Actors and actresses


Baldwin, Alec, 56

Bates, Kathy, 143

Bogart, Humphrey, 98

Borgnine, Ernest, 78

Branagh, Kenneth, 164

Brando, Marlon, 5, 98

Brody, Adrian, 159


Caine, Michael, 4142

Cassavetes, John, 104106

Chaplin, Ben, 37

Chaplin, Charlie, 116, 153, 204

Conrad, David, 30

Cooper, Gary, 99101

Cotton, Joseph, 5

Crowe, Russell, xi, 13

Cruise, Tom, 149


Damon, Matt, 201

Davis, Bette, 78

de Niro, Robert, 37, 66

Depp, Johnny, 41

Dern, Bruce, 84

di Caprio, Leonardo, 8, 41

Diaz, Cameron, 22

Dillon, Matt, 22

Douglas, Kirk, 148


Eastwood, Clint, 22, 62, 73

Elliott, Chris, 22

Falk, Peter, 105


Fiennes, Joseph, 30

Ford, Harrison, 5

Foster, Jodie, 12


Garofalo, Janeanne, 37

Gazzara, Ben, 105

Gibson, Mel, xi, 20, 35

Grant, Hugh, 165


Hanks, Tom, 101

Harris, Richard, 13

Hoffman, Dustin, 145

Holden, William, 28, 83

Hopkins, Anthony, 56, 12


Jackson, Samuel L., 150


Kelly, Gene, 189190

Kidman, Nicole, 149


Lewis, Daniel Day, 28

Lewis, Juliette, 41


Maguire, Tobey, 4142

Martin, Steve, 193194

McDowell, Andie, 165

McQueen, Steve, 98

Moore, Demi, xi

Murphy, Eddie, 193194


Newman, Paul, 98, 147


Olivier, Lawrence, 164

Osmont, Haley Joel, 167


Pacino, Al, 37, 66

Phoenix, Joaquin, 13, 31


Reynolds, Burt, 194

Rowlands, Gina, 105106


Saint, Eva Marie, 5

Schwartzenegger, Arnold, 99

Scott, George C., 83

Stanwyck, Barbara, 100

Studi, Wes, 28

Stiller, Ben, 22

Swanson, Gloria, 28


Thompson, Emma, 142

Thurman, Uma, 37

Travolta, John, 142


Vaughn, Vince, 31

Voight, Jon, 9899


Wahlberg, Mark, 194

Welles, Orson, 5, 103, 144, 153, 189

Willis, Bruce, 167

Winslett, Kate, 8


Zane, Billy, 8

Actresses. See Actors and actresses

Antagonists, 2829

Assertive voice, 144150

Audience, 6061


Basic elements, scripts. See Scripts, elements of

Beats, 10



Alternative Scriptwriting: Writing Beyond the Rules, 9, 42, 126

Film Form, 126

Film Sense, 126

Screenplay, xii

Technique of Film and Video Editing (second edition), xiii, 138

Understanding Media: The Extension of Man, 188196

Writing the Short Film (second edition), xiii, 9, 25


as scriptwriting models, 166167

On the Beach, 158


Can-do characters, 9293

Catalytic events, 7, 4647

Character and characters

contraction of, 29

examples of, 3842

genre and, 6365

goals and, 8, 27, 4546

identification and, 3238

independent model (scriptwriting) and, 104

introduction to, 711, 26

layers of, 1011, 4850, 58

myths about, 3031

research about, 42

sources of resistance and

antagonists, 2829

introduction to, 2728

story ownership and, 26

structure and, 4358

types of


main, 78, 27, 30, 9698

secondary, 89, 30

Critical moments, 7, 4445


Directors and filmmakers


Aldrich, Robert, 63, 141, 174

Allen, Woody, 74, 106, 189, 193

Almodóvar, Pedro, 213214

Altman, Robert, 83, 144148, 194

Anderson, Lindsay, 83, 115

Anderson, Paul Thomas, 12, 128, 135138, 194195, 201

Antonioni, Michelangelo, xiii, 219

August, Bille, 9, 32, 35, 129


Balasko, Josiane, 119, 209, 214215

Barrett, Shirley, 125126

Beatty, Warren, 84, 98

Belvaux, Remy, 183184

Benigni, Roberto, 132133, 204, 207

Bennett, Bill, 125, 141

Benton, Robert, 147

Beresford, Bruce, xii, 73, 124, 218

Bergman, Ingmar, 27, 33, 115, 220

Berliner, Alain, xi

Berri, Claude, 117, 220

Bertolucci, Bernardo, 38, 8083, 131, 179180

Besson, Luc, 127130

Beyer, Frank, 92

Bird, Antonia, 122, 135

Bogdanovich, Peter, 65

Boorman, John, 4546, 123

Boyle, Danny, 24, 186187

Brooks, Albert, 193

Brooks, Richard, 141

Bucquoy, Jan, 184185

Bunuel, Luis, xiii, 12, 108, 114, 153, 163, 175178

Burns, Ed, 103


Cain, James, 65

Cameron, James, 710, 128

Campbell, Joseph, xiii

Campion, Jane, 32, 124

Capra, Frank, 32, 85, 95, 204, 223

Cassavetes, John, 104106, 219

Cattaneo, Peter, 209, 216217

Cavani, Liliana, 135

Chabrol, Claude, 45, 115119

Chaplin, Charlie, 116, 153, 204

Chayefsky, Paddy, 78, 83, 191

Cimino, Michael, 98

Cocteau, Jean, 114

Coen, Ethan, 7374, 220221, 223

Coen, Joel, 73, 220221, 223

Coolidge, Martha, 103

Coppola, Francis Ford, 7, 7576, 126, 220

Cronenberg, David, 205

Cukor, George, 40, 141


