
anxiety, 213, 223. See also self-care

apologizing, 179. See also relationships

aspirations, 44–46. See also priorities


identities and, 60

self-care and, 186

Total Leadership and, 8, 14

autonomy, 67, 70. See also decision-making

avocational domain, 44. See also domains

Baldoni, John, 237–238

Bayer Healthcare, 108–109

bedtime, 232–233. See also self-care

belonging, the need for, 149. See also friendships

bereavement leave, 142. See also flexible work arrangements

blue light, 234. See also sleep


days off and, 95–99. See also time management

experimenting with, 22–23

flexible working arrangements and, 134–135

managing around identities, 59–60

parenting and, 173

part-time work and, 113–114

personal crises and, 139

rituals and, 123–124

setting, 73–82

time budgets and, 74–76

untouchable days and, 89–94

between work and play, 173


possibilities in Total Leadership exercise, 9

for two-career couples, 156–160

breaks, 204, 212. See also self-care

Bregman, Peter, 83–88

“The Broken Compass,” 172. See also parenting

budgeting time. See time management

caffeine and sleep, 232. See also sleep

career development, 44

experiment design for, 21

flexible work arrangements and, 126–128

friendships and, 147–152

personal crises and, 137–143

questions to ask about, 63–71. See also time management

for two-career couples, 153–160. See also relationships

Caza, Brianna, 53–62

champions, flexible work arrangements and, 113, 124–126. See also flexible work arrangements

