

  1. Aa icon, 181
  2. About Facebook link, 48
  3. About section (Timeline)
    1. about, 85, 100101
    2. Basic Information, 3334, 104105
    3. Contact information, 104105
    4. Details About You section, 107
    5. Family section, 105106
    6. Life Events, 107
    7. Places You've Lived, 103
    8. privacy settings, 137
    9. Relationship section, 105106
    10. Work and Education section, 34, 101103
  4. abuse, reporting, 388389
  5. account, problems, 382
  6. Account menu, 3839
  7. accounts
    1. deactivated, 382, 385386
    2. fake, 16
    3. multiple, 16
    4. password, 382
    5. profile information, 3334
    6. signing up, 2325
  8. Acquaintances list, 204
  9. Activity Log, 109, 118, 344
    1. about, 39, 139141
  10. Ad Choices link, 48
  11. adding
    1. audience to tagged posts, 124
    2. background, 7273, 370
    3. background to posts, 73
    4. college to Work and Education section, 102
    5. comments, 6162
    6. comments with extras, 6263
    7. contact information, 104105
    8. cover photo to groups, 246
    9. email, 104
    10. email contacts to Friends List, 199
    11. emojis, 62, 74, 7576
    12. employers to Work and Education section, 101
    13. family relationship, 106
    14. feeling or activity info to posts, 325
    15. files to messages, 221
    16. frame to profile picture, 8991
    17. GIFs, 62
    18. high school to Work and Education section, 103
    19. links, 73
    20. people to Friends Lists, 207
    21. phone numbers, 104
    22. profile picture, 28, 8791
    23. relationship, 105106
    24. stickers to comments, 62
    25. stickers to photos, 268
    26. stickers to posts, 76, 162
    27. tags, 75, 370
    28. text to photos, 165, 267, 268
    29. videos from computer, 280
    30. videos from Facebook app, 281
    31. videos to posts, 74
    32. websites, 104
  12. adding friends
    1. about, 10, 195
    2. Add Friend button, 195196
    3. to Chat, 222
    4. to conversation, 221
    5. to groups, 249
    6. to Messages, 221
    7. Person You May Know suggestions, 3233
  13. adding photos
    1. to albums, 275
    2. to comments, 62
    3. to Facebook, 264273
    4. from hard drive, 28, 89
    5. from iPhone, 269270
    6. to posts, 74, 324325
    7. that is already on Facebook, 8788
  14. address, 104
  1. administrator (group)
    1. about, 249250
    2. editing members, 254255
    3. editing settings, 251253
    4. managing groups, 253254
    5. pinning posts, 250251
    6. scheduling posts, 250
  2. administrator (Page), 341
  3. ads
    1. about, 39, 133
    2. biographical information and, 135
    3. choices, 48
    4. clicked, 135
    5. contact info and, 134
    6. hiding, 135
    7. information about, 134135
    8. interests and, 134
    9. links, 48
    10. online interest-based, 135
    11. preferences, 133
    12. privacy settings, 133136
    13. settings, 135136
    14. with social information, 136
    15. sponsored, 47
    16. from visited stores, 134
  4. advertisers, 134135, 341
  5. age restrictions
    1. am I too old?, 32
    2. Pages, 338
    3. rules, 16
    4. underage, 16
  6. aggregated data, 133
  7. albums. See photo albums
  8. album view, 262263
  9. alias, 24
  10. ALS ice bucket challenge, 2021
  11. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 20
  12. analysts, 342
  13. Android, Facebook app for, 148, 150
  14. Angry reaction, 60
  15. AOL, 26
  16. apps
    1. about, 1415, 129
    2. ads and, 134
    3. audience, 130
    4. basic information, 346
    5. blocking, 128, 363
    6. controlling what you see from friends, 363
    7. games, 350355
    8. Game Store, 354355
    9. hiding from News Feed, 363
    10. information provided to, 130131, 361
    11. information required by, 348349
    12. invites, 128
    13. links, 131, 153
    14. logging in with Facebook, 130131, 356357
    15. mobile, 184185, 358359
    16. notifications, 132
    17. opting out, 362363
    18. Pages and, 342
    19. permissions, 350, 361
    20. privacy settings, 130131
    21. removing, 131, 361362
    22. reporting, 131, 364
    23. settings for, 360
    24. terms of service, 131
    25. used by friends, 132, 362
    26. using Facebook outside of Facebook, 355358
    27. visibility of, 130, 360361
  17. App Store, 148
  18. artistic effects, 170
  19. attachments, sending, 219
  20. audience options, 112115, 116, 120, 124
  21. authentic identity, 16
  22. autocomplete, 34, 40
  23. automatic albums, 278
  24. automatic detections system, 16


  1. background, 7273, 161, 370
  2. basic information, 104105
  3. Bejeweled Blitz, 350
  4. Bing (search engine), 121
  5. birthday, 2425, 104105
  6. blocking
    1. about, 118119, 124125
    2. app invites, 128, 363
    3. apps, 128, 363
    4. Event invites, 128
    5. messages, 127, 223, 225, 229
    6. Pages, 128129
    7. settings for, 225
    8. steps in, 389
    1. users, 126127
    2. using Restricted List, 125126
  7. blue bar, 34, 3638
  8. boards (Pinterest), 356
  9. Book section, 108109
  10. branded content, 343
  11. bullying, 16
  12. businesses, promoting, 15
  13. Buy/Sell Groups
    1. about, 4445, 239, 285
    2. browsing, 293294
    3. buying in, 293294
    4. Facebook app, 153
    5. reasons for using, 292293
    6. selling items in, 294295
    7. using on phone, 295296