Dardenne, Jean-Pierre, 170

Dash, Julie, 135

Dassin, Julie, 66, 93, 103

Davies, Terence, 108

Davis, Andrew, 67

De Mille, Cecil B., 70

De Palma, Brian, 62, 65, 73

de Sica, Vittorio, 219, 223

Demme, Jonathan, 12, 27, 63, 66, 75

Dmytryk, Edward, 147

Donen, Stanley, 189190

Dryer, Carl, 115, 131


Eastwood, Clint, 22, 62, 73

Egoyan, Atom, 8083, 108, 137138, 201

Eisenstein, Sergei, 4, 114, 126, 175

Emmerich, Roland, xi, 711, 20, 218

Enright, Nick, 14

Ephron, Nora, 45


Farrelly, Bobby, 22, 34

Farrelly, Peter, 22, 34

Fassbinder, Rainier, 40

Figgis, Mike, xii, 208

Fitzgerald, Thorn, 159160

Flemming, Victor, 24, 86

Fonteyne, Frederic, 170, 203

Ford, John, 5, 38, 62, 7880, 98, 218219

Forsyth, Bill, 120

Frankenheimer, John, 62, 72, 9798, 139141

Frears, Stephen, xii, 121

Friedrich, Su, 134


Gibson, Mel, xi, 20, 35

Gilbert, Lewis, 24

Gitai, Amos, 198

Godard, Jean-Luc, xiii, 153, 175178, 186

Goldbacher, Sandra, 135

Goldwyn, Tony, 92

Gorris, Marlene, 209, 212213

Gray, James, 221

Greenaway, Peter, 108110

Greenwald, Maggie, 4647, 106107


Haas, Phillip, 199

Hallström, Lasse, xii, 34, 40

Harron, Mary, 187, 202203, 226227

Hawks, Howard, 38, 62, 65, 99101, 188189

Hirokazu, Kore-eda, 203

Hitchcock, Alfred, 5, 26, 48, 6164, 95, 117124

Hodges, Mike, 121, 166

Hogan, Paul, xixii, 126

Holland, Angieska, 134, 218, 221222

Howard, Ron, 192

Howitt, Peter, 181182

Huston, Angelica, 133134

Huston, John, 67


Itami, Juzo, 153155, 171

Ivory, James, 166


Jackson, Peter, 3334

Jansco, Miklos, 108

Jeunet, Jean-Pierre, xi

Jewison, Norman, 29

Joffé, Roland, 192

Johnston, Joe, 44

Jordan, Neil, 73, 120, 156158, 205207


Kapur, Shekar, 36, 38, 123, 209211, 218

Kar-Wai, Wong, 186

Kasdan, Lawrence, 73, 220

Kassiewitz, Mattieu, 183

Kaye, Tony, 96, 221

Kazan, Elia, 5, 1420, 68, 190191

Keaton, Diane, 133134

Kelly, Gene, 189190

Kieslovski, Krystof, 196

Klapisch, Cedric, 170, 187

Konchalovsky, Andrei, 9899

Korda, Zoltan, 35, 120

Kragh-Jacobsen, Soren, 168

Kubrick, Stanley, xi, 5, 1011, 21, 35, 6364, 7185, 102, 148153

Kurys, Diane, 135

Kusama, Karyn, 200

Kusterica, Emir, 85


LaBute, Neil, 155156

Lang, Fritz, 7880, 95, 114, 162

Lauzon, Jean Claude, 182183

Law, Carol, 134

Law, Clara, xii, 160161, 221

Lean, David, 5, 7, 34, 68, 120, 129

Leconte, Patrice, 4446

Leder, Mimi, 4546, 71, 133

Lee, Ang, xii, 34, 38, 7778, 103, 218, 223224

Lee, Spike, 10, 14, 61, 8083, 111112, 158159

Lehmann, Michael, 37, 221

Leigh, Mike, 24, 122

Leight, Warren, 40

Leone, Sergio, 171172

Lester, Richard, 167168

Levin, Marc, 107

Levring, Kristian, 168

Loach, Ken, 8788, 168, 191, 201202

Losey, Joseph, 103

Lubitsch, Ernst, 95

Lucas, George, 127128

Lumet, Sidney, 7, 63, 83, 92, 190191


Mackendrick, Alexander, 5, 9596, 120, 189

MacKenzie, John, 121122

Madden, John, xii, 30, 165166, 192193

Majidi, Majid, 198

Malick, Terence, 12, 67, 174

Mamet, David, 7374, 8083, 164

Mamoulian, Reuben, 65, 200

Manchevski, Milcho, 135, 180181

Mankiewicz, Joseph, 79, 22, 38, 172173, 189

Mann, Anthony, 35

Mann, Delbert, 9697

Mann, Michael, 37, 6670, 73

Martin, Steve, 193194

Mazursky, Paul, 22, 220

Medak, Peter, 32, 7677

Medem, Julio, 127128

Mehta, Deepa, 209, 211212

Mendes, Sam, xii, 24, 162, 201, 224226

Mikhalkov, Nikolai, 22

Milestone, Lewis, 174

Miller, David, 94

Miller, George, xi, 14

Minghella, Anthony, xii, 67, 911, 28, 40, 52

Minnelli, Vincente, 68, 141, 189190

Morahan, Christopher, 69

Mostow, Jonathan, 48

Mulligan, Robert, 14, 68

Murnau, Fred, 95


Nelson, Ralph, 62

Newell, Mike, 24, 164

Nichols, Mike, 97, 141144

Noyce, Phillip, xii, 124, 218


O'Donnell, Damien, 28

Oshima, Nagisa, 163

Pakula, Alan, 6162, 192

Palcy, Euzhan, 69

Pasolini, Pier Paulo, 163

Payne, Alexander, 187

Peckinpah, Sam, 4, 3435, 62, 70

Peirce, Kimberly, 107108

Pellington, Mark, 58

Penn, Arthur, 62, 66, 144148

Peterson, Wolfgang, xi, 218

Polanski, Roman, 119, 219220

Pollack, Sydney, 29, 64, 73, 147

Polonsky, Abe, 200

Potter, Sally, 108

Prasad, Udayan, 122

Preminger, Otto, 131

Primus, Barry, 193


Radford, Mike, xii, 218, 222223