coffee and sleep, 232. See also sleep

cognitive health and exercise, 215–220. See also self-care


about personal crises, 137, 138–141

about time off, 170–171

asking for help, 79–80, 140–141

with family when work gets crazy, 178–181

flexible work arrangements and, 126–128

learning to say no and, 83–88

in meaningful relationships, 150–151

with school personnel, 173–174

taking time off from, 133–134

time management for, 78

during your commute, 226–228

commute time, 221–230. See also self-care

connections. See also relationships

between identities, 56–58

consequences, 178–179. See also relationships

context, 178. See also relationships

control, 67, 70, 225–226. See also decision-making

Corwin, Vivien, 111–129

cost vs. benefit analysis, 48–49. See also decision-making


asking for help from, 140–141, 142–143

getting input from about flexible work arrangements, 105–106

part-time work and, 119–120

sharing/communicating with, 139–140

Creary, Stephanie, 53–62

creativity and innovation

coffee and, 232

connections between identities and, 57–58

part-time work and, 124–125

Total Leadership and, 14

two-career couples and, 156–160

untouchable days and, 90, 92

crises, personal, 137–143

days off, 95–99. See also time management

development, personal, 108–109


about commuting, 228–229

about taking on new work, 63–71

cost-benefit analysis for, 48–49

determining whether you have a choice and, 67, 70

for dual-income couples, 155–156

investment/opportunity costs and, 47–48

life dimensions and, 43–46

motivation in, 64–66

needs vs. wants and, 46–47

small-wins approach to, 29–31

time management and, 74

Total Leadership approach to, 7–31

trade-offs in, 41–51

values alignment and, 66–69

values assessment and, 46–51

worksheet for, 68–69

dimensions of life, 7–31, 43–46

experimenting with, 9–10, 15–26

listed, 7

making trade-offs among, 7-8

measuring progress in, 26–29

small wins in changing, 29–31

Total Leadership process for, 8–31

domains, 7–13, 43–44

brainstorming and experimenting around, 9–10, 15–26

leadership and, 11–12

measuring progress in, 26–29

reflecting on, 9

Dowling, Daisy Wademan, 161–175

dual-income couples, 153–160. See also relationships

Dutton, Jane, 138, 139

Edmondson, Amy, 187

effects, minimizing negative, 179. See also relationships

efficiency, 121, 165

80/20 rule, 78. See also decision-making

email, 78, 133–134. See also time management

energy, 189, 202. See also self-care


intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation and, 65

Total Leadership and, 19–20

workaholics and, 199–207


changing when you’re not at work, 212–213

self-care and, 188–189

for sleeping, 234–235

time off and, 99

Epley, Nicholas, 227–228

equality vs. equity, 106. See also flexible work arrangements

exercise, 215–220. See also self-care

expectations, 180. See also relationships

determining reasonableness of, 74

realistic, 12


adapting, 24–26

around flexible work arrangements, 105

around priorities, 36–37

choosing, 23–26

evaluating, 26–29

how to design, 17–21

identifying possibilities for, 16–23

metrics for, 26–29

most fruitful, 36–37

in Total Leadership, 9–10, 11–12, 15–26

Facebook, 142. See also bereavement leave

family, 44

parenting and, 161–175

when work gets crazy, 177–181

family study hall, 172–173. See also parenting

flexible work arrangements, 101–143

adjusting, 106–107

benefits of, 104, 229

bereavement leave, 142

business case for, 119–121

case studies on, 107–109

champions for, 113, 124–126

confidence and, 115

for decompression, 98–99

defining what you want in, 104–105

employee retention and, 229

experimenting with, 20, 22, 105

5% solution in, 167–168

getting team input on, 105–106

job satisfaction and, 229

options in, 104–105

organizational benefits of, 106, 229

organizational discomfort with, 128

part-time, 111–129

personal crises and, 137–143

productivity and, 229

reasons for seeking, 117

reducing your commute and, 229

selling to the boss, 167

setting boundaries in, 134–135

setting working hours in, 132–133

staying focused in, 131–136

structuring for success, 133–134

telecommuting, 229

Total Leadership and, 20

untouchable days and, 89–94

winning support for, 103–110

flow states, 92, 203


Total Leadership and, 19

on what to do instead of working, 210–212

working from home and, 131–136

Ford Motor Company, 107–108, 222

“The Four-Way View Test” (Friedman), 33–37

Friedman, Ron, 215–220, 231–236

Friedman, Stewart D., 2, 7–31, 33–39, 104, 106, 177–181

friendships, 9, 147–152. See also relationships

experiments in improving, 17, 37

life dimension of, 44

saying no in, 86

time management and, 46, 68, 92, 98

Total Leadership approach and, 8

working from home and, 131–132

work overload and, 73

Frost, Peter J., 111–129


commuting and, 225–226

taking a bad day home with you, 237–238

untouchable days and, 92


long-term, 43

Total Leadership and, 8, 11

Gallo, Amy, 103–110, 137–143

Gino, Francesca, 221–230


