, you can search through millions of prezis.

Students can use Prezi to present their projects, to brainstorm new projects, and also to mind map. Also, young children can use Prezi to create projects for school. It's amazing how fast young children learn and usually they start using Prezi right away. In our experience, they love it! They do not (yet) think in slides and zooming in and out: nonlinear thinking comes naturally to them.

Students can even work together in Prezi with the new collaboration tools. They don't need to sit together or work at the same time. They only need a Prezi account and they can work together in the same prezi.

It's amazing how enthusiastic students can become about Prezi!

Your Hotshot objectives

The major tasks to complete this project are:

  • Identifying learning content
  • Creating an overview
  • Creating the content
  • Determining the look and feel
  • Switching between topics

Mission checklist

There are no special requirements for this project.

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