Chapter 1

Manage identity and access

An important step when securing workloads is determining what traffic you’ll allow and what traffic you’ll block. In the past, you might use the network location and traffic type to make this determination. For example, you might allow traffic that came from a particular IP address and on a particular port and deny that traffic if it didn’t meet those specific conditions. Over time, clever attackers have learned to spoof IP address information, allowing them to bypass these traditional barriers. Today, you will hear security practitioners utter the aphorism, “identity is the new control plane.” This means when the network location or traffic properties are not a great signifier of whether a host or traffic is trustworthy, the identity that is used to interact with the resource you are trying to protect might be a better guide. This is especially true if those identities are hardened with technologies such as multifactor authentication. In this chapter, you’ll learn about managing identities in the cloud, securing access to resources and applications in the cloud, and managing access control to cloud administrative tools.

Skills in this chapter:

Skill 1.1: Manage Azure Active Directory identities

This objective deals with identities within Azure Active Directory. In Azure Active Directory, identities are represented as users, service principals, managed identities, or groups. Azure Active Directory allows you to use a variety of authentication methods to secure these identities, including one-time passwords and multifactor authentication.

Create and manage a managed identity for Azure resources

You configure security for a service principal when you want to control what access an application has to resources within Azure. When you register an Azure Active Directory application, the following objects will be created in your Azure Active Directory tenancy:

  • An application object Application objects are stored within the Azure AD instance and define the application. The schema for an application object’s properties is defined by the Microsoft Graph application entity resource type. Application objects are a global representation of an application across all Azure AD tenancies. The application object functions as a template from which common and default properties are determined when Azure AD creates the corresponding service principal object. Application objects have a one-to-one relationship with the software application and a one-to-many relationship with corresponding service principal objects.

  • A service principal object A user principal in Azure AD is an object that represents a user. A service principal is an Azure AD object that represents an application. The ServicePrincipal object allows you to specify the access policy and permissions for the application and the user of that application within your organization’s Azure AD tenant. A service principal is required for each tenancy where the application is used. A single-tenant application will only have one service principal, and a multitenant application will have a service principal for each tenancy where a user from that tenancy has consented to the application’s use. The Microsoft Graph service principal entity defines the schema used for a ServicePrincipal object’s properties. The service principal is the representation of the application in a specific Azure AD tenancy.

Registering an application with Azure AD allows you to leverage the Microsoft identity platform’s secure sign-in and authorization features for use with that application. Registering an application with Azure AD requires that you provide information, including the URL where the application can be accessed, the URL to forward replies after authentication occurs, and the URI that identifies your application. You will learn more about registering applications with Azure AD later in this chapter.

Service principals are analogous to an on-premises Active Directory service account in that both allow an application to have an identity and security context. Service principals in Azure AD can include the following:

  • A reference to an application object through the application ID property

  • Local user and group application-role assignment properties

  • Local user and admin application permissions

  • Local policy data, including information about conditional access policies

  • Data about alternate local application settings, including

    • Claims transformation rules

    • Attribute mappings (user provisioning)

    • Directory-specific app roles (when the application supports custom roles)

    • Directory-specific name or logo

Creating a service principal

As you have already learned, Azure AD will create a service principal when you register an application with an Azure AD instance. This is the way most Azure AD service principals will be created. It is possible to create a service principal with the New-AzADServicePrincipal cmdlet from an Azure PowerShell session. The simplest way to run Azure PowerShell is through a Cloud Shell session. For example, to create a new service principal named ExampleServicePrincipal, run the following command from an Azure PowerShell session.

$servicePrincipal = New-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName "ExampleServiceprincipal"

Service principals can use two different types of authentication: password-based authentication and certificate-based authentication. If you don’t specify a type of sign-in authentication when creating a service principal, password-based authentication will be used, and a random password will be assigned to the service principal account.

To view a list of service principals associated with an Azure AD instance, run the following command from an Azure PowerShell session:

Get-AzAdServicePrincipal | format-table
Assigning permissions to service principals through roles

To provide access within a subscription to an application, you assign a set of permissions to the service principal associated with the application. The most straightforward way to accomplish this goal is to assign a particular role to the application. For example, if you want to give an application read access to resources within a particular resource group, you could assign the Reader role to the service principal associated with the application.

To assign a role to an application that is already registered with an Azure AD instance, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, select the subscription that the application is associated with, and then from the Subscriptions page, select the Access Control (IAM) node, as shown in Figure 1-1.

    This screenshot shows the Access control (IAM) node selected for a specific subscription.

    FIGURE 1-1 Access control (IAM) for a subscription

  2. On the Access Control (IAM) page, select Add A Role Assignment, choose the role that you want to assign to the application, and choose Azure AD User, Group, Or Service Principal from the Assign Access To drop-down menu, as shown in Figure 1-2, and then in the Select text box, specify the name of the application.

    This screenshot shows the Add A Role Assignment dialog box with the Contributor role being assigned to the az500Example application.

    FIGURE 1-2 Assign a role to an application

  3. Click Save to assign the role to the service principal.

Just as you can assign permissions through a role through the Access Control (IAM) node at the subscription level, you can use the Access Control (IAM) node at the resource group or the resource level to assign a role to a service principal. When assigning permissions to a service principal, you should assign those permissions in the most restrictive way possible. This means that you should only assign roles at the appropriate scope level and only assign the role needed by the application. If the application only requires Reader access to a resource group, don’t assign the Contributor role at the subscription level to the application’s service principal.

You can use the New-AzRoleAssignment PowerShell cmdlet to assign a role to a service principal. For example, to create a new service principal and assign reader permissions at the subscription level to the service principal, enact the following PowerShell commands:

$servicePrincipal = New-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName "ExampleServiceprincipal"
New-AzRoleAssignment -RoleDefinitionName "Reader" -ApplicationId $servicePrincipal.

Working with service principals in command-line environments requires you to use application IDs rather than the display name of the service principal. This is why the ApplicationId is specified in the second command in the previous example, which assigns the role to the service principal created in the first command.

You can determine what roles have been assigned to a service principal at the subscription, resource group, or resource levels by performing the following steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, select the subscription, resource group, or resource to which the application is associated, and then from the Subscriptions page, select the Access Control (IAM) node.

  2. Select the Role Assignments section. This page lists all roles assigned to this scope. In the Type column, service principals are listed with the App type, as shown in Figure 1-3.

This screenshot shows the Check Access tab, where role assignments are checked at the subscription level.

FIGURE 1-3 Checking Role assignments for service principals

Manage Azure AD groups

Groups allow you to group users and then assign them privileges and access to workloads or services. Rather than directly assigning privileges and access to workloads or services to users, you can assign these rights to a group and then indirectly assign them to users by adding the user accounts to the appropriate group. Using groups allows you to assign access and rights by adding and removing users from a group. While it’s possible to assign access and rights on a per-user basis, this is administratively cumbersome and makes it challenging to determine which users have a specific right. Determining rights can be much easier to do if rights are only delegated to groups. If you only assign rights to groups or if you need to determine rights, you just have to check the group membership.

You can use the Azure AD administrative console in the Azure portal to manage groups. You can access the Azure Active Directory admin center at or through the Azure portal Azure AD blade. Azure AD supports two group types: security groups and Microsoft 365 groups. Figure 1-4 shows how to select the group type when creating the group. Microsoft 365 groups are used for collaboration between users where organizations use services such as Microsoft 365 or Office 365. Users in groups can be internal or external to the organization.

This screenshot shows creating a group in the Azure AD console.

FIGURE 1-4 Create Azure AD Group

Microsoft 365 group types can be configured as assigned or dynamic. When the dynamic option is selected, group membership is determined based on the results of a query against user or device attributes. For example, with Microsoft 365 groups, you can have group membership determined by user attributes such as location or manager.

You can use the following PowerShell commands from the Azure AD PowerShell module to manage Azure AD Groups:

  • Get-AzureADGroup Provides information about Azure AD Groups.

  • New-AzureADGroup Creates a new Azure AD Group.

  • Set-AzureADGroup Configures the properties of an Azure AD Group.

  • Remove-AzureADGroup Removes an Azure AD Group.

  • Add-AzureADGroupMember Adds a user to an Azure AD Group.

  • Remove-AzureADGroupMember Removes a user from an Azure AD Group.

  • Add-AzureADGroupOwner Adds a user as an owner of an Azure AD Group. Gives the user limited group management privileges.

  • Remove-AzureADGroupOwner Removes a user as the owner of an Azure AD Group.

Creating groups

To create an Azure AD group, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, select the Azure Active Directory menu blade.

  2. Under Manage in the Azure Active Directory menu blade, select Groups, as shown in Figure 1-5.

    This screenshot shows the menu blade when the Azure Active Directory blade is opened in the Azure portal.

    FIGURE 1-5 Azure Active Directory menu blade

  3. On the Groups page control bar, click New Group.

  4. On the New Group page shown in Figure 1-6, provide the following information and select Create:

    • Group Type Choose between Security and Office 365.

    • Group Name Provide a name for the group. It is often a good idea to come up with a system for naming groups, rather than naming the group based on whatever comes to mind when filling out the form. Use this system for all groups in the subscription. One strategy is to name groups in a way that indicates how they collect accounts, such as Research Users for user accounts related to research. Group names need to be unique within an Azure Active Directory instance.

    • Group Description Provide a meaningful description for the group. This description should be meaningful enough that if you won the lottery and retired to Tahiti, the person who replaced you could understand the purpose of the group.

    • Membership Type If you choose a Security group, group members must be added manually. If you choose the Office 365 group type, you will have the following options:

      • Owners Users designated as group owners can modify the membership of the group.

      • Members Allows you to specify group membership. Can include users, groups, service principals, and managed identities.

This screenshot shows the New Group page, where you choose the Group Type, Group Name, and Group Description.

FIGURE 1-6 New Group page

You can create Azure Groups from a Cloud Shell session using the az ad group create command. For example, to create a group named Accounting Users, use the following command:

Az ad group create --display-name "Accounting Users" --mail-nickname "accounting.users"
Adding and removing group members

You can add members to an Azure AD group from a Cloud Shell session using the az ad group member add command. The challenge when using this command is that you must specify the member using the object ID of the member rather than the member name. For example, to add the user with the object ID ac5ebbfb-22c7–4381-b91d-12aeb3093413 to the group Accounting Users, use the following command from an Azure PowerShell session:

az ad group member add --group "Accounting Users" --member-id ac5ebbfb-22c7–

You can determine the object ID of a user by using the az ad user show command and specifying the user’s user principal name with the <DS>ID</DS> parameter. For example, to determine the object ID of the user [email protected], run the following command in Cloud Shell:

az ad user show --id [email protected]
Nested groups

Azure AD allows you to add a security group as a member of another security group, which is known as a nested group. When you do this, the member group will inherit the attributes and properties of the parent group. Nesting groups allows you to further simplify the management of large amounts of users. For example, you might have groups for the managers in Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide. You could add these three groups to an Australian Managers group and then assign top-level group rights and permissions to Australian Managers, rather than assigning those rights to each city-level Managers group. This also provides you with flexibility should you add additional city-level managers groups, such as Brisbane and Perth, at some point in the future because you’d just add these groups to the Australian Managers group to assign the same permissions.

At the time of writing, Azure AD does not support the following nesting scenarios:

  • Adding an Azure AD group to a group synchronized from on-premises Active Directory

  • Adding Azure AD security groups to Office 365 groups

  • Adding Office 365 to groups other than other Office 365 groups

  • Assigning apps to nested groups

  • Assigning licenses to nested groups

  • Nesting distribution groups

To nest groups using the Azure portal, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Groups – All Groups page of the Azure Active Directory blade of the Azure portal, click the group you want to nest. This will open the group’s properties, as shown in Figure 1-7. In this example, the Melbourne group will be added to the Australia group.

    This screenshot shows the All Groups node of the Azure portal. Three groups are displayed: Australia, Melbourne, and VM-Access.

    FIGURE 1-7 List of Azure AD groups

  2. Click the Group Memberships item in the Manage section of the group’s properties, as shown in Figure 1-8.

    This screenshot shows the Groups menu. Clicking the Group Memberships item takes you to the Group Memberships page, where you can add memberships.

    FIGURE 1-8 Group memberships listed in the Groups menu

  3. On the Group Memberships page, click Add Memberships.

  4. On the Select Groups page, select the group you want to nest the group within. In this case, we will select the Australia group, as shown in Figure 1-9. Click Select to nest the group. A group can be nested within multiple groups.

This screenshot shows the Select Group dialog box; the Australia group is selected.

