Declarative Transaction Management

One of the primary advantages of Enterprise JavaBeans is that it allows for declarative transaction management. Without this feature, transactions must be controlled using explicit transaction demarcation. This involves the use of fairly complex APIs like the OMG’s Object Transaction Service (OTS) or its Java implementation, the Java Transaction Service ( JTS). Explicit demarcation is difficult for developers to use at best, particularly if you are new to transactional systems. In addition, explicit transaction demarcation requires that the transactional code be written within the business logic, which reduces the clarity of the code and, more importantly, creates inflexible distributed objects. Once transaction demarcation is hardcoded into the business object, changes in transaction behavior require changes to the business logic itself. We talk more about explicit transaction management and EJB later in this chapter.

With declarative transaction management, the transactional behavior of EJBs can be controlled using the deployment descriptor, which sets transaction attributes for individual enterprise bean methods. This means that the transactional behavior of an EJB can be changed without changing the EJB’s business logic. In addition, an EJB deployed in one application can be defined with different transactional behavior than the same EJB deployed in a different application. Declarative transaction management reduces the complexity of transactions for EJB developers and application developers and makes it easier to create robust transactional applications.

Transaction Scope

Transaction scope is a crucial concept for understanding transactions. In this context, transaction scope means those EJBs—both session and entity—that are participating in a particular transaction.

In the bookPassage() method of the TravelAgent EJB, all the EJBs involved are part of the same transaction scope. The scope of the transaction starts when a client invokes the TravelAgent EJB’s bookPassage() method. Once the transaction scope has started, it is propagated to both the newly created Reservation EJB and the ProcessPayment EJB.

As you know, a transaction is a unit-of-work made up of one or more tasks. In a transaction, all the tasks that make up the unit-of-work must succeed for the entire transaction to succeed; the transaction must be atomic. If any task fails, the updates made by all the other tasks in the transaction will be rolled back or undone. In EJB, tasks are expressed as enterprise bean methods, and a unit-of-work consists of every enterprise bean method invoked in a transaction. The scope of a transaction includes every EJB that participates in the unit-of-work.

It is easy to trace the scope of a transaction by following the thread of execution. If the invocation of the bookPassage() method begins a transaction, then logically, the transaction ends when the method completes. The scope of the bookPassage() transaction would include the TravelAgent, Reservation, and ProcessPayment EJBs—every EJB touched by the bookPassage() method. A transaction is propagated to an EJB when that EJB’s method is invoked and included in the scope of that transaction.

A transaction can end if an exception is thrown while the bookPassage() method is executing. The exception can be thrown from one of the other EJBs or from the bookPassage() method itself. An exception may or may not cause a rollback, depending on its type. We’ll discuss exceptions and transactions in more detail later.

The thread of execution is not the only factor that determines whether an EJB is included in the scope of a transaction; the EJB’s transaction attributes also play a role. Determining whether an EJB participates in the transaction scope of any unit-of-work is accomplished either implicitly using the EJB’s transaction attributes or explicitly using the Java Transaction API ( JTA).

Transaction Attributes

As an application developer, you do not normally need to control transactions explicitly when using an EJB server. EJB servers can manage transactions implicitly, based on the transaction attributes established for EJBs at deployment time. The ability to specify how business objects participate in transactions through attribute-based programming is a common characteristic of CTMs, and one of the most important features of the EJB component model.

When an EJB is deployed, you can set its runtime transaction attribute in the deployment descriptor to one of several values. The following list shows the XML attribute values used to specify these transaction attributes:

  • NotSupported

  • Supports

  • Required

  • RequiresNew

  • Mandatory

  • Never

Using transaction attributes simplifies building transactional applications by reducing the risks associated with improper use of transactional protocols such as JTA (discussed later in this chapter). It’s more efficient and easier to use transaction attributes than to control transactions explicitly.

You can set a transaction attribute for the entire EJB (in which case it applies to all methods) or to set different transaction attributes for individual methods. The former method is much simpler and less error prone, but setting attributes at the method level offers more flexibility. The code fragments in the following sections show how to set the default transaction attribute of an EJB in the EJB’s deployment descriptor.