Rafelson, Robert, 220

Ramis, Harold, 35

Ray, Nicholas, 219

Ray, Sajayit, 219

Redford, Robert, 195, 199, 220

Reed, Carol, 5

Reinhardt, Max, 114

Renoir, Jean, 40, 114

Ritchie, Guy, 172173

Ritchie, Michael, 84, 168

Ritt, Martin, 200

Robinson, Phil Adlen, 204

Rohmer, Eric, 119120, 141

Rossellini, Roberto, 116

Ruben, Joseph, 21, 3839

Russell, David O., 44, 103

Rydell, Mark, 62


Sayles, John, 23, 40, 74

Schaffner, Franklin, 26, 68, 71, 141144

Schepsi, Fred, xii

Schlondorff, Volker, xii, 86, 204

Schrader, Paul, 74, 223

Scorsese, Martin, 23, 37, 68, 103, 126131, 178183, 200

Scott, Ridley, xi, 13, 66, 7172, 75

Scott, Tony, 62

Shayamalan, M. Night, 23, 167

Singleton, John, 61

Siodmak, Robert, 95

Soderbergh, Steven, 8, 34, 58, 74, 93, 166167

Solondz, Tod, 161163, 223

Sonnenfeld, Barry, 74

Spielberg, Steven, xii, 12, 2223, 35, 56, 65, 7374, 99, 101102, 168, 174, 191

Spottiswoode, Roger, 192

Stallone, Sylvester, 27, 98

Stevens, George, 9, 14, 49, 68, 219

Stone, Oliver, 9, 14, 63, 67, 8083, 132, 168179

Sturges, Preston, 40, 65

Suo, Masayuki, 209, 215216


Tamahori, Lee, 7, 911, 52

Tarantino, Quentin, 12, 14, 38, 128, 135137, 148153

Taviani, Paulo, 223

Taviani, Vittorio, 223

Thompson, J. Lee, 12

Truffaut, Francois, 40

Tuggle, Richard, 67

Tykwer, Tom, 12, 207208


Ulmer, Edgar, 95


Van Diem, Mike, 5253

Van Sant, Gus, 201

Van Trotta, Margarethe, 134135

Varda, Agnes, 135

Verhoeven, Paul, xii, 9697, 112113

Vertov, Dziga, xii, 114, 175

Vinterberg, Thomas, xii, 128, 168, 221

Visconti, Luciano, 65, 116, 220, 223

Von Trier, Lars, xii, 85, 168, 185186, 203204


Wachowski, Andy, 204205

Wachowski, Larry, 5354, 204205

Walsh, Raoul, 6667

Wargnier, Regis, 2728

Watkins, Peter, xii, 8788, 120, 204

Weir, Peter, xi, 38, 124, 196, 218

Welles, Orson, 5, 153, 189

Wellman, William, 188189

Wertmuller, Lina, 135

West, Simon, 63

Wexler, Haskell, 168

Whale, James, 95

Wilder, Billy, 9, 14, 2429, 3438, 56, 65, 7880, 100, 162, 189192

Winkler, Irwin, 62

Winterbottom, Michael, 192

Woo, John, xii

Wyler, William, 28, 33, 62, 70, 219


Yates, Peter, 66

Young, Robert, 92

Younger, Ben, 200


Zemeckis, Robert, 86, 204

Zinnemann, Fred, 38, 98

Zoncka, Erick, 40, 170, 221

Zwick, Ed, 21

Docudrama, 8688, 201204


vs. drama, 25

vs. experimental narratives, 25

Dogma 95, xiixiii, 128, 168171, 201202


definitions of, 34

docudrama, 8688, 201204

hyperdrama, 8586, 204207

melodrama, 199210

vs. documentaries 25

vs. experimental narratives, 25


Elements, scripts. See Scripts, elements of

Energy, 13

Experimental narratives

independent model and, 108111

metagenre and, 207208

vs. documentaries, 25

vs. drama, 25


Female storytellers, 133138

Film studios

Columbia, xi, 103

Good Machine, 104

MGM, 103

Miramax, 104

New Line, 104

Twentieth Century Fox, xi

United Artists, xi, 103

Universal Pictures, xi

Filmmakers. See Directors and filmmakers

Films and screenplays

1900, The Tragedy of the Ridiculous Man, 82, 179

2001: A Space Odyssey, 71, 78, 148150

39 Steps, 61

8 1/2, 117


Ace in the Hole, 28, 80, 162, 189, 192

Adjuster, The, 82

Affair of Love, An, 170, 203

Affliction, 223

Afterlife, 203

Age d'Or, L', 175178

Alfie, 24

Alien, xi

Aliens, 65

All About Eve, 79, 11, 172173, 189

All About My Mother, 172173, 213214

All Quiet on the Western Front, 174

All the President's Men, 191

Alphaville, 177

American Beauty, xii, 24, 162, 201, 224227

American History X, 96, 221

American Psycho, 226227

America America, 1420

ami de Mon Ammie, L', 119120

Amistad, 2223, 99

Angels and insects, 199200

Antonia's Line, 209, 212213

Avartment, The, 9, 29, 56, 80, 100

Apocalypse Now, 61, 141

Apu Triology, The, 223

Arlington Road, 58

Armageddon, 38, 64

Asphalt Jungle, The, 67

Attack, 63, 102, 174

Autumn Moon, 160161

Autumn Sonata, 27

Autumn Tale, 120

Avanti, 7980


Bad and the Beautiful, The, 132133, 190

Ball of Fire, 99101

Ballad of Little Jo, 4647, 106108

Bandit Queen, 36, 198

Bandwagon, The, 189

Barry Lyndon, 149150

Basic Instinct, xii

Bastard out of California, 133134

Beach, 186

Beast Must Die, The, 45

