List of Listings

Chapter 1. Why Scala?

Listing 1.1. Creating the loop construct loopTill in Scala

Listing 1.2. Finding an uppercase character in a string using Java

Listing 1.3. Finding an uppercase character in a string using Scala

Listing 1.4. Defining a Programmer class in Java

Listing 1.5. Defining a Programmer class in Scala

Listing 1.6. Counting the number of lines in a file in Ruby

Listing 1.7. Counting the number of lines in a file in Scala

Listing 1.8. Universal access principles in Scala

Chapter 2. Getting started

Listing 2.1. breakable, break, and install functions

Listing 2.2. An ordinal class written in Java

Listing 2.3. An ordinal class in Scala

Listing 2.4. Ordinal2.scala reimplemented

Listing 2.5. Java servlet as a RESTful service

Listing 2.6. Parsing headers and parameters passed to the program

Listing 2.7. Preparing a GET request and invoking the REST service

Listing 2.8. Preparing a POST request and invoking the REST service

Listing 2.9. RestClient.scala

Chapter 3. OOP in Scala

Listing 3.1. Declaring packages using the scoping approach

Listing 3.2. Completed MongoClient

Listing 3.3. Completed MongoClient.scala

Listing 3.4. DB.scala

Listing 3.5. ReadOnly collection trait

Listing 3.6. Administrable and Updatable traits

Listing 3.7. Completed DB.scala

Listing 3.8. DBCollection.scala

Listing 3.9. Test client for driver QuickTour.scala

Listing 3.10. ReadOnly trait

Listing 3.11. TestFindByQuery.scala

Chapter 4. Having fun with functional data structures

Listing 4.1. Version 1 of Maybe.scala

Listing 4.2. Complete Maybe.scala

Chapter 5. Functional programming

Listing 5.1. A pure implementation of an HTTP server

Listing 5.2. Kestrel combinator

Listing 5.3. Tail recursive function with @tailrec annotation

Listing 5.4. Sequencing methods by passing back the state

Listing 5.5. StateMonad in Scala

Listing 5.6. Sequencing methods using StateMonad

Listing 5.7. Calculating price and logging each step

Chapter 6. Building web applications in functional style

Listing 6.1. build.sbt with Scalaz dependencies

Listing 6.2. Configuring web.xml for weKanban

Listing 6.3. WeKanban application so far

Chapter 7. Connecting to a database

Listing 7.1. Complete weKanban build.sbt project definition

Listing 7.2. build.scala file to define a custom task

Listing 7.3. KanbanSchema with init method for database connection

Listing 7.4. Story class with validate and save methods

Listing 7.5. Complete KanbanSchema object

Listing 7.6. CreateStory view object

Listing 7.7. WeKanbanApplication with the handle method for creating a story

Listing 7.8. Complete save story in WeKanbanApplication

Listing 7.9. Implementing drag-and-drop for the weKanban board in the main.js file

Listing 7.10. Kanban board view

Listing 7.11. Complete Story model implementation

Listing 7.12. Completed WeKanbanApplication class

Chapter 8. Building scalable and extensible components

Listing 8.1. Calculator trait with abstract type member

Listing 8.2. Product finder with self type annotation

Listing 8.3. Generic ordering system with abstract type members and self type

Listing 8.4. Solution to the expression problem using PayrollSystem

Listing 8.5. Ordering system with phantom types

Listing 8.6. Type class to convert a type to XML

Listing 8.7. Payroll system implemented with type class

Chapter 9. Concurrency programming in Scala

Listing 9.1. GreetingsActor

Listing 9.2. WordCount implementation using actors

Listing 9.3. Main program to start counting process

Listing 9.4. Word count example using Future

Chapter 10. Building confidence with testing

Listing 10.1. String specification for ScalaCheck

Listing 10.2. Complete EitherSpecification

Listing 10.3. Basic CalculatePriceService

Listing 10.4. JUnit test case for calculating price service (cake pattern)

Listing 10.5. Bean version of CalculatePriceService

Listing 10.6. Spring application context file

Listing 10.7. Complete unit testing using Spring dependency injection

Listing 10.8. Specification for CalculatePriceService

Chapter 11. Interoperability between Scala and Java

Listing 11.1. Artist Hibernate domain object

Listing 11.2. ArtistDb.scala database access with Hibernate

Listing 11.3. Completed ArtistsController.scala

Listing 11.4. artists.jsp to render all the artists

Listing 11.5. Configuring the model and Hibernate using Spring

Listing 11.6. Configuring the controller and web using Spring

Listing 11.7. web.xml of the topArtists web application

Chapter 12. Scalable and distributed applications using Akka

Listing 12.1. WordCountWorker Akka actor in Java

Listing 12.2. MainActor running on a main actor system

Listing 12.3. Complete dataflow concurrency example

Listing 12.4. H2 start and stop actions

Listing 12.5. Akkaoogle build.scala file

Listing 12.6. Akkaoogle schema

Listing 12.7. Complete models package of Akkaoogle

Listing 12.8. List of message types supported by Akkaoogle (messages.scala)

Listing 12.9. Actor that calculates lowest price for internal products

Listing 12.10. The external vendor proxy actor

Listing 12.11. External vendor lowest price calculator

Listing 12.12. Cheapest deal finder actor

Listing 12.13. Akkaoogle actor server

Listing 12.14. Complete monitor actor

Listing 12.15. Akkaoogle SBT project with Play2-mini

Listing 12.16. Akkaoogle Play2-mini Application

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