Emin Taner Elmas

7Prospective characteristics of contemporary engineers (using the approach of mechanical engineering)

Contribution and role of the mechanical engineer to organization management and productivity

Abstract: If it becomes possible to train and raise the awareness of engineers, and if they are qualified and well educated in accordance with the statements mentioned in this chapter, it can be possible to achieve technical innovations and advances in many areas. In addition, it may be possible to make progress in the efficiency and productivity of industrial companies and factories. This contribution discusses the productivity and for organizational management will be concluded by a successful case study in industrial development arising from scientific studies and, finally, followed up by economic growth. Therefore, thanks to these studies, the welfare level of a given society can increase.

Those working in engineering mainly operate and manage domestic and global natural resources by considering national or international interests and contribute to increase the productivity of industrial applications.

All engineers, regardless of their specific profession or branch, must be conscious of society and the environment while carrying out their engineering tasks and behave responsibly.

This chapter consists of lecture notes that I have used in recent years in my “Introduction to Mechanical Engineering” course while I was a lecturer at the university. This chapter explains scientifically the kind of fundamental characteristics and educational background level an engineer should have with respect to business, industrial, and academic life.

I have tried to describe the science of mechanical engineering and its research interests and scope of business as well as the duties engineers undertake during their professional life. I have explained the procedure to follow to be a well-educated, skilled engineer and to have a solid engineering career. I also provide some important factors for engineers to be successful in their business life based on the knowledge and experience I have accumulated over the course of my academic and industrial professional life. I have tried to emphasize the prospective fundamental characteristics of a newly minted engineer in today’s world. While presenting that information, I also consider the main objectives and requirements of learning outcomes for accreditation boards for engineering education.

In spite of the fact that this chapter was written with mechanical engineering in mind, the content and descriptions are comprehensive and valid for most other engineering branches. I believe that this chapter will be very helpful for all students of engineering in universities and for graduate engineers working in all industrial or academic fields. It will also enlighten and point the way for high school students who intend to enter engineering faculties and to become engineers.

This chapter was prepared and written in presentation format, so it is easy to read and follow. I hope all readers will find it useful.

7.1The objective of mechanical engineering

Engineering is an occupation whose goal is to develop methods for the economic use of resources, potentials, and materials in nature, for the benefit and welfare of human beings. This is accomplished by a reasoning process of experience and practical knowledge gained from the fundamental sciences and mathematics.

The main objective of engineering is to develop existing technology and bring into existence new systems for human use by introducing the design and production of innovative technical applications in consideration of scientific knowledge.

The most important infrastructure in terms of producing unique technology is fundamental scientific research and qualified manpower and brain power.

The capabilities and contributions of engineers are so important that those capacities affect directly the assessment by educated people of the potential of a society or country and even the entire world.

During the engineering execution period, engineers generally think, search, plan, design, and conceive projects and implement, produce, and manage the related industrial and business activities. The research capabilities of engineers are as important as their scientific knowledge and field experience.

In addition to producing unique technology, engineers should carry out tasks related to technology transfer, adaptation, matching, customization, implementation, and usage.

The place of mechanical engineering in society and its importance can only be described by introducing and presenting in detail the jobs involved in the field. A strong relationship exists between a country’s reconstruction and industrialization, and this relationship cannot be ignored. Industrial progress is one of the cornerstones of community development. Mechanical engineering is one of the most important driving forces for in periods of industrialization and development for a country and for the world.

Mechanical engineering as an occupation establishes a fundamental bridge for each applicable area of contemporary science and technology, and engineers perform the following duties.

People working in mechanical engineering mainly use and manage domestic and global natural resources by considering the national or international interests; they also contribute to increasing the productivity of industry. They generally carry out technical studies and scientific research to facilitate the industrial development of their own country in parallel to national requirements. Other related activities include engineering services, for example, searching activities, inspections, audits, preparing and implementing projects, and writing reports.

All of these activities make it possible to offer services in accordance with the related technical regulations, norms, and standards and allow for their supervision, surveillance, checking, approval, and review. Expertise and review studies help to resolve technical and financial issues that arise from various industrial applications.