Setting a transaction attribute

In the XML deployment descriptor, a <container-transaction> element specifies the transaction attributes for the EJBs described in the deployment descriptor:

                <method-name> * </method-name>

This deployment descriptor specifies the transaction attributes for the TravelAgent EJB. Each <container-transaction> element specifies a method and the transaction attribute that should be applied to that method. The first <container-transaction> element specifies that all methods by default have a transaction attribute of Required; the * is a wildcard that indicates all the methods of the TravelAgent EJB. The second <container-transaction> element overrides the default setting to specify that the listAvailableCabins() method will have a Supports transaction attribute. Note that we have to specify which EJB we are referring to with the <ejb-name> element; an XML deployment descriptor can cover many EJBs.

Transaction attributes defined

Here are the definitions of the transaction attributes listed earlier. In a few of the definitions, we say that the client transaction is suspended . This means that the transaction is not propagated to the enterprise bean method being invoked; propagation of the transaction is temporarily halted until the enterprise bean method returns. To make things easier, we will talk about attribute types as if they were bean types: for example, we’ll say a "Required EJB” as shorthand for “an enterprise bean with the Required transaction attribute.” The attributes are:


Invoking a method on an EJB with this transaction attribute suspends the transaction until the method is completed. This means that the transaction scope is not propagated to the NotSupported EJB or any of the EJBs it calls. Once the method on the NotSupported EJB is done, the original transaction resumes its execution.

Figure 14-1 shows that a NotSupported EJB does not propagate the client transaction when one of its methods is invoked.

NotSupported attribute

Figure 14-1. NotSupported attribute


This attribute means that the enterprise bean method will be included in the transaction scope if it is invoked within a transaction. In other words, if the EJB or client that invokes the Supports EJB is part of a transaction scope, the Supports EJB and all EJBs accessed by it become part of the original transaction. However, the Supports EJB doesn’t have to be part of a transaction and can interact with clients and other EJBs that are not included in a transaction scope.

Figure 14-2(a) shows the Supports EJB being invoked by a transactional client and propagating the transaction. Figure 14-2(b) shows the Supports EJB being invoked by a nontransactional client.

Supports attribute

Figure 14-2. Supports attribute


This attribute means that the enterprise bean method must be invoked within the scope of a transaction. If the calling client or EJB is part of a transaction, the Required EJB is automatically included in its transaction scope. If, however, the calling client or EJB is not involved in a transaction, the Required EJB starts its own new transaction. The new transaction’s scope covers only the Required EJB and all other EJBs accessed by it. Once the method invoked on the Required EJB is done, the new transaction’s scope ends.

Figure 14-3(a) shows the Required EJB being invoked by a transactional client and propagating the transaction.

Figure 14-3(b) shows the Required EJB being invoked by a nontransactional client, which causes it to start its own transaction.

Required attribute

Figure 14-3. Required attribute


This attribute means that a new transaction is always started. Regardless of whether the calling client or EJB is part of a transaction, a method with the RequiresNew attribute begins a new transaction when invoked. If the calling client is already involved in a transaction, that transaction is suspended until the RequiresNew EJB’s method call returns. The new transaction’s scope covers only the RequiresNew EJB and all the EJBs accessed by it. Once the method invoked on the RequiresNewEJB is done, the new transaction’s scope ends and the original transaction resumes.

Figure 14-4(a) shows the RequiresNew EJB being invoked by a transactional client. The client’s transaction is suspended while the EJB executes under its own transaction. Figure 14-4(b) shows the RequiresNew EJB being invoked by a nontransactional client; the RequiresNew EJB executes under its own transaction.

RequiresNew attribute

Figure 14-4. RequiresNew attribute


This attribute means that the enterprise bean method must always be made part of the transaction scope of the calling client. If the calling client or EJB is not part of a transaction, the invocation will fail, throwing a javax.transaction.TransactionRequiredException to remote clients or a javax.ejb.TransactionRequiredLocalException to local EJB 2.0 clients.

