
access permissions

The operations a person or group can perform on a file or other resource; a security feature also known as access rights. Permissions traditionally can be read, write, or execute.

address book

The software component of JDS’s Email and Calendar program that organizes names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and other details associated with the user’s personal and business contacts.


A software program sometimes distributed separately from the operating system and sometimes included and integrated with the operating system to share the same windowing, control features, and look and feel with other applications and system tools. An application offers a user an interface with controls for manipulating data—in the case of the StarOffice, the control of formatted text, text files, and many other file formats; in the case of Web Browser, the control of access to Web pages on the Internet. A few other examples of applications included with JDS are Email and Calendar, Instant Messenger, GIMP and File Roller. See operating system.


A single file containing multiple files, often compressed. Facilitates transfer of files between computers. Archival formats include TAR, ZIP, and GZ and are usually reflected in the trailing extension (.tar, .zip, .gz, etc.) of the filename.

background process

A program that runs while users do other things. Some processes known as daemons are started in the background and remain there. Other processes run in the background temporarily.


A duplicate of data, which one can use to restore data that has been lost, damaged, or erroneously changed.


The capacity of a communications channel. For example, analog bandwidth is measured in cycles per second, while digital bandwidth is a volume of data that may be sent through a channel, measured in bits per second. Bandwidth impacts transmission speed. A large amount of data flowing through a narrow channel takes longer than the same amount of data flowing through a broader channel.


Code compiled into an executable program, as opposed to source code that is human-readable but usually not executable. Some Linux software is distributed as source code, some as both source and binaries, and some only in binary format.


Basic Input Output System. A hardware component that initializes important hardware processes on Intel x86 systems. Linux takes over management of the hardware from the BIOS when the bootloader appears on the screen.


The list you create within your web browser of stored web pages to which you would like to return. Also known as “favorites” in the Windows lexicon.


A sequence of computer operations that extend from powering up the system until the system becomes ready to use.


A program that searches and displays content. Often applied to programs that offer graphical displays of content on the World Wide Web, a browser can also refer to a program that looks for files on a desktop or in directories. In networking terms, a browser can look for hosts or computers in a network and broadcast information on the network about the addresses and names of other computers.


A person with whom you chat via the Internet using an Instant Messenger program.

buddy list

A list of Instant Messenger account names of friends or colleagues with whom you engage in chat. This list is stored by your Instant Messenger program to make it easy to manage chat sessions and see when colleagues are online and available for chat.


See gzip.


The component of JDS’s Email and Calendar program that tracks appointments and tasks.


A workstation in a computer network in which central resources are controlled by a different computer that is a server. Also, a program or computer that makes requests of a server on a local area network or over the Internet.

command line

A text-based mode of operating a computer in which a user enters commands at a prompt. Also called a CLI, or command-line interface.


To turn the source code of a program into an executable (binary) program.


A terminal or a dedicated window on the screen that offers a character-based interface to the operating system.


The people and their associated information in the address book component of the JDS Email and Calendar program. See address book.


The block or vertical-line character that marks the input location on a computer screen. Also, the symbol representing the location of the mouse or other graphical interface device.


A background process, normally not associated with any real, human user. A daemon usually offers a service such as sending web pages, and sleeps in the background until an event such as the request for a web page triggers it into activity.


The operating system user interface, typically designed to represent an office desk with objects on it. The operating system desktop uses program and data icons, windows, and taskbars to launch and manage programs and files. GNOME is the name of the desktop interface in JDS.

device driver

The code that serves as an agent between the operating system and a device such as a hard drive, monitor, printer, flash memory, etc. The driver tells the operating system what capabilities the device has and translates system commands into instructions the device understands.


A window that opens up on the desktop to assist you in performing one of many possible commands or in carrying out functions. Used often in directions such as “Select Format Character from the Main menu, and in the Character dialog, press the OK button.”


The equivalent of computer system folders in which users and systems place files, programs, and subdirectories for storage. Linux uses a standard set of directories to store files common to all Linux systems.


