

  • AARP, 354
  • account, creating yours for ETFs, 48–52
  • active investing, 14, 26, 39–42, 101, 263, 409
  • active managers, 41, 262, 263, 267, 327
  • actively managed funds
    • according to McGuigan, 327
    • actively managed, or quasi-actively managed, commodity funds, 244–245
    • active-passive middle ground, 269–270
    • allure of, 40–41
    • as compared to indexed counterparts, 17–18, 32–33
    • consideration of swapping out of, 268–270
    • deciding whether or not to get active, 263
    • getting practical about, 264
    • hypotheses on why active ETFs in the aggregate have been duds, 262–263
    • number of ETFs to choose from, 261
    • some of most popular ones, 265–268
  • AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright Micro-Cap ETF (DWMC), 121
  • aggregate bond, 214, 274
  • all-in-one ETFs, 271–279
  • all-world bond/stock funds, 272–275
  • all-world-stock-and-bond-combined funds, 272, 275–279
  • Ally, 56
  • alpha, defined, 409
  • American Century, 269
  • American Savings Education Council, Employee Benefit Research Institute, 354
  • American Stock Exchange, 66
  • Ameristock, 240
  • Amplify Investments, 64
  • annuities, 68, 375–376
  • ARK, 64
  • ARK Autonomous Technology & Robotics ETF (ARKQ), 158
  • ARK Genomic Revolution ETF (ARKG), 158
  • ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK), 265–266
  • ask price, 52, 409
  • asset allocation funds, 275–279
  • asset class, defined, 409
  • Association of Investment Management, 36
  • average investor, tale of, 320–323


  • Baidu, 96
  • Barclays, 8, 58, 59, 243–244
  • BATS, 66, 67
  • Bear Stearns, 261
  • Beardstown Ladies, 325–326
  • The Beardstown Ladies’ Common-Sense Investment Guide, 325
  • benefit corporations, 258
  • Bengen, William P. (financial planner), 362–363, 364
  • Berkshire Focus Fund, 240
  • beta, as risk measurement tool, 78, 409–410
  • Betterment, 303
  • bid price, 50, 410
  • Bittman, Jim (instructor with Chicago Board Options Exchange’s Options Institute), 349
  • BlackRock, Inc., 10, 14, 19, 32, 57, 65, 140, 163–164, 243, 255
  • BlackRock Future Tech ETF (BTEK), 58
  • BlackRock iShares, 62
  • BlackRock iShares/BlackRock Financial Management iShares, 58–59
  • BlackRock S&P 500 stock fund (IVV), 59
  • BlackRock Treasury Bond fund (SGOV), 59
  • BLDRS Emerging Markets 50 ADR (ADRE), 248
  • Bloomberg, 66, 139
  • Bloomberg Cocoa Subindex Total Return, 377
  • Bloomberg-Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, 38
  • BNY Mellon Bank, 30, 31, 64
  • BNY Mellon Core Bond ETF (BKAG), 31, 215, 307, 309, 310, 312, 314, 354
  • Bogle, John (visionary), 16
  • bond ETFs, 73, 75–76, 188, 190, 193, 195, 201. See also bond investing; corporate bond ETFs; treasury bond ETFs
  • bond investing
    • advantage of bond funds over individual bonds, 193
    • aggregate bond, 214
    • bond ratings, 211–212
    • as compared to stock investing, 192
    • core bond, 214
    • corporate bond ETFs, 210–214
    • determining optimal fixed-income allocation, 195–199
    • emerging-market bonds, 226–228
    • in entire U.S. bond market, 214–217
    • foreign bonds, 222–226
    • high-yield bonds, 210, 211
    • junk bonds, 210, 211
    • maturity-date ETFs, 229
    • in modern era, 188, 192
    • municipal bonds, 203, 219–222
    • portfolio protection when you need it most, 189–191
    • risks of, 190
    • SEC 30-Day Yield, 202
    • TIP (U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities), 207–208
    • total bond, 214
    • tracing track record of bonds, 188–193
    • treasury bonds, 203–206
    • U.S. agency bonds, 209
    • ways of, 193–195
  • Bond Investing For Dummies (Wild), 193, 202
  • brokerage houses/broker-dealers, 52–57. See also specific brokerage houses
  • buffer ETFs, 286–287, 410
  • Buffet, Warren (investor), 105, 106–107
  • BulletShares, 229
  • buying on margin, 49


  • Cambria, 64, 140
  • Cambria Cannabis ETF (TOKE), 153, 292
  • Cambria Global Value ETF (GVAL), 148, 357
  • Canada, 10, 321
  • cannabis ETFs, 153, 291–292
  • cap size, defined, 410
  • CAPE (cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio), 139
  • capital gains taxes, as hardly existing with ETFs, 11, 33, 35
  • capitalization (cap), 93, 152
  • Cboe Global Markets, Inc., 66, 67
  • Cerulli Associates, 39, 54
  • Charles Schwab, 15, 25, 45, 48, 54, 55, 57, 58, 62, 63, 65, 140, 384, 404. See also Schwab funds
  • Cheat Sheet, 6
  • China, 138, 142
  • closed-end funds, 373, 376, 377, 410
  • closed-end mutual funds, 376
  • closet index fund, 40, 410
  • commercialization, impact of, 19–20
  • commissioned brokers, as wannabe middlemen, 67–68
  • commissions, 42, 54
  • commodities investing
    • according to Malkiel, 246
    • actively managed, or quasi-actively managed, commodity funds, 244–245
    • general commodity index funds, 242–244
    • gold investing, 234–237
    • Keynes on commodity futures, 240
    • new developments in, 245–246
    • oil and gas investing, 239–242
    • playing commodity market indirectly, 246–247
    • silver investing, 237–239
    • tapping into commodity companies, 246–248
    • tapping into commodity-rich countries, 248
  • commodity pool, 239
  • communication services sector, 153, 315, 316
  • Communication Services Select Sector SPDR (XLC), 161
  • Conserving Client Portfolios During Retirement (Bengen), 362–363
  • consumer discretionary sector, 153, 156, 315, 316
  • Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR (XLY), 161
  • consumer staples sector, 153, 156, 315, 316
  • Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR (XLP), 161
  • contango, 241–242, 245
  • Cook, Jackie (Morningstar researcher), 255
  • copycat ETFs, 292–294
  • core, use of term, 371
  • core bond, 214
  • corporate bond ETFs, 210–214
  • correlation, defined, 410
  • correlation coefficient, 84–85, 131–132
  • Correlation Tracker, 163
  • COVID-19 pandemic, financial impacts of, 72, 75, 85, 96, 329
  • Cramer, Jim (“Mad Money”), 326
  • Credit Suisse, 40
  • Credit Suisse Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2020, 143
  • CRSP (The Center for Research in Security Prices), 65
  • cryptocurrencies, investing in, 290–291
  • Current Yield ETF (YYY), 39