FIGURE 1-9 Selecting group to nest

To remove a group from another group, open the parent group’s group membership page and then remove the nested group by selecting that group and clicking Remove Memberships.

Manage Azure AD users

You can use the Azure AD Admin Center in the Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, or the Microsoft 365 admin center to manage Azure AD user accounts. The Azure AD admin center gives you a better set of options for managing the properties of user accounts than does the Microsoft 365 admin center because you can edit extended user properties, as shown in Figure 1-10.

This screenshot shows the user properties page of the Azure Active Directory admin center.

FIGURE 1-10 User properties page

To create a new Azure AD User, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure AD console, select Users–All Users and then click New User.

  2. On the New User blade shown in Figure 1-11, provide the following information:

    • Name The user’s actual name.

    • User Name The user’s sign-in name in UPN format.

    • Profile The user’s first name, last name, job title, and department.

    • Properties This specifies the source of authority for the user. By default, if you are creating the user using the Azure AD admin center or the Microsoft 365 admin center, the source of authority will be Azure Active Directory.

    • Groups This defines which groups the user should be a member of.

    • Directory Role Choose whether the account has a User, Global Administrator, or a Limited Administrator role.

    • Password This is the automatically generated password. With the Show Password option, you can transmit the password to the user through a secure channel.

This screenshot shows the New User properties page in the Azure AD admin center.

FIGURE 1-11 New User properties page

You can also use the Azure AD admin center to perform the following user administration tasks:

  • Update profile information

  • Assign directory roles

  • Manage group membership

  • Manage licenses

  • Manage devices

  • Manage access to Azure resources

  • Manage authentication methods

When you delete a user from Azure AD, the account remains in the Azure Active Directory Recycle Bin for 30 days. This means that you can recover the account online should it be necessary to do so. If you delete a user from your on-premises Active Directory environment but have enabled the on-premises Active Directory Recycle Bin, recovering the user from the on-premises Active Directory Recycle Bin will recover the user account in Microsoft 365. If you don’t have the Active Directory Recycle Bin enabled, you will need to create another account with a new GUID.

Manage external identities by using Azure AD

This objective deals with creating B2B and guest accounts, as well as ways to allow external access to resources hosted in a Microsoft 365 tenancy. You perform these actions when you want to enable people in a partner organization or external users such as temporary contractors to interact with resources hosted in Microsoft 365 services such as SharePoint Online. To master this objective, you’ll need to understand how to create B2B accounts, how to create guest accounts, and the factors you will need to consider when designing a solution to allow external users to access Microsoft 365 resources.

Create B2B accounts

Business-to-business (B2B) accounts are a special type of guest user account that resides within Azure Active Directory to which you can assign privileges. B2B accounts are generally used when you want to allow one or more users from a partner organization to access resources hosted within your organization’s Microsoft 365 tenancy. For example, if users in Contoso’s partner organization, Tailwind Traders, need to interact with and publish content to a Contoso SharePoint Online site, one method of providing the necessary access is to create a set of B2B accounts.

B2B accounts have the following properties:

  • They are stored in a separate Azure AD tenancy from your organization, but they are represented as a guest user in your organization’s tenancy. The B2B user signs in using their organization’s Azure AD account to access resources in your organization’s tenancy.

  • They are stored in your organization’s on-premises Active Directory and then synced using Azure AD Connect and a guest user type. This is different from the usual type of synchronization, where user accounts are synced from an on-premises directory, but the Azure AD accounts are traditional Azure AD accounts and are not assigned the guest user type.

Azure Active Directory accounts use the user type to display information about the account’s relationship to the organization’s tenancy. The two following values are supported:

  • Member If the user type is Member, the user is considered to belong to the host organization. This is appropriate for full-time employees, some types of contractors, or anyone else on the organizational payroll or within the organizational structure. Figure 1-12 shows a user account with the user type set to member.

  • Guest The Guest user type indicates that the user is not directly associated with the organization. The guest user type applies to B2B and more generally to guest accounts. It is used when the account is based in another organization’s directory or associated with another identity provider, such as a social network identity.

This screenshot shows the properties of an Azure AD user with the user type set to member.

FIGURE 1-12 Account with the user type set to member

The account’s user type does not determine how the user signs in; it is merely an indication of the user’s relationship to the organization that controls the Azure AD tenancy. It can also be used to implement policies that depend on the value of this attribute. It is the source attribute property that indicates how the user authenticates. This property can have the following values:

  • Invited user A guest or B2B user who has been invited but has yet to accept their invitation.

  • External Active Directory An account that resides in a directory managed by a partner organization. When the user authenticates, they do so against the partner organization’s Azure AD instance.

  • Microsoft account A guest account that authenticates using a Microsoft account, such as an or account.

  • Windows Server Active Directory A user who is signed in from an on-premises instance of Active Directory that is managed by the same organization that controls the tenancy. This usually involves the deployment of Azure AD Connect. In the case of a B2B user, though, the user type attribute is set to guest.

  • Azure Active Directory A user who is signed in using an Azure AD account that is managed by the organization. In the case of a B2B user, the user type attribute is set to guest.

When you create the first type of B2B account, an invitation is sent to the user to whom you want to grant B2B access. The process of creating and sending this invitation also creates an account within your organization’s Azure AD directory. This account will not have any credentials associated with it because authentication will be performed by the B2B user’s identity provider. Figure 1-13 shows the screen used to send an invitation to a user.

This screenshot shows the New Guest User page in the Azure AD admin center with the user being added.

FIGURE 1-13 Creating a guest B2B user in the Azure AD Admin Center

Until the invitation is accepted, the source property of an invited B2B guest user account will be set to Invited User, as shown in Figure 1-14. You can also resend the invitation if the target user does not receive or respond to it.

This is a screenshot showing the properties of an invited user, which displays the user type as Guest in the Azure AD admin center.

FIGURE 1-14 Source attribute set to Invited User

When the user accepts the invitation, the source attribute will be updated to external Azure Active Directory, as shown in Figure 1-15. If the user’s account is synchronized from an on-premises Active Directory instance, but the user type is set to Guest, the source property will be listed as Windows Server Active Directory.

This screenshot shows the properties of an Azure AD guest user where the source attribute is set to External Azure Active Directory.

FIGURE 1-15 Source attribute set to External Azure Active Directory

Create guest accounts

A B2B account is a Guest account. Although the exam objectives suggest a substantial difference exists between these two types of accounts, it is perhaps more accurate to say that a Guest account might be considered a type of B2B account where the account is a Microsoft account or a social account. For example, a Guest account might have an email address, or it might be a social media account such as a Facebook account. The main difference between the two is that, in general, a B2B account implies a business-to-business relationship, whereas a Guest account implies a business-to-individual relationship.

You create a guest account in exactly the same way as a B2B account, as outlined in the preceding section. You send an invitation, an account is created, the user accepts the invitation, and then the individual uses the account to access Microsoft 365 resources to which they have been granted permissions.

You can view a list of all users in an Azure AD instance that have guest accounts by selecting Guest Users Only from the Show drop-down list on the All Users page, as shown in Figure 1-16.

This screenshot shows the list of guest accounts in the All Users page of the Azure AD admin center.

FIGURE 1-16 Viewing guest accounts

Guest users are blocked from performing certain tasks, including enumerating users, groups, and other Azure AD resources. You can remove the guest user default limitations by performing the following steps:

  1. On the Azure Active Directory blade, under Manage, select User settings.

  2. On the User settings blade, select Manage External Collaboration Settings.

  3. On the External collaboration settings page, select No under Guest users Permissions Are Limited, as shown in Figure 1-17.

This screenshot shows the external collaboration settings for users within the Azure AD tenancy.

FIGURE 1-17 External collaboration settings

Design solutions for external access

When designing a solution to enable external access to Microsoft 365 resources, you should understand that Microsoft 365 external sharing and Azure AD B2B collaboration are almost the same thing. Except for OneDrive and SharePoint Online, all external sharing uses the Azure AD B2B collaboration invitation APIs.

OneDrive and SharePoint Online have a separate invitation manager, and their functionality differs slightly from Microsoft 365 external sharing and Azure AD B2B collaboration. For example, unlike Azure AD B2B, OneDrive and SharePoint Online will only add a user to the Azure AD instance after the user has redeemed their invitation. In contrast, Azure AD B2B adds the user to the directory during invitation creation. This means you can perform actions such as granting access to an Azure AD B2B guest user before they have accepted their invitation because they will be present in the directory—something that is not possible with invitations sent through OneDrive and SharePoint Online.

You manage external sharing for SharePoint Online using the Sharing page of the SharePoint Admin Center. To configure SharePoint so that only Azure AD B2B sharing is enabled, select Allow Sharing Only With The External Users That Already Exist In Your Organization’s Directory, as shown in Figure 1-18.

This screenshot shows the Sharing page of the SharePoint admin center.

FIGURE 1-18 SharePoint Online Sharing options

You can use the External Collaboration Settings page (see Figure 1-19), accessible from the Azure AD User Settings blade, to configure the following collaboration settings:

  • Guest Users Permissions Are Limited Enabled by default, this option enables you to configure guest users so that they have the same permissions as standard users.

  • Admins And Users In The Guest Inviter Role Can Invite Invitations can be sent from users who hold the administrator and guest inviter roles.

  • Members Can Invite Invitations can be sent by users who are not administrators and who have not been assigned the guest inviter roles.

  • Guests Can Invite Users with guest status can invite other users as B2B users or guests.

  • Enable Email One-Time Passcode For Guests This is a one-time passcode for guests who do not have an Azure AD or Microsoft account and for which Google Federation has not been configured. Guests who use one-time passcodes remain authenticated for 24 hours.

  • Allow Invitations To Be Sent To Any Domain The is the default setting, which enables guest and B2B invitations to be sent to any domain.

  • Deny Invitations To Specified Domains This enables you to create a block list of domains to which guest and B2B invitations cannot be sent.

  • Allow Invitations Only To The Specified Domains Use this option to allow guest and B2B invitations only to specific domains. Invitations to domains not on the allowed list are blocked.

This screenshot shows the external collaboration settings for Azure AD users.

FIGURE 1-19 Collaboration settings

Manage administrative units

Azure AD administrative units are containers for Azure AD users and groups that you can use to limit administrative permissions. For example, if you want to limit administrative rights to a specific set of users and groups, you could place those users and groups in an administrative unit and assign permissions using the administrative unit as the permission scope. All the user and group objects located within that administrative unit will be subject to the permissions assigned at the administrative unit level.

The administrative unit structure will be dependent on the needs of each organization. Some organizations might create an administrative unit structure based on geographical boundaries; other organizations might create an administrative unit structure based on their company divisions. Administrative units in Azure AD are analogous to Organizational Units in Active Directory Domain Services. Users with the Global Administrator or Privileged Role Administrators can do the following:

  • Create administrative units

  • Add users and groups to administrative units

  • Delegate administrative roles to administrative units

To add an administrative unit through the Azure portal, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure AD Admin Center or Azure portal, select the Azure Active Directory node and then select Administrative Units.

  2. In the Administrative Units blade, select Add. You will be asked to provide a name for the administrative unit in the Name box and have the option of providing a description for the administrative unit.

  3. Click Add to complete the process of adding the administrative unit.

You can use the New-AzureADMSAdministrativeUnit PowerShell cmdlet when connected to Azure AD to create a new administrative unit. For example, to create a new administrative unit named Tasmania with the description Tasmania Users, run the following command:

New-AzureADMSAdministrativeUnit -Description "Tasmania Users" -DisplayName "Tasmania"

Once you have created the administrative unit, you can add users, groups, and assign roles and administrators. To add a user using the Azure portal, open the Administrative Unit and select Users, as shown in Figure 1-20, and then click Add Member.

This screenshot shows Tasmania administrative unit in Azure Active Directory in the Azure portal.

FIGURE 1-20 Administrative units

To add a group using the Azure portal, open the Administrative Unit, select Groups, and click Add. To add roles and administrators for the Administrative Unit, you will need an Azure AD P1 or P2 license. By default, the following administrative roles are assigned permissions to the Administrative Unit, as shown in Figure 1-21:

  • Authentication Administrator

  • Groups Administrator

  • Helpdesk Administrator

  • License Administrator

  • Password Administrator

  • User Administrator

This screenshot shows the Roles and Administrators configured for the Tasmania administrative unit in Azure Active Directory in the Azure portal.

FIGURE 1-21 Administrative unit Roles and administrators

Perform the following steps to add a user or group to one of the existing roles scoped only with permissions to objects within the Administrative Unit:

  1. Open the Administrative Unit in the Azure portal and select Roles And Administrators.

  2. Select the role that you want to assign over the objects contained within the administrative unit and then select Add Assignments.