Domain Name Service. A database of Internet names and addresses that translates alphabetic domain names into numeric IP addresses. DNS is almost always consulted by web browsers, mail servers, and other programs that accept domain names such as


See device driver


Electronic mail.


A collection of options set by the system or the user in a command shell, such as the paths (directories) in which to find programs, the username, the current path, and the appearance of the prompt. Each piece of information is stored in an environment variable. These variables can be assigned by the shell’s configuration files.


Popular standard for connecting systems near each other into a network. A LAN architecture developed by Xerox Corporation, DEC, and Intel in 1976. Ethernet uses a star or bus typology. The Ethernet specification serves a standard, which specifies the physical and low-level software levels of a networking stacks.


The brand name of JDS’s Email and Calendar program.


To send data out of an application, typically into a file or a format you designate.


The native filesystem used by Linux prior to the 2.4 kernel. It offers high throughput, long filenames, permissions, and error tolerance.


A journaling filesystem used by Linux. It has a significant advantage over other journaling filesystems in that users can upgrade from the popular EXT2 filesystem without having to back up and restore data, and can manage EXT3 with EXT2 tools. The journal prevents the filesystem from being corrupted in case of a hardware or system crash. Other journaling filesystems for Linux include JFS, XFS, and ReiserFS.


See bookmarks.

file content sniffer

Specifies a pattern to search for in a file. A file content sniffer associates the pattern with a MIME type; for instance, a .doc extension refers to a Microsoft Word file. If a match for the pattern is found, the MIME type associated with the pattern helps the system decide which program to invoke to handle the file.

file extension

Also known as a file suffix. The last part of a filename, which follows the last period in the file. Many applications use the file extension to determine what to do with a file. For instance, if you use Nautilus or StarOffice to open a file with the extension .ppt, they treat it as a PowerPoint file and open it with its presentation software, StarImpress.

file format

The data format of a file or document. For example, StarWriter is programmed to interpret MS Word’s proprietary file format just as effectively as the XML file format of its own documents. A format is often indicated in a file’s extension; a few examples include .doc (Word file), .sxw (StarWriter file), .txt (plain text file), .pdf (PDF file), and .ppt (PowerPoint file).


A way of organizing files on the disk or other storage medium. Also refers to the software that tells the operating system how to access and decipher the contents of the medium.


A program that reads data, processes it according to a set of predefined conditions, and outputs the processed data in a different order. Examples include filtering out spam from email or translating PostScript to plain text.


A system designed to protect a computer network from unauthorized access, especially via the Internet. Also refers to software performing that functions on a general-purpose computer. JDS offers this type of firewalling software, but it is an advanced feature that requires a knowledgeable system administrator to configure. Cable modems and DSL connections, because they are usually “always on” when the computer is powered on, are especially vulnerable to assault from the outside, but anyone who connects to a network is subject to malicious intrusion. A firewall helps prevent this.

free software

Software with source code that is available to everyone. The software is not only universally available for use, but can be altered by anyone for personal use or redistribution. Similar to open source software, though there are subtle differences. While free software is theoretically also free of charge, the difficulty of downloading and building the software gives many organizations an opportunity to perform these tasks for the user and charge a fee for the software. Much of the software discussed in this book is free software.


File Transfer Protocol. A method for transferring files to and from other computers, often used to access software repositories in order to download programs or documents.

function bar

The StarOffice toolbar that provides icons for the user to perform common file and edit functions in one click, such as file save, file open, export to PDF, print, cut, copy, and paste.


GNU AOL Instant Messenger, JDS’s instant-messaging program.


GNU Image Manipulation Program, a popular image editor/paint program for Linux. GIMP is included with JDS.


The desktop software that provides the graphical environment on top of Linux for JDS. Everything the user does to open, close, or move windows; manipulate the mouse and use keystrokes within those windows; or navigate the system with Nautilus is handled by GNOME.


Graphical User Interface. The collection of icons, windows, and other onscreen graphical images that allow the user to interact with the operating system. GNOME is an example of the GUI for JDS. GNOME and Linux together comprise the JDS operating system.