  • Dalbar, 38
  • day traders, ETFs they love the most, 323
  • day trading, author’s rules for, 330–331
  • decumulation phase (of investing career), 337
  • defined-outcome ETFs, 3, 63, 286–287, 395, 410
  • Dent Tactical ETF (DENT), 262
  • derivatives, 344
  • Deutsche Bank, 189, 279
  • developed markets, defined, 141
  • DFA funds, 269
  • DIAMONDS Trust Series (DIA), 24
  • “The Difficulty of Selecting Superior Mutual Fund Performance” (McGuigan), 327
  • Dimensional, 25, 64, 140, 269, 373
  • Dimensional Core Equity Market ETF (DFAI), 143
  • Dimensional Emerging Core Equity Market ETF (DFAE), 146, 147
  • Dimensional U.S. Core Equity Market (DFAU), 307, 308, 311
  • Dimson, Elroy (professor), 143
  • Direxion, 65, 284
  • Direxion Daily Junior Gold Miners Bear 2X Shares ETF (JDST), 167
  • Direxion Daily Natural Gas Related Bear 2X Shares (FCGS), 282
  • Direxion Daily Natural Gas Related Bull 3X Share (GASL), 167
  • Direxion Daily S&P 500 High Beta Bull 3X Shares (HIBS), 283
  • Direxion Daily Semiconductor Bear 3X Shares (SOXS), 282
  • Direxion Russell 1000 Value Over Growth ETF (RWVG), 111
  • discount, selling at, 43
  • diversification
    • in bonds as compared to in stocks, 194
    • defined, 410
    • fixed-income diversification with foreign bonds, 222–226
    • with global investing, 131–132
    • importance of, 36
    • seeking low correlations for added diversification, 158
  • dividends, 89, 106, 171–172, 180–182
  • Dodd, David (author), 105
  • domestic stock, defined, 135
  • Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market (Glassman and Hassett), 325
  • Dow Jones U.S. Select REIT Index, 170, 171
  • duration, defined, 202–203


  • E*Trade, 54, 56
  • EAFE index, defined, 410
  • earnings growth, 89, 106
  • economic self-sufficiency, aiming for in retirement years, 352–358
  • Efficient Frontier, 84, 86
  • efficient market, 16, 305
  • Ellevest, 303
  • emerging markets, defined, 410
  • Emerging Markets iShares MSCI ETF (EEM), 345
  • Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend Fund (DGS), 180
  • emerging-market bonds, 226–228
  • emerging-market stock ETFs, 144–145, 147
  • Employee Benefit Research Institute (American Savings Education Council), 354
  • energy sector, 88, 153, 156, 247, 315, 316
  • Energy Select Sector SPDR (XLE), 161, 239, 247, 323, 340
  • Engine No. 1 Transform 500 ETF (VOTE), 256, 310, 314
  • ESG benchmarks, 65
  • ESG funds, defined, 250
  • ESG integration, 251
  • ESG investing, 251–254, 275–276
  • ESG rating, 250, 251
  • ETF Deathwatch, 21
  • Europe, strengths and weaknesses of, 142
  • Europe SmallCap Dividend Fund (DFE), 180
  • EventShares U.S. Legislative Opportunities ETF (PLCY), 262
  • exchanges, where ETFs are traded, 386
  • exchange-traded derivatives, 344
  • exchange-traded fund(s) (ETFs). See also specific categories of ETFs
    • amount of money required to invest in, 383
    • benefits of to individual investors as compared to institutional traders, 14
    • best place for buying, 384
    • buying very narrow ETFs, 289–290
    • choosing between classic and new indexes, 25–26
    • as compared to stocks, 48
    • controversies about, 26
    • cost advantage of, 30–33
    • crazy ETFs, 167
    • deciding if they are for you, 42–45
    • differences between mutual funds and ETFs, 374
    • disadvantages of, 385
    • distinguishing of from mutual funds, 27–28
    • diversification and, 12
    • folding of, 20–21
    • as forcing down prices on other investment vehicles, 15
    • forecasts about future of, 393–399
    • as giving investment amateurs professional edge, 37–38
    • as huge part of options market, 345
    • introduction of in Canada, 10, 321
    • introduction of in US, 10–11, 19, 261
    • lack of scandals regarding, 12, 37
    • largest ones, 19
    • legal structure of, 34–35
    • leveraging of, 25
    • as mirroring various indexes, 24
    • number of (2000), 12
    • number of (2021), 9
    • number of industry-sector ETFs (2021), 152
    • options for with large-growth stocks, 97–101
    • phenomenal growth of, 13
    • popularity of, 12–15
    • preference of over individual stocks, 26–27
    • suppliers/providers of, 57–64, 404–405
    • timing of buying, 385
    • use of to fund retirement years, 351–367
    • where to start in choosing, 383–384
    • why they appeal to individual investors, 30–37
    • why they appeal to largest investors, 28–29
  • exchange-traded grantor trusts, 34
  • exchange-traded notes (ETNs), 26, 243–245, 377
  • exchange-traded open-end mutual funds, 34
  • exchange-traded unit investment trusts, 34
  • expense ratio comparison, 62
  • expense ratio, defined, 410–411
  • expiration date (on options), 344