  3. On the Add Assignments pane, select the users or groups that you want to assign to the role.

The best practice when using role-based access control technologies is to assign roles to specially created groups and then add users to that group. Removing a user’s privileges is a matter of removing their account from specific groups. This is a simpler process than removing privileges for a specific user on a resource-by-resource basis.

Skill 1.2: Manage secure access by using Azure AD

This objective deals with the steps that can be taken to secure access to Azure resources by using Azure Active Directory. This objective deals with configuring privileged identity management, conditional access policies, implementing Azure AD Identity protection, managing passwordless authentication, and performing access reviews. This section covers the following topics:

Configure Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM)

Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM) allows you to make role assignments temporary and contingent on approval, rather than making them permanent, as is the case when you manually add a member to the role. PIM requires Azure AD P2, which must be enabled before it can be configured. To configure an Azure AD administrative role for use with PIM, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure AD admin center, select Roles And Administrators.

  2. Select the role to which you want to add a user. This will open the role’s properties page.

  3. On the Role Properties page, click Manage In PIM. The role will open, and any members assigned permanently to the role will be listed with the status of Permanent, as shown in Figure 1-22.

    This screenshot shows members of the password administrators role.

    FIGURE 1-22 Members of the Password Administrators role

  4. Select the user you want to convert from Permanent to Eligible. An eligible user can request access to the role, but that user will not have its associated rights and privileges until that access is granted. On the user’s properties page, click Make Eligible.

You can edit the conditions under which an eligible user can be granted access by performing the following steps:

  1. On the Privileged Identity Management blade, click Azure AD Roles.

  2. Under Manage, as shown in Figure 1-23, click Settings.

    This screenshot shows the Management blade for Azure AD Roles.

    FIGURE 1-23 Manage PIM

  3. Click Roles and then select the role that you want to configure. Figure 1-24 shows the PIM settings for the Security Administrator role, where role activation can occur for an hour at most but where MFA and an approval are not required.

This screenshot shows the Management blade for Azure AD Roles.

FIGURE 1-24 Manage PIM

Users can activate roles that they are eligible for from the Privileged Identity Management area of the Azure AD Administrative console. Administrators with the appropriate permissions can also use the Privileged Identity Management area of the Azure AD Administrative console to approve requests that require approval and review role activations.

PIM requires that you configure Azure AD users with appropriate licenses. PIM requires one of the following license categories to be assigned to users who will perform PIM-related tasks:

  • Azure AD Premium P2

  • Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) E5

  • Microsoft 365 M5

The PIM-related tasks that require a license are as follows:

  • Any user who is eligible for an Azure AD role that is managed using PIM

  • Any user who can approve or reject PIM activation requests

  • Users assigned to Azure resource roles with just-in-time or time-based assignments

  • Any user who can perform an access review

  • Any user who is assigned to an access review

You cannot use PIM to manage the following classic subscription administrator roles:

  • Account Administrator

  • Service Administrator

  • Co-Administrator

The first person to activate PIM will be assigned the Security Administrator and Privileged Administrator roles for the tenancy.

Implement conditional access policies, including multifactor authentication

Conditional Access policies allow you to require additional steps to be taken when a certain set of circumstances occur. For example, you could configure a conditional access policy to require MFA to occur if a user attempts to access a specific resource in Azure or if a user is accessing Azure from an unusual location. Conditional access policies can also be used to completely block access to Azure resources when certain conditions are met, such as when someone attempts to access an application from a region from which IP address ranges have been blocked.

Conditional access policies

Conditional access policies will only be enforced after the first-factor authentication has been completed. Conditional access policies require an Azure AD P2 or equivalent subscription. Commonly used conditional access policies include:

  • Require MFA for all users with administrative roles

  • Require MFA prior to performing Azure management tasks

  • Block sign-ins for legacy authentication protocols

  • Require trusted location when registering for Azure MFA

  • Block access from specific locations

  • Require organization-managed devices for certain applications

Conditional access policies can be applied based on user circumstances that include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • IP address location An administrator can designate certain IP address ranges as trusted, such as the public IP addresses associated with the organization’s Internet gateway devices. Administrators can also specify regional IP address ranges as being blocked from access, such as those belonging to people trying to access resources from Tasmania.

  • Device Whether the user is attempting to access Azure AD resources from a trusted device or from a new untrusted device.

  • Application Whether the user is attempting to access a specific Azure AD application.

  • Group membership Whether the user is a member of a specific group.

In addition to the simple option to block access, conditional access policies can be configured to

  • Require multifactor authentication

  • Require a device to be marked as compliant

  • Require the device to be Hybrid Azure AD–joined

  • Require an approved client app

  • Require an app protection policy

To create a conditional access policy, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure Active Directory area of the Azure portal, select Security and then select Conditional Access, as shown in Figure 1-25.

    This screenshot shows the Security blade for Azure AD with Conditional Access highlighted.

    FIGURE 1-25 Security page with Conditional Access highlighted

  2. On the Conditional Access | Policies page shown in Figure 1-26, select New Policy.

    This screenshot shows the Conditional Access Policies page in Azure Active Directory admin center.

    FIGURE 1-26 Conditional Access policies

  3. On the New Conditional Access Policy page shown in Figure 1-27, provide the following information:

    • Name A name for the conditional access policy.

    • Users And Groups Users and groups that the policy applies to.

    • Cloud Apps Or Actions Which cloud apps or user actions the policy applies to. Policies can apply to some or all cloud apps. You can also specify specific user actions that will trigger the conditional access policy, such as attempting to access a specific Azure resource (such as a virtual machine).

    • Conditions The conditions associated with the policy. These include User Risk, Sign-In Risk, Device Platforms, Locations, Client Apps, and Device State.

    • Access Controls Select which additional controls are required to grant access. This gives you the option of requiring MFA, a compliant device, a Hybrid Azure AD–joined device, an approved client app, an app protection policy, or that the user performs a password change.

    • Session Allows you to specify the behavior of specific cloud applications. Options include Conditional Access App Control, Sign-In Frequency, and Persistent Browser Session.

    • Enable Policy Can be set to Report Only, which you should use to determine how the policy will function prior to enforcing, enabling, or disabling it.

This screenshot shows the New Conditional Access Policy page. No options have been selected.

FIGURE 1-27 New Conditional Access policy

  1. Click Create to create the policy.

Implementing MFA

When implementing MFA, you need to decide which MFA capabilities will be available to the users associated with your organization’s Azure AD tenancy. MFA requires that more than one authentication method be used when signing in to a resource. Usually, this involves the user providing their username and password credentials and then providing one of the following:

  • A code generated by an authenticator app This can be the Microsoft Authenticator app or a third-party authenticator app, such as the Google authenticator app.

  • A response provided to the Microsoft Authenticator app When this method is used, Azure AD provides an on-screen code to the user authenticating the app; this code also must be selected on an application that is registered with Azure AD.

  • A phone call to a number registered with Azure AD The user needs to provide a preconfigured PIN that they will be instructed to enter by the automated service that performs the phone call. Microsoft provides a default greeting during authentication phone calls, so you don’t have to record one for your organization.

  • An SMS message sent to a mobile phone number registered with Azure AD The user provides the code sent in the message as a second factor during authentication.

When designing your solution, you’ll need to ensure that users have access to the appropriate MFA technology. This might require you to come up with a method of ensuring that all users in your organization already have the Microsoft Authenticator app installed on their mobile devices before you enable MFA on their accounts.

MFA is not enabled by default on Azure AD tenancies. Before you can configure accounts to use MFA, you’ll need to enable MFA on the tenancy. To enable MFA on an Azure AD tenancy and configure MFA for specific users, perform the following steps:

  1. In Azure Active Directory admin center, navigate to Users and then click All Users.

  2. Click More, and then click Multifactor Authentication, as shown in Figure 1-28.

    This screenshot shows the option in the Users[nd]All Users console of Azure AD admin center to enable multifactor authentication.

    FIGURE 1-28 Set up Azure MFA

  3. After selecting this option, MFA will be enabled for the tenancy, and you’ll be provided with a list of users that is similar to that shown in Figure 1-29.

    This screenshot shows the list of users configured for multifactor authentication; all users are disabled.

    FIGURE 1-29 Set up users for Azure MFA

  4. Select the users you want to set up for MFA, as shown in Figure 1-30, and then click Enable.

    This screenshot shows the list of users configured for multifactor authentication; one user is enabled, and three users are selected.

    FIGURE 1-30 Set up users for Azure MFA

  5. On the About Enabling Multi-Factor Auth dialog box shown in Figure 1-31, click Enable Multi-Factor Auth.

    This screenshot shows the About Enabling Multi-factor Auth dialog box.

    FIGURE 1-31 Enabling multifactor authorization

  6. The next time that users sign in, they will be prompted to enroll in multifactor authentication and will be presented with a dialog box similar to that shown in Figure 1-32, asking them to provide additional information.

    This screenshot shows the More Information Required dialog box.

    FIGURE 1-32 More information required

  7. Choose between providing a mobile or office phone number or configuring a Mobile App using the How Should We Contact You? drop-down menu shown in Figure 1-33.

    This screenshot shows the Additional Security Verification dialog box with Mobile App selected.

    FIGURE 1-33 Contact preferences

  8. When you specify one of these options, you are presented with a QR code. Within the app, you can add a new account by scanning the QR code. Once you have configured the application, you will be required to confirm that configuration has completed successfully by approving a sign-in through the app, as shown in Figure 1-34.

    This screenshot shows the Approve Sign-In? dialog box on a mobile device, requesting that a sign-in be approved.

    FIGURE 1-34 Verify on the app

  9. Once this is done, you’ll be prompted to provide additional security information in the form of a phone number, as shown in Figure 1-35.

This screenshot shows the Additional Security Verification dialog box, Step 3: In Case You Lose Access To The Mobile App. Select your country or region and then add your phone number.

FIGURE 1-35 Verify on the app

You can configure the following multifactor authentication service settings, as shown in Figure 1-36.

  • App Passwords Allow or disallow users from using app passwords for non-browser apps that do not support multifactor authentication.

  • Trusted IP Addresses Configure a list of trusted IP addresses where MFA will be skipped when federation is configured between the on-premises environment and the Microsoft 365 Azure AD tenancy.

  • Verification Options Specify which verification options are available to users, including phone call, text message, app-based verification, or hardware token.

  • Remember Multi-Factor Authentication Decide whether to allow users to have MFA authentication remembered for a specific period of time on a device so that MFA does not need to be performed each time the user signs in. The default is 14 days.

This screenshot shows the Multi-Factor Authentication service settings page, with all methods available to users enabled.

FIGURE 1-36 MFA service settings

Administer MFA users

Once MFA is configured for users, there might be certain times when you want to force users to provide updated contact methods, you might want to revoke all app passwords, or you might want to restore MFA on all remembered devices. You can do this by performing the following steps:

  1. With an account that has been assigned the Global Admin role, open the Azure AD admin center and select the All Users node, as shown in Figure 1-37. Select the user to manage MFA.

    This screenshot shows the All Users list in Azure Active Directory Admin Center.

    FIGURE 1-37 Select the user to manage MFA

  2. On the user’s properties page, select Authentication Methods.

  3. On the Authentication Methods page shown in Figure 1-38, select which action to perform.

This screenshot shows the authentication methods available for user Adele Vance in the Azure AD admin center.

FIGURE 1-38 Authentication methods

If you want to perform a bulk reset for multiple users, use the following steps:

  1. From the All users page shown in Figure 1-39, click Multi-Factor Authentication.

    This screenshot shows the Multi-Factor Authentication area of the All Users section in Azure AD admin center.

    FIGURE 1-39 List of users

  2. On the Users tab of the Multi-factor Authentication page shown in Figure 1-40, select the users for whom you want to reset MFA settings and click Manage User Settings.

    This screenshot shows multiple users selected on the Multi-Factor Authentication page.

    FIGURE 1-40 List of users

  3. On the Manage User Settings page shown in Figure 1-41, select which tasks you want to perform, such as requiring users to provide contact methods again, deleting all existing app passwords, and restoring MFA on remembered devices. After making the selection, click Save.

This screenshot shows the Manage User Settings dialog box when enabling multifactor authentication.

FIGURE 1-41 Managing user settings

Account lockout

Account Lockout settings for MFA, shown in Figure 1-42, allow you to configure the conditions under which MFA lockout will occur. On this page, you can configure the number of MFA denials that will trigger the account lockout process, how long before the account lockout counter is reset, and the number of minutes until the account will be unblocked. For example, if the account lockout counter is reset after 10 minutes, and the number of MFA denials to trigger account lockout is set to 5, then 5 denials in 10 minutes will trigger a lockout. However, 5 denials over a course of 30 minutes would not trigger a lockout because the account lockout counter would reset during that period.