GNU zip. A file compression program for Linux. Compression compacts files to save storage space and reduce transfer time. A similar utility using a different format is bzip2; its output can be recognized by the .bz2 file extension.


A facility of the JDS Web Browser for keeping track of the web pages the user has recently visited. The history feature allows you to retrieve a web page by pulling down the location bar in the browser or typing just a few characters into the bar. You can also manage your browser’s “historical memory,” or list of previously visited web pages.

home directory

The directory—also known as a folder—into which JDS places a user after he logs on, and where the user generally stores the files on which he works. An example of a home directory would be /home/swhiser.

host name

Name of a machine in JDS, usually the name by which the computer can be reached on the network.


Refers both to a program called Instant Messenger and the activity of instant messaging, or chatting over the Internet using the Instant Messenger program. See also gaim and Instant Messenger.


See POP.

incoming mail server

The computer—usually located remotely at your Internet service provider’s facility—responsible for fielding and forwarding email addressed to you. You need to enter the name of your incoming mail server into the setup wizard of your JDS Email and Calendar program in order to receive and view your email from within the Email and Calendar program.

Instant Messenger

The name of the program for Internet chat. There are many such programs offered by various Internet providers (America Online, MSN, Yahoo!, and so on). Because these chat networks tend to use different protocols, some instant-messenger client programs support only one of these protocols, while others—including the JDS Instant Messenger, gaim—support almost all of them.


See TCP.


Internet Service Provider. A company that provides your connection to the Internet, usually for a monthly fee.


The object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, intended to be operating system-independent. Java provides a trademarked set of technologies for creating and safely running programs in both standalone and networked environments.


The Java Desktop System.


The core of the operating system, on which the other components depend. The kernel manages such tasks as low-level hardware interaction, sharing resources, memory allocation, input/output, security, and user access. It provides and controls the way any other software component can access resources. The kernel runs with a higher privilege than other programs (user-mode programs). The power and robustness of the kernel play a major role in shaping overall system design and reliability.


Local Area Network. A way to provide communication between computers within a building or across a small campus. Many technologies, such as NFS or Samba file sharing, are intended to be used on a LAN as opposed to the wider Internet. See WAN.


A pointer to a file, similar to a shortcut on Windows. Also, a specification in a web page or other source that refers to a document somewhere else. In Linux, a distinction exists between “hard” and “soft” (or “symbolic”) links. Hard links, which are more limited and are now rarely used, refer to positions in a single filesystem, while symbolic links point to names of files and can easily cross boundaries between disks and systems.


The computer operating system that is the foundation for the Java Desktop System. Linux is an open source variant of the Unix operating system that was originally developed by Bell Labs in the early 1970s. “Linux” is a trademark of Linux Torvalds, the lead developer of the Linux kernel.


The entering of a computer system by typing one’s account name (username or user ID) and password. Also refers to the account name used to gain access to a computer system.


The exiting of a user from the computer system. The Linux system continues to run for other users and processes.

mail server

See incoming mail server and outgoing mail server.

main toolbar

The StarOffice toolbar located along the left edge of an open document window, which provides one-click access to certain common facilities, including spellchecking, inserting objects, inserting tables, find and replace, document layout, and others.


Traditional documentation for Linux systems, which one can read using the man command and other utilities. For instance, entering man mkdir at the command line reveals documentation for the mkdir command.


Master Boot Record. Occupies the first physical sector of a hard disk. During system startup, content is loaded from the MBR to main memory and executed by the BIOS. This code then loads the operating system or a bootloader.


Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension. A standard for representing different types of data, varying as widely as web pages, MP3 music files, and spreadsheets. Originally developed for electronic mail, it is now used on the Web, on local graphical desktops, and elsewhere.

MIME information file

A text file that associates MIME types with filename extensions and filename patterns. MIME information files have a .mime file extension.

MIME keys file

Provides information about a MIME type that is used in the user interface. For example, an icon that applications can display to represent files of that MIME type. MIME keys files have a .keys file extension.