Figure 14-5(a) shows the Mandatory EJB being invoked by a transactional client and propagating the transaction. Figure 14-5(b) shows the Mandatory EJB being invoked by a nontransactional client; the method throws a TransactionRequiredException to remote clients or a TransactionRequredLocalException to local EJB 2.0 clients, because there is no transaction scope.

Mandatory attribute

Figure 14-5. Mandatory attribute


This attribute means that the enterprise bean method must not be invoked within the scope of a transaction. If the calling client or EJB is part of a transaction, the Never EJB will throw a RemoteException to remote clients or an EJBException to local EJB 2.0 clients. However, if the calling client or EJB is not involved in a transaction the Never EJB will execute normally without a transaction.

Figure 14-6(a) shows the Never EJB being invoked by a nontransactional client. Figure 14-6(b) shows the Never EJB being invoked by transactional client; the method throws a RemoteException to remote clients or an EJBException to local EJB 2.0 clients, because the method can never be invoked by a client or EJB that is included in a transaction.

Never attribute

Figure 14-6. Never attribute

EJB 2.0: Container-managed persistence and transaction attributes

The EJB 2.0 specification strongly advises that CMP 2.0 entity beans use only the Required, RequiresNew, and Mandatory transaction attributes. This restriction ensures that all database access occurs in the context of a transaction, which is important when the container is automatically managing persistence. While the specification requires that these three transaction attributes be supported for CMP 2.0, support for the Never, Supports, and NotSupported transaction attributes is optional. If a vendor wishes to support these attributes (which allow the bean to execute without a transaction) they may do so, but it’s not recommended. Consult your vendor’s documentation to determine if they support the optional transaction attributes. This book recommends that you use only Required, RequiresNew, or Mandatory with EJB 2.0 container-managed persistence entity beans.

EJB 2.0: Message-driven beans and transaction attributes

Message-driven beans may declare only the NotSupported or Required transaction attributes. The other transaction attributes don’t make sense in message-driven beans because they apply to client-initiated transactions. The Supports, RequiresNew, Mandatory, and Never attributes are all relative to the transaction context of the client. For example, the Mandatory attribute requires the client to have a transaction in progress before calling the enterprise bean. This is meaningless for a message-driven bean, which is decoupled from the client.

The NotSupported transaction attribute indicates that the message will be processed without a transaction. The Required transaction attribute indicates that the message will be processed with a container-initiated transaction.

Transaction Propagation

To illustrate the impact of transaction attributes on enterprise bean methods, we’ll look once again at the bookPassage() method of the TravelAgent EJB created in Chapter 12 (see the listings earlier in this chapter).

In order for bookPassage() to execute as a successful transaction, both the creation of the Reservation EJB and the charge to the customer must be successful. This means that both operations must be included in the same transaction. If either operation fails, the entire transaction fails. We could have specified the Required transaction attribute as the default for all the EJBs involved, because that attribute enforces our desired policy that all EJBs must execute within a transaction and thus ensures data consistency.

As a transaction monitor, an EJB server watches each method call in the transaction. If any of the updates fail, all the updates to all the EJBs will be reversed or rolled back . A rollback is like an undo command. If you have worked with relational databases, the concept of a rollback should be familiar to you. Once an update is executed, you can either commit the update or roll it back. A commit makes the changes requested by the update permanent; a rollback aborts the update and leaves the database in its original state. Making EJBs transactional provides the same kind of rollback/commit control. For example, if the Reservation EJB cannot be created, the charge made by the ProcessPayment EJB is rolled back. Transactions make updates an all-or-nothing proposition. This ensures that the unit-of-work, like the bookPassage() method, executes as intended, and it prevents inconsistent data from being written to databases.

In cases in which the container implicitly manages the transaction, the commit and rollback decisions are handled automatically. When transactions are managed explicitly within an enterprise bean or by the client, the responsibility falls on the enterprise bean or application developer to commit or roll back a transaction. Explicit demarcation of transactions is covered in detail later in this chapter.

