Introducing Elasticsearch

Although we've said that we expect the reader to be familiar with Elasticsearch, we would really like you to fully understand Elasticsearch; therefore, we've decided to include a short introduction to the concepts of this great search engine.

As you probably know, Elasticsearch is production-ready software to build search and analysis-oriented applications. It was originally started by Shay Banon and published in February 2010. Since then, it has rapidly gained popularity just within a few years and has become an important alternative to other open source and commercial solutions. It is one of the most downloaded open source projects.

Basic concepts

There are a few concepts that come with Elasticsearch and their understanding is crucial to fully understand how Elasticsearch works and operates.


Elasticsearch stores its data in one or more indices. Using analogies from the SQL world, index is something similar to a database. It is used to store the documents and read them from it. As already mentioned, under the hood, Elasticsearch uses Apache Lucene library to write and read the data from the index. What you should remember is that a single Elasticsearch index may be built of more than a single Apache Lucene index—by using shards.


Document is the main entity in the Elasticsearch world (and also in the Lucene world). At the end, all use cases of using Elasticsearch can be brought at a point where it is all about searching for documents and analyzing them. Document consists of fields, and each field is identified by its name and can contain one or multiple values. Each document may have a different set of fields; there is no schema or imposed structure—this is because Elasticsearch documents are in fact Lucene ones. From the client point of view, Elasticsearch document is a JSON object (see more on the JSON format at


Each document in Elasticsearch has its type defined. This allows us to store various document types in one index and have different mappings for different document types. If you would like to compare it to an SQL world, a type in Elasticsearch is something similar to a database table.


As already mentioned in the Introducing Apache Lucene section, all documents are analyzed before being indexed. We can configure how the input text is divided into tokens, which tokens should be filtered out, or what additional processing, such as removing HTML tags, is needed. This is where mapping comes into play—it holds all the information about the analysis chain. Besides the fact that Elasticsearch can automatically discover field type by looking at its value, in most cases we will want to configure the mappings ourselves to avoid unpleasant surprises.


The single instance of the Elasticsearch server is called a node. A single node in Elasticsearch deployment can be sufficient for many simple use cases, but when you have to think about fault tolerance or you have lots of data that cannot fit in a single server, you should think about multi-node Elasticsearch cluster.

Elasticsearch nodes can serve different purposes. Of course, Elasticsearch is designed to index and search our data, so the first type of node is the data node. Such nodes hold the data and search on them. The second type of node is the master node—a node that works as a supervisor of the cluster controlling other nodes' work. The third node type is the tribe node, which is new and was introduced in Elasticsearch 1.0. The tribe node can join multiple clusters and thus act as a bridge between them, allowing us to execute almost all Elasticsearch functionalities on multiple clusters just like we would be using a single cluster.


Cluster is a set of Elasticsearch nodes that work together. The distributed nature of Elasticsearch allows us to easily handle data that is too large for a single node to handle (both in terms of handling queries and documents). By using multi-node clusters, we can also achieve uninterrupted work of our application, even if several machines (nodes) are not available due to outage or administration tasks such as upgrade. Elasticsearch provides clustering almost seamlessly. In our opinion, this is one of the major advantages over competition; setting up a cluster in the Elasticsearch world is really easy.


As we said previously, clustering allows us to store information volumes that exceed abilities of a single server (but it is not the only need for clustering). To achieve this requirement, Elasticsearch spreads data to several physical Lucene indices. Those Lucene indices are called shards, and the process of dividing the index is called sharding. Elasticsearch can do this automatically and all the parts of the index (shards) are visible to the user as one big index. Note that besides this automation, it is crucial to tune this mechanism for particular use cases because the number of shard index is built or configured during index creation and cannot be changed without creating a new index and re-indexing the whole data.


Sharding allows us to push more data into Elasticsearch that is possible for a single node to handle. Replicas can help us in situations where the load increases and a single node is not able to handle all the requests. The idea is simple—create an additional copy of a shard, which can be used for queries just as original, primary shard. Note that we get safety for free. If the server with the primary shard is gone, Elasticsearch will take one of the available replicas of that shard and promote it to the leader, so the service work is not interrupted. Replicas can be added and removed at any time, so you can adjust their numbers when needed. Of course, the content of the replica is updated in real time and is done automatically by Elasticsearch.

Key concepts behind Elasticsearch architecture

Elasticsearch was built with a few concepts in mind. The development team wanted to make it easy to use and highly scalable. These core features are visible in every corner of Elasticsearch. From the architectural perspective, the main features are as follows:

  • Reasonable default values that allow users to start using Elasticsearch just after installing it, without any additional tuning. This includes built-in discovery (for example, field types) and auto-configuration.
  • Working in distributed mode by default. Nodes assume that they are or will be a part of the cluster.
  • Peer-to-peer architecture without single point of failure (SPOF). Nodes automatically connect to other machines in the cluster for data interchange and mutual monitoring. This covers automatic replication of shards.
  • Easily scalable both in terms of capacity and the amount of data by adding new nodes to the cluster.
  • Elasticsearch does not impose restrictions on data organization in the index. This allows users to adjust to the existing data model. As we noted in type description, Elasticsearch supports multiple data types in a single index, and adjustment to the business model includes handling relationships between documents (although, this functionality is rather limited).
  • Near Real Time (NRT) searching and versioning. Because of the distributed nature of Elasticsearch, it is impossible to avoid delays and temporary differences between data located on the different nodes. Elasticsearch tries to reduce these issues and provide additional mechanisms as versioning.