This screenshot shows the Multi-Factor Authentication [nd] Account Lockout settings blade in Azure AD admin center.

FIGURE 1-42 Account lockout settings

Block/unblock users

The Block/Unblock Users setting shown in Figure 1-43 allows you to block specific users of an on-premises MFA server from being able to receive an MFA request. Any requests sent to a user on the blocked users list will automatically be denied. Users on this list remain blocked for 90 days, after which they are removed from the blocked users list. To unblock a blocked user, click Unblock.

This screenshot shows the Block/Unblock Users page of the Multi-Factor Authentication blade in Azure AD admin center.

FIGURE 1-43 Block/Unblock Users

Fraud alert settings

Figure 1-44 shows the Fraud Alert settings, which allow you to configure whether users can report fraudulent verification requests. A fraudulent verification request might occur when an attacker has access to a user’s password but does not have access to an alternative MFA method. A user becomes aware of this by receiving an MFA prompt, either through their app, an SMS, or a phone call when they haven't attempted to authenticate against a Microsoft 365 workload. When a user reports fraud, you can choose an option to have their account automatically blocked for 90 days, which indicates that the password is likely to be compromised.

This screenshot shows the Fraud Alert settings for multifactor authentication in Azure AD admin center.

FIGURE 1-44 Fraud alert

OATH tokens

The OATH tokens page shown in Figure 1-45 allows you to upload a specially formatted CSV file containing the details and keys of the OATH tokens you want to use for multifactor authentication. The specially formatted CSV file should include a formatted header row, as shown here with the UPN (user principal name), serial number, secret key, time interval, manufacturer, and model. Each file is associated with a specific user. If a user has multiple OATH tokens, these should be included in the file associated with their account.

This screenshot shows the OATH Tokens section of the Multi-Factor Authentication settings in the Azure AD admin center.

FIGURE 1-45 OATH tokens

Phone call settings

Phone call settings allow you to configure the caller ID number that is displayed when the user is contacted for MFA authentication. This number must be a United States number. You can also use the phone call settings page shown in Figure 1-46 to configure custom voice messages. The voice messages must be in .wav or .mp3 format, must be no larger than 5 MB, and should be shorter than 20 seconds.

This screenshot shows the Multi-Factor Authentication Phone Call Settings section of Azure AD admin center.

FIGURE 1-46 Phone Call Settings

Report MFA utilization

Azure MFA provides a number of reports that you can use to understand how MFA is being used in your organization, including:

  • Blocked User History Provides a history of requests to block or unblock users.

  • Usage And Fraud Alerts Provides information on a history of fraud alerts submitted by users. Also, this report provides information on the overall MFA usage.

  • Usage For On-Premises Components Provides information on the utilization of MFA through the Network Policy Server extension, Active Directory Federation Services, and on-premises MFA server.

  • Bypassed User History Provides information on a specific user’s requests to bypass MFA.

  • Server Status Provides status data of MFA servers associated with your organization’s Azure AD tenancy.

Implement Azure AD Identity Protection

Azure AD Identity Protection allows you to automate the detection and remediation of identity-based risks, including the following:

  • Atypical travel When a user’s account sign-in indicates they have performed unusual shifts in location. This could include a user signing in from Sydney and then Los Angeles in a two-hour period when the flight between the two cities takes about seven times that amount of time.

  • Anonymous IP address When a user signs in from an anonymous IP address. While a user might be using an anonymizing VPN to access organizational resources, attackers also use tools such as TOR nodes when launching compromise attempts.

  • Unfamiliar sign-in properties When a user’s sign-in properties differ substantially from those that have been observed in the past.

  • Malware-linked IP address When the IP address the user is signing in from is known to be part of a malware botnet or has exhibited other malicious network activity in the past.

  • Leaked credentials When the user’s credentials have been discovered in a data breach, such as those recorded on

  • Azure AD threat intelligence When the sign-in behavior correlates with known attack patterns identified by Microsoft’s internal or external threat intelligence sources.

Enabling Azure AD Identity protection requires an Azure AD P2 license.

Azure AD Identity Protection allows you to configure two types of risk policy: a sign-in risk policy and a user-risk policy:

  • Sign-in risk These policies analyze signals from each sign-in and determine how likely it is that the sign-in was not performed by the person associated with the user account. If a sign-in is determined to be risky, administrators can specify whether to block access or allow access but require multifactor authentication.

  • User-risk These policies are based on identifying deviations from the user’s normal behavior. For example, the user signs in from an unusual location at a time that substantially differs from when they usually sign in. User risk policies allow administrators to block access, allow access, or allow access but require a password change when the policy is triggered.

To enable user risk and sign-in risk policies, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure Active Directory admin center, select Security in the Manage area and then select Identity Protection.

  2. In the Protect section of the Identity Protection blade, which is shown in Figure 1-47, select User Risk Policy.

    This screenshot shows the identity protection blade of the Azure AD admin center.

    FIGURE 1-47 Identity protection blade

  3. Click User Risk Policy. On the User Risk Policy blade, which is shown in Figure 1-48, configure the following settings.

    This screenshot shows a user risk remediation policy with no policy options configured.

    FIGURE 1-48 User Risk Remediation Policy

    • Assignments: Users Determine which users the user risk remediation policy applies to.

    • Assignments: Conditions Allows you to determine at which risk level the policy applies. You can choose between Low And Above, Medium And Above, or High.

    • Controls: Access For a user risk policy, you can choose between Block, Allow, and Allow And Require Password Change.

    • Enforce policy The policy can be switched On or Off.

  4. Click Sign-In Risk Policy. On the Sign-In Risk Remediation Policy blade, which is shown in Figure 1-49, configure the following settings and click Save:

    • Assignments: Users Determine which users the user risk remediation policy applies to.

    • Assignments: Conditions Allows you to determine at which risk level the policy applies. You can choose between Low And Above, Medium And Above, or High.

    • Controls: Access For a user risk policy, you can choose between Block, Allow, and Allow And Require Multi-Factor Authentication.

    • Enforce policy The policy can be switched On or Off.

This screenshot shows a sign-in risk remediation policy with no policy options configured.

FIGURE 1-49 Sign-In Risk Remediation Policy

Implement passwordless authentication

Passwordless authentication allows you to replace authentication using a password with authentication requiring something you have and something you know. An example of this might be a biometric, such as your face or fingerprint combined with a code generated by an authenticator device.

Microsoft currently offers three passwordless authentication options. These are

  • Windows Hello for Business This method uses biometric authentication technologies included with Windows computers, such as Windows Hello compatible cameras for facial recognition or Windows Hello compatible fingerprint readers. Most appropriate for users who are the only people who regularly interact with a specific Windows computer.

  • Security key sign-in Allows access via FIDO2 Security keys. This method is appropriate for users who sign in to shared machines, such as those in a call center. Because it requires the physical FIDO2 security key, this is also an excellent method of protecting privileged identities because this key can, in turn, be secured in a safe that another person has the access code for.

  • Phone sign-in through Microsoft Authenticator App The Microsoft Authenticator App runs on iOS and Android phones and supports identity verification via biometrics or PIN-based authentication. When using this method, a user will be prompted on the screen to select a specific number displayed amongst a list of options on the Microsoft Authenticator App and perform identity verification via biometrics or a PIN.

Deploying passwordless authentication requires the following administrative roles:

  • Global administrator This role allows the implementation of the combined registration experience in the directory.

  • Authentication administrator This role can implement and manage authentication methods for individual user accounts.

  • User Although not an administrative role, this account is necessary to be able to configure an authenticator app on a device or enroll a security device for their specific accounts once passwordless authentication is enabled for their accounts.

To enable passwordless phone sign-in authentication, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure Active Directory admin portal, click Security.

  2. On the Security page shown in Figure 1-50, click Authentication Methods.

    This screenshot shows the Security menu in the Security section of the Azure AD portal. Authentication Methods has been selected.

    FIGURE 1-50 Authentication Methods section of the Security page

  3. On the Authentication Methods page shown in Figure 1-51, select the authentication method that you want to enable, toggle the slider to On, and then choose whether you want to enable the authentication method for some or all Azure AD users by choosing All Users or Select Users.

This screenshot shows the Authentication methods page of the Azure AD administrative portal. The Microsoft Authenticator passwordless sign-in authentication method is selected but is not currently enabled.

FIGURE 1-51 Enable passwordless authentication method

Configure access reviews

Many security incidents have occurred because an attacker has gained access through a forgotten account with administrative privileges. Access reviews allow you to determine whether existing PIM role assignments are still relevant and which role assignments can be removed because they are no longer being actively used.

Access Review of the Azure resource PIM role

There are two types of access review: access reviews of Azure resource PIM roles and access reviews of Azure AD PIM roles. To perform an access review of an Azure resource PIM role, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure AD admin center blade of the Azure portal, select Identity Governance in the Manage area and then select Privileged Identity Management.

  2. On the Privileged Identity Management blade, click Azure Resources, as shown in Figure 1-52.

    This screenshot shows the Azure resources area of the Privileged Identity Management blade.

    FIGURE 1-52 Azure resources

  3. Existing access reviews will be displayed on the report shown in Figure 1-53.

    This screenshot shows the Azure resources access review report.

    FIGURE 1-53 Azure Resource access review report

  4. Click New to create a new access review. Provide the following information:

    • Access Review Name A name for the access review.

    • Start Date Date when the review is scheduled to start.

    • Frequency How often the review should occur. You can choose a one-time frequency, or you can select Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually, or Semiannually.

    • Duration Specify the number of days over which the access review will occur. A longer duration will give you a better idea of how often privileged roles are used.

    • End Specify how to end recurring access reviews. You can specify an end date or configure the review to end after a specific number of cycles.

    • Users Specify the roles that you are reviewing the membership of.

    • Reviewers Specify which people will review all the users.

    • Upon Completion As shown in Figure 1-54, configure how you want the results of the access review implemented. If you want to automatically remove access for users, set Auto Apply Results To Resources to Enable. If you want to manually apply results once the review is complete, set this to Disable.

This screenshot shows the Upon Completion Settings area of the Create An Access Review dialog box.

FIGURE 1-54 Upon Completion Settings

  • Should Reviewer Not Respond In this drop-down menu, you have the following options:

    • No Change This will ensure that no changes are made to current PIM settings.

    • Remove Access This will remove access of users where access is no longer found to be necessary.

    • Approve Access This will approve user access.

    • Take Recommendations Use the system’s recommendation when it comes to removing or approving continued access.

The steps for configuring an access review of an Azure AD PIM role are similar to those that you perform when configuring a review to Azure resources, except that you select Azure AD Roles instead of Azure Resources on the Manage menu of the Privileged Identity Management blade of the Azure AD admin center.

Monitor privileged access for Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM)

Privileged Identity Management (PIM) allows you to implement time-based and approval-based activation of administrative roles. For example, you could configure PIM so that a help desk employee only has the right to change a user’s password for a maximum of 60 minutes once the request for that right has been approved by a specific authorized user. PIM differs from earlier administrative models where the help desk might always be able to change Azure AD user passwords. PIM allows you to do the following:

  • Configure just-in-time privileged access to Azure AD and Azure resources. Just-in-time access is access limited to an amount of time, rather than providing permanent access to those resources.

  • Assign time-bound access to resources using start and end dates.

  • Require approval from another user when activating privileged roles.

  • Require multifactor authentication to occur before role activation.

  • Require users to provide recorded written justification of why they need to perform activation. This allows auditors at a later stage to correlate the administrative activity that occurs with the stated reason for providing privileged access.

  • Provide notifications, such as email alerts sent to a distribution list, when privileged roles are activated.

  • Perform access reviews to determine how often privileges are used and whether specific users still require roles.

  • Export an audit history that can be examined by internal or external auditors.

To view all activity associated with Azure AD roles, you need to view the resource audit history. To view resource audit history, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure AD admin center blade of the Azure portal, select Identity Governance in the Manage area, as shown in Figure 1-55.

    This screenshot shows the Identity Governance Area within the Azure Active Directory admin center.

    FIGURE 1-55 Identity Governance

  2. On the Identity Governance blade, select Azure AD Roles under Privileged Identity Management.

  3. Click Resource Audit and then use the filters to view the appropriate information, as shown in Figure 1-56.

This screenshot shows the Resource Audit area in the Privileged Identity Management blade of the Azure Active Directory admin center.