MIME type

Identifies the format of a file. The MIME type enables applications to read the file. For example, an email application can use the image/jpeg MIME type to detect that a JPEG image is attached to an email.


Used in the context of the StarOffice office suite, as in “spreadsheet module,” this term refers to one of the six software components of the office suite that share a similar menu layout and functionality. The six modules of StarOffice are StarWriter, StarCalc, StarImpress, StarDraw, StarHTML, and StarMath.


To make a filesystem that is stored on a local or remote disk accessible from a directory on your workstation. When a system contains many disks or partitions of disks, each must be mounted. A mount point is the directory where a mounted filesystem appears.


A compression procedure and format for audio files, which reduces the size by a factor of 10.


The ability of an operating system to run more than one program, or task, at a time. A preemptive multitasking operating system, such as Linux, frees up resources when ordered to by the operating system, on a priority basis, so that one application is unable to hog resources when they are needed by another program.


Concurrently running programs divided into subcomponents, or threads. Multithreading offers efficient utilization of processors and other system resources. Multithreaded programming requires a multitasking operating system, such as Linux, capable of running many programs concurrently. A word processor can make good use of multithreading, such as printing in the background while spellchecking in the foreground. See also process.


The file manager used by JDS. Nautilus is a window that displays folders and files and lets you move around the system, view information about files, and move or open files.


A group of computers and/or associated devices connected by hardware and software communications facilities to share data and peripheral devices, such as printers and modems.


Someone who has just started to use and learn about a system or community of people (for instance, a “Linux newbie”).


Network File System. A filesystem that allows the sharing of files across a network or (less often) the Internet, making files appear as if they were on local disks. NFS allows different makes of computers running different operating systems to share files and disk storage. See also Samba.


Network Information Service. Networking software that lets a system administrator control network information and services from a central server called the NIS master.

object bar

The StarOffice toolbar that provides icons for one-click access to common formatting changes, including bold and italic fonts, underline, justification, and other characteristics of text and graphics.

OMF file

Open Source Metadata Framework file. This is a file that is associated with the XML file for a technical manual. The OMF file contains information about the manual that is used by the Help browser. OMF files have a .omf extension.

open source

See free software.

operating system

Performs tasks such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. The operating system is centered on the kernel, but contains other software as well. GNU/Linux, also known as Linux, is the name of the operating system used by JDS.

outgoing mail server

The computer—usually located remotely at a corporate center or Internet service provider’s facility—responsible for fielding and forwarding email that a user sends to others. You need to enter the name of your outgoing mail server into the setup wizard of your JDS Email and Calendar program in order to send out email from within the Email and Calendar program.


The user who has access to a file, usually the one who created the file.


Pluggable Authentication Modules. A replaceable module for system security that allows programs to be written without knowing the authentication scheme deployed. A module can be replaced later without rewriting the programs that require the security provided by the module.


A logically independent section of a hard drive, or a contiguous section that is treated by the operating system as a physical drive. Linux treats partitions as if they were separate physical entities.


Denotes the location of a file or directory. The path is an absolute path if it begins with the root directory (that is, starts with a slash) and includes every subdirectory—for example, /home/tadelste/Documents. Otherwise, the path is a relative path—for example, tadelste/Documents. Also, a list of such locations where the computer will look for commands if the full path is not given.


See access permissions.


A Personal Information Management software program. JDS’s Email and Calendar is a PIM, performing many of the same functions as, for example, MS Outlook.


Public Key Infrastructure. An encryption apparatus for enhancing privacy and authenticating electronic communications such as email. (See also Public key encryption).


An email protocol used to deliver mail from an incoming mail server to end users. Another such protocol is IMAP.


An executing program. More precisely, a collection of code, data, and other system resources, including at least one thread of execution, that performs a data-processing task. Processes can consist of multiple threads that share files, memory, and other resources, although threads on Linux are called “lightweight processes,” which makes the terminology confusing. Each process executes with a different ID and different access rights.