Before the Rain, 135, 180181

Before the Revolution, 82

Beseiged, 38, 179180

Besi Intentions, The, 33, 220

Best Years of Our Lives, 219

Beyond Rangoon, 4550

Bicycle Thief, The, 219, 223

Black Robe, 73

Blade Runner, 65, 7172

Blair Witch Project, xii, 128, 171, 191192

Blow-Up, 117

Blue, 62

Blume in Love, 220

Bob and Ted and Carol and Alice, 220

Body and Soul, 200

Body Heat, 220

Boiler Room, 200201

Bonnie and Clyde, 62, 66, 125, 145146

Boogie Nights, 194

Born on the Fourth of July, 8083,178179

Boucher, Le, 93, 118119

Bound, 5356

Bow]Inger, 193

Boys Don't Cry, 107

Braveheart, 21, 35

Breakdown, 48

Breaking the Waves, 85, 185186, 203204

Breathless, 177

Bride Wore Black, The, 117118

Bridge on the River Kwai, 34

Bringing out the Dead, 23

Bringing Up Baby, 65

Broken Arrow, xii

Budda of Suburbia, The, 122

Bullets over Broadway, 106, 189, 193

Bullitt, 66

Bulworth, 84

Burnt by the Sun, 22

Butcher Boy, The, 156158


Candidate, The, 168

Captain Blood, 60

Carnal Knowledge, 141

Carrie, 65

Casablanca, 98

Casino, 178179

Celebration, The, xii, 128, 168170, 201203, 221

Character, 5253

Chien andalou, Un, 12, 163, 175178

Chinatown, 2324, 220

Chunking Express, 186

Cid, El, 35

Cider House Rules, xii, 34, 4042, 64

Citizen Kane, 5, 189

Clare's Knee, 119120

Clear and Present Danger, 95

Clockers, 61, 8183

Clockwork Orange, A, 85

Conformist, The, 82, 179

Conversation Piece, 116

Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, The, 110

Cowboys, The, 62

Cows, 127128

Crimes and Misdemeanors, 74

Criminal Mind of Archibald Cruz, The,176178

Crooklyn, 8183, 158159

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, xii

Croupier, 166

Crying Game, The, 156158

Culloden, xii, 8788, 204


Damned, The, 116, 220

Daughters in the Dust, 135

Day the Earth Stood Still, The, 65

Death in Venice, 116

Deep Impact, 4516, 51, 71, 133

Deliverance, 123

Die Hard, 38, 58, 64, 93

Dirty Dozen, The, 63

Dirty Harry, 63

Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoise, 176178

Do the Right Thing, 8183, 158159

Dodsworth, 33

Dolce Vita, La, 117, 189

Doors, The, 8083, 178179

Double Indemnity, 65, 80

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 65, 72

Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the bomb, 78, 8384, 148150

Dr. Zhivago, 5

Draughtsman's Contract, The, 108110

Dreamlife of Angels, 40, 119, 170, 221

Driving Miss Daisy, xii

Dry White Season, A, 69


East is East, 28

East of Eden, 15, 68

East West, 2728

Eat/Drink/Man/Woman, 7778

Eclisse, L', 117

Edge, Th?, 56

Edvard Munch, 8788

Election, 187

Elizabeth, 38, 123124, 198, 209211

End of the Affair, The156158, 205207

Enemies: A Love Story, 22

Enemy of the State, 62

enfer, L', 118119

English Patient, The, xii, 40

Entre Nous, 135

Erin Brockovich, 8, 34, 64, 97

Ethan Frome, xii

Excalibur, 85, 123

Existenz, 205

Exotica, 82, 137

Exterminating Angel, 176178

Eyes Wide Shut, 149150


Face in the Crowd, A, 190191

Faces, 104106, 219

Fallen Idol, The, 5

Family Life, 8788

Family Plot, 95

Family Viewing, 82

Fargo, 74, 221

Fatal Attraction, 58

Father, The, 198

Fear Strikes Out, 68

Fearless, 38

Femme Infidele, The, 118119

Field of Dreams, 204

Fire, 209, 211212

Firm, The, 29, 95

Fistful of Dollars, A, 171172

Five Fingers, 22

Five Graves to Cairo, 7980

Flirting with Disaster, 44

Floating Life, xii, 160161, 221

Forest Gump, 86, 204

Fortune Cookie, The, 100

Four Feathers, 35

Four Friends, 146

Four Weddings and a Funeral, 24, 59, 164165

French Connection, The, 75

French Twist, 119, 209, 214215

Front Page, The, 192

Fugitive, The, 6

Full Metal Jacket, 5, 1011, 6364, 7778

Full Monty, The, 209, 216217

Funeral, The, 153155

Fury, 7980, 162


Galaxy Quest, 195196

General's Daughter, The, 63

General, The, 123

Gentleman's Agreement, 15

Get Carter, 121

Get Shorty, 74

Getaway, The, 3435, 98

Giant, 219

Girl on the Bridge, 4446, 4951, 57

Girlfight, 198200

Gladiator, The, xi, 13, 23

Glory, 21

Godfather, 11, 63, 66, 7576, 91, 172, 220

Godfather II, 220

Golden Boy, The, 91, 200

Gone with the Wind, 24, 91