FIGURE 1-56 Resource Audit

Skill 1.3: Manage application access

This objective deals with the steps that can be taken to configure and manage application access. This includes understanding how to integrate single sign-in providers, create app registrations and configure permission scopes, manage app registration permission consent, manage API permissions, and service principal authentication methods.

Integrate single sign-on (SSO) and identity providers for authentication

Azure Active Directory supports a variety of identity providers for authentication, including on-premises Active Directory Domain Services and certificate-based authentication. You learned about using external identity providers in Skill 1.1.

Install and configure Azure AD Connect

Azure AD Connect allows you to connect your on-premises Active Directory accounts with an Azure AD instance. This is useful not only for applications running in Azure, but it allows you to implement single sign-on if your organization is using Microsoft 365 or Office 365. Single sign-on allows you to use one identity to access on-premises and cloud resources. In many scenarios, the user won’t even be required to re-authenticate.

Azure AD Connect is software that you install on a computer that manages the process of synchronizing objects between the on-premises Active Directory and the Azure Active Directory instance. You can install Azure AD Connect on computers running the Windows Server 2012 or later operating systems:

Azure AD Connect has the following requirements:

  • It must be installed on a Windows Server instance that has the GUI version of the operating system installed. You cannot install Azure AD connect on a computer running the Server Core operating system.

  • You can deploy Azure AD Connect on a computer that is either a domain controller or a member server. A server can be used if you use the custom options.

  • The server hosting Azure AD Connect requires .NET Framework 4.5.1 or later.

  • The server hosting Azure AD Connect requires Microsoft PowerShell 3.0 or later.

  • The Azure AD Connect server must not have PowerShell Transcription enabled through Group Policy.

  • If you are deploying Azure AD Connect with Active Directory Federation Services, you must use Windows Server 2012 R2 or later for the Web Application Proxy. Also, Windows remote management must be enabled on the servers that will host AD FS roles.

  • If global administrators will have multifactor authentication enabled (MFA), then this URL must be configured as a trusted site:

Connectivity Requirements

The computer with Azure AD Connect installed must be a member of a domain in the forest that you want to synchronize, and it must have connectivity to a writable domain controller in each domain of the forest you want to synchronize on the following ports:

  • DNS TCP/UDP Port 53

  • Kerberos TCP/UDP Port 88

  • RPC TCP Port 135

  • LDAP TCP/UDP Port 389

  • TLS/SSL TCP Port 443

  • SMB TCP 445

The computer with Azure AD Connect installed must be able to establish communication with the Microsoft Azure servers on the Internet over TCP port 443. The computer with Azure AD Connect installed can be located on an internal network as long as it can initiate communication on TCP port 443. The computer hosting Azure AD Connect does not need a publicly routable IP address. The computer hosting Azure AD Connect always initiates synchronization communication to Microsoft Azure. Microsoft Azure Active Directory does not initiate synchronization communication to the computer hosting Azure AD Connect on the on-premises network.

Because the Azure AD Connect instance requires access to the Internet, you should not install Azure AD Connect on a domain controller. If you are going to be replicating more than 50,000 objects, Microsoft recommends that you deploy SQL Server on a computer that is separate from the computer that will host Azure AD Connect. If you plan to host the SQL Server instance on a separate computer, ensure that communication is possible between the computer hosting Azure AD Connect and the computer hosting the SQL Instance on TCP port 1433.

If you are going to use a separate SQL Server instance, ensure that the account used to install and configure Azure AD Connect has systems administrator rights on the SQL instance and that the service account used for Azure AD Connect has public permissions in the Azure AD Connect database.

SQL Server Requirements

When you deploy Azure AD connect, you can have Azure AD Connect install an SQL Server Express instance, or you can choose to have Azure AD Connect leverage a full instance of SQL Server. SQL Server Express is limited to a maximum database size of 10 GB. In terms of Azure AD Connect, this means that Azure AD Connect can only manage 100,000 objects. This is likely to be adequate for all but the largest environments.

For environments that require Azure AD Connect to manage more than 100,000 objects, you’ll need to have Azure AD Connect leverage a full instance of SQL Server. Azure AD Connect can use all versions of Microsoft SQL Server, from Microsoft SQL Server 2012 with the most recent service pack to SQL Server 2019. It is important to note that SQL Azure is not supported as a database for Azure AD Connect. If you are deploying a full instance of SQL Server to support Azure AD Connect, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • Use a case-insensitive SQL collation Case-insensitive collations have the _CI_ identifier included in their names. Case-sensitive collations (those that use the _CS_ designation) are not supported for use with Azure AD Connect.

  • You can only use one sync engine per SQL instance If you have an additional Azure AD Connect sync engine or use Microsoft Identity Manager in your environment, each sync engine requires its own separate SQL instance.

Requirements for Deployment Accounts

You use two accounts when configuring Azure AD Connect. One account must have specific Azure AD permissions; the other account must have specific on-premises Active Directory permissions. The accounts that you use to install and configure Azure AD Connect have the following requirements:

  • The account used to configure Azure AD Connect must have Global Administrator privileges in the Azure AD tenancy. You should create a separate account for this task and configure the account with a complex password that does not expire. This account is used to synchronize between on-premises AD and Azure AD.

  • The account used to install and configure Azure AD Connect must have Enterprise Administrator permissions within the on-premises Active Directory forest if you will be using Express installation settings. This account is only required during installation and configuration. Once Azure AD Connect is installed and configured, this account no longer needs Enterprise Administrator permissions. The best practice is to create a separate account for Azure AD Connect installation and configuration and to temporarily add this account to the Enterprise Admins group during the installation and configuration process. Once Azure AD Connect is installed and configured, this account can be removed from the Enterprise Admins group. You should not attempt to change the account used after Azure AD Connect is set up and configured because Azure AD Connect always attempts to run using the original account.

  • The account used to install and configure Azure AD Connect must be a member of the local Administrators group on the computer on which Azure AD Connect is installed.

Installing Azure AD Connect

Installing Azure AD Connect with Express settings is appropriate if your organization has a single Active Directory forest and you want to use password synchronization for authentication. The Azure AD Connect Express settings are appropriate for most organizations. You can download the Azure AD Connect installation files from Microsoft’s download center website.

To install Azure AD Connect with Express settings, perform the following steps:

  1. Double click the AzureADConnect.msi file that you’ve downloaded from the Microsoft download center. You will be prompted with a security warning. After clicking Run, Azure AD Connect will be installed on your computer. When the installation is complete, you will be presented with a splash screen detailing the license terms and displaying a privacy notice. You’ll need to agree to these terms before clicking Continue.

  2. If your organization has an internal non-routable domain, it will be necessary for you to use custom settings. The best practice is to use domain synchronization when your on-premises Active Directory instance and your Azure Active Directory instance use the same routable domain name. Click Continue.

  3. On the Install Required Components page, shown in Figure 1-57, choose between the following options:

    This screenshot shows the Install Required Components page of the Azure AD Connect installation wizard.

    FIGURE 1-57 Install Required Components page

    • Specify A Custom Installation Location Choose this option if you want to install Azure AD Connect in a separate location, such as on another volume.

    • Specify An Existing SQL Server Choose this option if you want to specify an alternate SQL server instance. By default, Azure AD Connect will install an SQL Server Express instance.

    • Use An Existing Service Account You can configure Azure AD Connect to use an existing service account. By default, Azure AD Connect will create a service account. You can configure Azure AD Connect to use a Group Managed Service account. You’ll need to use an existing service account if you are using Azure AD Connect with a remote SQL Server instance or if communication with Azure will occur through a proxy server that requires authentication.

    • Specify Custom Sync Groups When you deploy Azure AD Connect, it will create four local groups on the server that hosts the Azure AD Connect Instance. These groups are the Administrators group, Operators group, Password Reset group, and the Browse group. If you want to use your own set of groups, you can specify them here. These groups must be local to the host server and not a member of the domain.

  4. Once you have specified which custom options you require—and you aren’t required to choose any—click Install.

  5. On the User Sign-In page shown in Figure 1-58, specify what type of sign-in you want to allow. You can choose between the following options, the details of which were covered earlier in this chapter:

    • Password Synchronization

    • Pass-Through Authentication

    • Federation With AD FS

    • Federation With PingFederate

    • Do Not Configure

    • Enable Single Sign-On

Most organizations will choose Password Synchronization because this is the most straightforward option.

This screenshot shows the User Sign-In options page of the Azure AD Connect setup wizard.

FIGURE 1-58 User Sign-In options page

  1. On the Connect To Azure AD page, provide the credentials of an account with Global Administrator privileges in Azure AD. Microsoft recommends you use an account in the default domain associated with the Azure AD instance to which you will be connecting. If you choose the Federation With AD FS option, ensure that you do not sign in using an account in a domain that you will enable for federation. Figure 1-59 shows a sign-in with a Password Synchronization scenario.

    This screenshot shows the Connect To Azure AD page of the Azure AD Connect setup wizard.

    FIGURE 1-59 Connect to Azure AD page

  2. Once Azure AD Connect has connected to Azure AD, you will be able to specify the directory type to synchronize, as well as the forest. Click Add Directory to add a specific forest. When you add a forest by clicking Add Directory, you will need to specify the credentials of an account that will perform periodic synchronization. Unless you are certain that you have applied the minimum necessary privileges to an account, you should provide Enterprise Administrator credentials and allow Azure AD Connect to create the account, as shown in Figure 1-60. This will ensure that the account is only assigned the privileges necessary to perform synchronization tasks.

    This screenshot shows the AD Forest Account page of the Azure AD Connect setup wizard.

    FIGURE 1-60 AD Forest Account page

  3. Once the credentials have been verified, as shown in Figure 1-61, click Next.

    This screenshot shows the Connect Your Directories page of the Azure AD Connect setup wizard.

    FIGURE 1-61 Connect Your Directories page

  4. On the Azure AD Sign-In Configuration page, shown in Figure 1-62, review the UPN suffix and then inspect the on-premises attribute that will be used as the Azure AD username. You’ll need to ensure that accounts use a routable Azure AD username.

    This screenshot shows the Azure AD Sign-In Configuration page of the Azure AD Connect setup wizard.

    FIGURE 1-62 Azure AD Sign-In Configuration page

  5. On the Domain And OU Filtering page, select whether you want to sync all objects or just objects in specific domains and OUs.

  6. On the Uniquely Identifying Users page shown in Figure 1-63, specify how users are to be identified. By default, users should only have one representation across all directories. If users exist in multiple directories, you can have matches identified by a specific active directory attribute, with the default being the Mail Attribute.

    This screenshot shows the Uniquely Identifying Your Users page of the Azure Active Directory Connect setup wizard.

    FIGURE 1-63 Uniquely Identifying Your Users

  7. On the Filter Users And Devices page, specify whether you want to synchronize all users and devices or only members of a specific group. Figure 1-64 shows members of the M365-Pilot-Users group being configured so that their accounts will be synchronized with Azure.

    This screenshot shows the Filter Users And Devices page of the Azure AD Connect setup wizard.

    FIGURE 1-64 Filter Users And Devices page

  8. On the Optional Features page shown in Figure 1-65, select any optional features that you want to configure. These features include the following:

    This screenshot shows the Optional Features page of the Azure AD Connect setup wizard.

    FIGURE 1-65 Optional Features

    • Exchange Hybrid Deployment This option is suitable for organizations that have an Office 365 deployment and where there are mailboxes hosted both on-premises and in the cloud.

    • Exchange Mail Public Folders This feature allows organizations to synchronize mail-enabled public folder objects from an on-premises Active Directory environment to Microsoft 365.

    • Azure AD App And Attribute Filtering Selecting this option allows you to be more selective about which attributes are synchronized between the on-premises environment and Azure AD.

    • Password Synchronization Synchronizes a hash of the user’s on-premises password Azure AD. When the user authenticates to Azure AD, the submitted password is hashed using the same process, and if the hashes match, the user is authenticated. Each time a user updates their password on-premises, the updated password hash synchronizes to Azure AD.

    • Password Writeback Password writeback allows users to change their passwords in the cloud and have the changed password written back to the on-premises Active Directory instance.

    • Group Writeback Changes made to groups in Azure AD are written back to the on-premises AD instance.

    • Device Writeback Information about devices registered by the user in Azure AD is written back to the on-premises AD instance.

    • Directory Extension Attribute Sync Allows you to extend Azure AD schema based on extensions made to your organization’s on-premises Active Directory instance.

  9. On the Ready To Configure page, you can choose to start synchronization or to enable staging mode. Azure AD Connect will prepare the synchronization process when you configure staging mode, but it will not synchronize any data with Azure AD.