accepting limits around, 42–43

aspirational, 44–46

having it all and, 41–51

negative, 210–211

for nonwork time, 210–212

in parenting, 174–175

sequential pursuit of, 50–51

sustainable change toward, 36–37

gratitude, 234–235. See also self-care

grief, 141–142. See also flexible work arrangements

habits, 211. See also self-care

harmonious passion, 202. See also workaholics

having it all, 7–31, 41–51

assessing value and, 46–51

idea of in brief, 7–8

health and well-being, 44. See also self-care

exercise and, 215–220

loving your work and, 197–201

sleep and, 231–236

workaholics/working long hours and, 195–201

help, asking for, 79–80, 140–141

hobbies, 205. See also self-care

holistic approaches

creating connections between identities, 56–58

Total Leadership and, 14

homework, 172–173. See also parenting

Houlder, Dominic, 66, 68–69


authenticity and, 60

boundaries between, 59–60

complements among, 57

creating connections between, 56–57

either/or thinking about, 55–56

how we act out, 58–61

leveraging connections between, 57–58

multifaceted, 54–55

overinvesting in one, 53–54

integration, 2, 4

integrity, Total Leadership process and, 14

interior monologues, 203. See also self-care

intrusive thoughts, 211–212. See also self-care

investment costs, 47–48. See also decision-making

isolation, 90–91, 226–227. See also untouchable days

Jachimowicz, Jon, 221–230

job shares, 107–108. See also flexible work arrangements

judgment, 186

Kaufman, Scott Barry, 202–205

Kreamer, Anne, 138–139, 140, 141

Lawrence, Thomas B., 111–129

leadership, 11. See also Total Leadership process

leaves of absence, 141–142. See also flexible work arrangements

life dimensions. See dimensions

limits. See also boundaries

accepting, 42–43

explaining your, 135

time budgets and, 80–81

loving your work, 197–201. See also workaholics

managing time. See time management

Markle, Meghan, 55–56. See also identities

Markman, Art, 209–214

material domain, 44. See also domains

meditation, 235. See also self-care

Menges, Jochen, 221–230


for experiments, 17, 26–29

in Total Leadership process, 10

micro-vacations, 96–99. See also self-care; time management

mindfulness, 235. See also self-care

mindset, 204–205, 222–223

minimizing negative effects, 179. See also relationships


regrets related to, 148–149

self-care and, 187

money, as motivator, 65. See also motivation


identifying your, 65

intrinsic vs. extrinsic, 64–66, 206

personal crises and, 139

workaholism and, 206

for work changes, 64–66

needs vs. wants, 46–47, 138, 149, 204–205. See also decision-making

negative effects, minimizing, 179. See also relationships

networking, 127–128. See also relationships

no, saying, 83–88

obligations, 64, 67, 70. See also priorities; decision-making

learning to say no and, 83–88

obsession, 193–207. See also workaholics

obsessive passion, 202. See also passion

opportunities, missing out on by saying no, 86. See also no, saying

opportunity costs, 47–48. See also decision-making


experimenting with time, 22. See also time management

for experiments, 17–18

parenting, 161–175

building a village for, 164

crisis management and, 165–166

dealing with teachers/administrators and, 173–174

delegating and, 165

in dual-career couples, 153–160

efficiency in, 165

homework and, 172–173

flexible work arrangements and, 117, 142–143, 166–168

identity and, 58–59

of school-age kids, 169–175

shifting your mindset from, 222–223

time management and, 69, 92, 169–175

Total Leadership approach in, 8, 37, 44

vision in, 163–164

part-time work. See also flexible work arrangements

approaches to, 113

business case for, 119–121

informal arrangements for, 113

respect and, 113–116

strategies for successful, 111–129

Pasricha, Neil, 89–94

passion, 197–205. See also workaholics


exercise and, 218

self-care and, 187

Total Leadership and, 13

Total Leadership process and, 11–14

personal crises, 137–143. See also flexible work arrangements


experimenting with, 22

for experiments, 17–18

parenthood and, 165–167

for relationships, 150–152

for two-career couples, 153–160

for untouchable days, 90

for volunteer commitments, 171

during your commute, 223–225

pockets of freedom, 225–226. See also commute time

power couples, 158–159. See also relationships

priorities, 4. See also decision-making

assessing value among, 46–51

comparing time allocation on, 33–39

exercise as, 217

experiments for, 36–37

flexible work arrangements and, 117–119

focusing on important, 33–39

learning to say no and, 84

looking for gaps between actions and, 35–36

relationships as, 151–152

privacy, 138–139. See also personal crises

proactive mentality, 206. See also workaholics

productivity, 188–189

commuting and, 223–225

working from home and, 229

purpose, 178. See also relationships

quitting, 166–167. See also parenting

racial identity, 55–56. See also identities

Ramarajan, Lakshmi, 53–62

reading and sleep, 234. See also sleep


experimenting with, 22