  • Fama and French, 95
  • Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae or FNMA), 209
  • fee-based, defined, 14
  • fee-only, defined, 14
  • fees
    • cost advantage of ETFs, 30–33
    • maintenance fees, 56
    • management fees, 15, 30, 39, 44, 52, 57, 59, 60
    • mutual fund fees, 11, 20
    • no fees, 31
    • rock-bottom-priced ETFs, 31
    • trading fees, 11, 27, 50–51
  • Fidelity Investments, 15, 32, 45, 48, 54, 55, 64, 166, 376, 384
  • Fidelity Magellan Fund, 36
  • Fidelity MSCI Real Estate Index ETF (FREL), 176
  • financial news, advice, and education, websites for, 407
  • financial professional, use of, 382–383
  • Financial Select Sector SPDR ETF (XLF), 321, 323
  • financial supermarkets, websites for, 405
  • financials sector, 153, 156, 315, 316
  • FIRECalc, 354
  • First Trust, 58, 62, 63–64, 220. See also First Trust funds
  • First Trust funds
    • Dow Jones Select MicroCap Index Fund (FDM), 120
    • Hedged BuyWrite Income ETF (FTLB), 63
    • IPOX-100 Index Fund (FPX), 287–288
    • Large Cap Growth AlphaDEX (FTC), 101
    • Large Cap Value AlphaDEX Fund (FTA), 111
    • Long/Short Equity ETF (FTLS), 267
    • Merger Arbitrage ETF (MARB), 63
    • Morningstar Dividend Leaders Index Fund (FDL), 180
    • North American Energy Infrastructure Fund (EMLP), 287
    • S&P International Dividend Aristocrats ETF (FID), 180
    • US Equity Opportunities ETF, 287–288
  • FlexShares, 180
  • Forbes, Malcolm R, III (founder of Berkshire Focus Fund), 240
  • Forbes magazine, 106
  • forecasts about future of ETFs and personal investing, 393–399
  • foreign bonds, 222–226
  • foreign currencies, investing in, 291
  • foreign ETFs, 133, 134, 137, 149, 225
  • foreign stocks, 83, 130–136, 139. See also global investing
  • 401(k), curing blues from, 358–361
  • Franklin Templeton, 64, 269
  • frontier markets, 146
  • FTSE China 25 Index (FXI), 132
  • FTSE Russell, 65, 152
  • fundamental analysis, 92, 411
  • funds of funds, as wannabe middlemen, 68


  • general commodity index funds, 242–244
  • Glassman, James K. (author), 325
  • global ETFs, as holding U.S. as well as international stocks, 137
  • Global ex-U.S. Real Estate ETF (VNQI), 160
  • global investing
    • annual growth rate (2011 to 2021), 130
    • author’s philosophy about, 88
    • choices for, 139–149
    • decisions regarding, 137–139
    • ETFs as great tool for, 136
    • finding your best mix of domestic and international, 133–136
    • number of ETFs to choose from, 137
    • rationale for, 131
    • 10-year annualized return of (as of mid-2011), 129
    • ups and downs of, 130–133
    • U.S. stock markets versus non-U.S. stock market performance (1975 to 2021), 131
  • Global Sustainable Investment Alliance, 249
  • Global X funds
    • Cannabis ETF (POTX), 292
    • MLP & Energy Infrastructure ETF (MLPX), 287
    • MSCI Next Emerging & Frontier ETF (EMFM), 146
    • Nasdaq 100 Covered Call ETF (QYLD), 350
    • Nifty India Financials ETF (INDF), 167
    • Oil Equities ETF (XOIL), 247
    • Pure Gold Miners ETF (GGGG), 247
    • Russell 2000 Covered Call ETF (RYLD), 350
    • S&P 500 Covered Calls ETF (XYLD), 350
    • Silver Miners ETF (SIL), 247
  • glossary, 409–414
  • gold investing, 235, 236, 238. See also mining ETFs
  • Goldman Sachs, 269
  • Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae or GNMA), 209
  • Graham, Benjamin (investment legend), 105, 337
  • grand scale risks, 75
  • grid investing, sector investing as compared to, 87
  • growth, as compared to value, 93–94
  • growth fund, defined, 411
  • growth stocks, value stocks as historically outperforming growth stocks, 106, 108
  • Guggenheim, 61


  • Hale, Jon (director of ESG strategies for Morningstar), 255
  • Hassett, Kevin A. (author), 325
  • Health Care Select Sector SPDR (XLV), 161
  • healthcare sector, 88, 153, 156, 315, 316
  • hedge funds, 377
  • hedging, 225, 411
  • high-yield bonds, 210, 211
  • Humankind Investments, 258
  • Humankind U.S. Stock ETF (HKND), 257–258
  • hypothetical investing, 319


