• Accountability, 3, 16, 37–38, 39, 46
    • Account warnings, 47
    • ActiveCampaign, 112, 113
    • Active income, switching to passive income, 205
    • Affiliate marketing, starting, 83–84, 95, 97
    • Affirmations, 200–201, 203
    • Agency manager, 125
    • Airbnb hosting, 85–86, 95, 96
    • Airdna, 86
    • Alexa, 117
    • AliBaba, 88
    • AliExpress, 88
    • Allen, Ray, 159
    • Amazon Affiliates, 84
    • Amazon Kindle Publishing, 80, 81, 94
    • Angelou, Maya, 141
    • Artificial intelligence (AI) tools, 207
    • Attention drains, identifying, 41
    • Audacity, 87, 94
    • Authoritative tone, 51
    • Automation, 109–115
      • at center of side hustle empire, 108–109, 115
      • freelancing and: as unlikely duo, 114–115
      • time management and, 100, 103
      • tools, 112–114, 115
    • Baer, Jay, 167
    • Big Magic (Gilbert), 19
    • Blogs, starting, 81–82, 94
    • Brambila, Adrian, 83
    • Buffer, 113, 164
    • Buffett, Warren, 19, 77
    • Bumble, 222
    • Calendly, 112, 115
    • Cameras, 80
    • Canva, 80, 81
    • Capital gains, 214, 216
    • Cardi B, 170
    • Castrillon, Caroline, 133
    • Chatbots, 111
    • Clickbank, 84
    • Clients/customers, 47–57
      • anticipating complaints of, 48
      • little gestures and, 52–54
      • long‐term returning, 34
      • repeat business and, 48
      • setting the right freelancing tone with, 50–52
      • top three expectations of, 48–50
      • unhappy or irrational, dealing with, 54–57
    • Cold pitching, 16
    • Collier, Robert, 37
    • Constant Contact, 113
    • Content batching, learning to love, 42
    • Contra, 25
    • Contracts, 34
    •, 103
    • Corley, Tom, 213
    • COVID‐19 pandemic, 11, 19, 78
    • CPAs, 74, 75, 209
    • Cryptocurrency, 74, 94, 155, 193
    • Dell, Michael, 9
    • Designhill, 25
    • Discord channels, 119
    • Dribble, 25
    • Drip, 113
    • Dropshipping business, starting, 87–88, 95, 96
    • Earned income, 214, 215
    • eBay Partners, 84
    • ebooks, selling, 80–81, 95, 110, 175, 177
    • Eker, T. Harv, 211
    • Eliot, T. S., 65, 69
    • Email marketer, 126
    • Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 197
    • Emotional intelligence (EI), 40
    • Employer Identification Number (EIN), 33
    • Facebook groups, 26, 57, 91, 119, 145, 222
    • Ferriss, Tim, 45, 108
    • Financial freedom, 197–203
      • acknowledging current wealth roadblocks, 198–200, 203
      • defining for yourself, 2–3
      • as equal opportunity employer, 4–5
      • gratitude and, 202–203
      • manifestation and affirmations and, 200–202, 203
      • my journey to: case study, 5
      • passive income and, 205–206, 210
    • Financial freedom groups, 201
    • Financial freedom tribe, building, 219–224
      • envisioning and attracting ideal tribe, 220–221
      • finding your inspiring people, 222
      • need for community and, 219–220, 224
      • welcoming others down the line, 222–223
    • Fiverr PRO, 21, 22, 57, 65
      • categories, 62
      • description of, 61–62
      • doing the math for, 62–63
      • launch of, 59–60
    • Fiverr Workspace, 21
    • Flodesk, 110
    • Ford, Henry, 107, 108
    • 4‐Hour Workweek, The (Ferriss), 45, 108
    • Freelance income, breaking down, 69–76
      • calculating leftover freelancing income, 72–74, 76
      • real freelancing profit, 70–72
      • reinvesting into your expanding empire, 74–76
    •, 25
    • “Freelance Revolution, The” (Younger), 64
    • Freelancers:
      • defined, 10
      • history behind concept of, 9
    • Freelance writers, 124, 126
    • Freelancing:
      • automation and, 114–115
      • choosing best option for you, 15–16
      • diversifying with, 17
      • marketplaces, pros and cons of, 13
      • my first five years of (case study), 11–12
    • Freelancing agency model, 207
