Expectations, Risk Premium, Convexity and the Shape of the Term Structure

This appendix proves Equation (8.18) along the lines of Ingersoll (1987).1 Assume that r, the single, instantaneous rate factor, follows the process,

Let upper P be the full price of some security that depends on r and time. Then, by Ito's lemma,

where upper P Subscript r, upper P Subscript t, and upper P Subscript r r denote the partial first derivatives with respect to r and t and the second partial derivative with respect to r. Dividing both sides of (A8.2) by upper P, taking expectations, and defining alpha Subscript upper P to be the expected return of the security,

Combining (A8.1), (A8.2), and (A8.3),

Because Equation (A8.4) applies to any security, it also applies to some other security upper Q,

Now consider the strategy of investing one unit of currency in security upper P and minus upper P Subscript r Baseline upper Q slash upper P upper Q Subscript r in security upper Q. From Equations (A8.4) and (A8.5), the return on this portfolio is,

Note that terms with the random variable d w have fallen out of Equation (A8.6). This particular portfolio is chosen, in fact, so as to hedge completely the risk of upper P with upper Q. In any case, because the portfolio has no risk, it must earn the instantaneous rate, r 0,

(A8.7)alpha Subscript upper P Baseline d t minus StartFraction upper P Subscript r Baseline upper Q Over upper P upper Q Subscript r Baseline EndFraction alpha Subscript upper Q Baseline d t equals left-parenthesis 1 minus StartFraction upper P Subscript r Baseline upper Q Over upper P upper Q Subscript r Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis r 0 d t

Rearranging terms,

Equation (A8.8) says that the expected return of any security above the instantaneous rate divided by its duration with respect to that rate must equal some function normal lamda. This function cannot depend on any characteristic of the security, because (A8.8) is true for all securities. The function may depend, however, on the interest rate factor and time. Rewriting Equation (A8.8), for any security upper P,

(A8.9)upper E left-bracket StartFraction d upper P Over upper P EndFraction right-bracket identical-to alpha Subscript upper P Baseline d t equals r 0 d t plus normal lamda upper D d t


  1. 1 Ingersoll, J. (1987), Theory of Financial Decision Making, Rowman & Littlefield.
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