  • I Bonds, 375
  • Ibbotson Associates, 87, 155
  • iBonds, 229
  • icons, explained, 5–6
  •, 376
  • index, as blueprint on which ETF is based, 64
  • Index Investing for Dummies (Wild), 262
  • index investing, pros and cons of, 39–40
  • Index Investment Trust fund, 16
  • index mutual funds, 16, 45
  • indexed managed funds, as compared to actively managed funds, 17–18, 32–33
  • indexers, familiarizing yourself with, 64–66
  • indexes, websites for people who create them, 406
  • indexing, defined, 411
  • individual investors, 30–37, 381
  • Industrial Select Sector SPDR (XLI), 161
  • industrials sector, 153, 156
  • industry sectors. See also specific sectors
    • crazy ETFs in, 167
    • ETFs as mirroring of, 24, 87–88
    • for growth stocks, 106
    • latest arrivals of ETFs in, 158
    • for value stocks, 106
  • inflation risk, as systemic risk, 75
  • information technology sector, 88, 153, 156, 315, 316
  • initial public offerings ETFs, 287–289
  • Innovator, 64
  • Innovator S&P Buffer ETF (BJUL), 286
  • institutional class shares, 14
  • institutional investors
    • appeal of ETFs to, 28–29
    • vast majority of ETF trades as made by, 321
  • Intellidex indexes, 25
  • Interactive Brokers, 56
  • interest rate risk, as systemic risk, 75
  • Internal Revenue Service, “wash rule,” 340
  • International Dividend ex-Financials Fund (DOO), 180
  • international ETFs, 73, 137
  • International Real Estate ETF (RWX), 163
  • international stocks. See global investing
  • inverse ETFs, 281–283
  • Invesco, 57, 58, 61–62, 65, 164–166, 220, 229, 270, 404. See also Invesco funds
  • Invesco funds
    • Aerospace & Defense (PPA), 165
    • Balanced Multi-Asset Allocation ETF (PSMB), 278
    • California AMT-Free Municipal Bond ETF (PWZ), 373
    • Conservative Multi-Asset Allocation ETF (PSMC), 278
    • CurrencyShares, 291
    • CurrencyShares Australian Dollar ETF (FXA), 135
    • Dividend Achievers ETF (PFM), 180
    • Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF (DJ), 180
    • Dynamic Building & Construction (PKB), 164
    • Dynamic Energy & Exploration (PXE), 164
    • Dynamic Food & Beverage (PBJ), 164
    • Dynamic Large Cap Growth ETF (PWB), 25, 101
    • Dynamic Leisure & Entertainment (PEJ), 164
    • Dynamic Media (PBS), 164
    • Dynamic Networking (PXQ), 165
    • Dynamic Pharmaceuticals (PJP), 165
    • Dynamic Software (PSJ), 165
    • Global Clean Energy ETF (PBD), 165
    • Global Water Index (CGW), 165
    • Growth Multi-Asset Allocation ETf (PSMG), 278
    • International Corporate Bond ETF (PICB), 225–226
    • International Dividend Achievers ETF (PID), 180
    • Moderately Conservative Multi-Asset Allocation ETF (PSMM), 278
    • New York AMT-Free Municipal Bond ETF (PZT), 373
    • PowerShares, 25
    • PureBeta SM US Aggregate Bond ETF, 31
    • QQQ (QQQ), 73, 323
    • QQQ Trust Series (QQQ), 24, 100
    • S&P 500 BuyWrite ETF (PBP), 350
    • S&P 500 Equal Weight Consumer Staples ETF (RHS), 166, 270
    • S&P 500 Equal Weight Energy ETF (RYF), 166
    • S&P 500 Equal Weight Health Care ETF (RYH), 166
    • S&P 500 Equal Weight Real Estate ETF (EWRE), 166
    • S&P 500 Equal Weight Technology ETF (RYT), 166, 270
    • S&P 500 Equal Weight Utiities ETF (RYU), 166
    • S&P 500 High Dividend Low Volatility ETF (SPHD), 180
    • S&P 600 SmallCap Pure Value (RZV), 127
    • Solar (TAN), 165
    • Water Resources (PHO), 165
    • WilderHill Clean Energy (PBW), 165
  • investing
  • investment advice, wild, wacky world of, 325–326
  • Investment Company Institute, 12, 20, 30
  • Investment News, 40
  • investment pornography, 324–327
  • investment success, key to, 317
  • investor class shares, 14
  • iPath commodity ETNs, 243–244
  • iPath Dow JonesUSB Commodity Index Total Return ETN (DJP), 243, 244
  • iPath Pure Beta Broad Commodity ETN (BCM), 245
  • iPath S&P GSCI Total Return Index ETN (GSP), 243
  • IRA (traditional), 361–362
  • iShares, 25, 58, 220, 229, 279, 404, 411
  • iShares funds
    • Barclays 13 Year Treasury Bond Fund (SHY), 73, 74
    • Barclays 710 Year Treasury Bond Fund (IEF), 74, 85, 194
    • Barclays Aggregate Bond Fund (AGG), 365, 366
    • California Muni Bond ETF (CMF), 373
    • China Large-Cap ETF (FXI), 138
    • COMEX Gold Trust (IAU), 237
    • Core Aggressive Allocation ETF (AOA), 275
    • Core Conservative Allocation ETF (AOK), 275
    • Core Dividend Growth ETF, 180
    • Core Growth Allocation ETF (AOR), 275
    • Core MSCI Emerging Markets (IEMG), 145, 357
    • Core MSCI Total International Stock ETF (IXUS), 140
    • Core S&P 500 ETF (IW), 138, 293
    • Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF, 31
    • Dow Jones Select Dividend Index Fund (DVY), 357
    • Dow Jones U.S. Basic Materials (IYM), 248
    • Dow Jones U.S. Energy Sector ETF (IYE), 36, 37, 247
    • Dow Jones U.S. Oil Equipment & Services Index Fund (IEZ), 247
    • Dow Jones Utilities Sector, 85
    • Emerging Markets Infrastructure (EMIF), 164
    • ESG Aware 15 Year USD Corporate Bond ETF (SUSB), 214, 307, 309, 310, 314, 358
    • ESG Aware Aggressive Allocation ETF (EAOA), 276
    • ESG Aware Conservative Allocation ETF (EAOK), 276
    • ESG Aware Growth Allocation ETF (EAOR), 276
    • ESG Aware Moderate Allocation ETF (EAOM), 276
    • Global Consumer Staples ETF (KXI), 164, 314
    • Global Energy (IXC), 164
    • Global Green Bond ETF (BGRN), 274–275, 314
    • Global Materials (MXI), 164
    • Global REIT ETF (REET), 178, 354
    • Global Timber & Forestry (WOOD), 164
    • Global Utilities (JXI), 164
    • Gold Trust (IAU), 237
    • India 50 ETF (INDY), 59
    • International Developed Small Cap Value Factor ETF (ISVL), 149
    • International Treasury Bond ETF (IGOV), 223–224
    • Japan ETF (EWJ), 225
    • J.P. Morgan USD Emerging Markets Bond ETF (EMB), 226–227, 228
    • Micro-Cap ETF (IWC), 119–120
    • Morningstar Large-Cap Growth ETF (ILCG), 99
    • Morningstar Small-Cap Growth ETF (ISCG), 117
    • Morningstar Small-Cap Value Index (ISCV), 126
    • Morningstar Value ETF (ILCV), 109–110
    • MSCI Brazil ETF (EWZ), 323, 345
    • MSCI EAFE, 59
    • MSCI EAFE Index Fund (EFA), 73, 74
    • MSCI EAFE Value (EFV), 309, 312
    • MSCI Emerging Markets Index (EEM), 248, 323
    • MSCI Europe Financials (EUFN), 164
    • MSCI Frontier and Select EM ETF (FM), 146
    • MSCI International Value Factor ETF (IVLU), 147
    • MSCI Japan Index Fund (EWJ), 25, 85, 132
    • MSCI Peru ETF (EPU), 59
    • MSCI South Korean Index Fund (EWY), 73, 74
    • MSCI USA ESG Select ETF (SUSA), 252
    • National Muni Bond ETF (MUB), 221–222
    • New York Muni ETF (NYF), 373
    • Russell 2000 (IWM), 323
    • S&P 500 Growth, 85
    • S&P 500 Growth Index Fund (IVW), 25, 132
    • S&P 500 Value, 85
    • S&P 500 Value Fund (IVE), 340
    • S&P Global Energy Index Fund (IXC), 247
    • S&P Moderate Allocation ETF (AOM), 275
    • S&P National Municipal Bond Fund (MUB), 357
    • S&P North American Natural Resources (IGE), 248
    • S&P Small Cap 600 Growth, 85
    • S&P Small Cap 600 Value, 85
    • S&P Small-Cap 600 Growth ETF (IJT), 118
    • S&P Small-Cap 600 Value Index (IJS), 127
    • S&P/TSX 60 Index ETF (XIU), 10
    • Silver Trust (SLV), 237, 323
    • Transportation Average (IYT), 163
    • U.S. Basic Materials Index (IYM), 163
    • U.S. Consumer Goods Index (IYK), 163
    • U.S. Consumer Services (IYC), 163
    • U.S. Energy Index (IYE), 163
    • U.S. Financial Sector Index (IYF), 163
    • U.S. Financial Services (IYG), 163
    • U.S. Healthcare (IYH), 163
    • U.S. Industrials (IYJ), 163
    • U.S. Real Estate (IYR), 163
    • U.S. Technology (IYW), 163
    • U.S. Telecommunications (IYZ), 163
    • U.S. Utilities (IDU), 163