Workings of Elasticsearch

The following section will include information on key Elasticsearch features, such as bootstrap, failure detection, data indexing, querying, and so on.

The startup process

When Elasticsearch node starts, it uses the discovery module to find the other nodes in the same cluster (the key here is the cluster name defined in the configuration) and connect to them. By default the multicast request is broadcast to the network to find other Elasticsearch nodes with the same cluster name. You can see the process illustrated in the following figure:

The startup process

In the preceding figure, the cluster, one of the nodes that is master eligible is elected as master node (by default all nodes are master eligible). This node is responsible for managing the cluster state and the process of assigning shards to nodes in reaction to changes in cluster topology.


Note that a master node in Elasticsearch has no importance from the user perspective, which is different from other systems available (such as the databases). In practice, you do not need to know which node is a master node; all operations can be sent to any node, and internally Elasticsearch will do all the magic. If necessary, any node can send sub-queries in parallel to other nodes and merge responses to return the full response to the user. All of this is done without accessing the master node (nodes operates in peer-to-peer architecture).

The master node reads the cluster state and, if necessary, goes into the recovery process. During this state, it checks which shards are available and decides which shards will be the primary shards. After this, the whole cluster enters into a yellow state.

This means that a cluster is able to run queries, but full throughput and all possibilities are not achieved yet (it basically means that all primary shards are allocated, but not all replicas are). The next thing to do is to find duplicated shards and treat them as replicas. When a shard has too few replicas, the master node decides where to put missing shards and additional replicas are created based on a primary shard (if possible). If everything goes well, the cluster enters into a green state (which means that all primary shards and all their replicas are allocated).

Failure detection

During normal cluster work, the master node monitors all the available nodes and checks whether they are working. If any of them are not available for the configured amount of time, the node is treated as broken and the process of handling failure starts. For example, this may mean rebalancing of shards, choosing new leaders, and so on. As another example, for every primary shard that is present on the failed nodes, a new primary shard should be elected from the remaining replicas of this shard. The whole process of placing new shards and replicas can (and usually should) be configured to match our needs. More information about it can be found in Chapter 7, Elasticsearch Administration.

Just to illustrate how it works, let's take an example of a three nodes cluster. One of the nodes is the master node, and all of the nodes can hold data. The master node will send the ping requests to other nodes and wait for the response. If the response doesn't come (actually how many ping requests may fail depends on the configuration), such a node will be removed from the cluster. The same goes in the opposite way—each node will ping the master node to see whether it is working.

Failure detection

Communicating with Elasticsearch

We talked about how Elasticsearch is built, but, after all, the most important part for us is how to feed it with data and how to build queries. In order to do that, Elasticsearch exposes a sophisticated Application Program Interface (API). In general, it wouldn't be a surprise if we would say that every feature of Elasticsearch has an API. The primary API is REST based (see and is easy to integrate with practically any system that can send HTTP requests.

Elasticsearch assumes that data is sent in the URL or in the request body as a JSON document (see If you use Java or language based on Java Virtual Machine (JVM), you should look at the Java API, which, in addition to everything that is offered by the REST API, has built-in cluster discovery. It is worth mentioning that the Java API is also internally used by Elasticsearch itself to do all the node-to-node communication. Because of this, the Java API exposes all the features available through the REST API calls.

Indexing data

There are a few ways to send data to Elasticsearch. The easiest way is using the index API, which allows sending a single document to a particular index. For example, by using the curl tool (see An example command that would create a new document would look as follows:

curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/blog/article/1 -d '{"title": "New  version of Elastic Search released!", "tags": ["announce",  "Elasticsearch", "release"] }'

The second way allows us to send many documents using the bulk API and the UDP bulk API. The difference between these methods is the connection type. Common bulk command sends documents by HTTP protocol and UDP bulk sends this using connection less datagram protocol. This is faster but not so reliable. The last method uses plugins, called rivers, but let's not discuss them as the rivers will be removed in future versions of Elasticsearch.

One very important thing to remember is that the indexing will always be first executed at the primary shard, not on the replica. If the indexing request is sent to a node that doesn't have the correct shard or contains a replica, it will be forwarded to the primary shard. Then, the leader will send the indexing request to all the replicas, wait for their acknowledgement (this can be controlled), and finalize the indexation if the requirements were met (like the replica quorum being updated).

The following illustration shows the process we just discussed:

Indexing data

Querying data

The Query API is a big part of Elasticsearch API. Using the Query DSL (JSON-based language for building complex queries), we can do the following:

  • Use various query types including simple term query, phrase, range, Boolean, fuzzy, span, wildcard, spatial, and function queries for human readable scoring control
  • Build complex queries by combining the simple queries together
  • Filter documents, throwing away ones that do not match selected criteria without influencing the scoring, which is very efficient when it comes to performance
  • Find documents similar to a given document
  • Find suggestions and corrections of a given phrase
  • Build dynamic navigation and calculate statistics using aggregations
  • Use prospective search and find queries matching a given document

When talking about querying, the important thing is that query is not a simple, single-stage process. In general, the process can be divided into two phases: the scatter phase and the gather phase. The scatter phase is about querying all the relevant shards of your index. The gather phase is about gathering the results from the relevant shards, combining them, sorting, processing, and returning to the client. The following illustration shows that process:

Querying data


You can control the scatter and gather phases by specifying the search type to one of the six values currently exposed by Elasticsearch. We've talked about query scope in our previous book Elasticsearch Server Second Edition by Packt Publishing.

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