  1. Calendar settings (Pages), 344
  2. calls, video
    1. about, 182183
    2. starting, 221
    3. turning off, 226
  3. calls, voice
    1. starting, 221
    2. turning off, 226
  4. Camera icon, 85, 93, 95, 169, 181, 220
  5. Candy Crush Saga, 350
  6. canvas, 328
  7. Careers link, 48
  8. cash payments, 292
  9. causes, promoting, 15, 377
  10. charity, 377
  11. Chat. See also messages
    1. adding friends to, 222
    2. blocking, 225
    3. closing, 224, 226
    4. collapsing tabs, 226
    5. menu, 224225
    6. options for, 225
    7. sounds, 225
    8. turning off, 48, 222, 225226
    9. turning on, 48
  12. check-ins
    1. about, 55
    2. Facebook app, 162, 172173
    3. location information, 76
    4. status updates, 93
    5. Timeline, 108
  13. Chrome browser, 8
  14. City Guides, 153
  15. classmates, finding, 201202
  16. closed groups, 235, 245
  17. Close Friends list, 79, 204
  18. collage, 166
  19. college
    1. adding to Work and Education section, 34, 102
    2. leaving for, 374
    3. Search for Friends box, 202
  20. color effects, 182
  21. comment ranking, 339
  22. comments and commenting
    1. about, 61
    2. adding, 6162
    3. adding with extras, 6263
    4. editing, 63
    5. liking, 63
    6. News Feed, 54, 55, 6164
    7. on posts, 239240
    8. removing, 53, 63
    9. replying to, 63
  23. common sense, 145
  24. Community Operations team, 17
  25. Community Pages, 313, 316
  26. confirmations, 30
  27. Connection Requests, 229, 231
  28. contact information, 104105, 134
  29. content
    1. branded, 343
    2. creating, 380
    3. illegal, 17
    4. News Feed, 53, 54
    5. optimizing, 367371
    6. Pages, 343
    7. scrapbook, 368
    8. On This Day tool, 367368
    9. viewing, 380
  30. conversation
    1. adding friends to, 221
    2. archived, 232
    3. changing color of word bubbles, 222
    4. closing, 224
    1. defined, 213
    2. deleting, 222
    3. editing participants in, 222
    4. in Inbox, 229230
    5. leaving, 223, 228
    6. marking as unread, 229
    7. muting, 222, 228
    8. naming, 222
    9. nicknames, 222
    10. searching in, 230
    11. starting, 231232
    12. unread, 232
  31. cookies, 48, 134
  32. copyrighted material, 17
  33. country restrictions, 338
  34. cover photo. See also profile picture
    1. adding to groups, 246
    2. changed, 56
    3. changing, 8586
    4. Pages, 315, 320
    5. Timeline, 8586
  35. co-workers, finding, 201202
  36. Create Page link, 48
  37. Create section, 45
  38. creating
    1. content, 380
    2. events, 224, 241242, 306307, 328329
    3. Friends Lists, 205206
    4. fundraisers, 39, 48, 297300
    5. groups, 223224, 244247
    6. Pages, 9, 317323
    7. photo albums, 270272, 327328
    8. polls, 163, 238239
  39. Crisis Response center, 153
  40. cropping photos, 267
  41. crossposting, 343344
  42. current city, 202
  43. custom privacy, 79
  44. Custom Privacy setting, 79, 114115, 282
  45. cyberbullying, 390


  1. Daily Text Limit, 190
  2. Data Policy, 25, 47
  3. dates, changing, 97
  4. dating, 19, 374
  5. deactivated accounts, 382, 385386
  6. debit cards, 154, 218219
  7. deleting
    1. conversation, 222
    2. friend requests, 382
    3. Friends Lists, 208209
    4. fundraisers, 302
    5. photo albums, 274
    6. photos, 278
    7. posts, 98
  8. Details About You section, 107
  9. Developers link, 48
  10. device requests, 153
  11. direct messages, 288
  12. disasters, communicating in times of, 22
  13. Discover messenger section, 341
  14. Discover People, 154
  15. docs, 243
  16. doodles, 165
  17. DoorDash, 154
  18. Download Page link, 339


  1. editing
    1. event information, 310
    2. fundraisers, 302
    3. group members, 254255
    4. group settings, 251253
    5. Pages, 340
    6. participants in conversation, 222
    7. photo albums, 271272, 273275
    8. photos, 164165, 266269, 276278, 369
    9. posts, 9798
    10. sections, 109
    11. tags, 122
  2. editors, 341
  3. Edit Profile link, 34
  4. education information, 34, 101103
  5. ellipsis icon, 41
  6. email
    1. adding, 104
    2. adding email contacts to Friends List, 199
    3. confirmation, 30
    1. finding friends using, 2627
    2. groups, 252
    3. outreach, 30
    4. password, 26
    5. providers, 26
    6. signing up for an account, 2324
    7. unsubscribing, 30
  7. emojis
    1. adding, 74, 7576
    2. adding to comments, 62
    3. adding to posts, 93, 162
    4. Chat, 225
    5. in conversations, 230
    6. News Feed story, 54
    7. sending, 218
  8. employers
    1. adding to Work and Education section, 101
    2. Search for Friends box, 202
  9. English (US) link, 47
  10. Events
    1. about, 14, 43, 56
    2. blocking invites, 128
    3. canceling events, 311
    4. creating events, 224, 241242, 306307, 328329
    5. deleting events, 311
    6. editing information, 310
    7. events, 305
    8. Facebook app, 152, 177178
  11. Events feature
    1. infos, 304, 308, 310
    2. inviting guests to, 309310
    3. managing, 310312
    4. messaging guests, 311312
    5. notifications, 303304
    6. Page events, 328329
    7. polls, 305306
    8. posts, 55, 304
    9. privacy settings, 304
    10. private events, 304
    11. public events, 304, 306
    12. removing guests, 312
    13. RSVPs to events, 242, 304
    14. sharing in, 65
    15. viewing, 306307
  12. Everyone privacy setting, 118, 120
  13. Explore section, 4244