Good Will Hunting, 97, 201

Governess, The, 135

Graduate, The, 141

Grapes of Wrath, The, 98

Grease, 75

Great Gatsby, The, 7

Great White Hope, The, 200

Gregory's Girl, 120

Groundhog Day, 35

Guns of Navarone, 12


Haine, La, 183

Hanging Garden, The, 159160

Happiness, 161163, 223, 226227

Harder They Fall, The, 194

He Got Game, 8183

Heat, 37, 6668, 221

Heaven and Earth, 8083, 178179

Heaven's Gate, 98

Heavenly Creatures, 3334

Hero with a Thousand Faces, The, xiii

High Fidelity, xii

High Sierra, 67

His Girl Friday, 188189

Hit, The, 121

Homicide, 7374, 8183

Hope and Glory, 123124

Hospital, 83

How Green Was My Valley, 218219

Hud, 98

Hurdes, Las, 175178

Husbands, 105106


I Shot Andy Warhol, 187, 202203

Ice Storm, The, 223227

Idiots, The, xii, 168, 201202

In the Company of Men, 155156

In the Heat of the Night, 29

In the Realm of the Senses, 163

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, 75

Innocent, The, 116

Insider, The, 6870, 73, 93

Interview with a Vampire, 156158

Islands of the Stream, 143144

It's a Wonderful Life, 85, 204, 223


Jackie Brown, 38, 149150

Jacob the Liar, 92

Jaws, 65, 91

Jazz Singer, The, 91

Jean de Florette, 220

Jeremiah Johnson, 147

Jerusalem, 129

Jezebel, 28

JFK, 8083, 178179

Julia, 98

Jungle Fever, 8183, 158159


Kadosh, 198

Kafka, 167

Killing Fields, The, 192

Killing, The, 148150

Kissing is Alive, The, 168

King of the Hill, 8, 93

Kiss or Kill, 125, 141

Kundun, 127128, 131, 178179


Lady Eve, The, 65

Lady Vanishes, The, 61

Land and Freedom, 8788

Last Emperor, The, 82, 131

Last of the Mohicans, The, 28, 70

Last Tango in Paris, 82, 179

Lawrence of Arabia, 7, 34, 68, 129

Left-Handed Gun, The, 144

Leolo, 182183

Leopard, The, 116

Life is Beautiful, 204, 207, 223

Light Sleeper, 74

Limey, The, 63, 166167

Lion King, The, xiii

Little Big Man, 145146

Little Odessa, 63, 221

Local Hero, 120

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, 172173

Lolita, 78

Lone Star, 23, 40, 74

Long Good Friday, 121

Long Goodbye, The, 147148

Lorenzo's Oil, 14

Loss of Sexual Innocence, The, 208

Lore Serande, 125126

Luna, 82

Lust for Life, 68


M, 7980

M*A*S*H, 146

Magnolia, 12, 128, 135, 137138, 194195, 201

Major and the Minor, The, 80, 100

Man Bite Dog, 183184, 191192

Man with a Movie Camera, xii

Manchurian Candidate, The, 62, 9798, 139141

Marianne and Julianne, 134135

Marty, 78, 9697

Matewan, 194

Matrix, The, 204205

McCabe and Mrs. Miller, 146148

Mean Streets, 103, 112

Medium Cool, 168

Messenger, The, 127131

Metropolis, 7980

Mickey One, 144

Mifune, xii, 168, 201202

Miracle Woman, 95

Miracle, The, 120, 156158, 205

Miserables, Les, 9, 35, 117

Mission Impossible II, xii

Mistress, 193

Modern Times, 204

Mona Lisa, 73, 156158

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 32

Murder by Sweet, 147

Muriel's Wedding, 126

My Beautiful Launderette, 122

My Best Friend's Wedding, xixii

My Darling Clementine, 5, 7880

My Life as a Dog, 4041

My Name is Joe, 168, 191, 201202

My Son the Fanatic, 122

Mystic Pizza, 167


Naked City, 66

Nashville, 146

Nasty Girl, 112113

Natural Born Killers, 8083, 132, 168, 178179

Net, The, 62

Network, 8384, 190191

Night and the City, 9394

Night Porter, The, 135

Night We Never Met, The, 40

Nixon, 8083, 178179

North by Northwest, 5, 64

Nothing Sacred, 188189


O Lucky Man, 83

October Sky, 4449, 5657

Oliver, Oliver, 134, 221222

On the Waterfront, 5, 194

Once Were Warriors, 7, 911, 5255, 58, 68, 122

Opening Night, 104106

Ordinary People, 199, 220

Ossessione, 65, 116

Out of Sight, 58, 74


Package, The, 67

Paper Mask, 69

Paper, The, 192

Papillon, 143

Paralax View, The, 61

Passenger, The, 117

Passion of Joan of Arc, 131

Passion of the Mind, xi

Patter Panchali, 219

Paffc of Glory, 21, 35, 78, 102, 148150

Patriot Games, xii, 95

Patriot, The, xi, 711, 20

Patton, 26, 68, 102

Pawnbroker, The, 92

Pelican Brief, The, 95

Perfect Storm, The, xi, 60

Petit Soldat, Le, 177

Piano, The, 32

Place in the Sun, A, 9, 14, 49, 68, 122

Plainsman, The, 70

Planet of the Apes, 71, 143144

