Note: an f indicates a figure; a t, a table.


Absorbing, learning by, 34–38

mindful listening, 37–38

storytelling, 36–37

Accountability and discipline, formal structure creation and renewal, 130–131

Action planning

APGAR Scale of Family Functioning, 167–168t

assessment, 175–176

challenges and dilemmas, 172–173

decision making, 173

family functionality, strengthening, 167–169

family system, addressing first, 166–167

flexibility, 174–175

Iron Laws of Influence for Enterprising Families, 170–172

Levels of Success on Business and Family Dimensions, 165t

resources, 173–174

vision, articulation of, 176

Alignment with enterprises and family values, 88–89


balancing focus on past, present, and future, 116

balancing widespread input with rapid decision-making, 117–119

complexities, 153–156

core skills, 8

creating and renewing formal structures, 129–134

definition, 4

development of leadership abilities of both family and nonfamily members, 120–122

family closeness reinforced along with widespread external contacts/networks, 122–123

family control and professionalization, 119–120

high standards and allowance for failure, 116–117

idea generation by kin and non-kin, 137–141

incremental, progressive, and radical innovations, 112–115

influencing and directing, 20–23

mind-set, 7–8

number and nature of innovations, 135–136

self-awareness, 8–14

vision, 14–20

APGAR Scale of Family Functioning, 167–168t

Arthashastra, xvii

Assessment for action planning, 175–176



in entrepreneurial families, xiv

focus on past, present, and future, 116

widespread input with rapid decision-making, 117–119

Beginnings and endings, 23–24

Bias for action, 50–51

Breakthrough innovation, 113


Capacity to influence, 21


and dilemmas of action planning, 172–173

for entrepreneurial families, xviii–xix, xxi

Clarity for building family brand, 92

Competence, building, 94–97

diversity of experience, 95

planning, 95–96

Competence building work sheet, 104

Conflicts in entrepreneurial families, xx–xxi

Conversation triggers, 39–40

Creating and renewing formal structures, 129–134

Creating, learning by, 49–52

bias for action, 50–51

idea development, 50

Curiosity, 44–45


Dangers of a single story, 11

Decision making in action planning, 173

Design and innovation work sheet, 159–161

Desire to contribute as motivation, 76

Developing enterprising families

building competence, 94–97

building family brand, 91–94

clarifying family values, 87–91

competence building work sheet, 104

creating structures and processes, 97–101

practices to develop enterprising families, 87f

values and brand work sheet, 103

Disciplined thinking, 45–46


of experience for competence, building, 95

valuing of, 156

Dualities in families

core strength and flexibility, 72–75

individual and shared dreams, 75–79

learning from within and beyond, 81–82

money sense and emotional sensibilities, 82–84

warm acceptance and high expectations, 79–80


Education and work experience for creating structures and processes, 97–98

Employee empowerment, 109

Empowerment of teams and mechanisms for innovation, 152


of others, 10–11

of self, 9

Entrepreneurial behavior, 106

Entrepreneurial families

balance, xiv

beginnings and endings, 23–24

challenges, xviii–xix, xxi

conflicts, xx–xxi

innovation, xvi–xvii, xxiii,

leadership, xxii

learning and unlearning, 25–26

long-term survival, xxii

motivation for participation in family business, 10, 76

patterns and pathways, xxvii

Shared Dream, 17

size and scope of enterprise, xxv

success, xiv–xv

Entrepreneurial organizations ambidexterity in, 111–123

design conditions, 109–110

inventory of organizational conditions work sheet, 124–126

reinforcers and barriers, 110–111

Essence-based concept of family, 68

Experimental culture, 109

Experimentation as mechanism for innovation, 152



buy-in, 86

definitions, 66, 67

dualities. See Dualities in families

essence-based concept, 68

female leaders, ascension of, 69

gender roles, 68

generational leadership, 70

structure and longevity, 66

transitioning to new conceptions, 70–71

Family brand, building, 91–94

clarity, 92

strategies, 93–94

Family business. See also Entrepreneurial families

definition, xx

first-generation family firms vs. nonfamily firms, 3

Family closeness reinforced along with widespread external contacts/networks, 122–123

Family control and professionalization, 119–120

Family enterprise incubator, 141–143

experiments, 142

issues, 143

Family functionality, strengthening for action planning, 167–169

Family system, addressing first in action planning, 166–167

Family values, clarifying, 87–91

alignment with enterprises, 88–89

depiction of ideal life, 90–91

Female leaders, ascension of in family business, 69

First-generation family firms vs. nonfamily firms, 3


in action planning, 174–175

and mechanisms for innovation, 151–152

Formal structure creation and renewal, 129–134

accountability and discipline, 130–131

governance structures, 132

institutionalization, 134

nonfamily members retention, 131–132

professionalization, 132–133

timing, 130


Gender roles and societal values, 68

Generational leadership in families, 70


structures, formal structure creation and renewal, 132

systems for creating structures and processes, 98


Henokein position, 11

Hierarchical barriers, idea generation by kin and non-kin, 137–138

Hierarchical norms and equality, 41

High standards and allowance for failure, 116–117

Humble inquiry, 38


Idea development, 50

Idea generation by kin and non-kin, 137–141

hierarchical barriers, 137–138

incremental innovations, 139–140

role relationships, 140–141

Ideal life depiction and family values, 90–91

Incremental innovation, 113

Incremental innovations, idea generation by kin and non-kin, 139–140

Incremental, progressive, and radical innovations, 112–115

Individuation, 75

Influencing and directing capacity to influence, 21

specifiable vs. unspecified components of job, 20–21

stakeholders, 22–23

Innovation. See also Mechanisms for innovation; Organizational development and improvement