Using UPN suffixes and non-routable domains

Before performing a synchronization between an on-premises Active Directory environment and an Azure Active Directory instance, you must ensure that all user account objects in the on-premises Active Directory environment are configured with a value for the UPN suffix that can function for both the on-premises environment and any application that you want to use it with in the cloud. This is not a problem when an organization’s internal Active Directory domain suffix is a publicly routable domain. For example, a domain name, such as or, which is resolvable by public DNS servers, will suffice. Things become more complicated when the organization’s internal Active Directory domain suffix is not publicly routable.

If a domain is non-routable, the default Azure AD instance domain, such as, should be used for the UPN suffix. This requires modifying the UPN suffix of accounts stored in the on-premises Active Directory instance. Modification of UPN after initial synchronization has occurred is not supported. So, you need to ensure that on-premises Active Directory UPNs are properly configured before performing initial synchronization using Azure AD Connect. Perform the following steps to add a UPN suffix to the on-premises Active Directory if the Active Directory domain uses a non-routable namespace:

  1. Open the Active Directory Domains And Trust console and select Active Directory Domains And Trusts.

  2. On the Action menu, click Properties.

  3. On the UPN Suffixes tab, enter the UPN suffix to be used with Azure Active Directory. Figure 1-66 shows the UPN suffix of

    This screenshot shows the Active Directory Domains and Trusts dialog box. The UPN Suffixes tab shows the routable domain.

    FIGURE 1-66 Configuring the UPN suffix for a routable domain

  4. Once the UPN suffix has been added in the Active Directory Domains And Trusts dialog box, you can assign the UPN suffix to user accounts. You can do this manually, as shown in Figure 1-67, by using the Account tab of the user’s Properties dialog box.

    This screenshot shows the UPN configuration of a user account being performed on the Account tab of the user's Properties dialog box. Under Account Options, Password Never Expires has been chosen.

    FIGURE 1-67 Configure UPN

  5. You can also use Microsoft PowerShell scripts to reset the UPNs of multiple user accounts. For example, the following script resets UPN suffixes of all user accounts in the epistemicus.internal domain to

Get-ADUser -Filter {UserPrincipalName -like "*@epistemicus.internal"} -SearchBase
"DC=epistemicus,DC=internal" |
ForEach-Object {
$UPN =
Set-ADUser $_ -UserPrincipalName $UPN

Azure AD Connect supports a variety of sign-in options. You configure which one you want to use when setting up Azure AD Connect. The default method, Password Synchronization, is appropriate for most organizations that will use Azure AD Connect to synchronize identities to the cloud.

Password Synchronization

Hashes of on-premises Active Directory user passwords synchronize to Azure AD. Changed passwords immediately synchronize to Azure AD. Actual passwords are never sent to Azure AD and are not stored in Azure AD. This allows for a seamless single sign-on for users of computers that are joined to an Active Directory domain that synchronizes to Azure AD. Also, password synchronization allows you to enable password write-back for self-service password reset functionality through Azure AD.

Pass-Through Authentication

The user’s password is validated against an on-premises Active Directory domain controller when authenticating to Azure AD. Passwords and password hashes are not present in Azure AD. Pass-through authentication allows for on-premises password policies to apply. Pass-through authentication requires that Azure AD Connect have an agent on a computer joined to the domain that hosts the Active Directory instance that contains the relevant user accounts. Pass-through authentication also allows seamless single sign-on for users of domain-joined machines.

With pass-through authentication, the user’s password is validated against the on-premises Active Directory controller. The password doesn't need to be present in Azure AD in any form. This allows for on-premises policies, such as sign-in hour restrictions, to be evaluated during authentication to cloud services.

Pass-through authentication uses a simple agent on a Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, or Windows Server 2019 domain-joined machine in the on-premises environment. This agent listens for password validation requests. It doesn't require any inbound ports to be open to the Internet.

In addition, you can also enable single sign-on for users on domain-joined machines that are on the corporate network. With single sign-on, enabled users only need to enter a username to help them securely access cloud resources.

Active Directory Federation

This allows users to authenticate to Azure AD resources using on-premises credentials. When you choose the Federation with AD FS option, Active Directory Federation Services is installed and configured. Also, a Web Application Proxy server is installed to facilitate communication between the on-premises AD FS deployment and Microsoft Azure Active Directory. This is the most complicated identity synchronization configuration, and it is only likely to be implemented in environments with complicated identity configurations.

Implement and manage Azure AD self-service password reset

A self-service password reset is challenging to deploy in an on-premises environment, but it is relatively straightforward to deploy in an environment that uses Azure AD as a source of identity authority. A self-service password reset allows users to reset their own passwords when they forget them, rather than having a member of the IT staff do it for them. To enable self-service password reset, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Azure Active Directory portal at with an account that has tenant administrator permissions.

  2. In the Azure Active Directory admin center, click the Users node, which will open the Users blade, as shown in Figure 1-68.

    This screenshot shows the Azure Active Directory admin center.

    FIGURE 1-68 Azure Active Directory Admin Center

  3. On the Users blade of the Azure Active Directory admin center, click Password Reset.

  4. On the Password Reset – Properties page, click All, as shown in Figure 1-69, to enable the self-service password reset for all Microsoft 365 users.

This screenshot shows a self-service password reset being enabled. The Self Service Password Reset Enabled slider has been set to All.

FIGURE 1-69 Enable Self Service Password Reset

Once enabled, users will be prompted for additional information the next time that they sign-in. This information will be used to verify their identities if they use the self-service password reset tool. Users can reset their passwords by navigating to the website shown in Figure 1-70 and completing the form.

This screenshot shows enabling self-service password reset.

FIGURE 1-70 Enable Self-Service Password Reset

Configure authentication methods including password hash and pass-through authentication (PTA) and OATH

Another authentication design aspect is deciding which authentication methods will be supported for accounts in your organization’s Azure AD instance. For example, you must decide whether you want to support self-service password reset or Azure multifactor authentication, as shown in Figure 1-71.

This screenshot shows a dialog box for setting up identity verification for the account.

FIGURE 1-71 Multiple methods of verifying identity during authentication

You can use the authentication methods listed in Table 1-1 with accounts hosted in Azure Active Directory.

TABLE 1-1 Authentication methods and usage

Authentication method

Where it can be used


Multifactor authentication and self-service password reset

Security questions

Self-service password reset only

Email address

Self-service password reset only

Microsoft Authenticator app

Multifactor authentication and self-service password reset

OATH Hardware Token

Multifactor authentication and self-service password reset


Multifactor authentication and self-service password reset

Voice Call

Multifactor authentication and self-service password reset

App passwords

Multifactor authentication in some cases

These authentication methods have the following properties:

  • Password The password assigned to an Azure AD account is an authentication method. While you can perform password-less authentication, you cannot disable the password as an authentication method.

  • Security Questions These are only available to Azure AD Self-Service Password Reset and can only be used with accounts that have not been assigned administrative roles. Questions are stored on the user object within Azure AD and cannot be read or modified by an administrator. They should be used in conjunction with another method. Azure AD includes the following predefined questions, and it is possible to create custom questions:

    • In what city did you meet your first spouse/partner?

    • In what city did your parents meet?

    • In what city does your nearest sibling live?

    • In what city was your father born?

    • In what city was your first job?

    • In what city was your mother born?

    • What city were you in on New Year's 2000?

    • What is the last name of your favorite teacher in high school?

    • What is the name of a college you applied to but didn't attend?

    • What is the name of the place in which you held your first wedding reception?

    • What is your father's middle name?

    • What is your favorite food?

    • What is your maternal grandmother's first and last name?

    • What is your mother's middle name?

    • What is your oldest sibling's birthday month and year? (for example, November 1985)

    • What is your oldest sibling's middle name?

    • What is your paternal grandfather's first and last name?

    • What is your youngest sibling's middle name?

    • What school did you attend for sixth grade?

    • What was the first and last name of your childhood best friend?

    • What was the first and last name of your first significant other?

    • What was the last name of your favorite grade school teacher?

    • What was the make and model of your first car or motorcycle?

    • What was the name of the first school you attended?

    • What was the name of the hospital in which you were born?

    • What was the name of the street of your first childhood home?

    • What was the name of your childhood hero?

    • What was the name of your favorite stuffed animal?

    • What was the name of your first pet?

    • What was your childhood nickname?

    • What was your favorite sport in high school?

    • What was your first job?

    • What were the last four digits of your childhood telephone number?

    • When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?

    • Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

  • Email address This is only used for Azure AD self-service password resets and should be separate from the user’s Microsoft 365 Exchange Online email address.

  • Microsoft Authenticator app Is available for Android and iOS. Either involves the user being notified through the mobile app and being asked to select the same number on the mobile app as is displayed on the log-in prompt, or it involves the user entering a set of periodically changing numbers displayed on the mobile app.

  • OATH hardware tokens Azure AD supports the use of OATH-TOTP SHA-1 tokens of both the 30- and 60-second variety. Secret keys can have a maximum of 128 characters. Once a token is acquired, it must be uploaded in comma-separated format, including UPN, serial number, secret key, time interval, manufacturer, and model. Note that OATH is different from OAuth. OATH is a reference architecture for authentication; OAuth is a standard related to authorization.

  • Mobile Phone Can be used either to send a code through text message that must be entered into a dialog box to complete authentication or where a phone call is made to the user who then needs to provide a personal authentication PIN. Phone numbers must include the country code.

  • App Passwords A number of non-browser apps do not support multifactor authentication. An app password allows these users to continue to authenticate using these apps when multifactor authentication is not supported. An app password can be generated for each app, allowing each app password to be individually revoked.

Certificate-based authentication

Certificate-based authentication allows you to eliminate the need for a username and password combination. Certificate-based authentication is supported on Windows, Android, and iOS devices and has the following requirements:

  • It is only supported for Federated environments for browser applications or where native clients use modern authentication through the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL). Exchange Active Sync (EAS) for Exchange Online (EXO) is exempt from the federation requirement and can be used with both federated and managed accounts.

  • The organization’s root certificate authority (CA) and any intermediate CAs must be integrated with Azure AD.

  • Each organizational CA must publish a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) in a location that is accessible to the Internet.

  • The Windows, Android, or iOS device must have access to an organizational CA that is configured to issue client certificates.

  • The Windows, Android, or iOS device must have a valid certificate installed.

  • Exchange ActiveSync clients require that the client certificate have the user’s routable email address included in the Subject Alternative Name field.

To add an organizational CA that is trusted by Azure Active Directory, you need to ensure that the CA is configured with a CRL publication location that is accessible on the Internet and to then export the CA certificate. Once you have the CA certificate exported, which will include the Internet-accessible location where the CRL is published, use the New-AzureADTrustedCertificateAuthority PowerShell cmdlet to add the organizational CA’s certificate to Azure Active Directory. You can view a list of trusted CAs for your organization’s Azure AD instance using the Get-AzureADTrustedCertificateAuthority cmdlet.

Configure password writeback

Password writeback occurs when a user uses self-service password (SSPR) functionality to update his or her password in Azure, and that updated password is then written to an on-premises Active Directory Domain Services instance. Azure AD also supports SSPR on Azure AD native accounts where no writeback to an on-premises instance is necessary. To implement SSPR for organizations with on-premises Active Directory Domain Services, first, you need to install Azure AD Connect to synchronize on-premises identities to Azure.

Create an app registration

Registering an application with Azure Active Directory allows you to use Azure Active Directory’s functionality, such as user identity and permissions, with the application. To register an application with Azure Active Directory using the Azure portal, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, open the Azure Active Directory blade.

  2. In the Manage section shown in Figure 1-72, click App Registrations.

    This screenshot shows the App registrations section of the Azure Active Directory blade in the Azure portal.

    FIGURE 1-72 App Registrations section of the Azure Active Directory blade

  3. On the App Registrations blade of the Azure Active Directory section of the Azure portal, click New Registration. Figure 1-73 shows the New Registration item.

    This screenshot shows the New Registration item under App Registrations in the Azure Active Directory blade of the Azure portal.

    FIGURE 1-73 App Registrations blade with the New Registration option

  4. On the Register An Application page, shown in Figure 1-74, choose which users can use this application or access this API. You can choose from the following options:

    • Accounts In This Organizational Directory Only Appropriate for single-tenant scenarios where the only people who will use the application have accounts that reside within the Azure AD instance. You can switch to the multi-tenant option and back to the single-tenant option after registration is complete using the Authentication page in the Azure portal.

    • Accounts In Any Organizational Directory Choose this option when you want to make the application available to users in your own and other Azure AD tenancies. This is also known as the multi-tenant option. You can switch between this option and the single-tenant option using the Authentication page in the Azure portal.