7.2Work scope and duties of mechanical engineers

Mechanical engineers are engaged in a very broad range of activities in a variety of fields, which are described in detail in what follows. After graduation, newly minted engineers can be employed in many different industrial and academic areas. As can be clearly understood from the following list, mechanical engineers work in almost all brances of industry, so they hold great importance, playing a vital role and making key contributions to organizational management and productivity. Most industrial companies, technology institutions, governmental bodies, universities, production plants, and factories employ mechanical engineers for various kinds of duties as follows:

Design, manufacturing, installation, and commissioning of hot water boilers, superheated water boilers, saturated and superheated steam boilers, waste heat recovery boilers, and power boilers

Plant engineering and sanitary engineering

Power piping

Automotive industry

Aerospace and aviation industries

Aeronautic applications

Pressure vessel design, manufacture, and assembly

Storage tank design, manufacture, and on-site assembly


Defense industry

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)

Manufacture of spare parts for various industries

Metal machining works

Manufacturing by welding seams

Sheet metal forming and pressing

Casting works and metallurgical applications


Medical technology and applications

Production of medical devices and related machines and equipment

Renewable energy sources and applications (e.g., solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydraulic)


Research in research and development (R&D) companies and associations

Electrical energy production and distribution systems

Thermal power plants


Nuclear power plants

Application of environmental technologies

Solid waste treatment plants

Domestic waste water treatment plants

Chemical waste water treatment plants

Pure water treatment plants for preparing feed water

Recovery techniques


Iron and steel industry


Manufacture of general-purpose machines

Domestic appliances

Manufacture of lifting machines

Machines for transport technology


Internal combustion engines

Robotic applications

Cement, ceramic, and glass industries

Civil constructional commitment works

Food and beverage industry

Pulp and paper industry


Agricultural machinery

Chemical industry

Evaporation, distillation, desalination, and extraction plants

Coating and plating industry

Petrochemical technology


Rocket and jet-propulsion systems


Work in foreign countries (assuming the requisite experience and knowledge of local language)

These fields of work may be different for mechanical engineers depending on the production techniques used.


Mass production
(flow-shop manufacturing)

Job-order production
(manufacturing on the order base – the most common applications are contracting jobs)
Such jobs can only be related to manufacturing orders or complete contracting orders, including the technical and commercial activities consisting of the design, manufacturing, installation, and commissioning stages.

Mechanical engineers generally work in the following departments depending on the specific features of field:

Thermal design

Mechanical design

Construction design

Projects and drawings


Manufacturing and production

Assembly, construction, and installation

Field and work site applications

Factory/workshop applications

Continuous operation of industrial plants

Sales and marketing

Quotation/bidding on price, delivery time, and conditions for payment and delivery, preparing and working out costs

Claims, remuneration, and payment schedule

Maintenance and repair activities

Project management

Production planning


Product development

Quality control

Quality assurance

Unit testing

Management and organization


Business development

Supplier management

Warehouse management


Supply-chain management

Computer and software applications

Technical education

Occupational health and safety

Mechanical engineers commonly hold the following job titles in the aforementioned areas, depending on the characteristics of the given area and enterprise structure:

Engineer (i.e., Project Engineer)

Junior Engineer

Senior Engineer

Chief Engineer

Supervisor (i.e., Manufacturing Supervisor)

Department Chief

Project Manager

Sales Manager

Manufacturing / Production Manager

Design Manager

Testing Manager

Quality Manager

Contracting Manager

Assistant Manager or Deputy Department Manager

Department Manager


Deputy General Manager

General Manager

Managing Director



Lead Auditor

Member of Board of Directors

Executive Member of Board of Directors

Chairman of Executive Board

Executive Committee Member

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Research Assistant (in research associations, institutes, and academia)

Teaching Assistant

Research Associate

Researcher or Research Participant

Academician (University Lecturer, Instructor, Reader, Faculty Member, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Adjunct Professor, Professor)

Member of editorial board of scientific journals

Editor of scientific journal or publication

Peer Reviewer, Reviewer


Project Referee


7.3How to be a well-educated engineer and to have a solid engineering career

An engineer should have the following qualifications in ensure support and a solid career.

University degree

Graduate with a bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.) with a high grade point average (3.00–4.00 or a minimum of 75/100). This level is widely recognized internationally as a mark of excellence in one’s studies.

Foreign language

Good knowledge of a foreign language, in particular, an advanced level of knowledge of English. Technical English at a very advanced level is a must in addition to an ability to write academic reports. Knowledge of business English is also very important.

Computer knowledge

Especially current technical in one’s field of interest as an engineer

Microsoft Office: Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other programs.