ambidexterity, 111–123

breakthrough innovation, 113

complexities, 153–156

definition, 106

diversity, valuing of, 156

incremental innovation, 113

internal resistance, 155–156

and leadership, 150–151

levels in family entrepreneurship, 114f

management of uncertainty, 154–155

needed in entrepreneurial families, xvi–xvii, xxii–xxiii

organizational conditions encouraging, 109–110

progressive innovation, 113

reinforcers and barriers, 110–111

Insecurity as motivation, 77

Institutionalization, formal structure creation and renewal, 134

Interacting, learning by, 38–42

hierarchical norms and equality, 41

humble inquiry, 38

sensitivity, 41–42

standard questions, 38–39

triggers for conversation, 39–40

Internal resistance, 155–156

Iron Laws of Influence for Enterprising Families, 170–172



ambidexterity, 4–8

ambidexterity skills work sheet, 27–31

definition, 1–2, 4–5

developing in both family and nonfamily members, 120–122

development of leadership skills, 3–4

in entrepreneurial families, xxii

and innovation, 150–151

success, 3

Leadership skill development

absorbing, 34–38

assessment and action plan for skill development work sheet, 59–60

creating, 49–52

interacting, 38–42

personal advisors, 52–58

reflecting, 43–46

whole person learning, 34f

working, 46–49

Learning and unlearning, 25–26

Legacy, 9–10

Levels of innovation in family entrepreneurship, 114f

Levels of Success on Business and Family Dimensions, 165t

Long-term survival of entrepreneurial families, xxii, 1

Loss of wealth as motivation, 77


Management of uncertainty, 154–155

Mechanisms for innovation, 151–153

culture, 152

empowerment of teams, 152

experimentation, 152

flexibility, 151–152

professionalization of board, 152

proving self, 153

rewards, 152

shareholders, 153

vision, 151

Menasha Corporation innovation casestudy, 146–151

Mentorship, 48

Mindful listening, 37–38


desire to contribute, 76

insecurity, 77

loss of wealth, 77

obligation to family, 77

for participation in family business, 10, 76

Mukoyōshi practice, 68

Multiple partnerships for organizational development, 157


Network and alliance expansion, 143–146

assumptions and tests, 145–146

risk diffusion, 144

Nonfamily members retention, formal structure creation and renewal, 131–132

Number and nature of innovations, 135–136

risks, spreading, 135–136

side bets, 135


Obligation to family as motivation, 77

Openness to experiences, 79–80

Opportunities for engagement for creating structures and processes, 101

Organizational conditions encouraging innovation, 109–110

employee empowerment, 109

experimental culture, 109

risk management, 109

Organizational conditions inventory work sheet, 124–126

Organizational development and improvement

complexities, 153–156

creating and renewing formal structures, 129–134

design and innovation work sheet, 159–161

family enterprise incubator, 141–143

idea generation by kin and non-kin, 137–141

innovation, Menasha Corporation, 146–151

mechanisms, 151–153

multiple partnerships, 157

network and alliance expansion, 143–146

number and nature of innovations, 135–136

research and development budget and risk, 157–158

rule and structure changes, 158

spending and resistance, 158

technology and component applications, 157

Overlap of business and family, 46–47


Part-time jobs, 47

Patterns and pathways of entrepreneurial families, xxvii

Personal advisors and skill development, 52–58

qualities of, 53

use of, 54–57

Planning for competence, building, 95–96

Policies and accountability for creating structures and processes, 99

Practices to develop enterprising families, 87f


of board and mechanisms for innovation, 152

formal structure creation and renewal, 132–133

Progressive innovation, 113

Proving self and mechanisms for innovation, 153


Questions, standard, 38–39


Recruitment, 19

Reflecting, learning by, 43–46

curiosity, 44–45

disciplined thinking, 45–46

Reinforcers and barriers to innovation, 110–111

Research and development budget and risk for organizational development, 157–158

Resources, utilization of for action planning 173–174

Rewards and mechanisms for innovation, 152


aversion, 17–18

diffusion, 144

management, 109

spreading, 135–136

Role relationships, idea generation by kin and non-kin, 140–141

Rule and structure changes for organizational development, 158


Selection and inspiration of team, 12–13

Self-awareness for engagement of others, 10–11

for engagement of self, 9

for legacy, 9–10

motivation, 10

selection and inspiration of team, 12–13

trust, 11

Sensitivity, 41–42

Shared Dream, 17, 18

Shareholders and mechanisms for innovation, 153

Side bets, 135

Size and scope of enterprise of entrepreneurial families, xxv

Specifiable vs. unspecified components of job, 20–21

Stakeholders, 22–23

Storytelling, 36–37

Strategies for building family brand, 93–94

Structure of family and longevity, 66

Structures and processes, creating, 97–101

education and work experience, 97–98

governance systems, 98

opportunities for engagement, 101

policies and accountability, 99


of entrepreneurial families, xiv–xv

generations work sheet, 63–65

paths, 2–3


Technology and component applications for organizational development, 157

Timing, formal structure creation and renewal, 130

Transitioning to new conceptions of family, 70–71

Trust, 11


Uncertainty, management of, 154–155


Values and brand work sheet, 103


for action planning, 176

mechanisms for innovation, 151

recruitment, 19

risk aversion, 17–18

Shared Dream, 17, 18


Whole person learning, 34f

Working, learning by, 46–49

mentorship, 48

overlap of business and family, 46–47

part time jobs, 47

Work sheets

ambidexterity skills, 27–31

assessment and action plan for skill development, 59–60

competence building, 104

design and innovation, 159–161

entrepreneurial leaders, 27–31

generations, 63–65

inventory of organizational conditions, 124–126

success over generations, 63–65

values and brand, 103

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