A symbol that appears in a terminal to indicate that the computer is ready to receive a command. With Linux, the two most common prompts are the user prompt ($) and the root prompt (#).


An agreed-upon method of communications used by computers. Usually describes the messages exchanged and the rules one should follow to perform activities on a network, such as transmitting data. Low-level protocols define the physical standards such as bit- and byte-ordering and the transmission and error detection and correction of a bit stream. High-level protocols deal with data formatting, including the syntax of messages, character sets, and sequencing of data.


An intermediary program that makes requests on behalf of clients. Proxies are often used as trusted agents to access the Internet on the client’s behalf through a network firewall, and for handling requests through protocols not implemented by the user agent.

Public key encryption

A particular type of data encryption that requires every participant in a communication chain to have two separate keys: a public key and a private key. When a targeted message is being secured for transmission, data is encrypted with the recipient’s public key and can be decrypted only when her private key is applied to the message. To authenticate a message—or prove that the sender is who he claims to be—the sender’s private key is first used to sign data, and then the sender’s public key is applied by the recipient to the message to guarantee its provenance. See also PKI.


A general-purpose filesystem designed and implemented by a team led by Hans Reiser. It is currently supported by Linux. With Linux Version 2.4.1, it was the first journaling filesystem to be included in the standard kernel. Now it is a strong alternative to EXT3, and JDS uses ReiserFS automatically for some partitions.


The user account with authority to perform all system-level tasks. Also called superuser. A system administrator must become the root user to perform certain functions, such as creating new user accounts, changing passwords, installing most kinds of software, and carrying out other tasks ordinary users are not allowed to perform for security reasons.


A packaging and installation tool for Internet downloads, included with JDS distributions. The initials originally stood for Red Hat Package Manager. The tool produces files with a .rpm extension. Some RPMs contain prebuilt binaries, while some, known as source RPMs, provide all the source code required to build binaries.


A set of programs that allows JDS and other Unix or Linux systems to share files and printers with Microsoft Windows systems. Similar to NFS. Named after the protocol used for Windows file and printer sharing, SMB (now enhanced and called CIFS).


An application that replaces the image on a screen when the screen is not in use. The screensaver application for the GNOME Desktop is XScreenSaver. A screensaver display shows images of the user on the screen when the screen is not in use.


A series of commands in an executable file in human-readable text format. Used to automate the repetitive execution of commands.


A computer on a network that is dedicated to a particular purpose and that stores all information and performs the critical functions for that purpose. For example, a web server stores all files related to a web site and performs all work necessary for hosting the web site. The systems that make use of server offerings are called clients.


A series of text prompts offering a command-line interface to the operating system. The shell interprets the commands typed at a terminal and can also run scripts containing commands. By default, JDS offers the shell called bash.


In the context of email, a signature is a text sequence that you set up in the Email and Calendar program and is appended to outgoing email. You can have a signature appended automatically or store multiple signatures and manually select the appropriate one for each outgoing email message.

slash (/)

The symbol used in file pathnames to separate directory and filenames.


Simple Mail Transport Protocol. An email protocol used to send mail from end-user computers to mail servers, and exchange it among mail servers.

source code

The human-readable programming statements from which executable programs can be built.


Secure Shell. Sometimes known as Secure Socket Shell,. this is a Linux command interface and protocol for securely gaining access to a remote computer. It allows you to log in without revealing your password to potential snoopers, and encrypt all data traveling from your computer to another computer using different types of encryption algorithms.


The spreadsheet module of StarOffice. Functionally equivalent to MS Excel.


The presentation module of StarOffice. Functionally equivalent to MS PowerPoint.

StarOffice 7

The office suite included with JDS.


The word-processing program included with StarOffice. Functionally equivalent to MS Word.


See root.

symbolic link

See link.


Tape Archive. A file-packaging tool included with Linux for combining several files into one for archiving. Tar was originally designed for tape backup and then used with other storage media. When run by itself, it produces files with a .tar extension. When combined with gzip for data compression, the resulting file extension may be .tgz or .tar.gz.