Advance Internet search capabilities using relevant technical and scientific keywords

Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM)

Finite-element methods using ANSYS and similar software, finite-difference methods, finite-volume methods by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis using FLUENT and similar software

COMSOL, ASPEN, and similar software packages, CAESAR, PV ELITE, COMPRESS, AUTO PIPE, GT PRO, and others

Design software such as AUTOCAD, SOLIDWORKS, AutoPLANT, CATIA, and related software

Education following graduation

Graduate school

Engineers holding just a bachelor of science (B.Sc.) degree should look to advance their theoretical scientific knowledge in some sort of graduate programs in the branch of science most closely related to their major department. One can purse a Master of science (M.Sc.) or a doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degree; alternatively, an engineer might wish to pursue a master’s in business administration (MBA).

In addition to graduate education, engineers should also consider a certification program for personal and professional development. In addition, intensive supplementary occupational training courses and job training programs must also be taken to remain current in one’s professional knowledge and business capabilities.

7.4Important factors for success in engineering

Engineers should have the following individual personality traits to be successful in their careers:

Be able to take on responsibilities

Be able to take initiative

Be open to self-improvement

Be able to make quick and correct decisions


Be practical (be able to offer practical solutions to problems)


Be open to dialogue and have good communication skills

Be enterprising and like being challenged

Have general cultural knowledge at a high level for both social and technical areas

Apply oneself in one’s studies and on the job

Be respectful of experienced colleagues

Remain current on innovations and technical developments

Behave rationally and with awareness


Be results-oriented

Be an excellent observer

To be a good engineer, students in engineering programs must understand that all lectures and classes are of equal importance. There are important and serious reasons for every class lecture. For this reason, all lessons must be learned at the highest level and classes must be attended regularly.

7.5Prospective characteristics of a newly minted engineer

The following 14 items are fully compatible with the general requirements of accreditation boards for engineering education.

Characteristic 1

To be able to establish connections between mathematics, fundamental sciences, engineering sciences, and engineering applications:

An engineer should have the following capabilities to solve problems that may arise over the course of engineering applications:

To know the fundamental scientific concepts, laws, notions, terms, and basic principles;

To be able to specify the technical parameters that identify the operating system and to be able to formulate mathematical models;

To be able to make engineering assumptions and employ related approaches that are required for simplification of the theoretical models.

Characteristic 2

To be able to approach engineering problems and requirements systematically through the use of scientific principles and to apply those principles to arrive at a solution:

To be able to define an issue that requires engineering services, with the help of the engineering context and technical parameters;

To be able to determine the input–output parameters of problems by identifying the cause-and-effect relationship;

To be able to break down an engineering problem into subproblems that can be simplified and solved independently one by one, then to be able to combine the results to obtain one solution;

To produce practically applicable solutions.

Characteristic 3

To have the ability to attain the required technical knowledge and identify its source and to be able to comment on them:

An engineer should have the following qualifications, which relate to the examination and analysis of previous studies and experiments, in order to have advanced knowledge on subjects, which are carried out to find solutions to engineering problems:

To be able to identify keywords regarding a particular area of interest;

To have the ability to access the required technical and scientific reference works;

To have the ability to identify useful data as determined from sources;

To gain the ability to edit data and knowledge obtained from reference works (identifying, classifying, rearranging, and reporting on them).

Characteristic 4

To be able to carry out engineering design:

To be able to determine the constituents of the design period and to be aware of the design systematic;

To be able to carry out conceptual/predesign studies;

To be able to specify the criteria and parameters of a design problem as well as to designate, assign, and make use of them;

To gain experience doing detailed design calculations;

To gain an interdisciplinary perspective, point of view, and logic;

To be able to use methods that can access optimum solutions in design works;

To be able to consider the national, international, and local technical norms and standards affecting design activities;

To be able to explain an applied design work by stating its strengths and weaknesses;

To be able to determine design items, for example, performance, capacity, working life, durability, system reliability, capital cost, operating cost, feasibility, productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, consumption, and payback period;

To have enough knowledge of numerical solution methods in engineering.

Characteristic 5

To be able to follow the publications, literature, and technology related to one’s areas of interest and associated subjects:

To be aware of the relevant scientific and technological publications, chapters, books, articles, papers, presentations, and journals and to know how to track them down;

To be informed about the scientific and occupational meetings related to the different sections of mechanical engineering or other related engineering branches;

To be informed about specialized occupational exhibitions related to the different sections of mechanical engineering and other engineering branches;

To be informed about national and international technical norms and standards relevant to production and control activities.

Characteristic 6

To be a lifelong learner:

When developments in engineering, science, and technology are considered, during one’s career:

To be motivated to update one’s professional qualifications;

To challenge and examine continuously the knowledge acquired during the university graduation;

To be current on the latest developments and innovations in technical applications, as well as to reevaluate and update one’s knowledge.

