
I would like to acknowledge those who have helped to make this book a reality. Special thanks go to my students of the international study courses “Leisure and Tourism Management” and “Baltic Management Studies” at the University of Applied Sciences in Stralsund and to my students at the Université de Haute-Alsace in Mulhouse/Colmar, who have given me many ideas by taking a deeper look into their assignments. Some of the results of their surveys are to be found in this book.

I would like to give special recognition to my former English teacher at the Bayernkolleg Schweinfurt, Gerald Jansche, and former lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Schweinfurt/Würzburg for his initial support in reading some parts of the book.

Also, I owe a special debt for the encouragement from the De Gruyter Oldenbourg Publishing Company and to Dr. Stefan Giesen for the fruitful co-operation.

Finally, I am more than grateful to Elisabeth Guth, my former student and now a Bachelor graduate from my university. I appreciate her stimulation, advice, and support over all stages of this project.


Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rothlauf

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