Platoon, 63, 67, 8083, 178179

Player, The, 83, 147, 194

Point Blank, 123

Pornographic Affair, An, 170

Posfmo, Il, xii, 222223, 227

Postman Always Rings Twice, The, 65, 220

Potemkin, 5

Pret-à-Porter, 146

Priest, 122, 135

Primary Colors, 142143

Prince of the City, 75

Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, The, 7980

Psycho, 5

Pulp Fiction, 12, 128, 135137, 149150


Q&A, 63

Quiz Show, 195


Raging Bull, 37, 68, 178179, 183, 200

Raiders of the Lost Ark, 6, 64

Raising Arizona, 221

Rancho Notorious, 7880

Rebecca, 95

Rebel Without a Cause, 219

Red, 196

Red Badge of Courage, 174

Red Desert, 117, 219

Regarding Henry, 142

Reservior Dogs, 149150

Return of Frank James, 7880

Return to Paradise, 31, 3839

Ride the High Country, 70

Rise with the Devil, 7778

Road Warrior, 59

Robocop, xii, 9697

Rocco awd His Brother, 223

Rocky, 27

Romeo is Bleeding, 32, 7677

Rosemary's Baby, 72, 219

Rosetta, 170

Run, Lola, Run, 12, 207208

Runaway Train, 9899

Saint Joan, 131

Salo, 163

Salvador, 8083, 178179

Sandra, 116

Sands of Iwo Jima, 61

Satyricon, 117

Saving Private Ryan, xii, 12, 2123, 3435, 56, 67, 101102, 168, 174, 191

Scarface, 11, 6263

Schindler's List, 74

Scream, The, 62

Searchers, The, 7880

Seconds, 72

Secret Garden, The, 221222

Secrets and Lies, 24, 122

Sense and Sensibility, 34, 64, 7778

Serpico, 75

Seven Days in May, 62

Sex, Lies, and Videotape, 8, 23

Sexual Life of the Belgian, The, 184185

Sexual Perversity in Chicago, 8183

Shadows, 104106

Shaft, 61

Shakespeare in Love, xii, 3031, 165166, 192193

Shall We Dance, 23, 209, 215216

She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, 7880

She's Gotta Have It, 10, 8183, 111112

Sheltering Sky, The, 82

Shining, The, 72, 78

Short Cuts, 83, 146

Silence of the Lambs, The, 12, 63, 66, 75

Singin'in the Rain, 189190

Sink or Swim, 134

Six Degrees of Separation, xii

Sixth Sense, The, 23, 167

Slam, 107108

Sleeping with the Enemy, 3839

Sleepless in Seattle, 45

Sliding Doors, 181182

Smile, 84

Soldier's Daughter Never Cries, A, 166

Some Like It Hot, 24, 7980, 100

Someone to Watch over Me, 66, 75

Something Wild, 27

Sound of Music, The, 75

Spanish Prisoner, The, 8183

Spanking the Monkey, 103

Stagecoach, 62, 64

Star Wars, xiii, 9, 58, 75, 127128

Strangers on a Train, 4850

Sudden Fear, 94

Sullivan's Travels, 189190

Summer of Sam, 8183, 158159

Sunset Boulevard, 28, 34, 80, 190

Sweet Hereafter, The, 82, 201

Sweet Smell of Success, The, 5, 9596, 189

Swept Away, 135

Sympathy for the Devil, Tout va bien, 177


Tampopo, 153155, 171

Taxing Woman, A, 153155

Thelma and Louise, 59

There's something About Mary, 22, 34

Thin Red Line, The, 12, 67, 135, 174

Things Change, 8183

Third Man, The, 5

This Man Must Die, 45

Three Days of the Condor, 64

Three Kings, 103

Tightrope, 67

Timecode, xii, 208

Tin Drum, The, 86, 204

Titanic, 710, 38, 128

To Kill a Mockingbird, 14

To Live, 223

Tokyo Story, 223

Too Late the Hero, 63

Tootsie, 23, 93

Trainspotting, 24, 186187

Triumph of the Spirit, 92

True Believer, 3839

Truly, Madly, Deeply, 67, 911, 28, 5256, 58, 68

Truman Show, The, xi, 194

Truth about Cats and Dogs, The, 37

Twilight, 147

Two or Three Things I Know about Her, 177


U-Turn, 8083, 173174, 178179

Under Fire, 192

Underground, 85

Unforgiven, 62, 64, 73

Unmarried Woman, An, 220

Unstrung Heros, 133134

Untouchables, The, 62


Vagabond, 135

Verdict, The, 7, 8183

Vertigo, 26

Viridiana, 176178

Viva Zapata, 15


Wahrte Dog, 142

Walk on the Moon, A, 92

Wall Street, 9, 200201

War Lord, The, 143144

Washington Square, 222

Wedding Banquet, 38

Wedding Banquet, The, 7778

Weekend, 177, 186

Welcome to Sarajevo, 192

Welcome to the Dollhouse, 161163

Westerner, The, 62, 70

What's Eating Gilbert Grape, 4041

White the Cat's Aray, 170, 187

White Heat, 66

White Sheik, The, 116117

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, 141142

Wild Bunch, The, 5, 62

Wild One, The, 98

Winchester73, 64

Winslow Boy, The, 8183

Witches of Eastwick, xi

Wizard of Oz, The, 86

Working Girl, 142


Yojimbo, 171172

You Can't Take It with You, 91