Let’s assume that the TravelAgent EJB is created and used on a client as follows:

TravelAgent agent = agentHome.create(customer);
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Transaction failed!");

Furthermore, let’s assume that the bookPassage() method has been given the transaction attribute RequiresNew . In this case, the client that invokes the bookPassage() method is not itself part of a transaction. When bookPassage() is invoked on the TravelAgent EJB, a new transaction is created, as dictated by the RequiresNew attribute. This means that the TravelAgent EJB registers itself with the EJB server’s transaction manager, which will manage the transaction automatically. The transaction manager coordinates transactions, propagating the transaction scope from one EJB to the next to ensure that all EJBs touched by a transaction are included in the transaction’s unit-of-work. That way, the transaction manager can monitor the updates made by each enterprise bean and decide, based on the success of those updates, whether to commit all changes made by all enterprise beans to the database or roll them all back. If a system exception is thrown by the bookPassage() method, the transaction is automatically rolled back. We will talk more about exceptions later in this chapter.

When the byCredit() method is invoked within the bookPassage() method, the ProcessPayment EJB registers with the transaction manager under the transactional context that was created for the TravelAgent EJB; the transactional context is propagated to the ProcessPayment EJB. When the new Reservation EJB is created, it is also registered with the transaction manager under the same transaction. When all the EJBs are registered and their updates are made, the transaction manager checks to ensure that their updates will work. If all the updates will work, the transaction manager allows the changes to become permanent. If one of the EJBs reports an error or fails, any changes made by either the ProcessPayment or Reservation EJB are rolled back by the transaction manager. Figure 14-7 illustrates the propagation and management of the TravelAgent EJB’s transactional context.

Managing the TravelAgent EJB’s transactional context

Figure 14-7. Managing the TravelAgent EJB’s transactional context

In addition to managing transactions in its own environment, an EJB server can coordinate with other transactional systems. If, for example, the ProcessPayment EJB actually came from a different EJB server than the TravelAgent EJB, the two EJB servers would cooperate to manage the transaction as one unit-of-work. This is called a distributed transaction .[55]

A distributed transaction is a great deal more complicated, requiring what is called a two-phase commit (2-PC or TPC). 2-PC is a mechanism that allows transactions to be managed across different servers and resources (e.g., databases and JMS providers). The details of a 2-PC are beyond the scope of this book, but a system that supports it will not require any extra operations by an EJB or application developer. If distributed transactions are supported, the protocol for propagating transactions, as discussed earlier, will be supported. In other words, as an application or EJB developer, you should not notice a difference between local and distributed transactions.

EJB 2.0: Collection-Based Relationships and Transactions

In EJB 2.0 container-managed persistence, collection-based relationships may only be accessed within a single transaction. In other words, it’s illegal to obtain a Collection object from a collection-based relationship field in one transaction and then use it in another.

For example, if an enterprise bean accesses another’s collection-based relationship field through its local interface, the Collection returned from the accessor method can be used only within the same transaction:

public class HypotheticalBean implements javax.ejb.EntityBean {

    public void methodX(CustomerLocal customer) {

        Collection reservations = customer.getReservations();
        Iterator iterator = reservations.iterator;

If the Customer EJB’s getReservations() method was declared with a transaction attribute of RequiresNew, attempting to invoke any methods on the Collection, including the iterator() method, will result in a java.lang.IllegalStateException. This exception is thrown because the Collection object was created within the scope of the getReservations() transaction, not in the scope of methodX()’s transaction. The transaction context of methodX() is different from the transaction context of the getReservations() method.

The Collection from an entity bean can be used by another co-located bean only if it is obtained and accessed in the same transaction context. As long as the Customer EJB’s getReservations() method propagates the transaction context of methodX(), the Collection can be used without any problems. This can be accomplished by changing the getReservations() method so that it declares its transaction attribute as Required or Mandatory.

[55] Not all EJB servers support distributed transactions.

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