  1. Facebook
    1. about, 710
    2. active users, 21
    3. am I too old?, 32
    4. am I too young?, 16
    5. changes in looks of, 381
    6. compared with other social sites, 1718
    7. free use of, 384
    8. getting started, 2530
    9. impacts of, 373378
    10. mobile apps, 184185
    11. rules, 1517
    12. signing up for, 2325
    13. uses for, 1015, 1822, 373378
    14. website, 89
  2. Facebook app
    1. about, 148
    2. adding videos from, 281
    3. for Android users, 150
    4. bubbles, 152155
    5. checking out Timelines, 173174
    6. check ins, 172173
    7. downloading, 148
    8. events, 177178
    9. Facebook Stories, 172
    10. groups, 175177
    11. for iPhone users, 149
    12. layout, 148150
    13. links, 151152
    14. Live Video, 171172
    15. Marketplace, 151
    16. More section, 151155
    17. navigation, 148150
    18. News Feed, 155156
    19. notifications, 150151
    20. posts, 156163
    21. profile videos, 174175
    22. Search, 150
  3. “Facebook me!”, 378
  4. Facebook Messages
    1. about, 213214
    2. adding friends, 221
    3. options for, 220224
    4. sending messages, 214220
    5. video/voice call, 221
  5. Facebook Messenger
    1. about, 178, 232
    2. for Android users, 180
    3. Facebook app, 152
    4. icons, 179180, 181182
    5. Inbox, 227232
    6. My Day, 183184
    7. navigating, 178180
    8. opening messages in, 221
    9. Pages, 341
    10. sending messages, 180182
    11. starting conversation, 232
    12. video calls, 182183
    13. viewing messages, 180182
  6. Facebook Mobile
    1. about, 8, 185
    2. blue bar, 186187
    3. Home page, 185187
    4. Inbox, 187188
    5. old versions of, 132
    6. settings, 189190
    7. Timelines, 187
  7. Facebook Official (FBO) relationship, 377
  8. Facebook Photos
    1. about, 44, 250
    2. adding photos, 264273
    3. editing photos, 273278
    4. tagging photos, 273278
    5. viewing photos, 260264
  9. Facebook Platform, 131, 347. See also apps
  10. face books, defined, 21
  11. Facebook stories
    1. about, 52
    2. sharing, 172
    3. suggested, 56
    4. tagging, 55
    5. viewing, 159160
  12. Facebook Texts, 188189
  13. facial recognition, 124
  14. fake accounts, 16
  15. fake names, 24
  16. family relationship, adding, 106
  17. favorite quotes, 107
  18. Featured albums, 100
  19. Featured Photos, 99
  20. Featured section (Pages), 343
  21. feeds, Facebook app, 152
  22. Feeling/Activity button, 53, 75
  23. files
    1. adding to messages, 221
    2. downloading from group, 244
    3. uploading to group, 244
  24. filters, 165, 267
  25. finding friends
    1. about, 25
    2. on Facebook, 198203
    3. Find Friends page, 37, 43
    4. People You May Know tool, 200201
    5. reasons for not finding, 383
    6. using email, 2627
    7. using Friend Finder tool, 2527, 37, 198
  26. Firefox browser, 8
  27. flagged messages, 333
  28. Flash On/Off icon, 169
  29. following, 70, 209210
  30. food delivery services, 154
  31. Forgot Account link, 382
  32. frames
    1. photo, 170
    2. video calls, 182
  33. frequently asked questions, 379386
  34. friend-a-versaries, 371
  35. Friend Finder tool, 2527, 198
  36. friending, 10, 195
  37. Friend Lists
    1. about, 43
    2. adding email contacts to, 199
  38. friend requests
    1. accepting, 196197
    2. Add Friend button, 195196
    3. deleting, 382
    4. icon, 37, 186
    5. ignoring, 197, 382383
    6. privacy settings, 118
    7. random, 197
    8. sending, 195196
    9. to teens' friends, 391
    10. using Friend Finder tool, 27
  39. friends. See also friend requests
    1. about, 194195
    2. adding, 10, 3233, 195198
    3. adding to groups, 249
    1. apps used by, 132
    2. choosing, 197
    3. communicating with, 12
    4. connecting with, 9
    5. convincing to join Facebook, 384
    6. Facebook app, 152
    7. far-away, 373374
    8. finding, 2527, 37, 198203
    9. following, 209210
    10. groups, 209
    11. importing, 198200
    12. interacting with, 204211
    13. inviting to fundraisers, 300301
    14. inviting to join Facebook, 27
    15. inviting to Pages, 322
    16. long-distance, 18
    17. mutual, 201
    18. News Feed options, 209
    19. quality compared with quantity, 197
    20. reasons for not finding, 383
    21. reconnecting with, 375
    22. searching for, 203
    23. sending money to, 218219
    24. sharing on Timeline of, 64, 65
    25. tagging, 162
    26. Timeline, 100, 109110
    27. unfollowing, 68, 159, 383
    28. unfriending, 68, 210211
    29. viewing photos from, 260264
  40. Friends box, 100
  41. Friends Except privacy setting, 113
  42. friendships, 10, 55
  43. Friends Lists
    1. about, 7879, 204
    2. adding people to, 207
    3. creating, 205206
    4. deleting, 208209
    5. managing, 207
    6. pre-fab lists, 204
    7. privacy settings, 120
    8. removing people from, 207
    9. restricted, 382383
    10. Smart Lists, 205
    11. updating, 207208
  44. Friends of Friends privacy setting, 118, 120
  45. Friends only privacy setting, 77
  46. Friends privacy setting, 113, 282
  47. fundraisers
    1. about, 44, 56, 285, 296
    2. creating, 39, 48, 297300
    3. deleting, 302
    4. donating to, 296297
    5. editing, 302
    6. ending, 302
    7. Facebook app, 153
    8. inviting friends to support, 300301
    9. payment options, 301302
    10. posts, 301
    11. promoting, 300301
    12. unfollowing, 302