Young Mr. Lincoln, 98

Your Friends and Neighbors, 155156

Formats, screenplays, 6



audience and, 6061

character and characters and, 6365

definitions of, 10

examples of, 6672

groups of

fear, 60

nightmare, 60

realism, 60

wish fulfillment, 60

introduction to, 59

issues of the day and, 6163

metagenre, centrality of, 197208

scriptwriting models and

Hollywood, 9495

independent, 104

structure and, 6566

voice and

definitions of, 14

experimentation in, 139150

scriptwriting models and, 9596, 104

working against, 7374

working with, 73

Global tales, search for

examples of, 221227

introduction to, 218221


Hollywood model (scriptwriting)

character and characters and, 9293, 9698

dissent and, 9899

examples of, 99102

genres and, 9495

introduction to, 9192

plot and, 9394

voice, and, 9596

Hyperdrama, 8586, 204207


Identification, character and characters, 3238

Independent model (scriptwriting)

character and characters, centrality of, 104106

characteristics of, 104

examples of, 104113

experimental narratives and, 108111, 207208

introduction to, 103104

politics and, 106108

relationship to Hollywood model, 103

rule breakingand, 111113

Intellectual voice, 141144

Internationalization, storytelling

global tales, search for

examples of, 221227

introduction to, 218221

media, impact of

introduction to, 188

post-McLuhan era and, 191196

pre-McLuhan era and, 188191

narrative forms, new and

films as model, 170174

introduction to, 164

novels as model, 166167

television as model, 167170

theater as model, 164166

stereotypes, national and global issues

examples of, 209217

introduction to, 209

style and content, struggle of

examples of, 175187

introduction to, 175

irony and, 187

narration and, 184187

narratives, subversion of, 175178

overwrought treatments, dynamics of, 179180

realism, subversion of, 178179

structure, challenges of, 180183

tone, challenges of, 183184

voice and, 187

voice and

introduction to, 153

satire, 153156

scream and, 161163

sexual difference and, 159160

tolerance, 156158

traditionalism, 160161

teachedpreacher models, 158159

Irony, 187

Issue of the day, 6163


Major plot points, 10

McLuhan, Marshall, impact on script-writing, 188196

Media, impact on global storytelling

introduction to, 188

post-McLuhan era and, 191196

pre-McLuhan era and, 188191

Melodrama, 199210

Metagenre, centrality of

drama, types of

docudrama, 201204

hyperdrama, 204207

melodrama, 199201

experimental narratives and, 207208

introduction to, 197198

Midpoints, 5455

Models, scriptwriting


character and characters and, 9293, 9698

character and characters and, 9293,

dissent and, 9899

examples of, 99102

genres and, 9495

introduction to, 9192

plot and, 9394

relationship to independent model, 103

voice and, 9596


character, centrality of, 104106

characteristics of, 104

examples of, 104113

experimental narratives and, 108111, 207208

introduction to, 103104

politics and, 106108

relationship to Hollywood model, 103

rule breaking and, 111113


films and, 170174

introduction to, 127129

novels and, 166167

research about, 138

styles of

MTV, 132133

myth, 129132

nonlinear stories, 135138, 164

women storytellers, 133135

television and, 164166

theater and, 164166


arts, influence of, 116117

Australia, 124126

France, 117120

introduction to, 114115

Italy, 116117

research about, 126

United Kingdom, 120124

voice and

definitions of, 14

experimentation in

assertive voice, 144150

examples of, 139150

intellectual voice, 141144

introduction to, 139

genre and, 8388

internationalization of storytelling and, 153163


character and characters and, 3032

narrative models (scriptwriting), 129132




independent model and, 108111

vs. documentary, 25

vs. drama, 25

models, scriptwriting

introduction to, 127129

research about, 138

styles of, 129138

new forms, search for

films as model, 170174

introduction to, 164

novel as model, 166167

television as model, 166167

theater as model, 164166


definitions of, 14

structure and, 4358

National model (scriptwriting)

