Appendix A. iPhone OS class reference

After reading this book, your main resource for learning more about iPhone OS development should be the references at To help you find documents that might interest you, this appendix lists the major classes in the UIKit and Foundation hierarchies that you may want to know more about, excluding classes that only appear as a part of another class.

A.1. UIKit framework classes

The UIKit framework contains those classes most tightly connected to the devices, including all the graphical classes you use to make up pages. A partial listing appears as table A.1. It’s current as of iPhone OS 3.1.3 and will probably be mostly correct when you read this, but the UIKit does sometimes change between releases.

Table A.1. The most important user interface classes




UIActionSheet UIView A pop-up window that includes options; similar to a UIAlertView
UIActivityIndicatorView UIView An indeterminate progress display
UIAlertView UIView A pop-up window that includes options; similar to a UIActionSheet
UIApplication UIResponder The main source for application information and control
UIButton UIControl A push button
UIColor NSObject A color output class
UIControl UIView An abstract class that is parent to many user controls
UIDatePicker UIControl A wheeled date-selection device
UIDevice NSObject A class that holds info about the device itself
UIEvent NSObject A container for touches; part of the event model
UIFont NSObject A font output class
UIImage NSObject A nondisplaying image holder
UIImagePickerController UINavigationController A modal controller for image selection
UIImageView UIView An image display that holds one or more UIImage objects
UILabel UIView A small, non-editable text display
UINavigationController UIViewController A hierarchical controller; often linked with a UITableViewController to produce hierarchical menus
UIPageControl UIControl A toolbar for navigating among pages using dots
UIPickerView UIView A wheel-based selection mechanism
UIProgressView UIView A determinate progress display
UIResponder NSObject An abstract class that defines all classes that can receive and respond to events
UIScreen NSObject A class containing the device’s entire screen
UIScrollView UIView A parent class for views with multiple pages of content
UISearchBar UIView A text-input mechanism specialized for searches
UISegmentedControl UIControl A control for making one of several choices
UISlider UIControl A control for setting discrete values
UISwitch UIControl A control for selecting binary values
UITabBarController UIViewController A controller for moving among multiple screens
UITableViewController UIViewController A controller for displaying tables of content; often linked with a UINavigationController
UITextField UIControl A control for inputting short text
UITextView UIScrollView A display for text of any size
UITouch NSObject An individual touch on the device’s screen
UIView UIResponder The abstract class that lies at the core of most UIKit objects
UIViewController UIResponder A simple view controller
UIWebView UIView A Safari-like web browser
UIWindow UIView The root for the view hierarchy

A.2. Foundation framework classes

Foundation framework classes, whose names begin with NS, are almost as important as the UI classes because they represent foundational variable types, like strings and numbers. Table A.2 only lists the major classes that have some relevance to the sort of work you’ve done in this book; for more, look at Apple’s developer site under Core Services Frameworks.

Table A.2. A listing of the most important Foundation classes




NSArray NSObject An array
NSAutoreleasePool NSObject A memory-management class
NSBundle NSObject A pointer toward a project’s filesystem home
NSCharacterSet NSObject Methods for managing characters
NSCountedSet NSMutableSet An unordered collection of elements
NSData NSObject A wrapper for a byte buffer
NSDictionary NSObject An associative array
NSError NSObject Encapsulated error information
NSFileHandler NSObject A methodology for controlling files
NSFileManager NSObject A manager for filesystem work
NSIndexPath NSObject A node path
NSLog NSObject A very important object for debugging; logs a formatted string to the system log
NSMutableArray NSArray An array that can be changed
NSMutableCharacterSet NSCharacterSet A character set that can be changed
NSMutableData NSData Data that can be changed
NSMutableDictionary NSDictionary A dictionary that can be changed
NSMutableSet NSSet A set that can be changed
NSMutableString NSString A string that can be changed
NSMutableURLRequest NSURLRequest A URL request that can be changed
NSNotificationCenter NSObject A notification manager
NSNumber NSValue A way to encapsulate many types of numbers
NSObject N/A The root class for Cocoa Touch
NSString NSObject A class for various sorts of string storage and manipulation
NSURL NSObject A simple URL object
NSURLRequest NSObject A URL plus a cache policy
NSValue NSObject A simple container for data
NSXMLParser NSObject An XML parser

A.3. Other classes

The UI and NS classes should contain most of the objects you use when programming.

We’ve also covered several other frameworks throughout this book, including the Address Book framework (chapter 9), the Address Book UI framework (chapter 9), the Core Location framework (chapter 10), the Core Audio framework (chapter 12), the Media Player framework (chapter 12), the Core Graphics framework (chapters 13), the Quartz Core framework (chapter 13), the OpenGL ES framework (chapter 13), the CFNetwork framework (chapter 14), the Game Kit Framework (chapter 15), the APNS framework (chapter 16), the Map Kit framework (chapter 17), and the Store Kit framework (chapter 18). Finally, you may wish to pay some attention to the Core Foundation framework, which we’ve used (as infrequently as possible) throughout the last part of this book.

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