(or the start bit if you’ve already Flipped It)

Thank you for buying and reading Flip It. What started as a phrase I used when coaching has turned into a rather splendid book (I was going to be all modest there but then decided to Flip It and be proud of my work).

Before we part, I’d like to share just one more story; pay close attention as there’s a test at the end.

I have a wonderful friend called Malcolm Kyle. He’s one of the most positive, proactive people you could ever meet. Every day he sends me an email with a story, idea or quote. A little while ago he sent me a tale which created a bit of debate around the Heppell household. Here’s the story.

There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her.

She told her boyfriend, ‘If I could only see the world, I would marry you.’

One day, someone donated eyes to her. Weeks later when the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.

He asked her, ‘Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?’ The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn’t expected that and the thought of looking at them for the rest of her life led her to refuse his marriage proposal.

Her boyfriend left with a broken heart. A few days later she received a note from him saying: ‘Take good care of your eyes my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.’

When I read the story there were a couple of gasps, then the obvious, ‘It’s not true. Is it?’ Then the Flip It moment . . . One by one everyone got it and came up with the same Flip It answer. A solution that could have fixed their dilemma years earlier. Have you worked it out yet? If so well done, you are now a fully qualified Flip It thinker!

You can celebrate now and get some goodies too, just email me your answer and as a reward I’ll send you 10 bonus Flip It ideas (a couple of which were a little too wild for the book) – more information can be found on the next page. And if you’re still wondering what we came up with, drop me an email and I’ll share the Flip It answer.

End note

There are over 100 ideas for using Flip It and getting the best out of everything in this book and I do believe I’ve only scratched the surface. There are thousands of ideas and uses for Flip It which haven’t made it into these pages and thousands of others which I don’t know about yet – but you do. Perhaps you could share your Flip It ideas and we’ll use them (with your permission) in future editions and on our website.

Our dedicated Flip It email address is [email protected] for all your ideas and thoughts.

Your call to action!

Now you know how to Flip It, it’s time for action. Go on, test yourself. Make Flip It part of your everyday habits and behaviours. The results will be amazing, but you’ve got to go beyond knowing and move into doing.

The hardest part of writing a book is knowing how to finish it. Should it be dramatic? Or perhaps poignant? Maybe mysterious? I’ve known authors who’ve spent days working on their final words. Not me, you don’t need a big finish when you’ve said everything, so I’ve decided to Flip It and end just like this.

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