A file created with the tar utility, containing one or more other archived and possibly compressed files.


Transmission Control Protocol. Like UDP, a protocol used by some applications over the Internet or local networks using Internet software. Because TCP is the most common protocol used on top of the basic Internet protocol (IP), the whole suite of Internet protocols is sometimes casually referred to as TCP/IP.


In the past, a physical device with a keyboard and monitor connected to a central computer. The term also describes programs that emulate actual terminals. In JDS, a terminal emulation of that sort exists under System Tools and provides users with a command-line interface.


See multithreading and process.

TrueType fonts

A variety of fonts designed to be printer-independent. Used in JDS systemwide to provide a high-quality look and feel.


User Datagram Protocol. Like TCP, a protocol used by some applications over the Internet or local networks using Internet software.


Uniform Resource Identifier, or Universal Resource Identifier. A string that identifies a particular location in a filesystem or on the Web. This is a more general term than the more familiar URL.


Uniform Resource Locator, or Universal Resource Locator. A string that identifies a resource on the Web and can be used by a web server and web browser to retrieve content over the Web. A typical URL is, which contains the protocol used to retrieve the resource (http://), the domain name of the system hosting the resource (, and a directory or filename that represents the actual resource fetched (software/looking_glass/).

user account

A set of resources for an individual logging in to a system. Generally, each person using a system has a single user account, and a special user account is set aside for the root user. However, people could have multiple accounts. Furthermore, some system services run under their own user accounts, which are never used for anyone to log in.


Video Electronic Standards Association. The consortium that defines video standards. In JDS, the term VESA appears when monitors are configured. One can choose the VESA standard and enter the horizontal and vertical frequencies as well as color depth when it is necessary to manually configure a specific monitor.


A virtual representation of items that reside in a physical location or locations on your system. For example, a vfolder might represent the contents of several directories. In terms of menus, a vfolder is a representation in a menu of items that might be physically located in several directories.


Wide Area Network. In contrast to LAN (local area network), a WAN is a dedicated company, school, or agency network that’s distributed among offices or buildings that are located many miles apart, even across countries or continents. A WAN typically uses the standard Internet communication protocols, just like a LAN or the Internet itself, but requires special equipment and configuration.

web browser

See browser.

Web-mail service provider

A company that provides hosting services for downloading, viewing, and distributing email. Yahoo!, Hotmail, and Gmail are among the free web mail service providers. Many, if not most, Internet service providers also provide a web-based interface for handling email.

web-safe color palette

A general-purpose palette of 216 colors. The web-safe color palette is designed to optimize the use of color on systems that support 8-bit color. The web-safe color palette is also called the Netscape color palette and the Netscape color cube.


A graphical frame—-with a blue name band and control buttons on top in JDS—through which you view and interact with programs and system tools on the desktop.

window manager

The layer between the user and the X Window System. It provides the desktop display and handles activities that affect a whole window, such as moving, resizing, or closing it.


A software utility that helps you perform certain computer functions by taking you through a series of interactive steps. People use wizards to set up a program for installation. Some wizards provide templates that allow a user to enter information to create documents such as web pages, letters, and spreadsheets. In JDS, some wizards are called assistants.

X Window System

The graphical windowing environment for JDS. It provides the underlying programming required by the GNOME user interface.


Version 11 of the X Window System. This version that has been in use ever since the X Window System achieved widespread use and commercial viability.


The X Display Manager. A user-friendly frontend for logging in to the X Window System. It provides a graphical login screen and enables remote use of an X server.


A free software version of the X Window System commonly used on Linux.


eXtensible Markup Language. This is a powerful markup language encompassing the rules for standard document layout. It is used for for formatting documents and designing Web Services. GNOME uses XML to define schemas in the desktop, menu, icons, and configurations. XML is a standard governed by the World Wide Web Consortium ( The implementation of XML specifically for office software file formats—the same one found in StarOffice and—is developed and governed by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, or OASIS (

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