  1. Gameroom, 355
  2. games. See also apps
    1. about, 44, 350
    2. Facebook app, 153
    3. Home pages, 351352
    4. icon, 180
    5. information received by, 351
    6. instant, 354
    7. invitations, 352353
    8. looking for, 354355
    9. managing, 359364
    10. notifications, 132, 352353
    11. permissions, 351
    12. playing, 219220
    13. posts, 353354
    14. sidebar links, 352
  3. Game Store, 354355
  4. Gates Foundation, 377
  5. gender, 24, 105
  6. GIFs
    1. about, 62, 181182
    2. sending, 217218
    3. using in messages, 371
  7. globe icon, 34
  8. Gmail, 26
  9. Golden Rule, 390
  10. Goodreads, 56
  11. Google, 121
  12. Google Account, 344
  13. Google Calendar, 344
  14. Google Chrome browser, 8
  1. Google Play, Facebook app, 148
  2. group administrator
    1. about, 249250
    2. editing members, 254255
    3. editing settings, 251253
    4. managing groups, 253254
    5. pinning posts, 250251
    6. scheduling posts, 250
  3. group conversation
    1. archived, 232
    2. editing participants in, 222
    3. leaving, 223, 228
    4. naming, 222
    5. starting, 231232
    6. unread, 232
  4. Groups
    1. about, 14, 38, 43, 233
    2. adding friends to, 249
    3. administrator, 249256
    4. closed groups, 235, 245
    5. cover photo, 246
    6. creating groups, 223224, 244247
    7. description for, 246247, 252
    8. docs, 243
    9. editing members, 254255
    10. email address, 252
    11. evaluating, 234236
    12. events in, 241242
    13. Facebook app, 152, 175177
    14. files, 244
    15. friends, 209
    16. hiding, 226
    17. leaving, 236
    18. linked pages, 252
    19. location, 252
    20. managing groups, 253254
    21. membership approval, 252253
    22. messages, 216
    23. naming, 252
    24. notifications, 247249
    25. permissions, 253
    26. polls, 238239
    27. posting, 237238
    28. posts, 55, 253
    29. privacy options for, 235, 245, 252
    30. public groups, 235, 245
    31. reporting, 255256
    32. searching, 249
    33. secret groups, 235, 245
    34. selling, 239
    35. settings, 251253
    36. sharing with, 64, 79, 237244
    37. tags, 247, 252
    38. websites, 252
  5. GrubHub, 154
  6. guests (event)
    1. inviting, 309310
    2. messaging, 311312
    3. removing, 312


  1. Haha reaction, 60
  2. harassment, 16
  3. hate speech, 16, 17
  4. Help and Support, 155
  5. Help Center, 38, 46, 155
  6. Help link, 46
  7. Help Team, 142143
  8. Help With This Page, 38
  9. hiding
    1. ads, 135
    2. apps from News Feed, 363
    3. groups, 226
    4. links, 4142
    5. Pages, 226
    6. people, 6768
    7. posts, 6768, 98, 159
    8. sections, 109
    9. sidebar, 226
  10. Highlights, 247
  11. high-resolution photos, 272
  12. high school
    1. adding to Work and Education section, 34, 103
    2. Search for Friends box, 202
  13. Home link, 37
  14. Home page
    1. about, 9, 31, 3536
    2. Facebook Mobile, 185187
    3. games, 351352
    4. left-side menu, 4045
  15. hometown, 103, 201202
  16. Hotmail, 26


  1. ice bucket challenge, 20
  2. icons
    1. Aa, 181
    2. Camera, 85, 93, 95, 169, 181, 220
    3. ellipsis, 41
    4. Flash On/Off, 169
    5. friend requests, 37, 186
    6. games, 180
    7. globe, 34
    8. Like, 182, 220
    9. Location, 166
    10. location information, 93, 166
    11. messages, 37
    12. Messenger, 179180, 181182
    13. Microphone, 181
    14. More, 151, 181, 186
    15. person, 93
    16. photo albums, 93
    17. Photos, 181
    18. Photos Filters, 170
    19. pin, 93
    20. Quick Help, 3738
    21. Reaction, 60
    22. Smiley, 93, 181182, 217
    23. status updates, 93
    24. trending topics, 44, 59
  3. illegal content, 17
  4. iMessage, 213
  5. Inbox. See also messages
    1. about, 227
    2. Connection Requests, 229
    3. conversations in, 229230
    4. email confirmation in, 3031
    5. email outreach in, 30
    6. options for, 228229
    7. Pages, 332333
    8. settings, 231
  6. information gathering, 18
  7. Insights (Pages), 344346
  8. Instagram, 17, 184185, 284, 343
  9. Instant Reply, 340
  10. interests
    1. adding, 108
    2. ads and, 134
    3. in basic information, 105
    4. privacy settings, 137138
  11. Internet, sharing across, 66
  12. Internet Explorer browser, 8
  13. Internet safety tips, 388
  14. Intro box (Timeline), 9899
  15. inviting friends
    1. to fundraisers, 300301
    2. to join Facebook, 27
    3. to Pages, 322
  16. iPhone
    1. adding photos from, 269270
    2. Facebook app for, 148149


  1. job searches, 19, 154


  1. language
    1. adding to basic information, 105
    2. changing, 47
  2. Learn More section, 361
  3. left-side menu
    1. about, 40
    2. Create section, 45
    3. Explore section, 4244
    4. Shortcuts section, 4142
  4. Life Events, 55, 9596, 107, 162
  5. Like icon, 182, 220
  6. likes/liking
    1. about, 55
    2. comments, 63
    3. News Feed, 54, 59, 6061, 66
    4. Pages, 6061, 322, 345
    5. Reaction, 60
    6. as your Page, 330331
  7. Likes section, 107
  8. LinkedIn, 17
  9. links
    1. hiding, 4142
    2. News Feed, 54
    3. posts with, 9495
    4. Publisher, 73
    5. sending, 216
    6. unpinning, 4142
  10. lists, 115
  11. live contributor, 342
  12. Live Video
    1. about, 44, 55
    2. creating, 281282
    3. Facebook app, 370
    4. posting from app, 162
    5. starting, 171172
  13. Location icon, 166
  14. location information, 76, 325
  15. logo, Facebook, 36
  16. Log Out (Account menu), 39
  17. long-distance friends, 18
  18. Lou Gehrig's disease, 2021
  19. Love reaction, 60