      • case study, 35–36
      • defining, 30–31
      • naming, 32
      • when and how to start, 31–34
    • Freelancing lifestyle, 37–48
      • defining, 38–40
      • finding other people in, 41–42
      • personal work structure (case study), 43–45
      • productive, structuring, 40–43
    • Freelancing platforms:
      • big three, 20–24, 26
      • general list of, 25–26
      • getting on more than one, 19–27
      • top 1% programs, 60, 61, 63, 65
    • Freelancing tone, positive, 50–52
    • Friendships with clients, 54
    • Gaskins, Tony, 29
    • Gilbert, Elizabeth, 19
    • Giveaways, offering, 161
    • Going Live, 161
    • Google, 83
    • Google Docs, 81
    • Grammarly, 112, 115
    • Guru, 25
    • Hate:
      • anticipating, 168–169, 172
      • filtering, 169–170, 172
      • learning to love your haters, 170–172
    • Hiring, for freelancing agency, 33
    • Hobbies, making time for, 42
    • Hootsuite, 164
    • Hopperhq, 164
    • Hub‐and spoke business model, 127, 129
    • HubSpot, 113
    • Instagram Stories, 119
    • Instagram Reel, 5, 162
    • Interest income, 214, 216
    • Investing, 189–196
      • confidence in, 193–194, 196
      • intimidation tactics and, 194–196
      • as personal pursuit, 191–193, 196
    • Jobs, Steve, 219
    • Journal writing, affirmations practice, 201, 203
    • Kanwar, Karan, 117
    • Kardashian, Kim, 171
    • Kiyosaki, Robert, 205, 209
    • Law of Attraction, 3, 69, 200, 220
    • Leadformly, 112, 113
    • Lebowitz, Fran, 107
    • Legiit, 25
    • Lighting, 80
    • LinkedIn, 16, 79, 119
      • demographic breakdown, 152
      • description and overall aims of, 23–24
      • pros/cons, 152–153
    • LinkedIn Direct Messages, 24
    • Linktree, 184
    • Little gestures, customer happiness and, 52–54
    • Loom, 103, 115
    • MailChimp, 110
    • Mainwaring, Simon, 173
    • Manifestation, 200–201, 203, 220
    • Marcus Aurelius, 197
    • Martin, Amy Jo, 149
    • Meditation, 198–199
    • Megagoods, 88
    • Mirror neurons, 219
    • Money‐retention balancing act, 209–210
    • Munger, Charlie, 189
    • Networking, virtual and in‐person, 16
    • News, reposting, 160, 165
    • Nin, Anaïs, 91
    • Notion, 103, 108, 111, 115
    • Pallyy, 164
    • Passive income, 79, 80, 89, 99, 205
      • automating your side hustles for, 107–115
      • believing you can make switch to, 206–208
      • point of passive no return, 208, 210
    • Payment structure, for freelancing agency, 33
    • Personal brand:
      • elevator pitch for, 144–145
      • figure out who you are, 142–143, 147
      • flexibility and, 146–147
      • identifying core personal components, 141–147
      • monetary benefits of, 136–138, 140
      • personal benefits of, 138–139, 140
      • poll your audience weekly, 145–146, 147
      • what do you want to be known for?, 143
      • who do you want to reach?, 144
      • your total control over, 141
    • Personal freelancing leads, finding (case study), 34–35
    • Pinterest, 85, 144, 149
      • demographic breakdown, 153
      • pros/cons, 153–154
    • Pinterest Story Pins, 162
    • Podcast editor, 126
    • Podcasts, 80, 86–87, 94, 97
    • Podia, 79
    • Poll responses, 161, 165
    • Portfolios, resumes vs., 120–121
    • Preply, 79
    • Presaved responses, 55–56
    • Productive periods, identifying, 40, 46
    • Profits, 214, 215
    • Proposals, 34
    • Questionnaires, 34, 49, 54
    • Quora boards, 119
    • Reddit, 144
    • Registering your business, 33
    • Remote work, COVID‐19 pandemic and, 11
    • Rental income, 214, 216
    • Resumes, portfolios vs., 120–121
    • Reviews, Fiverr and, 21
    • Revision policy, clear, 49, 52
    • Rewatches, 183
    • Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Kiyosaki), 209
    •, 87
    • Rohn, Jim, 59
    • Rousseau, Jean‐Jacques, 1, 4
