The ESP8266 PIR security code

For the ESP8266 and PIR module to work with the defined Blynk application, it includes the Blynk header, the Simple timer, and defines the BLYNK_PRINT as serial for debugging purposes.  You need to run the following code:

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial     
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> 
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h> 
#include <SimpleTimer.h> 

Go to the Mobile application and then to Project Settings and email yourself the app_token:

char app_token[] = "TOKEN_FROM_EMAIL"; 
SimpleTimer timer; 
char ssid[] = "YOUR_WIFI_NETWORK"; 
char pass[] = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; 
int state; 
int counter=0; 
int flag=1; 
WidgetLED led1(V1); 
WidgetLED pirLED(V2); 

This is the timer function that will be called every second to check the status of the PIR pin. All the logic for the ESP8266 application is in this function:

void timer_ev() 
  counter = counter+1; 
    flag = 1; 
  int pirStatus = digitalRead(D7); 
  if (pirStatus)  
    if (flag == 1) 
        Serial.println(F("Sensor detected motion!")); "[email protected]","Subject: Security alert!", "Movement detected!"); 
        Blynk.notify("Security alert! Someone is in the house!"); 
        digitalWrite(D4, LOW); 

Set up the Blynk with the mobile application token, and start the Wi-Fi connection with the ssid and pass for the router. You can modify the Wi-Fi setup using the WiFiManager so as not to hardcode the values in the code. Also, you can add the MQTT  PubSubClient library and send Mosquitto a JSON message on a specific topic so that other devices are subscribed to receive the message. For example, you build a siren that will subscribe to the alarm topic, where the module will publish the alarm event. By receiving the alarm message the siren can start its horn. If a light system is subscribing to the alarm topic on receiving the alarm message it can start all the lights in the house:

void setup() 
  Blynk.begin(app_token, ssid, pass); 
  pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); 
  timer.setInterval(1000L, timer_ev); 
  state = param.asInt(); 
  if (state == 1){ 
    digitalWrite(D4, LOW); 
  else { 
    digitalWrite(D4, HIGH);; 

In the loop function, just run the timer and Blynk:

void loop() 

Now move yourself in front of the sensor and you will start receiving messages from the Blynk application on your mobile. Also check the Serial Monitor for messages:

And the message received on the phone will be:

Please notice that the interval for sending messages on Blynk is 15 seconds and also that the maximum number of emails for Gmail is 500 per day.

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