  1. maiden names, 24
  2. Marketplace
    1. about, 151, 285
    2. browsing, 286289
    3. buying in, 286289
    4. direct/private messages in, 287
    5. safety tips, 292
    6. sections, 287
    7. selling items on, 289290
    8. using on phone, 290292
  3. mask filters, 170
  4. masks (video effects), 182
  5. messages. See also Chat
    1. adding files to, 221
    2. blocking, 127, 223, 225, 229
    3. events, 311312
    4. Facebook Mobile, 186
    5. flagging, 333
    6. group, 216
    7. icon, 37
    8. ignoring, 223, 229
    9. Marketplace, 287
    10. Pages, 333335, 338, 339340
    11. replying to, 334335
    12. reporting, 223
    13. sending, 180182, 214215
    14. sending links with, 216
    15. sending photos with, 216
    16. spam, 333
    17. text, 188189
    18. unread, 333
    19. unsolicited, 16
    20. viewing, 180182
  6. Messenger
    1. about, 178, 232
    2. for Android users, 180
    3. Facebook app, 152
    4. icons, 179180, 181182
    5. Inbox, 227232
    6. My Day, 183184
    7. navigating, 178180
    8. opening messages in, 221
    9. Pages, 341
    10. sending messages, 180182
    11. starting conversation, 232
    12. video calls, 182183
    13. viewing messages, 180182
  7. Microphone icon, 181
  8. milestones, 329
  9. minors
    1. age restrictions and, 16
    2. beware of strangers, 388
    3. blocking people, 389
    4. cyberbullying and, 390
    5. Internet safety tips for, 388
    6. privacy settings, 389
    7. protecting, 143
    8. reporting abuse, 388389
    9. respecting boundaries of, 390391
    10. social life, 391
  10. mobile apps, 184185, 358359
  11. mobile browser, 185188
  12. mobile number, 24, 188189
  13. mobile phones. See also Facebook Mobile
    1. adding photos from, 269270
    2. apps, 358359
    3. using Buy/Sell Groups on, 295296
    4. using Marketplace on, 290292
    5. viewing photos on, 263264
  14. mobile PIN, 190
  15. moderators, 341
  16. Moments apps, 184
  17. More icon, 151, 181, 186
  18. movements, organizing, 2021
  1. movies, 154
  2. multiple accounts, 16
  3. multiple languages, 339
  4. mutual friends, finding, 201
  5. My Day, 183184


  1. names
    1. alias, 16
    2. Facebook app, 152
    3. first and last, 24
    4. in games, 351
    5. in News Feed, 53
    6. pronounciation of, 107
  2. neighborhood, 104
  3. neighbors, finding, 201202
  4. networking, 376
  5. New Message chat window, 214215
  6. News Feed
    1. about, 10, 11, 39, 52
    2. adjusting, 6770
    3. anatomy of, 5354
    4. commenting, 6162
    5. common story types, 5458
    6. content, 53, 54
    7. discovering, 70
    8. Facebook app, 148, 155156
    9. Facebook Mobile, 186
    10. friends and, 209
    11. hiding apps from, 363
    12. interacting with, 5967
    13. liking, 59
    14. liking and sharing across the Internet, 66
    15. liking pages, 6061
    16. name, 53
    17. options, 158159
    18. photos in, 260
    19. politics of, 8081
    20. preferences, 39, 6870
    21. prioritizing, 69
    22. profile picture, 53
    23. reacting to, 60
    24. reconnecting, 70
    25. saving, 6667
    26. sharing, 6466
    27. unfollowing, 70
    28. viewing, 4546
  7. new users, 37
  8. nicknames, 24, 222
  9. nonprofit, 163
  10. notes, 330
  11. notifications
    1. about, 37
    2. apps, 132
    3. events, 303304
    4. Facebook app, 150151
    5. games, 132, 352353
    6. groups, 247249
    7. Inbox, 230
    8. mobile, 186, 190
    9. Pages, 335, 340341
    10. text, 190
    11. turning on/off, 97, 159


  1. Official Pages, 313, 314316
  2. online interest-based advertising, 135
  3. Only Me privacy setting, 78, 113, 120, 122, 282
  4. On This Day tool, 43, 154, 367368, 371
  5. organizing movements, 2021
  6. other names, 107
  7. Outlook, 26
  8. outreach emails, 30