    • Royalty income, 214, 216
    •, 87, 94
    • Ruff, Lori, 179
    • SakeHoo, 88
    • Saturation, myth of, 63–64, 65
    • Self‐care, 41
    • Self‐Employment Pension Fund, 74
    • Selfridge, Harry Gordon, 47
    • Sendinblue, 114
    • “Seven streams of income” rule, 211–217
      • average millionaire and, 213–214
      • breakdown of streams, 214–215
      • chasing the lucky seven, getting started with, 215–217
    • ShareASale Affiliates, 84
    • Shopify Affiliate Program, 84
    • Side hustles:
      • affiliate marketing, starting, 83–84, 95
      • Airbnb hosting, 85–86, 95
      • automating, for passive income, 107–115
      • becoming an influencer, 84–85, 94
      • blogs, starting, 81–82, 94
      • breaking down the time you have, 92–93, 97, 98
      • dropshipping business, 87–88, 95
      • ebooks sales, 80–81, 95, 110
      • identifying what makes you happy, 96–97
      • identifying your personality traits, 96–97, 98
      • infinite amount of, 77, 89
      • launching, 75, 76
      • online courses, sales of, 79–80
      • podcasts, launching, 86–87, 94
      • risk analysis, 93–96, 97, 98
      • sharing your story about, 134–136, 140
      • too many choices phenomenon and, 91–92
      • top ten, 77–89
      • tutoring online, 78–79, 94
      • YouTube channel, launching, 82–83, 95
    • Sincero, Jean, 117
    • Siri, 117
    • Skillshare, 79
    • Slack, 16, 25, 110–111, 115, 119
    • Social Contract, The (Rousseau), 1
    • Social media apps, 134, 149–158
      • Facebook, 150–151
      • Instagram, 151–152
      • LinkedIn, 152–153
      • Pinterest, 153–154
      • TikTok, 154–155
      • Twitch, 156–157
      • Twitter, 155–156
      • YouTube, 157–158
    • Social media groups, 16
    • Social media posts, 16
      • algorithmic hacks and, 163
      • automating your content and, 163–165
      • six ideas you can use today, 160–161
      • which do best?, 162
    • SocialPilot, 164
    • Software tools, 100, 103, 206, 207, 208, 209
    • Solo businesses, pros and cons of, 14
    • Splice, 83
    • Spotify Podcasts, 87
    • SquareSpace, 82, 88
    • Stoian, Julie, 123
    • Student loan debt, 4
    • Surplus income, investing, 189–196
    • Time management expectations, 99–105
      • automating: months 9‐12, 103–104, 105
      • beginning months: months 1‐4, 100–101, 105
      • passive income side hustles, 99
      • plateau: months 5‐8, 102–103
    • Toptal, 25
    • Trust, 26
    •, 79
    • Tutoring, online, 78–79, 94
    • TutorMe, 79
    • Twitch, 85, 144
      • demographic breakdown, 156
      • pros/cons, 156–157
    • Twitter, 85
      • demographic breakdown, 155
      • pros/cons, 155–156
    • Udemy, 79
    • Unpredictability of freelancing lifestyle, welcoming, 45
    • Upwork, 10, 13, 20, 24, 81
      • description and overall aims of, 22–23
      • Expert‐Vetted freelancers and, 63
      • online tutoring on, 78, 79
    • Video calls, 53–54
    • Video content, social media strategy built around, 162
    • Video editor, 126
    • Virality, 179–185
      • conducting viral research, 180–181, 185
      • creating viral‐worthy content, 181–183
      • maintaining viral momentum, 183–184, 185
      • monetizing, 184–185
    • Virtual team:
      • business of one and, 127–129
      • as foundation of your business, 123, 129
      • hub‐and‐spoke model and, 127, 129
      • structuring, 124–126
    • Vrbo, 86
    • Website builder, 126
    • Website designer, finding, 16
    • We Work Remotely, 25
    • Wholesale Central, 88
    • “Why Personal Branding Is More Important Than Ever” (Castrillon), 133
    • Williams, Tennessee, 99
    • Wix, 82, 84
    • Word Doc, 81
    • WordPress, 82, 84, 88
    • Wyzant, 79
    • YouTube channel, launching, 82–83, 95, 97
    • YouTube Shorts, 162
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