Characteristic 7

To have effective written and verbal communication skills:

To be able to prepare documents, certificates, reports, and presentations related to the engineering services carried out by oneself;

To be able to communicate in writing and orally while carrying out one’s engineering tasks;

To have advanced knowledge of the technical terms and technological vocabulary in one’s field, both in one’s native language and in English, which are integral and inseparable parts of mechanical engineering.

Characteristic 8

To be able to find unique solutions to specific problems:

An engineer should be able to find creative solutions using various kinds of engineering systems, technological applications, and components;

When required, an engineer should be able to find extraordinary solutions and state the strengths and weaknesses of those solutions;

An engineer should be able to produce an array of solution options and define their strengths and weaknesses.

Characteristic 9

To be aware of the social, environmental, and economic effects while performing occupational tasks:

To be aware of the regulations regarding occupational health and safety, environmental influences, and economic parameters governing engineering activities;

To be sensitive to and conscious of society, the environment, and nature while carrying out engineering tasks, as well as to behave responsibly toward those subjects;

To protect and contribute to one’s occupation and occupational organization, such as engineering associations, in order to advance the field and to enhance the reputation of engineering as a profession.

Characteristic 10

To be open to new ideas:

Engineers should possess the kind of scientific education that will allow them to follow and implement the latest technological developments in the area of mechanical engineering;

To be open to the latest technological methodologies and opinions, and to be willing to adopt them;

To be able to use the latest methods, instruments, and techniques in engineering;

To have a broad general knowledge of production methods.

Characteristic 11

To be able to work within a team setting (disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary teamwork abilities):

An engineer should have the following abilities to carry out one’s duties as required by engineering practices:

To be able to provide constructive support for one’s team;

To be able to assign disciplinary and interdisciplinary tasks, to perform them seriously, and to fulfill one’s responsibilities in a timely manner;

To be able to share one’s knowledge with team members, to consider other solution suggestions, to remain open to others’ ideas, and to be able to discuss subjects on the basis of engineering so as to carry out a project in collaboration with one’s team members;

To to arrive at a collaborative solution considering other aspects of a project or by taking into account other scientific and technical disciplines;

To have a solid understanding of the fundamental principles of project management, including preparation, planning, timing, adopting, execution, finalization, and feedback.

Characteristic 12

To have a strong level of comprehension of engineering ethics:

To be aware of the existence of engineering ethics, to know about basic ethics, and to live up to basic ethical standards;

To possess general ethical values;

To respect the occupational hierarchy;

To respect the superintendent.

Characteristic 13

To have the ability to carry tests and experiments:

To be able to conduct the experimental practices of mechanical engineering and to be able to carry out the required engineering applications in accordance with those practices;

To know the appropriate conceptions of accuracy, reliability, and calibration of measurement methods and devices, in addition to the conceptual fields of inaccuracy, tolerance, sensibility, and precision with respect to given measured dimensions and technical and physical parameters;

To be able to design the experiments and testing apparatus properly;

To possess the requisite knowledge of measurement and tracking techniques;

To be able to comment on experimental results in light of fundamental scientific principles, theories, and laws and to translate them into practical applications.

Characteristic 14

To possess the requisite qualifications for being a pioneer and leader for the professional career opportunities and occupational subjects:

To be able to motivate team members so as to provide services and use resources most efficiently in mechanical engineering issues;

To be able to take the initiative on the strength of one’s engineering knowledge and experience; an engineer should be able to make decisions in situations where crucial information is uncertain, unclear, indefinite, vague, lacking, imperfect, weak, inadequate, unsatisfactory, or inconclusive;

To be able to produce novel and reasonable solutions and to be able to present them to others;

To be able to work creatively and productively in the context of working conditions with a variety of people.

The preceding 14 items describe the traits of a modern, well-educated engineer with a solid career. Those items can be summarized as follows:

  1. To be able to establish connections between mathematics, fundamental sciences, engineering sciences, and engineering applications;
  2. To be able to approach engineering problems and requirements using scientific principles and arrive at a solution;
  3. To be able to access required technical knowledge and its source and be able to comment on them;
  4. To be able to realize engineering design;
  5. To be able to follow the publications, literature, and technology related to one’s areas of interest;
  6. To be a lifelong learner;
  7. To be able to communicate effectively in writing and orally;
  8. To be able to find unique solutions to specific problems;
  9. To be aware of social, environmental, and economic effects of one’s job;
  10. To be open to new ideas;
  11. To be able to work within a team setting (disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary teamwork abilities);
  12. To have a deep level of comprehension of engineering ethics;
  13. To be able to conduct tests and experiments;
  14. To be a pioneer and leader with respect to career opportunities and occupational areas of interest.