  1. Page Roles, 341342
  2. Pages
    1. about, 15, 38, 43, 313
    2. activity, 335
    3. Activity Log, 344
    4. adding photos to posts, 324325
    5. adding photos/videos to, 327328
    6. banning from, 342
    7. blocking, 128129
    8. branded content, 343
    9. buttons, 322
    10. Calendar settings, 344
    11. commenting on posts as your Page, 330331
    12. Community Pages, 313, 316
    1. connecting with, 317
    2. cover photo, 320
    3. creating, 48, 317323
    4. description for, 322
    5. discovering, 70
    6. editing, 340
    7. events, 328329
    8. Facebook app, 152, 153
    9. Featured section, 343
    10. following, 70
    11. hiding, 226
    12. Inbox, 332333
    13. information requests, 335
    14. Insights section, 344346
    15. Instagram section, 343
    16. inviting friends, 322
    17. likes and liking, 6061, 322, 345
    18. liking posts as, 330331
    19. managing, 331344
    20. merging, 339
    21. messages, 333335, 338, 339340
    22. Messenger section, 341
    23. milestones, 329
    24. moderating, 338
    25. notes, 330
    26. notifications for, 335, 340341
    27. Official Pages, 313, 314316
    28. page suggestions, 339
    29. partner apps and services, 342
    30. payments, 344
    31. People and Other Pages section, 342
    32. post attribution, 340
    33. post engagements, 346
    34. preferred audience, 342
    35. profile picture, 321
    36. Publisher, 323324
    37. Publishing Tools, 336
    38. reach, 346
    39. removing, 339
    40. removing people from Page likes, 342
    41. replying to messages, 334335
    42. settings, 337344
    43. sharing as, 323330
    44. sharing on, 65
    45. shortcuts, 323
    46. types of, 313
    47. unfollowing, 68
    48. uses of, 318
    49. using your, 330331
    50. web address, 322
  3. Page Support, 344
  4. Page Visibility, 337
  5. parents
    1. keeping up with, 375376
    2. social life, 391
    3. tips for, 387391
  6. Partner Apps and Services, 342
  7. password, 17, 24, 382
  8. payments, 218219, 344
  9. Paypal, 344
  10. people, hiding, 6768
  11. People You May Know tool, 10, 200201
  12. permissions
    1. apps, 350, 361
    2. games, 351
  13. Personal Contacts Importer, 10
  14. person icon, 93
  15. person-to-person payments, 292
  16. phishing, 144
  17. phone numbers
    1. adding, 104
    2. signing up for an account, 2324
  18. phones
    1. mobile apps, 358359
    2. using Buy/Sell Groups on, 295296
    3. using Marketplace on, 290292
  19. photo albums
    1. adding more photos, 275
    2. automatic, 278
    3. covers, 277
    4. creating, 270272, 327328
    5. deleting, 274
    6. deleting photos from, 278
    7. editing, 271272, 273275
    8. featured, 100
    9. icon, 93
    10. moving photos, 277278
    11. privacy, 272
    12. reordering photos in, 274275
  20. photo carousel, 328
  21. photo count, 261
  22. Photo Filters icon, 170
  23. photos. See also Facebook Photos; profile picture
    1. 360-degree, 163, 270
    2. adding from iPhone, 269270
    3. adding stickers to, 268
    4. adding text to, 267
    5. adding to albums, 275
    6. adding to comments, 62
    7. adding to Facebook, 264273
    8. adding to posts, 74, 324325, 327328
    9. album view, 262263
    10. artistic effects, 170
    11. captions, 165
    12. collage, 166
    13. cover, 8586
    14. cropping, 165, 267
    15. date of, 277
    16. deleting, 278
    17. description for, 277
    18. editing, 164165, 266269, 276278, 369
    19. effects, 170
    20. enlarging, 268269
    21. featured, 99
    22. filters, 165, 267
    23. frames, 170
    24. high-resolution, 272
    25. moving, 277278
    26. in News Feed, 55, 260
    27. Pages, 327328
    28. posting, 162, 163166
    29. privacy settings for, 282283
    30. rotating, 276
    31. scrapbook of baby photos, 368
    32. sending with messages, 216
    33. sharing, 13, 95
    34. shrinking, 268269
    35. slideshows, 166168
    36. tagged, 264
    37. tagging, 75, 262, 267, 276
    38. tag suggestions, 124
    39. taking, 168171, 220
    40. Timeline, 99100
    41. uploading, 265266, 327
    42. viewing, 260264
    43. viewing on mobile devices, 263264
  24. Photos icon, 181
  25. Photos of You, 264
  26. photo viewer, 261262
  27. pictures. See photos
  28. pin icon, 93
  29. pinning, 4142, 250251
  30. Pinterest, 356357
  31. Platform, 131
  32. playing games, 219220
  33. pokes, 44
  34. politics and political views, 8081, 105, 154
  35. polls
    1. creating, 163, 238239
    2. events, 305306
    3. options, 306
  36. pornography, 17, 142
  37. posts/posting
    1. about, 9192
    2. adding feeling or activity info to, 325
    3. adding photos or videos, 74
    4. adding photos to, 324325
    5. attribution, 340
    6. audience options, 161
    7. backdating, 326
    8. background, 7273, 161, 370
    9. boosting, 326
    10. commenting as your Page, 330331
    11. commenting on, 157158, 239240
    12. consequences, 390
    13. controlling who sees, 7679
    14. crossposting, 343344
    15. deleting, 98
    16. editing, 9798
    17. emojis, 7576
    18. events, 305
    19. Facebook app, 156163
    20. feedback, 158159
    21. friends except, 78, 380381
    22. friends only, 77
    23. fundraisers, 301
    24. games, 353354
    25. groups, 237238
    26. hiding, 6768, 98, 159
    27. liking as your Page, 330331
    28. limiting audience for, 120
    29. links, 9495
    30. location information, 325
    1. offensive, 255256
    2. options, 158159
    3. Pages, 324326
    4. photos, 163166
    5. privacy settings, 78, 120, 123, 161
    6. public, 77
    7. reacting to, 156157
    8. reading, 239240
    9. reporting, 255256
    10. saving, 66, 158
    11. saving as draft, 326
    12. scheduling, 250, 326
    13. sharing posts as your Page, 330331
    14. status updates, 9294
    15. tagging, 75
    16. unfollowing, 240
  38. pre-fab lists, 204
  39. previews, 73, 94
  40. privacy and safety
    1. about, 111112, 115116
    2. Activity Log, 139141
    3. ads, 133136
    4. apps, 130131
    5. audience options, 112115
    6. blocking, 118119, 124129
    7. changing, 116
    8. common sense, 145
    9. custom, 79
    10. Custom Privacy setting, 114115
    11. events, 304
    12. Facebook for Mobile, 132
    13. friend requests, 118
    14. Friends Except privacy setting, 113
    15. Friends privacy setting, 113
    16. interests and, 137138
    17. minors, 143
    18. Only Me privacy setting, 113
    19. phishing, 144
    20. photos, 282283
    21. of posts, 78
    22. Privacy Checkup tool, 141142
    23. privacy settings, 119136, 385
    24. privacy shortcuts, 117119
    25. Public or Everyone privacy setting, 112113
    26. reporting options, 142
    27. sections, 109
    28. shortcuts, 38
    29. spam, 143144
    30. Specific Friends privacy setting, 114
    31. in tags, 121124
    32. teens, 389
    33. of Timeline, 136138
    34. tools, 139142
    35. videos, 282283
    36. View As tool, 139
    37. viruses, 143144
  41. Privacy Checkup tool, 38, 141142
  42. Privacy info, 54
  43. Privacy link, 47
  44. Privacy Shortcuts, 38
  45. private events, 304
  46. private messages
    1. Marketplace, 288
    2. sharing in, 65
  47. problems with account, 381382
  48. profanity filter, 338
  49. Profile. See Timeline
  50. profile picture. See also photos
    1. about, 27
    2. adding, 28, 8791
    3. adding frame to, 8991
    4. adding photos from hard drive, 28, 89, 321
    5. adding photo that is already on Facebook, 8788
    6. on blue bar, 37
    7. changed, 56
    8. on News Feed, 53
    9. Pages, 315, 321
    10. selecting, 29
    11. taking photo using webcam, 2829
  51. profile videos, 174175
  52. promoting
    1. businesses, 15
    2. causes, 15, 377
    3. fundraisers, 300301
  53. public events, 304, 306
  54. public groups, 235, 245
  55. Public or Everyone privacy setting, 112113
  56. public posts, 77
  57. Public privacy setting, 120, 282
  58. Publisher
    1. adding links, 73
    1. adding photos or videos, 74
    2. creating polls, 238239
    3. Facebook Mobile, 186
    4. group, 237
    5. mobile, 161
    6. News Feed, 46
    7. Pages, 315, 323324
    8. Privacy menu, 115116
    9. Sell Something option, 239
    10. sharing with, 64, 71
    11. status updates, 70
    12. Timeline, 9192
    13. “What's on your mind?”, 71
    14. writing posts, 237238
  59. Publishing Tools, 336


