Nomenclature and Abbreviations


Vdc DC link voltage
M Modulation index
f Frequency
fs Switching frequency
f1 Fundamental frequency
Vref Reference Voltage
n Level inverter
SL Lower switch
SU Upper switch
C1, C2, C3 Capacitors
Vao, Vbo, Vco Pole voltages
Vab, Vbc, Vca Line-to-line voltages
Va, Vb, Vc Line voltages
Van, Vbn, Vcn Phase voltages
Vno Common mode voltage
Iga, Igb, Igc Gate currents
Ia, Ib, Ic Stator currents of induction motor
Id, Iq d- and q-axis stator currents
Irms RMS current
ω Angular speed
ωm Rotor speed of induction motor
ma Amplitude modulation ratio
mf Frequency modulation ratio
dv/dt Change in voltage
Ta, Tb, Tc Switching times
Ts Sampling time
P, O, N Switching states of three-level inverter
A00, A01, A02 Vertices of two-level space vector diagram
00, β00), (α01, β01), (α 02, β02) Co-ordinates of the vertices
(a0 b0 c0), (a1 b1 c1), (a2 b2 c2) Switching states of two-level inverter
R1, R2, R3 Triangular regions of three-level inverter
AooP Reference space vector
m1, m2 Duty cycles of reference voltage vector
V1 Fundamental voltage
Vcarrier Carrier voltage
(α, β) Direct and quadrature axis
Vd Reference voltage vector d-axis component
Vq Reference voltage vector q-axis component
V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6 Voltage vectors
T0 T1, T2 Switching times
α Reference angle
TL Load torque
d1, d2, d3 Duty cycles of nearest voltage vectors
θ Angle of reference vector with zero axis
V* Reference voltage vector
V′0, V′1, V′2 Voltage vectors of two-level inverter
V1,N, V2,N, V3,N Voltage vectors of N-level inverter
t′0, t′1, t′2 Switching times of two-level inverter
t1,N, t2,N, t3,N Switching times of N-level inverter
T Sampling time
A2, A3, A4 Regions of three-level inverter
X, Y Classification of voltage vectors
λ1, λ2, λ0 Three dimension array
N Level of inverter
Ta1, Ta2, Ta3 Switching devices
S Hexagon number
V7* Reference vector of seven-level inverter
Vd7* d-axis component of seven-level voltage vector
Vq7* q-axis component of seven-level voltage vector
V4* Reference vector of four-level inverter
Vd4* d-axis component of four-level voltage vector
Vq4* q-axis component of four-level voltage vector
V3* Reference vector of seven-level inverter
Vd3* d-axis component of three-level voltage vector
Vq3* q-axis component of three-level voltage vector
V2* Reference voltage vector of two-level inverter


ac Alternating current
dc Direct current
PWM Pulse width modulation
SPWM Sinusoidal pulse width modulation
SVPWM Space vector pulse width modulation
VSI Voltage source inverter
NPC Neutral point-clamped
DCMLI Diode-clamped multilevel inverter
NPCMLI Neutral point-clamped multilevel inverter
FCMLI Flying capacitor multilevel inverter
CCMLI Cascaded cell multilevel inverter
IGBT Insulated gate bipolar transistor
ANN Artificial neural network
FFT Fast Fourier transformation
THD Total harmonic distortion
ZVV Zero-voltage vectors
LSVV Lower small-voltage vectors
USVV Upper small-voltage vectors
SVV Small-voltage vectors
MVV Middle-voltage vectors
LVV Large-voltage vectors
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