7.6Contribution and role of mechanical engineers to organization management and productivity

Engineers who are trainable and educated in accordance with the statements given in this chapter will be successful, and their acitivites will lead to industrial development and economic growth. In turn, the welfare level of the society in which such engineers work will rise.

It is also possible to achieve technical innovations and advances in many areas. In addition, it may be possible to make gains in efficiency and in the productivity of industrial companies and factories.

If companies, corporations, institutions, and universities are organized in line with the concepts outlined in this chapter, they can attain an institutional structure. Mechanical and other engineers in the various engineering professions and branches will have an important and serious role to play in the technical and administrative management of companies, corporations, factories, institutes, and universities. Engineers will make significant contributions to organizational management and, therefore, to productivity through the application of their skills and knowledge gained through professional experience since mechanical engineering provides them with an analytical view and exceptional problem-solving skills.

In addition to the aforementioned issues, mechanical engineers can work in almost all departments in an organization. In addition, they can work at each level of an organization and advance in their careers. These characteristics of the engineering profession allow for other contributions to organizational productivity.

All organizations need engineers from varied backgrounds with miscellaneous skills. Some types of engineers have deep, theoretical, scientific knowledge in many technical subjects in general, so they can be pioneers and leaders in many occupational fields and manage organizational structures. The second type of engineer focuses on a few subjects in detail, so they are occupational experts in their fields of interest. The remaining type, the third type, of engineer has direct practical experience in some application areas, such as in factory workshops and on job sites. All the different types of engineers have important contributions to make to the productivity of organizations.

I would like to explain one particular provision by giving an unusual and impressive example to highlight the importance of engineers for all kinds of industrial, occupational, investigational, institutional, and academic areas, including medical applications, as described subsequently in Section 7.6.1.

7.6.1A specific example of a medical technique in engineering and science

By giving a specific example in this section, it is possible to explain impressively and clearly the contribution and role of mechanical engineers, as well as engineers in other related engineering branches, to organizational management and productivity by emphasizing the level of their participation, even for a different and important science like medicine, and therefore for the importance of health of human beings and also for the sustainability of life. Moreover, there is a strong connection between these medical technique applications and the development of society and economic welfare.

As an applied branch of engineering and science, medical technology has a broad range of uses. Medical devices, machines, equipment, and apparatus are widely used in medical diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, medical technology can be seen as an inseparable part of medical science.

All over the world and also at the various space locations of the universe, changing from the robotic surgery to the space medicine, there are many fields of application of medical technology. This is an interdisciplinary technology and science, bringing together researchers, academics, engineers, and scientists from different fields of expertise, i.e., mainly mechanical engineering, electrical-electronics engineering, computer engineering, chemical engineering, engineering physics, astronomy, fundamental physics, fundamental chemistry, biology, mathematics, pharmacy, dentistry, and medicine itself.

This particular study (Medical Technique in Engineering and Sciencementioned in this section was written to explain the importance of engineering and the fundamental science branches for the implementation of medical science using of medical technology. Many related topics can be introduced and itemized by separating them into main groups and their detailed contents in order to make clear the required subjects so that engineers and scientists can focus on their fields of interest in relation to the corresponding medical technology.

Hence, this section of the study is aimed at creating an awareness of medical technology and, moreover, to encourage engineers and scientists to study those subjects. The paper also makes clear that engineering technology is of great importance in medical science and greatly affects human health.

By proposing various kinds of research in medical technology, researchers, academics, engineers, and scientists can establish connections between the subjects of medical technology and their expertise, so they can study various areas. Once they study medical technology, many engineers and scientists will start to invent or develop medical devices, machines, equipment, and apparatus that can provide medical diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, these kinds of studies that require a multidisciplinary approach can also ensure the local production of medical devices, machines, equipment, and apparatus in each country and contribute to the development of engineering and science in connection with economic growth by increasing total productivity.

In conclusion, and as can be clearly understood from the preceding example, it is possible to assert that engineers in various professions will make significant contributions to the management and productivity of many different kinds of organizations.


[1]Elmas ET (2014). Çağımızın Mühendisinden Beklenenler. Gece Kitaplığı.

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