arts, influence of, 116117

Australia, 124126

France, 117120

introduction to, 114115

Italy, 116117

research about, 126

United Kingdom, 120124

Nonlinear stories, 12


Benchley, Peter, 91

Bernstein, Carl, 192

Cain, James, 116

Camus, Albert, 116

Clancy, Tom, 95

Dickens, Charles, 114

Greene, Graham, 207

Grisham, John, 95

Jones, Kaylie, 166

Klein, Joel, 142

Lattuada, Alberto, 116

Mann, Tomas, 116

Mitchell, Margaret, 91

Puzo, Mario, 91

Shute, Nevil, 158

Woodward, Bob, 192

Novels. See Books, novels



Carmen, 116

Traviata, La, 116



Crucible, The, 4

Death of Salesman, 37

Glengarry Glen Ross, 81

Hamlet, 164

Julius Caesar, 3

Macbeth, 3, 37

Romeo and Juliet, 3, 31, 165166

Twelftk Night, 165


Kauffman, George S., 91

LaBute, Neil, 155156

Mamet, David, 7374, 8083

Miller, Arthur, 4, 1420, 37

Odets, Clifford, 91

Raphaelson, Samuel, 91

Shakespeare, William, xii, 3, 3031, 37, 164166

Williams, Tennessee, 14


plot points

definitions of, 10

introduction of, 4748

mid, 5455

structure and, 4358

turning, 5051, 5556

scriptwriting models and

Hollywood, 9394

independent, 104

Polarities, 8

Politics and scriptwriting (independent model), 106108

Premise, 67, 46


Realism, 60, 178179

Resolution, 10


Sample script treatment, 229240

Satire, 8384, 153156

Scenes, 1112

Scream as voice, 161163

Screenplays. See Films and screenplays


Affleck, Ben, 201

Axelrod, George, 139141

Bergman, Ingmar, 27, 33

Curtis, Richard, 164

Damon, Matt, 201

Dancyger, Ken, 9, 25, 126, 138, 229240

Dobbs, Lem, 167

Guare, John, 164

Hecht, Ben, 192

Hirst, Michael, 210

Irving, John, 41

Jhablava, Prawer, 166

Mamet, David, 7374, 8083, 164

Mayersberg, Paul, 166

Norman, Marc, 165, 192193

Pinter, Harold, 164

Rodat, Robert, 21

Shayamalan, M. Night, 23, 167

Stoppard, Tom, 165

Tally, Ted, 164

Tesich, Steve, 146

Script teachers, xiii

Scripts, elements of

basics of

drama vs. documentary vs. experimental narratives, 25

examples of, 1420

imagination and success in, 2024

introduction to, xixiv, 34

research about, 25

short films vs. long films, 24

visual vs. spoken, 46

character and characters, 2642

genre, 5974

structure and narrative strategies, 4348

terms, definitions of, 34, 614

tone, 7588


introduction to, xixiv, 34

models of

Hollywood, 91102

independent, 103113

narrative, 127138

national, 114126

script treatment, examples of, 229240

voice and, 139150. See also Voice

Short films vs. long films, 24

Spoken vs. visual, 46

Stereotypes, national vs. global issues

examples of, 209217

introduction to, 209

Storytelling and storytellers

definitions of, 34

internationalization of

global tales, search for, 218227

medium and message, 188196

metagenre, centrality of, 197208

national stereotypes vs. global issues, 209217

new forms, search for, 164174

style and content, struggle of, 175187

voice and, 153163

women, 133138

Structure and narrative strategies

genre and, 5974

introduction to, 43


act I, 4451

act II, 5156

act III, 5658

introduction to, 4344

Studios, Film. See Film studios

Style and content, struggle of

examples of, 175187

introduction to, 175

irony and voice, 187

narration, subversion of, 184187

narratives, subversion of, 175178

overwrought treatment, dynamic of, 179180

realism, subversion of, 178179

structure, challenge of, 180183

tone, challenges of, 183184

Surprise, 1213


Television (programs, series, and channels)

$64, 000 Question, The, 195

Hill Street Blues, 75

Law & Order, 75

MTV, 127128, 132133

NYPD Blue, 75

Once and Again, 75

scriptwriting and

as model of, 166167

influence on, 34

Star Trek, 195196

Thiry-Something, 75

Tension, 13

Terms, definitions of

catalytic events, 7, 4647

character and characters

goals, 8, 27, 4546

layers, 1011, 4850, 58

main, 78

secondary, 89

critical moments, 7, 4445

drama, 34

energy, 13

genre, 10, 5974

narrative strategies, 14

nonlinear stories, 12

plot points

beats, 10

major, 10, 5051, 5456

plots, 10, 4748

polarities, 8

premise, 67, 46

resolution, 10

scenes, 1112

storytelling, 34

surprise, 1213

tension, 13

three-act structures, 910, 4358

tone, 1314

voice, 14

Three-act structures

act I, 4451

act II, 5156

act III, 5658

definitions of, 910, 43

introduction to, 4344


definitions of, 1314

examples of, 7682

genre and

docudrama, 8688

hyperdrama, 8586

introduction to, 83

satire, 8384

introduction to, 7576

Triangulation, 5254

Turning points, 5051, 5556


Universal elements, scripts. See Scripts, elements of


Visual vs. spoken, 46


definitions of, 14

experimentation in

assertive voice, 144150

examples of, 139150

intellectual voice, 141144

introduction to, 139

genre and, 8388

internationalization of storytelling and

introduction to, 153

satire, 153156

scream and, 161163

sexual difference and, 159160

teachedpreacher models, 158159

tolerance, 156158

traditionalism, 160161

irony and, 187

scriptwriting models and

Hollywood, 9596

independent, 104

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