    • Accounts In Any Organizational Directory And Personal Microsoft Accounts This option allows users who have accounts in Azure AD tenancies and personal Microsoft accounts, such as and accounts, can use the application. Currently, you can’t switch from this mode to multi-tenant or single-tenant in the Azure portal, but you can make this change if you use the application manifest editor.

    This screenshot shows the list of supported account types, with the default option, Accounts In This Organizational Directory Only, selected, which will use single tenancy.

    FIGURE 1-74 Supported account types for app registration

  5. The Redirect URI (Optional) section, shown in Figure 1-75, allows you to specify the type of app that is being registered, with the options being Web or Public Client (Mobile & Desktop). If you are registering a web app, you need to specify the base URL of the app (for example, If you choose the Public Client option, you instead need to provide the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that Azure AD will use to return token responses that are specific to the application that you are registering.

    This screenshot shows the Redirect URI item displayed as part of the app registration process in the Azure Active Directory blade of the Azure portal.

    FIGURE 1-75 Redirect URI

  6. After providing this information, click Register.

  7. Once the app registration process is complete, the app will be assigned a unique application or client ID, and it will be listed on the App Registrations page in the Azure portal, as shown in Figure 1-76.

This screenshot shows the App Registrations page in the Azure portal.

FIGURE 1-76 App Registrations

Managing access to apps

How you assign access to applications depends on the edition of Azure AD that your organization has licensed. If your organization only has a free edition of Azure AD, you’ll only be able to assign access to applications on a per-user basis. If your organization licenses a paid edition of Azure AD, then you’ll be able to perform a group-based assignment. When you perform a group-based assignment, whether a user can access an application will depend on whether the user is a member of the group at the time they attempt to access the application.

Any form of Azure AD group can be used to assign access to applications, including attribute-based dynamic groups, on-premises Active Directory groups, or self-service managed groups. Currently, nested group memberships are not supported when it comes to assigning access to applications through Azure AD.

Assigning users access to an application

To assign access to an application to a user or group, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure AD admin center, select Azure Active Directory, and in the Manage section, click Enterprise Applications, as shown in Figure 1-77.

    This screenshot shows the Azure AD Mange Section for Azure AD registered applications.

    FIGURE 1-77 Azure AD Manage section

  2. On the Enterprise Applications blade, ensure that All Applications is selected, as shown in Figure 1-78, and then select the application to which you want to enable user access.

    This screenshot shows the All Applications section of Azure AD enterprise applications in the Azure AD admin center.

    FIGURE 1-78 All Applications

  3. Once the application opens, click Users And Groups from the application’s navigation pane, which is shown in Figure 1-79.

    This screenshot shows the Overview of a specific application with the number of users who have used that application.

    FIGURE 1-79 Application overview

  4. On the application’s Users And Groups page, shown in Figure 1-80, click Add User. Note that you use the Add User button to add a group assignment if Azure AD is licensed at the appropriate level.

    This screenshot shows the Users And Groups setting of an enterprise application and the security principals that are assigned access.

    FIGURE 1-80 Users And Groups

  5. On the Add Assignment page shown in Figure 1-81, search for the user or group to which you want to grant application access.

    This screenshot shows the Add Assignment pane on the left and the Users And Groups pane on the right, where two users are shown.

    FIGURE 1-81 Add Assignment for Users And Groups

  6. Select a user or group and then click Select, as shown in Figure 1-82.

    This screenshot shows the Engineering group selected for a group assignment. The Select button appears at the bottom of the screen.

    FIGURE 1-82 Selecting the group assignment

  7. Once the user or group is selected, click Assign. Verify that the assignment has occurred by reviewing the newly updated list of users and groups, as shown in Figure 1-83.

This screenshot shows the users and groups that have been assigned access to a specific enterprise application in the Azure AD application proxy.

FIGURE 1-83 Users And Groups

Configure app registration permission scopes

Configuring application registration permission scopes controls what information an application has access to. The Microsoft identity platform’s way of implementing OpenID Connect uses several scopes that correspond to the Microsoft Graph. When configuring app registration, you can use the following permission scopes to determine what information the application can access:

  • OpenID Use this scope if an application performs a sign-in using OpenID Connect. This permission grants an app a unique identifier for the user in the form of a subclaim and also gives the app access to the UserInfo endpoint. This scope is used when interacting with the Microsoft identity platform to acquire ID tokens, which can then be used by the application for authentication.

  • Email The email scope gives the app access to a user’s email address in the form of an email address associated with a user account.

  • Profile The profile scope can be used to provide the application with information about the user. This may include a user’s given name, surname, preferred username, and object ID.

  • Offline_access The offline_access scope will provide an app with access to resources on behalf of the user for an extended period. If a user consents to the offline_access scope, the app can receive a long-lived refresh token, which can be updated as older tokens expire.

Manage app registration permission consent

App registration permission consent allows users and administrators to control how and what data can be accessed by applications. The Microsoft identity platform supports the following types of permissions:

  • Delegated permissions These permissions are used by apps that are leveraged by a signed-in user. The user or an administrator consents to the permissions required by the app. The app then uses a delegated permission to function as the signed-in user when attempting to access the target resource.

  • Application permissions These permissions are used by apps that execute without a signed-in user. These might be long-running background applications. Application permissions can only be consented to by an administrator.

Effective permissions are the least-privileged set of permissions calculated when comparing the permissions that the application has been granted directly and the permissions of the signed-in user. To configure a list of statically requested permissions for an application, perform the following steps:

  1. On the App Registrations blade of the Azure Active Directory console, select the registered application for which you want to configure static permissions.

  2. Under Manage, click API Permissions, as shown in Figure 1-84.

    This screenshot shows the API Permissions item in Azure AD.

    FIGURE 1-84 API Permissions on the Manage menu of a registered app

  3. On the API Permissions blade shown in Figure 1-85, configure which permissions you would like the application to have. You can use this page to add permissions or to grant admin consent. Admin consent allows you to grant the application permissions to a specific Azure AD tenancy.

This screenshot shows the API Permissions page, where Add A Permission and Grant Admin Consent options are available.

FIGURE 1-85 Manage API Permissions

Manage API permissions to Azure subscriptions and resources

API management policies allow you to control the behavior of an API. An API management policy is a collection of statements that apply sequentially to requests to or to responses from the API. For example, these policies include format conversion from XML to JSON or call rate limiting. Call rate limiting can be a useful way of ensuring that an API hosted in Azure doesn’t get flooded by requests, which can lead to unusually high subscription charges. API management policies are XML documents that are divided into inbound, outbound, back end, and on-error sections.

API management policies are evaluated depending on the scope at which they apply. Policy scopes are evaluated in the following order:

  1. Global scope

  2. Product scope

  3. API scope

  4. Operation scope

You can view all policies that apply in the current scope by clicking Recalculate Effective Policy For Selected Scope in the API management policy editor.

To set or edit an Azure API management policy, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, select the APIM instance. On the APIs tab, select the imported API.

  2. On the Design tab, select the operation against which you want to apply the policy. You also have the option of applying the policy to all operations.

  3. Click the </> (code editor) icon in the Inbound Processing or Outbound Processing sections.

  4. Enter the desired policy code into the appropriate section of code.

Configure an authentication method for a service principal

You can use two different forms of authentication for service principals—password-based authentication or certificate-based authentication. By default, service principals will use password-based authentication. If you don’t configure a password during service principal creation, a random password is created for the service principal. If you choose to create a password for the service principal, the password must meet the restrictions for Azure AD passwords. Microsoft recommends using the randomly generated password.

You can create a service principal with a randomly generated password and then extract the value of that password using the following Azure PowerShell commands (where ServicePrincipalName is the name you want to use for the service principal):

$sp = New-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName ServicePrincipalName
$BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($sp.Secret)
$UnsecureSecret = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)

Service principals that use certificate-based authentication can use PEM files, text-encoded CRT, or CER files as a way of associating a base64-encoded public certificate ASCII string. You can’t use a binary encoding of a public certificate with a service principal when configuring certificate-based authentication.

You can create a service principal that uses certificate-based authentication using the following Azure PowerShell commands (where ServicePrincipalName is the name you want to use for the service principal):

$cert = <public certificate as base64-encoded string>
$sp = New-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName ServicePrincipalName -CertValue $cert

Skill 1.4: Manage access control

Access control is another term for assigning permissions to resources. In this section, you’ll learn how to configure Azure role permissions for management groups, subscriptions, resource groups, and resources. Also, you’ll learn about existing role and resource permissions, assigning existing Azure AD roles, and creating and assigning custom roles.

Configure Azure role permissions for management groups, subscriptions, resource groups, and resources

Azure Role Based Access Control (RBAC) allows you to configure fine-grained access management to Azure resources. Using RBAC, you can control what a security principal can do and where the security principal can do it. You do this with a combination of security principals, roles, and scopes.

As you recall from earlier in the chapter, security principals are Azure objects that represent individuals, collections of individuals, applications, or services. Security principals include:

  • Individual people These are represented as Azure AD users or user objects that are referenced within Azure AD from other tenancies.

  • Collections of individuals These are represented as Azure AD groups.

  • Applications and services These are represented as service principals or managed identities.

An RBAC role is a collection of permissions. Permissions can be thought of as a set of operations—such as read, write, and delete—that can be performed against the Azure object to which the role is assigned.

The scope is the boundary to which the permissions defined in the role apply to. You can configure the scope for a role assignment to occur at the management group, subscription, resource group, or individual Azure resource level. Scope assignments function in a parent-child relationship, which means the assignment of permissions that occurs at the parent scope level is inherited at the child scope level. For example, if you configure the scope for a role assignment to be at the resource group level, all the resources within that group will have that role assignment. If you configure a role scoped at the management group level, all the subscriptions within that management group, the resource groups within those subscriptions, and the resources within those resource groups will inherit the scoping done at the topmost layer.

Assigning permissions to Azure subscriptions and resources requires combining security principals that represent who you want to assign the permission to, the role definition that defines the permissions, and the scope that defines where the permissions are assigned.

Configure RBAC within Azure AD

Azure RBAC (Role Based Access Control) allows you to configure fine-grained access control to Azure resources, such as virtual machines and storage accounts. When you configure RBAC, you assign a role and a scope, with the scope being the resource you want to have managed. Azure RBAC includes more than 70 roles. Providing the details of all 70 is beyond the scope of this text, but there are 4 fundamental roles that people who are responsible for managing Microsoft 365 should be aware of. These roles can be assigned to specific Azure subscriptions, resource groups, or resources:

  • Owner Users who hold this role have full access to all resources within the scope of the assignment and can delegate access to others.

  • Contributor Users who hold this role can create and manage resources within the scope of the assignment but cannot grant access to others.

  • Reader Users who hold this role can view resources within the scope of the assignment but can’t perform other tasks and cannot grant access to others.

  • User Access Administrator Users who hold this role can manage user access to Azure resources within the scope of the assignment.

Delegate admin rights

To view which users are assigned a specific role, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure AD admin center, select Roles And Administrators, as shown in Figure 1-86.

    This screenshot shows the Roles and Administrators screen.

    FIGURE 1-86 Roles And Administrators

  2. To see the membership information of a role, click the role you want. Figure 1-87 shows members of the Password Administrators role.

This screenshot shows members of the password administrator's role.

FIGURE 1-87 Members of the Password Administrators role

You can use the following Azure PowerShell cmdlets to view roles and role membership:

  • Get-AzureADDirectoryRole View a list of Azure AD Directory roles

  • Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember View the users assigned membership in an Azure AD Directory role

Configure resource group permissions

Any permission assigned at the resource group level will apply to all resources stored within that resource group. For example, if you assign the virtual machine administrator role at the resource group level to a group of users, those users will have that role for all virtual machines stored within the resource group. To assign permissions at the resource group level, assign a specific role to a user, group, service principal, or managed identity. To assign a role at the resource group level, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Resource Groups blade in the Azure portal, select the resource group for which you want to configure the permission, as shown in Figure 1-88.

    This screenshot shows the list of resource groups in a subscription.

    FIGURE 1-88 Assigning roles at the resource group level

  2. On the Resource Groups blade, click Access Control (IAM).

  3. On the Access control (IAM) page, choose Add > Role Assignment.

  4. On the Add Role Assignment page, which is shown in Figure 1-89, select the role that you want to assign, specify which user, group, service principal, or system managed identity you want the role to apply to, and then specify the identity of that security principal.

This screenshot shows Add Role Assignment dialog box for a resource group. Drop-down menus are shown for Role and Assign Access To. In the Select field, you can search by name or email address.