  • James Purpose Based Investment ETF (JPBI), 262
  • Janus Henderson Long-Term Care ETF (OLD), 175
  • Japan, 133, 142
  • Japan SmallCap Dividend Fund (DFJ), 180
  • John Hancock, 269
  • JPMorgan, 269
  • JPMorgan BetaBuilders U.S. Equity ETF, 31
  • JPMorgan Chase, 64
  • JPMorgan Ultra-Short Income ETF (JPST), 266
  • junk bonds, 210, 211


  • K-1 forms, 242
  • Katz, James (CEO of Humankind), 258
  • Keynes, John Maynard (economist), 240
  • KFA Value Line Dynamic Core Equity Index ETF (KVLE), 111
  • KraneShares CSI China Internet ETF (KWEB), 153
  • KraneShares Global Carbon ETF (KRBN), 259–260, 267–268


  • Large-Cap Growth, 87, 92
  • large-cap stocks, small-cap stocks as outperforming, in last century, 115
  • Large-Cap Value, recent performance of, 87
  • large-growth stocks/large-cap stocks, 95–101
  • large-value stocks, 104–111
  • Legg Mason, 269
  • leverage, defined, 411
  • leveraged ETFs, 284–286, 382
  • leveraged investment, options as prime example of, 344–345
  • life insurance products, as wannabe middlemen, 68
  • lifecycle funds/lifecycle ETFs, 279
  • limit order, 29, 51, 52, 386
  • limited correlation, 82–84, 117, 171, 191, 238
  • limited partnerships, 377
  • liquidity, defined, 411
  • listed, as compared to traded, 66
  • loads, defined, 11, 411
  • long position, defined, 411
  • Long-Term Anticipation Securities (LEAPS), 347
  • long-term bond ETFs, volatility of, 73
  • low correlation, 82


  • Mairs & Power Minnesota Municipal Bond ETF (MINN), 373
  • Malkiel, Burton G. (investment guru), 17, 246
  • margin buying, defined, 49
  • market capitalization, defined, 114
  • market makers, 34
  • market order, 29, 51, 386
  • market risk, as systemic risk, 75
  • Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF (GDX), 247
  • Marsh, Paul (professor), 143
  • materials ETFs, 247–248
  • materials sector, 153, 156, 315, 316
  • Materials Select Sector SPDR (XLB), 161, 248
  • maturity-date ETFs, 229
  • McGuigan, Thomas P. (author), 327
  • Merger Fund (MERFX), 312, 314, 373–374
  • Merlyn.AI SectorSurfer Momentum ETF (DUDE), 262
  • micro cap, 93, 118–121
  • mid caps, 127
  • middlemen, 66–68
  • minimum required distributions, taking of, 366
  • mining ETFs, 247
  • Mirae Asset Global Investments, 64
  • mistakes investors make, 387–391
  • MLP ETFs, 287
  • Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), 81, 84–85, 304, 382, 411
  • momentum investors, 154–155
  • Morgan Stanley, 56
  • Morningstar, 17, 30, 31–32, 404
  • Morningstar Direct, 98, 152, 261
  • Morningstar Style Box, 86
  • MSCI (formerly Morgan Stanley Capital International), 65
  • MSCI U.S. Broad Market Index, 152
  • multiple, defined, 93
  • municipal bonds
    • defined, 203
    • as having mostly tax-free income, 219–220
    • national muni ETFs, 220
    • state-specific muni ETFs, 220–221
    • state-specific tax-free municipal bonds, 373
  • mutual fund companies, operating costs of, 32
  • mutual fund fees, 11, 20
  • mutual funds
    • adding of to your portfolio, 373–374
    • choosing of, 17
    • closed-end mutual funds, 376
    • as compared to ETFs, structurally, 34–35
    • distinguishing ETFs from, 27–28, 374
    • dominance of, 16
    • value of, 15


  • nano cap (con aglio), 93
  • NASDAQ, 66, 67
  • NASDAQ QQQ Invesco ETF, 345
  • national muni ETFs, 220
  • natural resources ETFs, 247–248
  • New York Life, 64
  • New York Stock Exchange, 66
  • non-Select Sector SPDRs, 162
  • nonsystemic risk, defined, 74
  • Nuveen, 255
  • Nuveen ESG Emerging Markets Equity (NUEM), 257
  • Nuveen ESG International Developed Markets Equity (NUDM), 257
  • Nuveen ESG Large-Cap Growth ETF (NULG), 100, 357
  • Nuveen ESG Large-Cap Value ETF (NULV), 107, 110–111
  • Nuveen Pennsylvania Quality Municipal Income Fund (NQP), 373
  • NYSE Arca, 66, 67, 386


    • “off track” ETF investing, 43
    • oil and gas investing, 239–242, 246–247
    • options, consideration of, 344–350
    • orders, placing order to buy, 50–51