  1. QR codes, 153
  2. Quick Help, 3738


  1. random friend requests, 197
  2. Reactions, 60, 156157
  3. Read section, 108
  4. Read/Watch/Listen, 56
  5. Recent drop-down menu, 85
  6. recommendations
    1. about, 45
    2. asking for, 162
    3. Facebook app, 152
    4. requests, 56
  7. red flag, 37
  8. relationship
    1. adding, 105106
    2. Facebook Official, 377
  9. religion, 105
  10. relocations, 19, 375
  11. Reminders, 46
  12. reporting
    1. about, 142143
    2. abuse, 229, 388389
    3. apps, 131, 364
    4. groups, 255256
    5. messages, 223
    6. options for, 142143
    7. posts, 255256
    8. Report a Problem, 38
    9. spam, 229
  13. Request Money, 154
  14. Restricted List, 125126, 204, 382383
  15. reunions, 20
  16. Rewards program, 153


  1. Sad reaction, 60
  2. safety and privacy
    1. about, 111112, 115116
    2. Activity Log, 139141
    3. ads, 133136
    4. apps, 130131
    5. audience options, 112115
    6. blocking, 118119, 124129
    7. changing, 116
    8. common sense, 145
    9. custom, 79
    10. Custom Privacy setting, 114115
    11. events, 304
    12. Facebook for Mobile, 132
    13. friend requests, 118
    14. Friends Except privacy setting, 113
    15. Friends privacy setting, 113
    16. interests and, 137138
    17. minors, 143
    18. Only Me privacy setting, 113
    19. phishing, 144
    20. photos, 282283
    21. of posts, 78
    22. Privacy Checkup tool, 141142
    23. privacy settings, 119136, 385
    24. privacy shortcuts, 117119
    25. Public or Everyone privacy setting, 112113
    26. reporting options, 142
    27. sections, 109
    28. shortcuts, 38
    29. spam, 143144
    30. Specific Friends privacy setting, 114
    31. in tags, 121124
    32. teens, 389
    33. of Timeline, 136138
    1. tools, 139142
    2. videos, 282283
    3. View As tool, 139
    4. viruses, 143144
  3. Safety Check, 22, 153
  4. Saved, 44
  5. saved replies, 334335
  6. Say Thanks feature, 369
  7. scammers, 292
  8. scheduling posts, 250
  9. school, 34
  10. scrapbook, 368
  11. Search box, 3637, 3940, 186
  12. search engines, 121
  13. Search for Friends box, 201
  14. Search for Someone box, 201
  15. Search Help, 38
  16. Search in Conversation, 230
  17. Search tool, 10
  18. secret groups, 235, 245
  19. sections
    1. about, 107108
    2. check-ins, 108
    3. editing, 109
    4. hiding, 109
    5. interests, 108
    6. likes, 108
    7. privacy, 109
  20. Security Page, 144
  21. selfies, 170
  22. Sell Something option, 239
  23. Send Money, 39, 154
  24. Settings page, 39
  25. sex (gender), 24, 105
  26. Share box, 46, 64, 71
  27. Share Now, 64
  28. sharing
    1. about, 1213, 64
    2. across the Internet, 66
    3. advanced options, 7879
    4. on Facebook from off Facebook, 358
    5. Facebook stories, 172
    6. with friends, 7879
    7. with groups, 79, 237244
    8. News Feed, 54, 6466
    9. as Pages, 323330
    10. photos, 13
    11. privacy options for, 6465
    12. status updates, 71
    13. videos, 13
    14. your thoughts, 1213
  29. shortcuts
    1. Pages, 323
    2. pinning, 42
    3. privacy, 38
    4. Privacy Shortcuts, 117119
  30. Shortcuts section, 4042
  31. Short Message Number (SMS), 189
  32. sidebar
    1. about, 40
    2. Create section, 45
    3. Explore section, 4244
    4. hiding, 226
    5. Shortcuts section, 4142
  33. signing up, 2325
  34. Skype, 213
  35. slideshows, 163, 166168, 328
  36. Smart Lists, 115, 205
  37. Smiley icon, 93, 181182, 217
  38. Snapchat, 18
  39. snooze, 159
  40. social graph, 7
  41. social life, 391
  42. social sites, 1718
  43. spam
    1. about, 1617
    2. marking as, 229, 333
    3. preventing, 143144
    4. reporting, 229
  44. Specific Friends privacy setting, 114
  45. sponsored ads, 47
  46. sponsored stories, 56
  47. Sports, 154
  48. Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, 142143
  49. status updates
    1. background, 7273
    2. defined, 53
    3. extra details, 93
    4. icons, 93
    5. links, 73
    6. News Feed, 54
    7. Publisher, 7172
    8. steps in, 9294
  50. stickers
    1. about, 62
    2. adding to photos, 165, 268
    3. adding to posts, 76, 162
    4. sending, 217
    5. using in messages, 371
  51. stories
    1. about, 52
    2. anatomy of, 5354
    3. common types, 5456
    4. sharing, 172
    5. suggested, 56
    6. tagging, 55
    7. viewing, 159160
  52. strangers, 388
  53. Stripe, 344
  54. suggested stories, 56
  55. suggestions, 47
  56. Support Inbox, 38


