Advanced measurement approach (AMA), 26–28

AMA. See Advanced measurement approach

AML. See Anti-money-laundering

Anti-money-laundering (AML)


cultural challenge, 90

global challenge, 93–94

management challenge, 90–92

philosophical challenge, 89–90

regulatory and reputational challenge, 92–93

going forward, 95–97

overview of, 81–83

risk assessment, 85–86

risk-based approach, 83–84

risk identification, 84

risk mitigation, 86–87

risk monitoring, 87–88

tentative conclusions, 94–95

Assisted build-out (ABO) approach, 116

Basel Committee for Banking Supervision, 39, 42

Basel II challenges

historical data and statistical information, 15–16

international markets, jurisdictions and models, 18–20

rating philosophies, 16–17

stress testing, 17–18

Binomial mortality risk, 193

Bond futures, 186

Build-operate-transfer (BOT) approach, 116

Business continuity risks, 125

Capability Maturity Model (CMM), 135

Career average revalued earnings (CARE) structure, 195

Chief Information Officer (CIO), 136–137

Chief Security Officer (CSO), 137

CIO. See Chief Information Officer

Client-facing attacks, 127

CMM. See Capability Maturity Model

COBIT. See Control Objectives
for IT

Commercial models, 99–100

Communication, 115–116

Companies Act, 141–142

Completeness level external loss, 58

Concentration risk, 9–12

Consistency level external loss, 58

Contract, in outsourcing, 114–115

Contractual outsourcing risk, 164–165

Control Objectives for IT (COBIT), 135

Convexity matching strategy, 186–187

Credit risk

model, 2

stress testing and, 67–68

CSO. See Chief Security Officer

Cultural challenge, 90

Data governance committees, 137

Data issues, 132–133

Data protection, 106

Data stewards, 137

Defined benefit (DB) pension scheme, 177–178

Defined contribution (DC) pension scheme, 177

Demographic risk

binomial mortality risk, 193

mortality projection risk, 193–195

other, 195

Dispute resolution process, 115

Due diligence, 110–111

Duration matching strategy, 186–187

EAD. See Exposure at default

EL. See Expected loss

Employment law, 107–108

Expected loss (EL), 3

Exposure at default (EAD), 2

External loss data

key factors, 57–59

using data, 59–60

Financial control

budget and, 147–149

internal controls, 149

non-specific issues, 149–150

responsibilities of, 140–143

risk issues within, 143–145

risk management within, 140

types of solutions, 147

Financial risks

interest rate mismatch, 181–192

bond futures, 186

convexity matching strategy, 186–187

duration matching strategy, 186–187

fixed/real mismatch, 181

LDI attribution analysis, 189–191

liability-driven investment, 182

short-term matching strategy, 183–185

six-bond matching strategy, 188–189

investment mismatch, 179–181

other type, 192–193

in outsourcing, 104–105

Financial Services and Markets Act (FSMA), 82

Financial Services Authority (FSA), 60, 142

Financial strength, 111

Fixed/real mismatch, 181

FMI. See Future margin income

Fortuitous profit, 50

FSA. See Financial Services Authority

FSMA. See Financial Services and Markets Act

Funding risk, 178–179

Future margin income (FMI), 6–7

Global challenge, 93–94

Governance, in outsourcing, 108

Granularity adjustment, 11

Groupthink, 69

Heat mapping, 66

IAS 39, 145–147

Information technology risks

business continuity risks, 125

control frameworks, 134–136

developmental state, 123

management and mitigation, 133–134

management roles and responsibilities, 136–137

operational state, 122–123

production rollout and sunsetting, 123

security and privacy risks, 125–127

system characteristics, 124

Insurance policy wording, 173

Insurance risk

definition of, 170–171

overview of, 169–170

profit paradigm, 173–176

World Trade Center and, 171–172

Intellectual property, 107

Interest rate mismatch, 181–192

Internal control factors, 61

Internal loss data, 45–46

Internal loss database

building, 46

gathering information, 52–53

information to record, 50–52

nature of losses, 49

relevance level losses, 48–49

sources of data, 56–57

threshold level losses, 47–48

using data, 53–56

Internal ratings-based (IRB) framework

building blocks of, 2

concentration risk, 9–12

correlation assumptions, 5–9

critical elements of, 4–5

description of, 1–2

economic losses, 3

Investment mismatch, 179–181

ISO 17799, 135

ITIL. See IT Infrastructure Library

IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), 135

IT programme managers, 137

JMLSG. See Joint Money Laundering Steering Group

Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG), 82

LDI. See Liability-driven investment

LGD. See Loss given default

Liability-driven investment (LDI), 182

London Stock Exchange (LSE), 142

Loss given default (LGD), 2

Loss of control, 162

LSE. See London Stock Exchange

Management challenge, 90–92

Market risk, 69–70

Maturity, 2

Mortality projection risk, 193–195

Nature of losses, 49

Near miss, 49–50

Offshoring, 101

Open-source software (OSS) risks, 130–131

Operational loss events, 40–41

Operational risk

adding values, 31–33

advanced measurement approach, 26–28

characteristics of, 40–42

context dependency, 40–41

in current scenarios, 26–28

focus on, 30–31

growth of, 36–37

inputs, 29–30

overview of, 25–26

portfolio size, 41

regulatory requirements, 42–45

scarce and incomplete data, 41–42

simplicity, 28

specialism vs. generalism, 33–36

spurious precision, 28–29

stress testing, 65–67


business issues, 157

commercial models, 99–100

current trends, 102–103

definition of, 151

drivers for, 154–155

early experiences, 153–154

evolution of, 151–153

financial issues, 156–157

future trends, 116–117

level of risk

country-specific, 108

data protection, 106

employment law, 107–108

financial, 104–105

intellectual property, 107

partner, 103–104

regulatory, 106

reputation, 105–106

strategic, 105

TUPE, 107

management issues, 158

offshoring, 101

processes, 102

reduction of risk

communication, 115–116

contract, 114–115

governance, 108

partner selection, 108–114

software development, 129–130

technology issues, 157–158

Outsourcing risks

contractual risk, 164–165

defining what to outsource, 159–160

loss of control, 162

misguided decision making, 158–159

model selection, 160–161

quality and continuous improvement risk, 166

regulatory risk, 162–164

security risk, 165–166

service-level agreements, 166–167

service providers, 161–162

Partner selection, in outsourcing, 108–114

PD. See Probability of default

Philosophical challenge, 89–90

Phishing, 127

Pillar 3, 12–15

Portfolio size, 41

Probability, 78

Probability of default (PD), 2

Proceeds of Crime Act, 81, 96

QRRE. See Qualifying revolving retail exposure

Qualifying revolving retail exposure (QRRE), 5

Quality and continuous improvement risk, 166

Rating philosophies, 16–17

Regulatory and reputational challenge, 92–93

Regulatory outsourcing risk, 106, 162–164

Regulatory requirements, 42–45

Relevance level external loss, 58

Relevance level internal loss, 48–49

Reputation, in outsourcing, 105–106

Request for information (RFI), 109

Request for proposal (RFP), 110

Reverse stress testing, 72–73

RFI. See See Request for information

RFP. See Request for proposal

Risk correlation, 70–72

Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act, 134

Scaling level external loss, 58–59

Scenario analysis, 60–61, 67

Security administrators, 137

Security and privacy risks, 125–127

Security risk, 165–166

Senior management, 136

Sensitivity analysis, 71

Serious Organised Crime and Police Act, 81, 96

Service-level agreements (SLAs), 166–167

Short-term matching strategy, 183–185

Six-bond matching strategy,

SLAs. See Service-level agreements

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), 144

Software development outsourcing, 129–130

Specialism vs. generalism, 33–36

Standard chartered structure, 73

Strategic risk, in outsourcing, 105

Stress testing

Basel II challenges, 17–18

credit risk, 67–68

definition of, 65

market risk, 69–70

nature of, 76–77

operational loss, 60–61

operational risk, 65–67

preventable disasters, 69

probability and, 78

reasons for, 73–74

reverse, 72–73

risk correlation, 70–72

standard chartered structure, 73

time horizon of, 77

Stress-testing programme, 74–76

SWIFT. See Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication

System development risks, 128–129

System incapacitation, 126–127

System owners, 137

System replacement risks, 131–132

Taxation authorities, 143

Terrorism Act, 81

Third party management, 33

Threshold level internal loss, 47–48

Time horizon, 77

TUPE, 107

UL. See Unexpected loss

Unexpected loss (UL), 3

Wage inflation, 192

Web-jacking, 127

World Trade Center, 171–172

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