Exporting/Importing a table from Cloud Bigtable

Execute the following steps to export or import a table from Cloud Bigtable:

  1. To export a table from Cloud Bigtable, first we need to identify its column families. To do so, first install the cbt utility:
    gcloud components update
    gcloud components install cbt
  1. Use the cbt tool to list out the column families and determine which column families you want to export:
    cbt -instance <<INSTANCE_ID>> ls <<TABLE_NAME>>
  1. Create a Cloud Storage Bucket using the gsutil mb command.
  2. Now, the table will be exported as sequence files. To export them, download and install import/export jar for Bigtable using this URL:
curl -f -O http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/cloud/bigtable/bigtable-beam-import/1.1.2/bigtable-beam-import-1.1.2-shaded.jar
  1. Run the following command and replace <<Export_path>> and <<Temp_Path>> as per your requirement:
    java -jar bigtable-beam-import-1.1.2-shaded.jar export 
  1. Similarly, to import a table into Cloud Bigtable, use the following command:
    java -jar bigtable-beam-import-1.1.2-shaded.jar import 
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