    • Pacific Rim, economic glory of, 142
    • passive investing, 14, 39–42, 411, 412
    • Pastor, Lubos (finance professor), 17
    • patience, as key to investment success, 327–329
    • paycheck, withdrawing funds to replace, 364–367
    • P/B ratio, 105
    • PE 10 Ratio, 139
    • perfect match, 40
    • personal investing, forecasts about future of, 393–399
    • Physical Precious Metals Basket Shares (GLTR), 239
    • PIMCO, 220, 269
    • PIMCO Commodity Real Return Strategy Fund (PCRDX), 246
    • PIMCO Enhanced Short Maturity Active ETF (MINT), 266
    • political risk, as systemic risk, 75
    • portfolios
      • determining how much risk you can handle, 298–303
      • finding perfect portfolio fit, 306–316
      • keys to optimal investing, 304–306
      • looking beyond well-rounded ETF portfolio, 372–377
      • marrying ETFs and non-ETFs to make optimal one, 369–377
      • middle-of-the-road portfolios, 309–312
      • minimizing costs in, 304–305
      • racing toward riches, 307–309
      • revamping of, 341–344
      • Russell’s “Today and Tomorrow” portfolio modeling technique, 310
      • shifting portfolio balance, 335–336
      • striving for tax efficiency in, 305
      • taking the safer road, 312–314
      • timing of your investments, 305–306
      • tinkering with existing stock or mutual fund portfolio, 370–372
      • ushering yours into retirement readiness, 362–363
    • PowerShares, 323
    • PowerShares DB Commodity Index Tracking Fund (DBC), 243
    • PowerShares Dynamic Energy Exploration & Production (PXE), 247
    • PowerShares ETFs, 62, 68
    • PowerShares Insured National Municipal Bond Portfolio (PZA), 357
    • precious metals, 234–239
    • premium, as payment for option, 344–345
    • premium, selling at, 43
    • price/earnings (P/E) ratio, 93–94, 105, 138–139, 337–339, 412
    • price/earnings multiples (P/E), as source of returns from stock, 89
    • price-to-book ratio (P/B), 93
    • proceed-with-caution ETFs, funds that (supposedly) thrive when market takes dive, 281–283
    • ProShares, 64, 65, 180, 281–282, 291. See also ProShares funds
    • ProShares funds
      • Short Basic Materials ETF (SBM), 167
      • Short Dow30 (DOG), 282, 283
      • Short MidCap400 (MYY), 282
      • Short QQQ fund (PSQ), 282, 283
      • Short S&P500 (SH), 282, 283
      • Ultra Dow30 (DDM), 284
      • Ultra MidCap400 (MVV), 284
      • Ultra Oil & Gas ETF (DIG), 285–286
      • Ultra QQQ (QLD), 284
      • Ultra Real Estate ETF (URE), 175
      • Ultra S&P500 (SSO), 284, 285
      • UltraPro QQQ (TQQQ), 323
      • UltraPro Short QQQ (SQQQ), 323
      • UltraShort Consumer Goods ETF (SZK), 282
      • Ultrashort Oil & Gas (DUG), 286
    • ProSports Sponsors ETF (FANZ), 262
    • Pure Beta indexes, 245
    • Putnam, 269
    • puts and calls, 346


    • Quadratic Interest Rate Volatility and Inflation Hedge ETF (IVOL), 266–267
    • qubes, defined, 412
    • quick riches, lure of, 322
    • Quinn, Jane Bryant (financial journalist), 324


    • A Random Walk Down Wall Street (Malkiel), 17
    • real estate investment trusts (REITs), 170–178, 412
    • real estate sector, 88, 153, 315, 316
    • Real Estate Select Sector SPDR (XLRE), 161
    • rebalancing, 236, 319, 334–337
    • regulatory agencies, websites for, 406
    • Rekenthaler, John (Morningstar VP), 323
    • retirement calculators, 354
    • retirement plans, 353
    • retirement years, using ETFs to fund, 351–367
    • risk
      • defined, 412
      • determining how much risk you can handle, 298–303
      • with ETFs, 73–80, 382
      • as good thing, 72
      • investment risk, 72
      • measurement of, 76–81
      • safety versus return, 72–73
      • smart risk, foolish risk, 74–76
      • time as ingredient in determining appropriate levels of, 73
    • risk-return continuum, 73, 74
    • robo-advisors, 303
    • Roth 401(k), 360–362
    • Roth IRAs, 35, 386
    • r-squared, 40
    • Russell 1000, 65
    • Russell 1000 Growth Index, 108
    • Russell 1000 Value Index, 108
    • Russell 2000, 65
    • Russell 2000 iShares ETF (IWM), 345
    • Russell 3000, 65
    • Rydex, 61


