
  • a
  • ACD (autoregressive conditional duration), 115
  • Adaptive GARCH estimator, 254
  • Aggregation, 275
  • APARCH (asymmetric power ARCH), 96
  • ARCH effect test, 147, 227, 230
  • ARCH(∞), 36–41
  • ARIMA, 4, 5
  • ARMA, 4, 5, 12
    • autocorrelation, 5
    • for squares of GARCH, 18
    • identification, 132
    • multivariate, 274
      • identifiability, 295
  • Asymmetries, see Leverage effect, 73
  • Autocorrelation
  • Autocovariance
    • empirical, 2, 3
    • for squares of GARCH, 46–49
    • multivariate, 274
    • theoretical, 2
  • Autoregressive moving average model, see ARMA, 4
  • d
  • DCC GARCH, 280
  • Diagonal GARCH, 276
  • Diffusions, 317–324
  • e
  • EbE (equation‐by‐equation) estimator of multivariate GARCH, 300
  • EGARCH (exponential GARCH), 77
    • invertibility, 80
    • moments, 79
    • stationarity, 78
  • EM algorithm, 359
  • Ergodicity of stationary processes, 13, 22, 367
  • f
  • Factor GARCH, 284, 315
    • BEKK representation, 315
  • FF (full‐factor) GARCH, 285
  • FGLS, 165–168
  • Forward–Backward algorithm, 358
  • Functional GARCH, 118
  • g
  • GARCH(p, q)
    • definitions, 17
    • identification, 140
    • kurtosis, 45
    • moments, 42–43
    • prediction of the squares, 50–54
    • second‐order stationarity, 25, 34
    • strict stationarity, 22, 27–34, 28
    • vector representation, 27
  • GARCH‐X, 109
  • GAS (generalized autoregressive score), 113
  • GARCH‐M, 320
  • Geometric ergodicity, see Markov chain, 63
  • GJR‐GARCH, 91
  • h
  • HEAVY (high‐frequency‐based volatility), 111
  • HAC (heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent), 137, 146, 158
  • Heteroscedasticity, 5
    • conditional, 10
  • Hamilton filter, 358
  • HMM (hidden Markov model), 353–362
  • l
  • Lagrange multiplier test, 143–148, 159
  • LAN (local asymptotic normality), 256
  • Least absolute deviations, 267
  • Leptokurticity, 9
  • Leverage effect, 9, 74, 104, 121
  • Likelihood ratio test, 226–234
  • Linearly regular, 3
  • Log‐GARCH, 82
  • Long‐Memory ARCH,40
  • Long‐run variance, 137, 146, 158
  • Lyapunov exponent, 27, 28, 31, 33, 55, 69, 94, 178, 298
  • m
  • Markov chain, 59–64, 319, 353, 387–392
  • Markov switching models, 353–363
  • Martingale difference, 368
  • Martingale increments, see Martingale difference, 368
  • MIDAS (mixed data sampling), 113
  • Mixing coefficients, 371
    • ARCH(q), 69
    • ARCH(1), 64
    • GARCH(1,1), 66
  • ML for GARCH, 249–260
    • asymptotic behavior, 250
    • comparison with the QML, 251
    • misspecification, 260
    • one step estimator, 252
  • n
  • News impact curve, 91
  • Nonanticipative solution, 22
  • o
  • O‐GARCH (orthogonal GARCH), 284
  • OLS, 161–165
    • asymptotic properties, 163–165
    • constrained OLS, 169–170
    • for GARCH(p, q), 212
  • Options, 324
  • p
  • PC‐GARCH, see O‐GARCH, 284
  • PCA (principal components analysis), 284, 315
  • Persistence of shocks,22
  • Pitman's approach, 233, 247
  • Portmanteau test, 128–129, 149
  • Purely non‐deterministic, 3
  • q
  • QGARCH (quadratic GARCH), 98
  • QML for ARCH
    • nonstationarity, 181
  • QML for ARMA‐GARCH, 183
    • asymptotic normality, 186, 187
    • consistency, 185
  • QML for GARCH, 175–177
    • asymptotic law at the boundary, 222, 226
    • non‐Gaussian, 261, 262
    • optimality condition, 251
  • QML for general multivariate GARCH, 292–294
  • Quasi‐likelihood, 176
  • r
  • Random walk, 26
  • Realised‐GARCH, 112
  • Realised volatility measures, 111–112, 341
  • RiskMetrics, 57, 332
  • s
  • Score test, see Lagrange multiplier test, 143, 226–234
  • Self‐weighted QMLE, 266
  • Semi‐parametric GARCH model, 254
  • SRE (Stochastic Recurrence Equation), 74–77, 81, 99
  • Stationarity
    • second order, 1
      • multivariate, 273
    • strict, 1
  • Stochastic discount factor, 325
  • Stochastic volatility model, 11, 112, 324, 345–353
  • Student's t test, 227, 229
  • t
  • TGARCH (threshold GARCH), 90
    • stationarity, 92–93
  • v
  • Variance targeting estimation, 299
  • VaR (value at risk), 331–336
  • Vector GARCH, 276
    • stationarity, 288
  • Volatility, 8, 10, 336
  • Volatility clustering, 8, 19
  • w
  • Wald test, 226‐234
  • Weighted least squares, 265
  • White noise, 12
  • Whittle estimator, 268
  • Wold's representation, 3
    • multivariate, 274
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