

15-second beginning, 25–27



comparing, 13

rooting out, 14–15

advocates, 9

“Ah Counter,” 65–66

Ailey, Alvin, 28

“And” Test, 63–65

anxiety. See also nervous energy

overcoming, 70

relieving, 25

apologies, 66–67

arguments, 11

attacks, responding to, 42, 99–100


anticipating needs of, 35–36

connecting to, 49

moving closer to, 48–49

removing obstacles between, 48–49

thought processing, 54

authority, conveying, 46–47

award acceptance speeches, 19–21



comparing, 17

conveying, 48

questioning, 14

bicycle-messenger analogy, 24

Blanchett, Cate, 62

book reports, avoiding, 29–30


CEOs, 8

Chamberlain, Wilt, 44

Clinton, Bill, 48, 53

communication, starting strong, 25–27

communicators. See “great communicators”

conference panels

completing sentences, 100–101

knowing names, 98

making points, 98–100

preparing points, 97

respecting audience, 100

responding to questions, 97–98

responding versus reacting, 101

self-awareness, 102

strategic story, 99

supporting data, 98

confidence, conveying, 46–47

conversations, intimacy of, 48–50

Creed, Linda, 72


Davis, Viola, 53

declarations, maximizing, 17–18, 45–46

delivery, importance of, 25

delivery-guy analogy, 60

DHI (Department of Homeland Security), 68–70


Einstein, Albert, 105


bullets, 88–89

facts, 90

grammatical errors, 90

paragraph length, 90

proposals, 90

recommendations, 90

solutions, 89

subject lines, 88

suggestions, 90

employees, training to convey points, 73–74

ending point, allowing to set in, 61. See also points

enemies of points. See also points

“and,” 63–65

apologies, 66–67

DHI (Department of Homeland Security), 68–70

nonsense words, 65–66

speed, 67–68

executive internal communications

brevity, 93–94

burying points, 92–93

ending with aspirations, 94

saying thanks, 94

statements, 92


fast talking, 67–68

final point, allowing to set in, 61. See also points

first word, knowing, 26–27. See also words

five-and-five rule, 85–86

Fox, Michael J., 76

Frank, Anne, 58


gender-specific challenges, 51–53

“great communicators,” 23–25


Houston, Whitney, 72


“I Believe That” test, 9–13

ideas, selling, 29–30

interviews, 41


job, knowing, 23–25

job interviewees, 9


Kardashian sisters, 53

Kennedy, Robert, 38

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 6


Marshall, Garry, 72

Masser, Michael, 34

meetings, calling in to, 49

“more is less,” 64

mothers, 9

mumbling, correcting, 50


nervous energy, transferring, 49. See also anxiety

nonsense words, 65–66. See also words

notes, making for speeches, 79–80

NPR pledge drive, 18–19


Obama, Barack, 48

Obama, Michelle, 52



completing sentences, 100–101

knowing names, 98

making points, 98–100

preparing points, 97

respecting audience, 100

responding to questions, 97–98

responding versus reacting, 101

self-awareness, 102

strategic story, 99

supporting data, 98

pausing, 54–56

performance reviews

challenges and examples, 95–96

overview, 95

recommendations, 96

periods, ending talks with, 45–48

personal stories, 99. See also stories; strategic stories

pivots, 41

pizza-delivery analogy, 60

pleas versus proposals, 18–19

“point-enhancers,” 9 points. See also enemies of points; final point

conveying, 29–30

defined, 8

ending with, 59–61

examples, 8–9

focusing on, 70, 99

knowing, 70

making in email, 88–90

reinforcing, 39–40

sneaking in, 15–16

staying focused on, 40–42

versus themes, 8

three-step test, 9

versus titles, 8

versus topics, 8

training others, 73–74

unveiling, 79

politicians, 8

power periods, 47–48, 61


bullets, 85–86

five-and-five rule, 85–86

readability, 86

sentence length, 85

slides, 83–88

using, 83


out loud, 70

speeches, 81–82

public speaking. See speaking


Reagan, Ronald, 48

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 104


Salie, Faith, 53

scripts, reading from, 78–79

selling language, using, 33. See also words

selling points, avoiding book reports, 30–32

sentences, ending, 50

sharers versus sellers, 30–32

“So,” avoiding starting with, 26

“So What” test, 11–13

speaking, practicing out loud, 70

speaking quickly, correcting, 50

speaking quietly, correcting, 50


making notes, 79–80

practicing, 81–82

reading from scripts, 78–79

telling strategic stories, 82–83

unveiling points, 79

winging it, 80–81

speed, 67–68

split ends, avoiding, 15–16, 65

staff, training to convey points, 73–74

staff meetings, 91

standing while speaking, 49–50

starting strong, 25–27

“sticking the landing,” 59–60

stories, telling, 82–83. See also personal stories; strategic stories

strategic stories, telling, 82–83, 99

Streep, Meryl, 52–53

strength, conveying, 46–47

success, measures of, 25

Swift, Taylor, 19–20


Taylor vs. Denzel, 19–21

TED speakers, 49


“I Believe That,” 9–13

“So What,” 11–13

“Why,” 13–15

themes, 8

thoughts, processing by audiences, 54

titles, 8

Toastmasters International, 65–66, 74

topics, 8


uptalk and upspeak, 46


value proposition, adding, 16–18

vendors, 8

video, practicing with, 81–82

vocal fry, 53–54


croaking, 53

increasing, 50–51


Washington, Denzel, 20–21

“Why” test, 13–15

winging it, 80–81

words, detaching from, 18–21. See also first word; nonsense words; selling language

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