FIGURE 1-89 Add Role Assignment

Interpret role and resource permissions

There are a large number of preexisting roles available within Azure, and it is likely that an existing role will meet your needs, so you likely will not need to configure a custom role. First, you should specify exactly what actions a security principal should and should not be able to perform. Once you have generated this list, you should review the existing roles and determine if one of the existing roles meets your needs or if you need to create a custom role.

When configuring Azure RBAC, make sure that you follow the principal of least privilege. This means that you should only grant the access required to perform specific tasks. Doing so reduces the chance of unauthorized or accidental actions being performed. For example, if a group only requires the ability to view the configuration of an Azure resource, you only need to assign a role that has the Read permission to that resource. If a group only requires Azure portal access to one virtual machine in a resource group (even if the resource group hosts multiple virtual machines), set the scope of the role assignment to the virtual machine rather than the resource group when assigning the role to that group.

Interpret permissions

The key to understanding what can be done with permissions is that there are permissions related to management operations and permissions related to data operations. For management plane operations, the permissions determine actions that can be taken against objects in the Azure management plane, including the Azure portal, Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, and Azure REST API. These are defined as Actions and NotActions. At the data operations level, there are actions that can be taken against data, such as data stored within a storage account. These are defined as DataActions and NotData Actions. To list the permissions within a role, use the Get-AzRoleDefinition PowerShell cmdlet. For example, to view the permissions associated with the Contributor role, run the following command:

Get-AzRoleDefinition "Contributor" | FL Actions, NotActions

Permissions are cumulative. If a user is granted Actions or DataActions across multiple roles and scopes, all permissions will apply. When multiple roles apply to a security principal, any NotActions or NotData actions that apply will override any Actions or DataActions that apply.

Check access

To view the access that a user has to a specific resource, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, select the specific resource for which you want to check access.

  2. Select Access control (IAM) to open the Access Control (IAM) blade.

  3. Click the Check Access tab.

  4. In the Check Access section, use the Find drop-down menu to select the Azure AD user, group, or service principal option and type the name of the user whose access you want to check, as shown in Figure 1-90. Select the user.

    This screenshot shows the check access tab on the IAM blade of the Azure portal.

    FIGURE 1-90 The Check Access tab

  5. On the Assignments tab shown in Figure 1-91, review the user’s role assignments and deny assignments to the resource.

This screenshot shows the Role Assignments tab with a specific user's role assignments to a specific resource group.

FIGURE 1-91 The Role assignments tab

Assign built-in Azure AD roles

Azure Active Directory includes many roles that provide a variety of permissions to different aspects of Azure AD and Microsoft 365 workloads. These roles and the permissions they grant are listed in Table 1-2:

TABLE 1-2 Azure AD Roles



Application Administrator

Can administer enterprise applications, application registrations, and application proxy settings.

Application Developer

Can create application registrations.

Authentication Administrator

Can view current authentication method settings. Can set or reset non-password credentials. Can force MFA on the next sign-in.

Billing Administrator

Can purchase and manage subscriptions. Can manage support tickets and monitor service health.

Cloud Application Administrator

Can manage all aspects of enterprise applications and registrations but cannot manage the application proxy.

Cloud Device Administrator

Can enable, disable, and remove devices in Azure AD. Can view Windows 10 BitLocker Drive Encryption Keys through the Azure portal.

Compliance Administrator

Manage features in the Microsoft 365 compliance center, Microsoft 365 admin center, Azure, and Microsoft 365 Security and Compliance Center.

Conditional Access Administrator

Administrative rights over Azure AD conditional access configuration.

Customer Lockbox access approver

Manages Customer Lockbox requests. Can also enable and disable the Customer Lockbox feature.

Device Administrators

Users assigned this role will become local administrators on all computers running Windows 10 that are joined to Azure AD.

Directory Readers

Role for applications that do not support the consent framework. Should not be assigned to users.

Directory Synchronization Accounts

Assigned to the Azure AD Connect service and not used for user accounts.

Directory Writers

A legacy role assigned to applications that do not support the consent framework. Should only be assigned to applications, not user accounts.

Dynamics 365 Administrator / CRM Administrator

Administrative access to Dynamics 365 Online.

Exchange Administrator

Administrative access to Exchange Online.

Global Administrator / Company Administrator

Administrative access to all Azure AD features. This includes administrative access to services that use Azure AD Identities, including Microsoft 365 security center, Microsoft 365 compliance center, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Skype for Business Online. The account used to sign up for the tenancy becomes the global administrator. Global administrators can reset the passwords of any user, including other global administrators.

Guest Inviter

Can manage Azure AD B2B guest user invitations.

Information Protection Administrator

Can manage all aspects of Azure Information Protection, including configuring labels, managing protection templates, and activating protection.

Intune Administrator

Has full administrative rights to Microsoft Intune.

License Administrator

Can manage license assignments on users and groups. Cannot purchase or manage subscriptions.

Message Center Reader

Can monitor notification and Microsoft advisories in the Microsoft 365 Message Center.

Password Administrator / Helpdesk Administrator

Can perform the following tasks for all users except those who have administrative roles:

  • Change passwords

  • Invalidate refresh tokens

  • Manage service requests

  • Monitor service health

Power BI Administrator

Has administrator permissions over Power BI.

Privileged Role Administrator

Can manage all aspects of Azure AD Privileged Identity Management. Can manage role assignments in Azure AD.

Reports Reader

Can view reporting data in the Microsoft 365 reports dashboard.

Security Administrator

Has administrator-level access to manage security features in the Microsoft 365 security center, Azure AD Identity Protection, Azure Information Protection, and Microsoft 365 Security and Compliance Center.

Security Reader

Has read-only access to security Microsoft 365–related security features.

Service Support Administrator

Can open and view support requests with Microsoft for Microsoft 365–related services.

SharePoint Administrator

Has global administrator permissions for SharePoint Online workloads.

Skype for Business / Lync Administrator

Has global administrator permissions for Skype for Business workloads.

Teams Administrator

Can administer all elements of Microsoft Teams.

Teams Communications Administrator

Can manage Microsoft Teams workloads related to voice and telephony, including telephone number assignment and voice and meeting policies.

Teams Communications Support Engineer

Can troubleshoot communication issues within Teams and Skype for Business. Can view details of call records for all participants in a conversation.

Teams Communications Support Specialist

Can troubleshoot communication issues within Teams and Skype for Business. Can only view user details in the call for a specific user.

User Account Administrator

Can create and manage user accounts. Can create and manage groups. Can manage user views and support tickets and can monitor service health.

To assign a user to a specific role within Azure AD, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure AD admin center, select Roles And Administrators.

  2. Select the role to which you want to add a user. This will open the role’s properties page.

  3. On the Role Properties page, click Add Member. Figure 1-92 shows adding the user Adele Vance to the Security Administrator role.

This screenshot shows members of the Security Administrators role.

FIGURE 1-92 Members of the Security Administrators role

You can use the following Azure PowerShell cmdlets to manage role memberships:

  • Add-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember Adds a user to an Azure AD Directory role

  • Remove-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember Removes a user from an Azure AD Directory role

Create and assign custom roles, including Azure roles and Azure AD roles

If one of the many existing RBAC roles doesn’t meet your organization’s requirements, you can create a custom RBAC role. For example, there are three RBAC roles related to virtual machines: Virtual Machine Administrator Login, Virtual Machine Contributor, and Virtual Machine Users Login. If you want to allow a user to restart a VM (but not log in to the VM or delete the VM), you could create a custom RBAC role that allows that specific permission. As with existing Azure RBAC roles, you can assign custom roles to users, groups, service principals, and managed identities at the management group, subscription, resource group, and individual resource levels.

You can create a custom role through the Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, or Azure REST API, or you can create an ARM Template. In general, creating a custom role involves following these basic steps:

  1. Determine which method you will use to create the custom role. Determine what permissions the role requires. You can learn what operations are available to define your permission by viewing the Azure Resource Manager resource provider operations. For management operations, these will be Actions or NotActions. For data operations, these will be DataActions or NotDataActions.

  2. Create the role. You can do this by cloning an existing role and then making modifications or by creating a new role from scratch. The most straightforward method of doing this is through the Azure portal.

  3. Test the custom role. Make sure that you test the role thoroughly to determine that it only allows what you want it to allow and doesn’t have some unexpected permissions, such as allowing Wally the VM operator to type something in Cloud Shell that locks out every other user in the Azure AD tenancy.

When creating a custom RBAC role, remember to only add the fewest necessary privileges to the role. When you create a custom role, it will appear in the Azure portal with an orange—rather than blue—resource icon. Custom RBAC roles are available between subscriptions that are associated with the same Azure AD tenancy. Each Azure AD tenancy supports up to 5,000 custom roles.

To clone and then modify a role in the Azure portal, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Azure portal, open the Access Control (IAM) blade at the subscription level or resource group level where you want the custom role to be assignable.

  2. Select the Roles tab to see the list of all available built-in and custom roles.

  3. Select the role that you want to clone and modify. Figure 1-93 shows the Virtual Machine Contributor role being selected for cloning.

    This screenshot shows the Virtual Machine Contributor role being selected for cloning.

    FIGURE 1-93 Select a role to clone

  4. On the Basics tab of the Create A Custom Role page shown in Figure 1-94, provide a Custom Role Name.

    This screenshot shows the Basics tab of the Create A Custom Role wizard. The Clone A Role option is selected, and the Virtual Machine Contributor role is being cloned.

    FIGURE 1-94 Create A Custom Role wizard with the Basics tab selected

  5. On the Permissions tab shown in Figure 1-95, you can delete existing permissions or add new permissions.

    This screenshot shows the permissions tab of the Create A Custom Role wizard.

    FIGURE 1-95 Create A Custom Role wizard with the Permissions tab selected

  6. On the Assignable Scopes tab, you can specify where the role can be assigned. You can select subscriptions associated with the Azure AD tenancy, as well as resource groups that are contained within those subscriptions.

  7. On the JSON tab, you can view the custom role formatted in JSON. This tab gives you the opportunity to edit the role in JSON. If you want to add a wildcard permission, you do so on this tab because this is not possible at other points during the creation of a custom role.

  8. Once you have reviewed the JSON code, click Review And Create to create the custom role.

Thought experiment

In this thought experiment, demonstrate your skills and knowledge of the topics covered in this chapter. You can find answers to this thought experiment in the next section.

Identity and access at Tailwind Traders

You are one of the Azure administrators for Tailwind Traders, an online general store that specializes in a variety of products used around the home. As a part of your duties for Tailwind Traders, you have registered a new application with your Azure AD instance. Even though the application is registered, you want to limit what actions the application can perform against resources in the Tailwind Traders Azure Subscription by applying a custom RBAC role. Tailwind Traders has been using PIM for some time as a method of improving security to resources within subscriptions owned by the organization. Because the access was configured some time ago, you are aware that several users who were configured as eligible for PIM roles have changed job roles. To improve security, you want to remove PIM eligibility if it is no longer required. Another goal of Tailwind Traders is to allow some users of the new application to access the application from outside the workplace. However, from a security perspective, anyone accessing the application from outside the Tailwind Traders internal network should take extra steps to verify their identity. With this information in mind, answer the following questions:

  • How can you assign the custom RBAC role to the new application?

  • How can you determine which staff to remove from eligibility for PIM roles?

  • How can you ensure that all users perform MFA if they are accessing the new application from a location outside the Tailwind Traders office?

Thought experiment answers

This section contains the solution to the thought experiment. Each answer explains why the answer choice is correct.

  1. You can assign roles to the new application by assigning roles to the service principal created when the application was registered. By assigning the custom RBAC role to the service principal, you assign that role to the application.

  2. You should configure an access review to determine which users that have been configured as eligible for PIM roles aren’t actually using those roles.

  3. You can configure a conditional access policy to force users to perform MFA when they are in an untrusted location, such as any network location outside the trusted networks identified as belonging to Tailwind Traders.

Chapter summary

  • Security principals are created automatically when you register an application with Azure AD.

  • You can assign RBAC roles to security principals as a way of assigning permissions to applications.

  • Azure AD groups allow you to collect Azure security principals, including users, service principals, and other groups.

  • Azure AD users represent individuals within Azure AD. They can be cloud only accounts, or they can be replicated from an on-premises Active Directory Domain Services environment.

  • Password writeback allows passwords changed within Azure AD to be written back to an Active Directory Domain Services environment.

  • Privileged Identity Management allows just-in-time administration and just-in-time access to Azure resources.

  • Conditional Access Policies allow you to implement more stringent authentication requirements if certain conditions are met.

  • Application registration permission scopes allow you to control what resources and data an application can access.

  • Custom RBAC roles can be configured if an existing RBAC role does not have permissions that are appropriate to your organization’s needs.

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