    • S&P 500, 64
    • S&P Depositary Receipts Trust Series 1 (SPDR) (Spider) S&P 500, 10–11
    • S&P Dow Jones indexes, 64–65
    • S&P/TSX 60 Index, 10
    • satellite, use of term, 371
    • Schwab funds
      • 1000 Index ETF, 31
      • Intelligent Portfolios, 303
      • Intermediate-Term U.S. Treasury (SCHR), 205, 358
      • International Dividend Equity ETF (SCHY), 180
      • Long-Term U.S. Treasury ETF (SCHQ), 206, 358
      • Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETF (SCHO), 204, 358
      • U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (SCHZ), 63
      • U.S. Broad Market, 31
      • U.S. Dividend Equity ETF (SCHD), 180
      • U.S. Large-Cap, 31
      • U.S. Large-Cap ETF (SCHX), 63
      • U.S. Large-Cap Growth ETF (SCHG), 99
      • U.S. Large-Cap Value ETF (SCHV), 107, 110
      • U.S. Mid-Cap ETF (SCHM), 171
      • U.S. REIT ETF (SCHH), 176, 354
      • U.S. TIPS ETF (SCHP), 207–208, 310, 314
    • SDPR S&P Global Natural Resources ETF (GNR), 162
    • sector investing. See also industry sectors
      • calculating optimal sector mix, 155–156
      • cautions with, 88
      • choices of ETFs among, 159–167
      • as compared to grid investing, 87
      • defined, 412
      • dividing up either conservatively or aggressively by, 315–316
      • doing sector investing right, 155–159
      • seeking risk adjustment with high- and low-volatility sectors, 156
      • selecting stocks by sector, 152–153
      • speculating on the next hot industry, 154–155
    • Sector Tracker, 163
    • Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), 53
    • Security Analysis (Graham and Dodd), 105
    • Select Sector SPDRs, 160–161
    • self-employment, retirement strategies for, 361–362
    • separately managed accounts (SMAs), as wannabe middlemen, 68
    • Sharpe, Bill (professor), 78
    • Sharpe ratio (Sharpe measure), 78–80, 288, 412
    • Shiller, Robert J. (economist), 337, 338
    • Shiller P/E ratio, 139, 338
    • short ETFs, 281–283
    • short position, defined, 412
    • short sale, as trading choice, 29
    • short-term bond ETFs, volatility of, 73
    • silver investing, 237–239. See also mining ETFs
    • Simplify Volt Pop Culture Disruption ETF (VPOP), 262
    • Sit Rising Rate ETF (SIT), 262
    • sliver ETFs, 290
    • slower-growing economies, as often seeing most robust stock market returns, 138
    • Small-Cap Growth, recent performance of, 87
    • small-cap growth stocks, as belonging in well-diversified portfolio, 115
    • small-cap international stocks, 148–149
    • small-cap investments, getting real about, 115–116
    • small-cap stocks, as outperforming large-cap stocks in past century, 115
    • Small-Cap Value, recent performance of, 87
    • small-cap value stocks, 115, 124
    • small-growth stocks, 114, 115, 116
    • small-value stocks, 124, 125–127
    • smart-beta ETFs, 270
    • SoFi Invest, 303
    • sophisticated investor, defined, 412
    • Sortino ratio, 80
    • sovereign bond, defined, 203
    • SPDR funds
      • Barclays Capital High Yield Bond ETF (JNK), 194
      • Bloomberg Barclays Emerging Markets USD Bond ETF (EMHC), 227–228
      • Dow Jones Global Real Estate ETF (RWO), 162, 163
      • Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust (DIA), 100
      • Dow Jones International Real Estate ETF (RWX), 162
      • FTSE International Government Inflation-Protected Bond ETF (WIP), 224
      • Gold Shares (GLD), 237
      • Map of the Market, 163
      • Nuveen Barclays Capital Municipal Bond (TFI), 357
      • Portfolio Developed World ex-US ETF (SPDW), 142–143
      • Portfolio MSCI Global Stock Market ETF (SPGM), 140, 273
      • Portfolio S&P 500 ETF (SPLG), 292–293
      • Portfolio S&P 500 Index, 31
      • S&P 500 (SPY), 11, 18, 19, 24, 60–61, 73, 79, 261, 284, 292, 293, 322, 323, 345, 350, 377
      • S&P 600 Small Cap Growth ETF (SLYG), 117–118
      • S&P Bank ETF (KBE), 161
      • S&P Dividend ETF (SDY), 180, 357
      • S&P Global Natural Resources ETF (GNR), 163, 248
      • S&P Health Care Equipment (XHE), 162
      • S&P Insurance (KIE), 161
      • S&P International Dividend Equity ETF (DWX), 180
      • S&P Metals and Mining ETF (XME), 247
      • S&P Oil & Gas Equipment & Services (XES), 162
      • S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF (XOP), 162
      • S&P Regional Banking ETF (KRE), 161
      • SSGA Global Allocation ETF (GAL), 277
      • SSGA Income Allocation ETF (INKM), 277
      • SSGA Multi-Asset Real Return ETF (RLY), 277
    • SPDRs, 220, 412. See also SPDR funds
    • SPIVA Scorecard (2020), 19
    • spread, defined, 412
    • Sprott, 64
    • Stambaugh, Robert F. (finance professor), 17
    • Standard & Poor’s (S&P Global or S&P), 64–65
    • standard deviation, 76–78, 79, 413
    • State Street Global Advisors, 19, 57, 58, 60–61, 62, 65, 160–163, 236, 277, 404. See also SPDR funds
    • state-specific muni ETFs, 220–221
    • state-specific muni funds, 373
    • Staunton, Mike (professor), 143
    • stock ETFs, mixing and matching of, 86–89
    • stock exchanges, websites for, 405
    • stock markets
      • buying into world’s stock markets in a flash, 272–273
      • “flash crash” of 2010, 44
      • history of in Europe, 141–142
      • history of resiliency of, 329
      • investing around the world, 83
      • overall winners in last century, 143
      • returns from, 89
      • slower-growing economies as often seeing most robust stock market returns, 138
      • unpredictability of, 327–328
      • U.S. stock market, 129–131, 133, 138
    •, LLC, 322
    • stocks. See also specific types of stocks
      • ETFs as compared to, 48
      • styles of, 93
    • stop-loss (or stop) order, as trading choice, 29
    • strategic asset allocation, 108
    • strike price, 344
    • style box, 86–87
    • style drift, 36, 413
    • style grid, 86, 88, 104, 157
    • style investing, 87, 93, 155, 156, 157, 413
    • styles (of stocks), 93
    • sub-sub-subsector ETFs, 153
    • sustainable investing, 250–260
    • systemic risk, 74–75


    • T. Rowe Price, 45, 56, 269
    • T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth ETF (TCHP), 268
    • T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth Fund (TRBCX), 268
    • tactical asset allocation, 337–340
    • target-date funds, 279
    • target-risk funds, 275
    • tax efficiency, 30, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 59, 64, 107, 175, 263, 268, 270, 305, 355, 413
    • tax friendliness, 34, 35
    • tax-advantaged retirement account, 33, 175, 177, 208, 244, 352, 386
    • tax-deferred vessels, 353
    • taxes
      • capital gains taxes, 11, 33, 35
      • on dividends with REITs, 172
      • foreign taxes, 134, 149
      • when selling security, 51
    • tax-free income, municipal bonds for mostly tax-free income, 219–222
    • tax-loss harvesting, 340–341, 413
    • TD Ameritrade, 15, 54, 55, 384
    • technical analysis, defined, 413
    • Technology Select Sector SPDR (XLK), 161
    • TIAA, 56, 64
    • ticket, defined, 413
    • time, as ingredient in determining appropriate levels of risk, 73
    • TIP (Toronto Index Participation Unit), 10
    • TIP (U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities), 10, 207–208
    • Toronto 35, 10
    • Tortoise North American Pipeline Fund (TPYP), 287
    • total bond, 214
    • total market capitalization, 91
    • tracking error, 43
    • traded, as compared to listed, 66
    • trading, like a pro, 51
    • trading choices, for ETFs or stocks, 29
    • transparency, 36, 37, 413
    • treasury bond ETFs, 203–206
    • treasury bonds
      • claim to fame of, 203
      • rating of, 211
      • returns from in 2008, 189
      • returns from in past 100 years as compared to stocks, 189
      • TIP (U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities), 207–208
    • Treynor, Jack (founder of Treynor approach), 80
    • Treynor approach, 80
    • turnover, defined, 413
    • Tyson, Eric (author), 326