  1. Tag Friends button, 75
  2. Tag People, 162
  3. tags and tagging
    1. about, 13, 54
    2. adding, 75, 370
    3. adding audience to, 124
    4. comments and, 6263
    5. editing, 122
    6. friends, 162
    7. groups, 247, 252
    8. photos, 75, 262, 267, 276
    9. privacy settings for, 121124
    10. reviewing before approving, 122123, 124
    11. stories, 55
    12. Timeline and, 121122
  4. teens
    1. beware of strangers, 388
    2. blocking people, 389
    3. cyberbullying and, 390
    4. Internet safety tips for, 388
    5. privacy settings, 389
    6. protecting, 143
    7. reporting abuse, 388389
    8. respecting boundaries of, 390391
    9. social life, 391
  5. Terms and Policies, 25, 47
  6. Texas HoldEm, 350
  7. text, adding to photos, 165, 268
  8. text messages, 188189
  9. text notifications, 190
  10. thread. See conversation
  11. Ticker, 47
  12. Timeline
    1. about, 1112, 8384
    2. About section, 100109, 137
    3. basic information, 3334
    4. checking out, 173174
    5. Check-ins section, 108
    6. cover photo, 8586
    7. drop-down menu, 85
    8. editing posts, 9798
    9. Facebook Mobile, 187
    10. friends and, 109110
    11. Friends box, 100
    12. Interests section, 108
    13. Intro box, 9899
    14. left column, 98100
    15. Life Events, 9596
    16. Likes section, 107
    17. navigator, 8485, 97
    18. News Feed story, 53
    19. Pages, 315
    20. Photos box, 99
    21. posts, 55, 9192
    22. posts with links, 9495
    23. privacy settings for, 122124, 136138
    24. scrolling, 8485
    25. sharing on, 64
    26. status updates, 9294
    27. tagging and, 121122
    28. viewing, 380
  13. timestamp, 54
  14. Town Hall, 45, 154
  15. translations
    1. automatic, 339
    2. turning on/off, 98
  16. trending topics, 4647, 5859
  17. trolling, 16
  18. Tumblr, 17
  19. TV Shows section, 137138
  20. tweets, 17
  21. Twitter, 17


  1. unfollowing
    1. friends, 68, 159, 383
    2. fundraisers, 302
    3. News Feed, 70
    4. Pages, 68
    5. posts, 70, 240
  2. unfriending, 68, 210211
  3. university, 202
  4. unsolicited messages, 16
  5. updates. See status updates
  6. uploading
    1. illegal content, 17
    2. photos, 265266, 327
    3. videos, 327
  7. user-generated reports, 16
  8. username, Facebook, 104


  1. video calls
    1. about, 182183
    2. starting, 221
    3. turning off, 226
  2. videos. See also Live Video
    1. adding from computer, 280
    2. adding from Facebook app, 281
    3. adding to posts, 74
    4. color effects, 182
    5. frames, 182
    6. masks, 182
    7. News Feed, 55
    8. Pages, 327328
    9. posting, 162
    10. privacy settings for, 282283
    11. profile, 174175
    12. Say Thanks, 369
    13. sharing, 13, 95
    14. tagged, 264
    15. uploading, 327
    16. videos to posts, 327328
    17. viewing, 279280
    18. Year in Review, 369
  3. View As tool, 118, 123, 139
  4. viewing
    1. Events feature, 306307
    2. Facebook stories, 159160
    3. messages, 180182
    4. News Feed, 4546
    5. photos, 260264
    6. stories, 159160
    7. Timeline, 380
    8. videos, 279280
  5. viruses, 143144
  6. Visitor Posts, 338
  7. voice call
    1. starting, 221
    2. turning off, 226


  1. Weather, 155
  2. web addresses, Pages, 322
  3. web browsers, 8
  4. websites
    1. about, 1415
    2. adding, 104
    3. ads and, 134
    4. cookies, 134
    5. phishing, 144
  5. weddings, 377
  6. “What's on your mind?”, 72
  7. Who Can Contact Me section, 120
  8. Who Can Look Me Up section, 121
  9. Who Can See My Future Posts, 117, 120
  10. Who Can See My Stuff section, 117118, 120
  11. Who Can Send Me Friend Request setting, 118
  12. Wi-Fi, 154
  13. Work and Education section, 34, 101103
  14. workplace, 34
  15. Wow reaction, 60


  1. Yahoo!, 26
  2. Year in Review, 369


  1. Zuckerberg, Mark, 21
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