for experiments, 17

in Total Leadership, 9

regret, 148–149. See also relationships

Reid, Erin, 53–62

relationships, 44, 145–181

acting out our identities and, 58–61

being too busy for, 147–152

benefits of, 148

challenges of today, 149

commuting and, 226–228

exercise and, 219–220

experiments and, 18–19

flexible work arrangements and, 127–128

regret about, 148–149

self-care and, 188

steps toward more meaningful, 150–152

time off for, 98

Total Leadership and, 8, 18–20

unhealthy, 201

remorse, 179. See also relationships

respect, 113–116, 126–128. See also flexible work arrangements

Rhimes, Shonda, 53–54. See also decision-making

risk assessment, 139. See also boundaries


commuting and, 223

flexible work arrangements and, 122–124

sleep, 233–235

Roese, Neal J., 147–152

roles, overlaps in, 4. See also identities

Rothbard, Nancy P., 193–207


exercise, 217–219

flexible work arrangements and, 113, 122–124

rumination, 211–212. See also self-care

Sandberg, Sheryl, 142. See also bereavement leave


commuting and, 225

intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation and, 65

Total Leadership and, 13

Saunders, Elizabeth Grace, 73–82, 95–99, 131–136

saying no, 83–88

school-age children, 169–175. See also parenting

school personnel, 173–174. See also parenting

Schroeder, Juliana, 227–228

scorecards, 26–28. See also Total Leadership process

segmentation, 22–23. See also domains

self-care, 183–238

defining, 186

experiments and, 18

sleep and, 231–236

slipping out of, 189–191

switching off and, 209–214

weaving into your workday, 185–191

self-determination theory, 67, 70

self-image, 202–203

changing how you think about yourself, 55–58

self-management, 190. See also self-care

self-neglect, 189–190. See also self-care

self-preservation, 190. See also self-care

self-sabotage, 190. See also self-care

“shoulds,” 64, 67, 70, 186. See also decision-making

Sinoway, Eric C., 1–2, 41–51

sleep, 231–236. See also self-care

socializing, 98, 219–220

social media, 150, 227–228

spirituality, 44. See also domains

Staats, Bradley, 221–230


dialogues with, 178–181

in Total Leadership, 14, 15

Stevenson, Howard, 42–46

strengths, 163. See also relationships


balancing parenting and work, 161–168

body’s responses to, 197

taking a bad day home with you, 237–238

workaholics and, 199–201

Su, Amy Jen, 185–191


exercise and, 216

having it all vs., 43

structuring your day for, 133–134

Sull, Donald, 66, 68–69

sustainable change, 36–37. See also Total Leadership process

switching off, 194, 196–197, 209–214

taking stock, 5–37. See also priorities

focusing on what’s important to you, 33–39

trade-offs and, 7–31

teachers, 173–174. See also parenting; communication

technology, taking a break from, 212. See also self-care

telecommuting, 229. See also self-care

ten Brummelhuis, Lieke, 193–207

thought patterns, 204–205

time budgeting. See time management

time management

adaptation in, 80–81

asking for help and, 79–80

balance in, 59, 80–81

commuting and, 221–230

comparing actual vs. expected times in, 77–78

exercise and, 217

experimenting with, 22

identifying time-sinks and, 233

making cuts around, 76–77

parenting and, 164, 171–172

for priorities, 33–39

self-care and, 187

time budgets for, 74–78

when work gets crazy, 177–181

working long hours and, 193–207

time off, 95–99, 170–171. See also flexible work arrangements; self-care

reducing anxiety about, 213–214

switching off and, 209–214

time-sinks and sleep, 233. See also sleep

Total Leadership: Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life (Friedman), 33–34

Total Leadership process, 7–31

effectiveness of, 12–13

experiments in, 15–26

four-way wins in, 11–12, 15

in practice, 8–10

principles of, 14–15

small wins in, 29–30

steps in, 8–10

trade-offs, 7–31. See also decision-making

assessing, 49–50

in two-career couples, 153–160. See also relationships


about personal crises, 137, 138–141

flexible work arrangements and, 113

learning to say no and, 85

routines and, 122

trust, flexible work arrangements and, 104. See also flexible work arrangements

two-career couples, 153–160. See also relationships

untouchable days, 89–94. See also time management

vacation, 95–99. See also self-care

switching off and, 209–214

value assessment, 46–51. See also decision making


alignment of work with, 66–69

determining your, 66–69

Total Leadership and, 14

vision, 163–164. See also parenting

volunteer commitments, 171. See also parenting

walking, 235. See also sleep

Walsh, Regan, 63–71

weekend trips, 96–97. See also vacation


four-way, 11–12, 15–16, 29–30, 34

small, 29–30

Wittenberg-Cox, Avivah, 153–160

workaholics, 193–207

avoiding negative effects in, 201, 206–207

definition of, 195

loving your work and, 197–201

mindset of, 194–195

working hours

long, workaholism vs., 193–207

setting in flexible work arrangements, 132–133

workspace, 188–189. See also self-care

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