    • unhedging, 225
    • unit investment trusts (UITs), 377
    • United States, 73, 138
    • United States Natural Gas Fund (UNG), 241
    • United States Oil Fund (USO), 239–241
    • unloved assets, buying of, 340
    • U.S. agency bonds, 209
    • U.S. ETFs, volatility of, 73
    • U.S. MidCap Dividend Fund (DON), 180
    • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 10, 29, 41, 58, 64, 68, 202, 255, 258, 262, 266, 290, 377, 407
    • U.S. SmallCap Dividend Fund (DEM), 180
    • U.S. stock market, 129–131, 133, 138
    • USA Mutual VICE mutual fund (VICEX), 252
    • utilities sector, 153, 156, 315, 316
    • Utilities Select Sector SPDR (XLU), 161


    • value, growth as compared to, 93–94
    • value fund, defined, 413
    • Value Line Mid Cap Focused Fund (VLIFX), 324
    • Value Line, paradox of, 323–324
    • Value Line Timeliness Selection ETF, 323
    • value premium, 106, 147, 414
    • value stocks, as historically outperforming growth stocks, 106, 108
    • Van Eck Associates, 64
    • VanEck, 180, 220
    • VanEck Vectors Green Bond (GRNB), 259
    • Vanguard funds
      • Consumer Discretionary ETF (VCR), 159
      • Consumer Staples ETF (VDC), 159
      • Developed Markets Index ETF (VEA), 314
      • Dividend Appreciation ETF (VIG), 180
      • Emerging Markets Government Bond (VWOB), 227, 309
      • Emerging Markets Index ETF (VWO), 145, 248, 314
      • Energy ETF (VDE), 159, 239, 247, 340
      • ESG U.S. Corporate Bond ETF (VCEB), 212–213
      • ETFs, 59–60, 62
      • Financials ETF (VFH), 159
      • 4 Portfolio, 217
      • FTSE All World ex-US ETF (VEU), 366
      • FTSE All-World ex-US Small Cap Index (VSS), 148–149, 307, 309, 312
      • FTSE Developed Markets ETF (VEA), 143, 357
      • Global ex-U.S. Real Estate ETF (VNQI), 177
      • Growth ETF (VUG), 98
      • Health Care ETF (VHT), 159
      • High Divided Appreciation ETF (VIG), 357
      • High Dividend Yield ETF (VYM), 180
      • Index Trust 500 Portfolio, 59
      • Industrials ETF (VIS), 159
      • Information Technology ETF (VGT), 160, 270
      • Intermediate-Term Corporate Bond ETF (VCIT), 210, 212, 354
      • Intermediate-Term Treasury Index ETF (VGIT), 205, 210, 358
      • International High Dividend Yield Index Fund (VYMI), 60, 180
      • International Real Estate ETF (VNQI), 309, 312
      • Long-Term Treasury ETF (VGLT), 206
      • Materials ETF (VAW), 160, 248
      • Mega Cap 300 ETF (MGC), 306
      • Mega Cap 300 Growth ETF (MGK), 98–99, 357
      • Mega Cap Value Index ETF (MGV), 107, 109
      • Mid Cap ETF (VO), 74
      • Mortgage-Backed Securities ETF (VMBS), 209, 314
      • Pennsylvania Long-Term Tax-Exempt Admiral (VPALX), 309, 373
      • REIT Index ETF (VNQ), 160, 176–177, 309, 354
      • S&P 500, 31
      • S&P 500 ETF (VOO), 60, 293
      • Short-Term Bond (BSV), 216–217
      • Short-Term Corporate Bond Index (VCSH), 213, 358
      • Short-Term Inflation-Protected Index Fund (VTIP), 207, 208
      • Short-Term Treasury ETF (VGSH), 204–205
      • Small Cap ETF (VB), 306, 307, 308, 311
      • Small Cap Growth ETF (VBK), 117, 357
      • Small Cap Value ETF (VBR), 126, 308, 310, 311, 314
      • Tax-Exempt Bond ETF (VTEB), 221
      • Telecommunications Services ETF (VOX), 160
      • Total Bond Market ETF (BND), 215–216, 217
      • Total International Bond ETF (BNDX), 217, 223, 312
      • Total International Stock ETF (VXUS), 140, 147, 217, 307, 309, 310, 312, 365
      • Total Stock Market ETF (VTI), 31, 60, 97, 217, 338, 365, 366
      • Total Stock Market Index Fund Admiral Shares (VTSAX), 60
      • Total World Bond ETF (BNDW), 274
      • Total World Stock ETF (VT), 140, 273
      • Utilities ETF (VPU), 160
      • Value ETF (VTV), 107, 108–109, 340
    • VICE mutual fund (VICEX), 252
    • Victoria Bay Asset Management, LLC, 239, 240
    • Victoria Bay United States Natural Gas Fund (UNG), 241
    • volatility, 72, 76, 414


      • “wash rule” (IRS), 340
      • Wealthfront, 303
      • web resources, 403–407
      • weed-buying strategy, 340
      • Wells Fargo, 59
      • WisdomTree, 25, 64, 65, 180, 291
      • Wood, Cathie (CEO of Ark Invest), 158, 265
      • World Gold Council, 64, 235, 236


      • Xtrackers, 255
      • Xtrackers International Real Estate ETF (HAUZ), 178
      • Xtrackers S&P SmallCap 600 ESG ETF (SMLE), 256–257


      • yield, defined, 414
      • YouTube, on “secrets” of ETF trading, 326–327
      • YTD, defined, 414
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